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learning seems to work find on first larger example

Former-commit-id: 706981a362
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 16
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  3. 15
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  5. 203
  6. 46
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  8. 32


@ -227,18 +227,6 @@ namespace storm {
return result;
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename StateType>
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, StateType>::unpackStateIntoValuation(storm::storage::BitVector const& currentState) {
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation result(program.getManager().getSharedPointer());
for (auto const& booleanVariable : variableInformation.booleanVariables) {
result.setBooleanValue(booleanVariable.variable, currentState.get(booleanVariable.bitOffset));
for (auto const& integerVariable : variableInformation.integerVariables) {
result.setIntegerValue(integerVariable.variable, currentState.getAsInt(integerVariable.bitOffset, integerVariable.bitWidth) + integerVariable.lowerBound);
return result;
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename StateType>
StateType ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, StateType>::getOrAddStateIndex(CompressedState const& state) {
uint32_t newIndex = stateStorage.numberOfStates;
@ -343,7 +331,7 @@ namespace storm {
} else {
std::cout << unpackStateIntoValuation(currentState).toString(true) << std::endl;
std::cout << storm::generator::unpackStateIntoValuation(currentState, variableInformation, program.getManager()).toString(true) << std::endl;
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException,
"Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state. For fixing these, please provide the appropriate option.");
@ -481,7 +469,7 @@ namespace storm {
if (options.buildStateValuations) {
stateValuations = storm::storage::sparse::StateValuations(stateStorage.numberOfStates);
for (auto const& bitVectorIndexPair : stateStorage.stateToId) {
stateValuations.get().valuations[bitVectorIndexPair.second] = unpackStateIntoValuation(bitVectorIndexPair.first);
stateValuations.get().valuations[bitVectorIndexPair.second] = unpackStateIntoValuation(bitVectorIndexPair.first, variableInformation, program.getManager());


@ -190,8 +190,6 @@ namespace storm {
storm::prism::Program const& getTranslatedProgram() const;
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation unpackStateIntoValuation(storm::storage::BitVector const& currentState);
* Retrieves the state id of the given state. If the state has not been encountered yet, it will be added to
* the lists of all states with a new id. If the state was already known, the object that is pointed to by


@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "src/generator/CompressedState.h"
#include "src/generator/VariableInformation.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionManager.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/SimpleValuation.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionEvaluator.h"
namespace storm {
@ -14,10 +16,21 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto const& integerVariable : variableInformation.integerVariables) {
evaluator.setIntegerValue(integerVariable.variable, state.getAsInt(integerVariable.bitOffset, integerVariable.bitWidth) + integerVariable.lowerBound);
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation unpackStateIntoValuation(CompressedState const& state, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager) {
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation result(manager.getSharedPointer());
for (auto const& booleanVariable : variableInformation.booleanVariables) {
result.setBooleanValue(booleanVariable.variable, state.get(booleanVariable.bitOffset));
for (auto const& integerVariable : variableInformation.integerVariables) {
result.setIntegerValue(integerVariable.variable, state.getAsInt(integerVariable.bitOffset, integerVariable.bitWidth) + integerVariable.lowerBound);
return result;
template void unpackStateIntoEvaluator<double>(CompressedState const& state, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator<double>& evaluator);
template void unpackStateIntoEvaluator<storm::RationalFunction>(CompressedState const& state, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator<storm::RationalFunction>& evaluator);
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation unpackStateIntoValuation(CompressedState const& state, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager);


@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
namespace storm {
namespace expressions {
template<typename ValueType> class ExpressionEvaluator;
class ExpressionManager;
class SimpleValuation;
namespace generator {
@ -18,11 +21,21 @@ namespace storm {
* Unpacks the compressed state into the evaluator.
* @param state The state to unpack.
* @param variableInformation The information about how the variables are packed with the state.
* @param variableInformation The information about how the variables are packed within the state.
* @param evaluator The evaluator into which to load the state.
template<typename ValueType>
void unpackStateIntoEvaluator(CompressedState const& state, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator<ValueType>& evaluator);
* Converts the compressed state into an explicit representation in the form of a valuation.
* @param state The state to unpack.
* @param variableInformation The information about how the variables are packed within the state.
* @param manager The manager responsible for the variables.
* @return A valuation that corresponds to the compressed state.
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation unpackStateIntoValuation(CompressedState const& state, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager);


