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finished c++ifying David Jansen's implementation of Fox-Glynn

dehnert 7 years ago
  1. 22
  2. 365
  3. 2


@ -634,19 +634,19 @@ namespace storm {
// Use Fox-Glynn to get the truncation points and the weights.
// std::tuple<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t, ValueType, std::vector<ValueType>> foxGlynnResult = storm::utility::numerical::getFoxGlynnCutoff(lambda, 1e+300, storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::GeneralSettings>().getPrecision() / 8.0);
std::tuple<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t, ValueType, std::vector<ValueType>> foxGlynnResult = storm::utility::numerical::foxGlynn(lambda, storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::GeneralSettings>().getPrecision() / 8.0);
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Fox-Glynn cutoff points: left=" << std::get<0>(foxGlynnResult) << ", right=" << std::get<1>(foxGlynnResult));
storm::utility::numerical::FoxGlynnResult<ValueType> foxGlynnResult = storm::utility::numerical::foxGlynn(lambda, storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::GeneralSettings>().getPrecision() / 8.0);
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Fox-Glynn cutoff points: left=" << foxGlynnResult.left << ", right=" << foxGlynnResult.right);
// Scale the weights so they add up to one.
for (auto& element : std::get<3>(foxGlynnResult)) {
element /= std::get<2>(foxGlynnResult);
for (auto& element : foxGlynnResult.weights) {
element /= foxGlynnResult.totalWeight;
// If the cumulative reward is to be computed, we need to adjust the weights.
if (useMixedPoissonProbabilities) {
ValueType sum = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
for (auto& element : std::get<3>(foxGlynnResult)) {
for (auto& element : foxGlynnResult.weights) {
sum += element;
element = (1 - sum) / uniformizationRate;
@ -656,10 +656,10 @@ namespace storm {
// Initialize result.
std::vector<ValueType> result;
uint_fast64_t startingIteration = std::get<0>(foxGlynnResult);
uint_fast64_t startingIteration = foxGlynnResult.left;
if (startingIteration == 0) {
result = values;
storm::utility::vector::scaleVectorInPlace(result, std::get<3>(foxGlynnResult)[0]);
storm::utility::vector::scaleVectorInPlace(result, foxGlynnResult.weights.front());
} else {
if (useMixedPoissonProbabilities) {
@ -674,9 +674,9 @@ namespace storm {
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::LinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> solver = linearEquationSolverFactory.create(env, std::move(uniformizedMatrix), storm::solver::LinearEquationSolverTask::Multiply);
if (!useMixedPoissonProbabilities && std::get<0>(foxGlynnResult) > 1) {
if (!useMixedPoissonProbabilities && foxGlynnResult.left > 1) {
// Perform the matrix-vector multiplications (without adding).
solver->repeatedMultiply(values, addVector, std::get<0>(foxGlynnResult) - 1);
solver->repeatedMultiply(values, addVector, foxGlynnResult.left - 1);
} else if (useMixedPoissonProbabilities) {
std::function<ValueType(ValueType const&, ValueType const&)> addAndScale = [&uniformizationRate] (ValueType const& a, ValueType const& b) { return a + b / uniformizationRate; };
@ -691,10 +691,10 @@ namespace storm {
// multiplication, scale and add the result.
ValueType weight = 0;
std::function<ValueType(ValueType const&, ValueType const&)> addAndScale = [&weight] (ValueType const& a, ValueType const& b) { return a + weight * b; };
for (uint_fast64_t index = startingIteration; index <= std::get<1>(foxGlynnResult); ++index) {
for (uint_fast64_t index = startingIteration; index <= foxGlynnResult.right; ++index) {
solver->repeatedMultiply(values, addVector, 1);
weight = std::get<3>(foxGlynnResult)[index - std::get<0>(foxGlynnResult)];
weight = foxGlynnResult.weights[index - foxGlynnResult.left];
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise(result, values, result, addAndScale);


@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <cmath>
#include "storm/utility/numerical.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
#include "storm/utility/constants.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/OutOfRangeException.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/PrecisionExceededException.h"
namespace storm {
@ -15,79 +13,93 @@ namespace storm {
namespace numerical {
template<typename ValueType>
FoxGlynnResult<ValueType>::FoxGlynnResult() : left(0), right(0), totalWeight(0) {
FoxGlynnResult<ValueType>::FoxGlynnResult() : left(0), right(0), totalWeight(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) {
// Intentionally left empty.
