@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : logic : : StateFormula const & stateFormula = checkTask . getFormula ( ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > subResultPointer = this - > check ( stateFormula ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates = subResultPointer - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix = this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ;
uint_fast64_t numberOfStates = transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ;
if ( psiStates . empty ( ) ) {
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Do some sanity checks to establish some required properties.
RewardModelType const & rewardModel = this - > getModel ( ) . getRewardModel ( checkTask . isRewardModelSet ( ) ? checkTask . getRewardModel ( ) : " " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! rewardModel . empty ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " Input model does not have a reward model. " ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates = this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( initialStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) = = 1 , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " Input model is required to have exactly one initial state. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( checkTask . isOnlyInitialStatesRelevantSet ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " Cannot compute long-run probabilities for all states. " ) ;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Get the state-reward values from the reward model.
std : : vector < ValueType > stateRewardValues = rewardModel . getTotalRewardVector ( this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector maybeStates ( stateRewardValues . size ( ) ) ;
uint_fast64_t index = 0 ;
for ( auto const & value : stateRewardValues ) {
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ namespace storm {
maybeStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : performProbGreater0 ( backwardTransitions , allStates , maybeStates ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( numberOfStates , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
// Determine whether we need to perform some further computation.
bool furtherComputationNeeded = true ;
if ( checkTask . isOnlyInitialStatesRelevantSet ( ) & & initialStates . isDisjointFrom ( maybeStates ) ) {
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ namespace storm {
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point sccDecompositionStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : StronglyConnectedComponentDecomposition < ValueType > bsccDecomposition ( transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) , true ) , false , true ) ;
auto sccDecompositionEnd = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point conversionStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
// Then, we convert the reduced matrix to a more flexible format to be able to perform state elimination more easily.
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ namespace storm {
auto conversionEnd = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point modelCheckingStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings : : EliminationOrder order = storm : : settings : : getModule < storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings > ( ) . getEliminationOrder ( ) ;
boost : : optional < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > distanceBasedPriorities ;
if ( eliminationOrderNeedsDistances ( order ) ) {
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ namespace storm {
stateValues [ * representativeIt ] = bsccValue ;
FlexibleRowType & representativeForwardRow = flexibleMatrix . getRow ( * representativeIt ) ;
representativeForwardRow . clear ( ) ;
representativeForwardRow . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
@ -307,10 +307,10 @@ namespace storm {
representativeBackwardRow . erase ( it ) ;
+ + representativeIt ;
// If there are states remaining that are not in BSCCs, we need to eliminate them now.
storm : : storage : : BitVector remainingStates = maybeStates & ~ regularStatesInBsccs ;
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates = this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
if ( furtherComputationNeeded ) {
uint_fast64_t timeBound = pathFormula . getDiscreteTimeBound ( ) ;
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Subtract from the maybe states the set of states that is not reachable (on a path from the initial to a target state).
statesWithProbabilityGreater0 & = reachableStates ;
// We then build the submatrix that only has the transitions of the maybe states.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > submatrix = transitionMatrix . getSubmatrix ( true , statesWithProbabilityGreater0 , statesWithProbabilityGreater0 , true ) ;
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ namespace storm {
if ( checkTask . isOnlyInitialStatesRelevantSet ( ) ) {
// Determine the set of initial states of the sub-model.
storm : : storage : : BitVector subInitialStates = this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) % statesWithProbabilityGreater0 ;
// Precompute the distances of the relevant states to the initial states.
distancesFromInitialStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : getDistances ( submatrix , subInitialStates , statesWithProbabilityGreater0 ) ;
@ -471,23 +471,19 @@ namespace storm {
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > rightResultPointer = this - > check ( pathFormula . getRightSubformula ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates = leftResultPointer - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates = rightResultPointer - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > result = computeUntilProbabilities ( this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) , phiStates , psiStates , checkTask . isOnlyInitialStatesRelevantSet ( ) ) ;
// Construct check result.