@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "src/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
#include "src/storage/MaximalEndComponentDecomposition.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/SimpleValuation.h"
#include "src/logic/FragmentSpecification.h"
@ -15,6 +16,8 @@
#include "src/settings/modules/GeneralSettings.h"
#include "src/settings/modules/LearningSettings.h"
#include "src/utility/graph.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidOperationException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidPropertyException.h"
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ namespace storm {
StateGeneration stateGeneration(program, variableInformation, getTargetStateExpression(subformula));
ExplorationInformation explorationInformation(variableInformation.getTotalBitOffset(true), storm::settings::learningSettings().isLocalECDetectionSet());
ExplorationInformation explorationInformation(variableInformation.getTotalBitOffset(true), storm::settings::learningSettings().isLocalPrecomputationSet(), storm::settings::learningSettings().getNumberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation());
explorationInformation.optimizationDirection = checkTask.isOptimizationDirectionSet() ? checkTask.getOptimizationDirection() : storm::OptimizationDirection::Maximize;
// The first row group starts at action 0.
@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
std::function<typename SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::StateType (storm::generator::CompressedState const&)> SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::createStateToIdCallback(ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation) const {
return [&explorationInformation] (storm::generator::CompressedState const& state) -> StateType {
return [&explorationInformation,this] (storm::generator::CompressedState const& state) -> StateType {
StateType newIndex = explorationInformation.stateStorage.numberOfStates;
// Check, if the state was already registered.
@ -118,16 +121,16 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Discovered states: " << explorationInformation.getNumberOfDiscoveredStates() << " (" << stats.numberOfExploredStates << " explored, " << explorationInformation.getNumberOfUnexploredStates() << " unexplored).");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Value of initial state is in [" << bounds.getLowerBoundForState(initialStateIndex, explorationInformation) << ", " << bounds.getUpperBoundForState(initialStateIndex, explorationInformation) << "].");
ValueType difference = bounds.getDifferenceOfStateBounds(initialStateIndex, explorationInformation);
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Difference after iteration " << stats.iterations << " is " << difference << ".");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Difference after iteration " << stats.pathsSampled << " is " << difference << ".");
convergenceCriterionMet = comparator.isZero(difference);
if (storm::settings::generalSettings().isShowStatisticsSet()) {
std::cout << std::endl << "Learning summary -------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Discovered states: " << explorationInformation.getNumberOfDiscoveredStates() << " (" << stats.numberOfExploredStates << " explored, " << explorationInformation.getNumberOfUnexploredStates() << " unexplored, " << stats.numberOfTargetStates << " target)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sampled paths: " << stats.iterations << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sampled paths: " << stats.pathsSampled << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maximal path length: " << stats.maxPathLength << std::endl;
std::cout << "EC detections: " << stats.ecDetections << " (" << stats.failedEcDetections << " failed, " << stats.totalNumberOfEcDetected << " EC(s) detected)" << std::endl;
@ -154,6 +157,9 @@ namespace storm {
// Explore the previously unexplored state.
storm::generator::CompressedState const& compressedState = unexploredIt->second;
foundTerminalState = exploreState(stateGeneration, currentStateId, compressedState, explorationInformation, bounds, stats);
if (foundTerminalState) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Aborting sampling of path, because a terminal state was reached.");
} else {
// If the state was already explored, we check whether it is a terminal state or not.
@ -163,6 +169,9 @@ namespace storm {
// Increase the number of exploration steps to eventually trigger the precomputation.
// If the state was not a terminal state, we continue the path search and sample the next state.
if (!foundTerminalState) {
// At this point, we can be sure that the state was expanded and that we can sample according to the
@ -171,25 +180,20 @@ namespace storm {
stack.back().second = chosenAction;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampled action " << chosenAction << " in state " << currentStateId << ".");