* The following implementation of Fox and Glynn's algorithm is taken from David Jansen's patched version
* in MRMC, which is based on his paper:
* We have only adapted the code to match more of C++'s and our coding guidelines.
template<typename ValueType>
FoxGlynnResult<ValueType> foxGlynnFinder(ValueType lambda, ValueType epsilon) {
int left, right;
FoxGlynn * pFG;
ValueType tau = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::min();
ValueType omega = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
ValueType const sqrt_2_pi = boost::math::constants::root_two_pi<ValueType>();
ValueType const log10_e = std::log10(boost::math::constants::e<ValueType>());
/* tau is only used in underflow checks, which we are going to do in the
logarithm domain. */
uint64_t m = static_cast<uint64_t>(lambda);
int64_t left = 0;
int64_t right = 0;
// tau is only used in underflow checks, which we are going to do in the logarithm domain.
tau = log(tau);
/* In error bound comparisons, we always compare with epsilon*sqrt_2_pi.*/
// In error bound comparisons, we always compare with epsilon*sqrt_2_pi.
epsilon *= sqrt_2_pi;
/****Compute pFG->left truncation point****/
if ( m < 25 )
/* for lambda below 25 the exponential can be smaller than tau */
/* if that is the case we expect underflows and warn the user */
if ( -lambda <= tau )
printf("ERROR: Fox-Glynn: 0 < lambda < 25, underflow near Poi(%g,"
"0) = %.2e. The results are UNRELIABLE.\n",
lambda, exp(-lambda));
// Compute left truncation point.
if (m < 25) {
// For lambda below 25 the exponential can be smaller than tau. If that is the case we expect
// underflows and warn the user.
if (-lambda <= tau) {
STORM_LOG_WARN("Fox-Glynn: 0 < lambda < 25, underflow near Poi(" << lambda << ", 0) = " << std::exp(-lambda) << ". The results are unreliable.");
/* zero is used as left truncation point for lambda <= 25 */
// Zero is used as left truncation point for lambda <= 25.
left = 0;
/* compute the left truncation point for lambda >= 25 */
/* for lambda < 25 we use zero as left truncation point */
const double bl = (1 + 1 / lambda) * exp((1/lambda) * 0.125);
const double sqrt_lambda = sqrt(lambda);
int k;
/*Start looking for the left truncation point*/
/* start search at k=4 (taken from original Fox-Glynn paper) */
/* increase the left truncation point until we fulfil the error
condition */
for ( k = 4 ; TRUE ; k++ ) {
double max_err;
left = m - (int) ceil(k*sqrt_lambda + 0.5);
/* for small lambda the above calculation can yield negative truncation points, crop them here */
if ( left <= 0 ) {
} else {
// Compute the left truncation point for lambda >= 25 (for lambda < 25 we use zero as left truncation point).
ValueType const bl = (1 + 1 / lambda) * std::exp((1/lambda) * 0.125);
ValueType const sqrt_lambda = std::sqrt(lambda);
int64_t k;
// Start looking for the left truncation point:
// * start search at k=4 (taken from original Fox-Glynn paper)
// * increase the left truncation point until we fulfil the error condition
for (k = 4;; ++k) {
ValueType max_err;
left = m - static_cast<int64_t>(std::ceil(k*sqrt_lambda + 0.5));
// For small lambda the above calculation can yield negative truncation points, crop them here.
if (left <= 0) {
left = 0;
/* Note that Propositions 2-4 in Fox--Glynn mix up notation: they
write Phi where they mean 1 - Phi. (In Corollaries 1 and 2, phi is
used correctly again.) */
// Note that Propositions 2-4 in Fox--Glynn mix up notation: they write Phi where they mean
// 1 - Phi. (In Corollaries 1 and 2, phi is used correctly again.)
max_err = bl * exp(-0.5 * (k*k)) / k;
if ( max_err * 2 <= epsilon ) {
/* If the error on the left hand side is smaller, we can be
more lenient on the right hand side. To this end, we now set
epsilon to the part of the error that has not yet been eaten
up by the left-hand truncation. */
if (max_err * 2 <= epsilon) {
// If the error on the left hand side is smaller, we can be more lenient on the right hand
// side. To this end, we now set epsilon to the part of the error that has not yet been eaten
// up by the left-hand truncation.
epsilon -= max_err;
/*Finally the left truncation point is found*/
// Finally the left truncation point is found.