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > checkResult ( new ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > ( result ) ) ;
return checkResult ;
return computeUntilProbabilities ( this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) , phiStates , psiStates , checkTask . isOnlyInitialStatesRelevantSet ( ) ) ;
template < typename SparseDtmcModelType >
std : : vector < typename SparseDtmcModelType : : ValueType > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeUntilProbabilities ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & probabilityMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , bool computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeUntilProbabilities ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & probabilityMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , bool computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
// Then, compute the subset of states that has a probability of 0 or 1, respectively.
std : : pair < storm : : storage : : BitVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector > statesWithProbability01 = storm : : utility : : graph : : performProb01 ( backwardTransitions , phiStates , psiStates ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector statesWithProbability0 = statesWithProbability01 . first ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector statesWithProbability1 = statesWithProbability01 . second ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector maybeStates = ~ ( statesWithProbability0 | statesWithProbability1 ) ;
// Determine whether we need to perform some further computation.
bool furtherComputationNeeded = true ;
if ( computeForInitialStatesOnly & & initialStates . isDisjointFrom ( maybeStates ) ) {
@ -497,7 +493,7 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_DEBUG ( " The probability for all states was found in a preprocessing step. " ) ;
furtherComputationNeeded = false ;
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( maybeStates . size ( ) ) ;
if ( furtherComputationNeeded ) {
// If we compute the results for the initial states only, we can cut off all maybe state that are not
@ -505,35 +501,39 @@ namespace storm {
if ( computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
// Determine the set of states that is reachable from the initial state without jumping over a target state.
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : getReachableStates ( probabilityMatrix , initialStates , maybeStates , statesWithProbability1 ) ;
// Subtract from the maybe states the set of states that is not reachable (on a path from the initial to a target state).
maybeStates & = reachableStates ;
// Create a vector for the probabilities to go to a state with probability 1 in one step.
std : : vector < ValueType > oneStepProbabilities = probabilityMatrix . getConstrainedRowSumVector ( maybeStates , statesWithProbability1 ) ;
// Determine the set of initial states of the sub-model.
storm : : storage : : BitVector newInitialStates = initialStates % maybeStates ;
// We then build the submatrix that only has the transitions of the maybe states.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > submatrix = probabilityMatrix . getSubmatrix ( false , maybeStates , maybeStates ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > submatrixTransposed = submatrix . transpose ( ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > subresult = computeReachabilityValues ( submatrix , oneStepProbabilities , submatrixTransposed , newInitialStates , computeForInitialStatesOnly , phiStates , psiStates , oneStepProbabilities ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : setVectorValues < ValueType > ( result , maybeStates , subresult ) ;
// Construct full result.
storm : : utility : : vector : : setVectorValues < ValueType > ( result , statesWithProbability0 , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : setVectorValues < ValueType > ( result , statesWithProbability1 , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
if ( computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
// If we computed the results for the initial (and prob 0 and prob1) states only, we need to filter the
// result to only communicate these results.
result = storm : : utility : : vector : : filterVector ( result , ~ maybeStates | initialStates ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > > checkResult = std : : make_unique < ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > > ( ) ;
for ( auto state : ~ maybeStates | initialStates ) {
( * checkResult ) [ state ] = result [ state ] ;
return std : : move ( checkResult ) ;
return result ;
return std : : make_unique < ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > > ( result ) ;
template < typename SparseDtmcModelType >
@ -547,21 +547,18 @@ namespace storm {
// Do some sanity checks to establish some required properties.
RewardModelType const & rewardModel = this - > getModel ( ) . getRewardModel ( checkTask . isRewardModelSet ( ) ? checkTask . getRewardModel ( ) : " " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! rewardModel . empty ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " Input model does not have a reward model. " ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > result = computeReachabilityRewards ( this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) , targetStates ,
[ & ] ( uint_fast64_t numberOfRows , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & maybeStates ) {
return rewardModel . getTotalRewardVector ( numberOfRows , transitionMatrix , maybeStates ) ;
} ,
checkTask . isOnlyInitialStatesRelevantSet ( ) ) ;
// Construct check result.
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > checkResult ( new ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > ( result ) ) ;
return checkResult ;
return computeReachabilityRewards ( this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) , targetStates ,
[ & ] ( uint_fast64_t numberOfRows , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & maybeStates ) {
return rewardModel . getTotalRewardVector ( numberOfRows , transitionMatrix , maybeStates ) ;
} ,
checkTask . isOnlyInitialStatesRelevantSet ( ) ) ;
template < typename SparseDtmcModelType >
std : : vector < typename SparseDtmcModelType : : ValueType > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeReachabilityRewards ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & probabilityMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & targetStates , std : : vector < ValueType > & stateRewardValues , bool computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeReachabilityRewards ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & probabilityMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & targetStates , std : : vector < ValueType > & stateRewardValues , bool computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
return computeReachabilityRewards ( probabilityMatrix , backwardTransitions , initialStates , targetStates ,
[ & ] ( uint_fast64_t numberOfRows , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & maybeStates ) {
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( numberOfRows ) ;
@ -570,10 +567,10 @@ namespace storm {
} ,
computeForInitialStatesOnly ) ;
template < typename SparseDtmcModelType >
std : : vector < typename SparseDtmcModelType : : ValueType > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeReachabilityRewards ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & probabilityMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & targetStates , std : : function < std : : vector < ValueType > ( uint_fast64_t , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & ) > const & totalStateRewardVectorGetter , bool computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeReachabilityRewards ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & probabilityMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & targetStates , std : : function < std : : vector < ValueType > ( uint_fast64_t , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & ) > const & totalStateRewardVectorGetter , bool computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
uint_fast64_t numberOfStates = probabilityMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ;
// Compute the subset of states that has a reachability reward less than infinity.
@ -594,7 +591,7 @@ namespace storm {
furtherComputationNeeded = false ;
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( maybeStates . size ( ) ) ;
if ( furtherComputationNeeded ) {
// If we compute the results for the initial states only, we can cut off all maybe state that are not
@ -609,14 +606,14 @@ namespace storm {
// Determine the set of initial states of the sub-model.
storm : : storage : : BitVector newInitialStates = initialStates % maybeStates ;
// We then build the submatrix that only has the transitions of the maybe states.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > submatrix = probabilityMatrix . getSubmatrix ( false , maybeStates , maybeStates ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > submatrixTransposed = submatrix . transpose ( ) ;
// Project the state reward vector to all maybe-states.
std : : vector < ValueType > stateRewardValues = totalStateRewardVectorGetter ( submatrix . getRowCount ( ) , probabilityMatrix , maybeStates ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > subresult = computeReachabilityValues ( submatrix , stateRewardValues , submatrixTransposed , newInitialStates , computeForInitialStatesOnly , trueStates , targetStates , probabilityMatrix . getConstrainedRowSumVector ( maybeStates , targetStates ) ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : setVectorValues < ValueType > ( result , maybeStates , subresult ) ;
@ -627,9 +624,13 @@ namespace storm {
if ( computeForInitialStatesOnly ) {
// If we computed the results for the initial (and inf) states only, we need to filter the result to
// only communicate these results.
result = storm : : utility : : vector : : filterVector ( result , ~ maybeStates | initialStates ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > > checkResult = std : : make_unique < ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > > ( ) ;
for ( auto state : ~ maybeStates | initialStates ) {
( * checkResult ) [ state ] = result [ state ] ;
return std : : move ( checkResult ) ;
return result ;
return std : : make_unique < ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > > ( result ) ;
template < typename SparseDtmcModelType >
@ -711,15 +712,15 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings : : EliminationOrder order = storm : : settings : : getModule < storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings > ( ) . getEliminationOrder ( ) ;
if ( eliminationOrderNeedsDistances ( order ) ) {
distanceBasedPriorities = getDistanceBasedPriorities ( submatrix , submatrixTransposed , newInitialStates , oneStepProbabilities ,
eliminationOrderNeedsForwardDistances ( order ) ,
eliminationOrderNeedsReversedDistances ( order ) ) ;
eliminationOrderNeedsForwardDistances ( order ) ,
eliminationOrderNeedsReversedDistances ( order ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : FlexibleSparseMatrix < ValueType > flexibleMatrix ( submatrix ) ;
storm : : storage : : FlexibleSparseMatrix < ValueType > flexibleBackwardTransitions ( submatrixTransposed , true ) ;
std : : shared_ptr < StatePriorityQueue < ValueType > > statePriorities = createStatePriorityQueue ( distanceBasedPriorities , flexibleMatrix , flexibleBackwardTransitions , oneStepProbabilities , statesToEliminate ) ;
STORM_LOG_INFO ( " Computing conditional probilities. " < < std : : endl ) ;
uint_fast64_t numberOfStatesToEliminate = statePriorities - > size ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_INFO ( " Eliminating " < < numberOfStatesToEliminate < < " states using the state elimination technique. " < < std : : endl ) ;
@ -852,7 +853,7 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings : : EliminationOrder order = storm : : settings : : getModule < storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings > ( ) . getEliminationOrder ( ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type > sortedStates ( states . begin ( ) , states . end ( ) ) ;
if ( order = = storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings : : EliminationOrder : : Random ) {
std : : random_device randomDevice ;
std : : mt19937 generator ( randomDevice ( ) ) ;
@ -944,7 +945,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Then, we convert the reduced matrix to a more flexible format to be able to perform state elimination more easily.