/****Compute pFG->right truncation point****/
// Compute right truncation point.
double lambda_max;
int m_max, k;
/*According to Fox-Glynn, if lambda < 400 we should take lambda = 400,
otherwise use the original value. This is for computing the right truncation point*/
if ( m < 400 ) {
lambda_max = lambda_400;
ValueType lambda_max;
int64_t m_max, k;
// According to Fox-Glynn, if lambda < 400 we should take lambda = 400, otherwise use the original
// value. This is for computing the right truncation point.
if (m < 400) {
lambda_max = 400;
m_max = 400;
epsilon *= 0.662608824988162441697980;
/* i.e. al = (1+1/400) * exp(1/16) * sqrt_2; epsilon /= al; */
@ -97,184 +109,157 @@ namespace storm {
epsilon *= (1 - 1 / (lambda + 1)) * 0.664265347050632847802225;
/* i.e. al = (1+1/lambda) * exp(1/16) * sqrt_2; epsilon /= al; */
/* find right truncation point */
/* This loop is a modification to the original Fox-Glynn paper.
The search for the right truncation point is only terminated by
the error condition and not by the stop index from the FG paper.
This can yield more accurate results if necessary.*/
for ( k = 4 ; TRUE ; k++ )
/* dkl_inv is between 1 - 1e-33 and 1 if lambda_max >= 400 and
k >= 4; this will always be rounded to 1.0. We therefore leave the
factor out.
double dkl_inv=1 - exp(-266/401.0 * (k*sqrt(2*lambda_max) + 1.5));
if ( k * epsilon /* actually: "k * (dkl_inv*epsilon/al)", which
has been calculated above */ >= exp(-0.5*(k*k)) )
// Find right truncation point.
// This loop is a modification to the original Fox-Glynn paper.
// The search for the right truncation point is only terminated by the error condition and not by
// the stop index from the FG paper. This can yield more accurate results if necessary.
for (k = 4;; ++k) {
// dkl_inv is between 1 - 1e-33 and 1 if lambda_max >= 400 and k >= 4; this will always be
// rounded to 1.0. We therefore leave the factor out.
// double dkl_inv=1 - exp(-266/401.0 * (k*sqrt(2*lambda_max) + 1.5));
// actually: "k * (dkl_inv*epsilon/al) >= exp(-0.5 * k^2)", but epsilon has been changed appropriately.
if (k * epsilon >= exp(-0.5*(k*k))) {
right = m_max + (int) ceil(k * sqrt(2 * lambda_max) + 0.5);
if ( right > m_max + (int) ceil((lambda_max + 1) * 0.5) ) {
printf("ERROR: Fox-Glynn: right = %d >> lambda = %g, cannot "
"bound the right tail. The results are "
"UNRELIABLE.\n", right, lambda_max);
right = m_max + static_cast<int64_t>(std::ceil(k * std::sqrt(2 * lambda_max) + 0.5));
if (right > m_max + static_cast<int64_t>(std::ceil((lambda_max + 1) * 0.5))) {
STORM_LOG_WARN("Fox-Glynn: right = " << right << " >> lambda = " << lambda_max << ", cannot bound the right tail. The results are unreliable.");
/*Time to set the initial value for weights*/
pFG = calloc((size_t) 1, sizeof(FoxGlynn) +
(right - left) * sizeof(pFG->weights[0]));
if ( NULL == pFG ) {
err_msg_3(err_MEMORY, "finder(%d,%g,_,%g,_)", m, lambda, omega, NULL);
pFG->right = right;
pFG->left = left;
pFG->weights[m - left] = omega / ( 1.0e+10 * (right - left) );
// Time to set the initial value for weights.
FoxGlynnResult<ValueType> fgresult;
fgresult.left = static_cast<uint64_t>(left);
fgresult.right = static_cast<uint64_t>(right);
fgresult.weights.resize(fgresult.right - fgresult.left + 1);
if ( m >= 25 )
/* perform underflow check */
double result, log_c_m_inf;
int i;
/* we are going to compare with tau - log(w[m]) */
tau -= log(pFG->weights[m - left]);
/*We take the c_m_inf = 0.14627 / sqrt( m ), as for lambda >= 25
c_m = 1 / ( sqrt( 2.0 * pi * m ) ) * exp( m - lambda - 1 / ( 12.0 * m ) ) => c_m_inf*/
/* Note that m-lambda is in the interval (-1,0],
and -1/(12*m) is in [-1/(12*25),0).