storm : : storage : : FlexibleSparseMatrix < ValueType > flexibleMatrix ( transitionMatrix ) ;
storm : : storage : : FlexibleSparseMatrix < ValueType > flexibleBackwardTransitions ( backwardTransitions ) ;
storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings : : EliminationOrder order = storm : : settings : : getModule < storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings > ( ) . getEliminationOrder ( ) ;
boost : : optional < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > distanceBasedPriorities ;
if ( eliminationOrderNeedsDistances ( order ) ) {
@ -961,7 +962,7 @@ namespace storm {
} else if ( storm : : settings : : getModule < storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings > ( ) . getEliminationMethod ( ) = = storm : : settings : : modules : : SparseDtmcEliminationModelCheckerSettings : : EliminationMethod : : Hybrid ) {
maximalDepth = performHybridStateElimination ( transitionMatrix , flexibleMatrix , flexibleBackwardTransitions , subsystem , initialStates , computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , values , distanceBasedPriorities ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( flexibleMatrix . empty ( ) , " Not all transitions were eliminated. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( flexibleBackwardTransitions . empty ( ) , " Not all transitions were eliminated. " ) ;
@ -1004,7 +1005,7 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Eliminating " < < statePriorities - > size ( ) < < " trivial SCCs. " ) ;
performPrioritizedStateElimination ( statePriorities , matrix , backwardTransitions , values , initialStates , computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly ) ;
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Eliminated all trivial SCCs. " ) ;
// And then recursively treat the remaining sub-SCCs.
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Eliminating " < < remainingSccs . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) < < " remaining SCCs on level " < < level < < " . " ) ;
for ( auto sccIndex : remainingSccs ) {
@ -1106,22 +1107,22 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & predecessor : backwardTransitions . getRow ( state ) ) {
for ( auto const & successor : transitionMatrix . getRow ( state ) ) {
penalty + = estimateComplexity ( predecessor . getValue ( ) ) * estimateComplexity ( successor . getValue ( ) ) ;
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("1) penalty += " << (estimateComplexity(predecessor.getValue()) * estimateComplexity(successor.getValue())) << " because of " << predecessor.getValue() << " and " << successor.getValue() << ".");
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("1) penalty += " << (estimateComplexity(predecessor.getValue()) * estimateComplexity(successor.getValue())) << " because of " << predecessor.getValue() << " and " << successor.getValue() << ".");
if ( predecessor . getColumn ( ) = = state ) {
hasParametricSelfLoop = ! storm : : utility : : isConstant ( predecessor . getValue ( ) ) ;
penalty + = estimateComplexity ( oneStepProbabilities [ predecessor . getColumn ( ) ] ) * estimateComplexity ( predecessor . getValue ( ) ) * estimateComplexity ( oneStepProbabilities [ state ] ) ;
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("2) penalty += " << (estimateComplexity(oneStepProbabilities[predecessor.getColumn()]) * estimateComplexity(predecessor.getValue()) * estimateComplexity(oneStepProbabilities[state])) << " because of " << oneStepProbabilities[predecessor.getColumn()] << ", " << predecessor.getValue() << " and " << oneStepProbabilities[state] << ".");
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("2) penalty += " << (estimateComplexity(oneStepProbabilities[predecessor.getColumn()]) * estimateComplexity(predecessor.getValue()) * estimateComplexity(oneStepProbabilities[state])) << " because of " << oneStepProbabilities[predecessor.getColumn()] << ", " << predecessor.getValue() << " and " << oneStepProbabilities[state] << ".");
// If it is a self-loop that is parametric, we increase the penalty a lot.
if ( hasParametricSelfLoop ) {
penalty * = 10 ;
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("3) penalty *= 100, because of parametric self-loop.");
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("3) penalty *= 100, because of parametric self-loop.");
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("New penalty of state " << state << " is " << penalty << ".");
// STORM_LOG_TRACE("New penalty of state " << state << " is " << penalty << ".");
return penalty ;
@ -1238,8 +1239,8 @@ namespace storm {
template class StatePriorityQueue < double > ;
template class SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < storm : : models : : sparse : : Dtmc < double > > ;
template uint_fast64_t estimateComplexity ( double const & value ) ;
template class StatePriorityQueue < storm : : RationalFunction > ;
template class SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < storm : : models : : sparse : : Dtmc < storm : : RationalFunction > > ;