So, exp(m-lambda - 1/(12*m)) is in (exp(-1-1/(12*25)),exp(0)).
Therefore, we can improve the lower bound on c_m to
exp(-1-1/(12*25)) / sqrt(2*pi) = ~0.14627. Its logarithm is
-1 - 1/(12*25) - log(2*pi) * 0.5 = ~ -1.922272 (rounded towards
-infinity). */
fgresult.weights[m - left] = omega / (1.0e+10 * (right - left));
if (m >= 25) {
// Perform underflow check.
ValueType result, log_c_m_inf;
int64_t i;
// we are going to compare with tau - log(w[m]).
tau -= std::log(fgresult.weights[m - left]);
// We take the c_m_inf = 0.14627 / sqrt( m ), as for lambda >= 25
// c_m = 1 / ( sqrt( 2.0 * pi * m ) ) * exp( m - lambda - 1 / ( 12.0 * m ) ) => c_m_inf.
// Note that m-lambda is in the interval (-1,0], and -1/(12*m) is in [-1/(12*25),0).
// So, exp(m-lambda - 1/(12*m)) is in (exp(-1-1/(12*25)),exp(0)).
// Therefore, we can improve the lower bound on c_m to exp(-1-1/(12*25)) / sqrt(2*pi) = ~0.14627.
// Its logarithm is -1 - 1/(12*25) - log(2*pi) * 0.5 = ~ -1.922272 (rounded towards -infinity).
log_c_m_inf = -1.922272 - log((double) m) * 0.5;
/* We use FG's Proposition 6 directly (and not Corollary 4 i and ii),
as k_prime may be too large if pFG->left == 0. */
// We use FG's Proposition 6 directly (and not Corollary 4 i and ii), as k_prime may be too large
// if pFG->left == 0.
i = m - left;
if ( i <= left /* equivalent to 2*i <= m,
equivalent to i <= lambda/2 */ )
/* Use Proposition 6 (i). Note that Fox--Glynn are off by one in
the proof of this proposition; they sum up to i-1, but should have
summed up to i. */
// Equivalent to 2*i <= m, equivalent to i <= lambda/2.
if (i <= left) {
// Use Proposition 6 (i). Note that Fox--Glynn are off by one in the proof of this proposition;
// they sum up to i-1, but should have summed up to i. */
result = log_c_m_inf
- i * (i+1) * (0.5 + (2*i+1)/(6*lambda)) / lambda;
/* Use Corollary 4 (iii). Note that k_prime <= sqrt(m+1)/m is a
misprint for k_prime <= m/sqrt(m+1), which is equivalent to
left >= 0, which holds trivially. */
} else {
// Use Corollary 4 (iii). Note that k_prime <= sqrt(m+1)/m is a misprint for k_prime <= m/sqrt(m+1),
// which is equivalent to left >= 0, which holds trivially.
result = -lambda;
if ( 0 != left ) {
/* also use Proposition 6 (ii) */
if (left != 0) {
// Also use Proposition 6 (ii).
double result_1 = log_c_m_inf + i * log(1 - i/(double) (m+1));
/*Take the maximum*/
if ( result_1 > result )
// Take the maximum.
if (result_1 > result) {
result = result_1;
if ( result <= tau )
const int log10_result = (int) floor(result * log10_e);
printf("ERROR: Fox-Glynn: lambda >= 25, underflow near Poi(%g,%d)"
" <= %.2fe%+d. The results are UNRELIABLE.\n",
lambda, left, exp(result - log10_result/log10_e),
if (result <= tau) {
int64_t const log10_result = static_cast<int64_t>(std::floor(result * log10_e));
STORM_LOG_WARN("Fox-Glynn: lambda >= 25, underflow near Poi(" << lambda << "," << left << ") <= " << std::exp(result - log10_result/log10_e) << log10_result << ". The results are unreliable.");
/*We still have to perform an underflow check for the right truncation point when lambda >= 400*/
if ( m >= 400 )
/* Use Proposition 5 of Fox--Glynn */
// We still have to perform an underflow check for the right truncation point when lambda >= 400.
if (m >= 400) {
// Use Proposition 5 of Fox--Glynn.
i = right - m;
result = log_c_m_inf - i * (i + 1) / (2 * lambda);
if ( result <= tau )
const int log10_result = (int) floor(result * log10_e);
printf("ERROR: Fox-Glynn: lambda >= 400, underflow near "
"Poi(%g,%d) <= %.2fe%+d. The results are "
"UNRELIABLE.\n", lambda, right,
exp(result - log10_result / log10_e),
if (result <= tau) {
int64_t const log10_result = static_cast<int64_t>(std::floor(result * log10_e));
STORM_LOG_WARN("Fox-Glynn: lambda >= 25, underflow near Poi(" << lambda << "," << right << ") <= " << std::exp(result - log10_result/log10_e) << log10_result << ". The results are unreliable.");
return pFG;
return fgresult;
template<typename ValueType>
FoxGlynnResult<ValueType> foxGlynnWeighter(ValueType lambda, ValueType epsilon) {
/*The magic m point*/
const uint64_t m = (int) floor(lambda);
int j, t;
FoxGlynn * pFG;
pFG = finder(m, lambda, tau, omega, epsilon);
if ( NULL == pFG ) {
err_msg_4(err_CALLBY, "weighter(%g,%g,%g,%g)", lambda,
tau, omega, epsilon, NULL);
ValueType tau = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::min();
// The magic m point.
uint64_t m = static_cast<uint64_t>(lambda);
int64_t j, t;
FoxGlynnResult<ValueType> result = foxGlynnFinder(lambda, epsilon);
// Fill the left side of the array.
for (j = m - result.left; j > 0; --j) {
result.weights[j - 1] = (j + result.left) / lambda * result.weights[j];
/*Fill the left side of the array*/
for ( j = m - pFG->left ; j > 0 ; j-- )
pFG->weights[j-1] = (j+pFG->left) / lambda * pFG->weights[j];
t = result.right - result.left;
t = pFG->right - pFG->left;
/*Fill the right side of the array, have two cases lambda < 400 & lambda >= 400*/
if ( m < 400 )
/*Perform the underflow check, according to Fox-Glynn*/
if( pFG->right > 600 )
printf("ERROR: Fox-Glynn: pFG->right > 600, underflow is possible\n");
return NULL;
/*Compute weights*/
for ( j = m - pFG->left ; j < t ; j++ )
double q = lambda / (j + 1 + pFG->left);
if ( pFG->weights[j] > tau / q )
pFG->weights[j + 1] = q * pFG->weights[j];
// Fill the right side of the array, have two cases lambda < 400 & lambda >= 400.
if (m < 400) {
// Perform the underflow check, according to Fox-Glynn.
STORM_LOG_THROW(result.right <= 600, storm::exceptions::PrecisionExceededException, "Fox-Glynn: " << result.right << " > 600, underflow is possible.");
// Compute weights.
for (j = m - result.left; j < t; ++j) {
ValueType q = lambda / (j + 1 + result.left);
if (result.weights[j] > tau / q) {
result.weights[j + 1] = q * result.weights[j];
} else {
t = j;
pFG->right = j + pFG->left;
break; /*It's time to compute W*/
result.right = j + result.left;
// It's time to compute W.
/*Compute weights*/
for ( j = m - pFG->left ; j < t ; j++ )
pFG->weights[j+1] = lambda / (j+1 + pFG->left) * pFG->weights[j];
} else {
// Compute weights.
for (j = m - result.left; j < t; ++j) {
result.weights[j + 1] = lambda / (j + 1 + result.left) * result.weights[j];
/*It is time to compute the normalization weight W*/
pFG->total_weight = 0.0;
// It is time to compute the normalization weight W.
result.totalWeight = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
j = 0;
/* t was set above */
while( j < t )
if ( pFG->weights[j] <= pFG->weights[t] )
pFG->total_weight += pFG->weights[j];
// t was set above.
while(j < t) {
if (result.weights[j] <= result.weights[t]) {
result.totalWeight += result.weights[j];
pFG->total_weight += pFG->weights[t];
} else {
result.totalWeight += result.weights[t];
pFG->total_weight += pFG->weights[j];
result.totalWeight += result.weights[j];
/* printf("Fox-Glynn: ltp = %d, rtp = %d, w = %10.15le \n", pFG->left, pFG->right, pFG->total_weight); */
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Fox-Glynn: ltp = " << result.left << ", rtp = " << result.right << ", w = " << result.totalWeight << ".");
return pFG;
return result;
template<typename ValueType>


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ namespace storm {
uint64_t right;
ValueType totalWeight;
std::vector<ValueType> weights;
template<typename ValueType>
FoxGlynnResult<ValueType> foxGlynn(ValueType lambda, ValueType epsilon);