StateType successor = sampleSuccessorFromAction(chosenAction, explorationInformation);
StateType successor = sampleSuccessorFromAction(chosenAction, explorationInformation, bounds);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampled successor " << successor << " according to action " << chosenAction << " of state " << currentStateId << ".");
// Put the successor state and a dummy action on top of the stack.
stack.emplace_back(successor, 0);
stats.maxPathLength = std::max(stats.maxPathLength, stack.size());
// If the current path length exceeds the threshold and the model is a nondeterministic one, we
// perform an EC detection.
if (stack.size() > explorationInformation.getPathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection()) {
bool success = detectEndComponents(stack, explorationInformation, bounds, stats);
// If the number of exploration steps exceeds a certain threshold, do a precomputation.
if (explorationInformation.performPrecomputation(stats.explorationSteps)) {
performPrecomputation(stack, explorationInformation, bounds, stats);
// Only if the detection found an EC, we abort the search.
if (success) {
// Abort the current search.
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Aborting the search after succesful EC detection.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Aborting the search after precomputation.");
@ -333,10 +337,10 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
typename SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::StateType SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::sampleSuccessorFromAction(ActionType const& chosenAction, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation) const {
typename SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::StateType SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::sampleSuccessorFromAction(ActionType const& chosenAction, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues const& bounds) const {
// TODO: precompute this?
std::vector<ValueType> probabilities(explorationInformation.getRowOfMatrix(chosenAction).size());
std::transform(explorationInformation.getRowOfMatrix(chosenAction).begin(), explorationInformation.getRowOfMatrix(chosenAction).end(), probabilities.begin(), [] (storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType> const& entry) { return entry.getValue(); } );
std::transform(explorationInformation.getRowOfMatrix(chosenAction).begin(), explorationInformation.getRowOfMatrix(chosenAction).end(), probabilities.begin(), [&bounds, &explorationInformation] (storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType> const& entry) { return entry.getValue() * bounds.getDifferenceOfStateBounds(entry.getColumn(), explorationInformation) ; } );
// Now sample according to the probabilities.
std::discrete_distribution<StateType> distribution(probabilities.begin(), probabilities.end());
@ -345,21 +349,27 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
bool SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::detectEndComponents(StateActionStack const& stack, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds, Statistics& stats) const {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Starting " << (explorationInformation.useLocalECDetection() ? "local" : "global") << "EC detection.");
bool SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::performPrecomputation(StateActionStack const& stack, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds, Statistics& stats) const {
// Outline:
// 1. construct a sparse transition matrix of the relevant part of the state space.
// 2. use this matrix to compute an MEC decomposition.
// 3. if non-empty, analyze the decomposition for accepting/rejecting MECs.
// 2. use this matrix to compute states with probability 0/1 and an MEC decomposition (in the max case).
// 3. use MEC decomposition to collapse MECs.
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Starting " << (explorationInformation.useLocalPrecomputation() ? "local" : "global") << " precomputation.");
for (int row = 0; row < explorationInformation.matrix.size(); ++row) {
std::cout << "row " << row << ":";
for (auto const& el : explorationInformation.matrix[row]) {
std::cout << el.getColumn() << ", " << el.getValue() << " [" << bounds.getLowerBoundForState(el.getColumn(), explorationInformation) << ", " << bounds.getUpperBoundForState(el.getColumn(), explorationInformation) << "]" << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Start with 1.
// Construct the matrix that represents the fragment of the system contained in the currently sampled path.
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType> builder(0, 0, 0, false, true, 0);
// Determine the set of states that was expanded.
std::vector<StateType> relevantStates;
if (explorationInformation.useLocalECDetection()) {
if (explorationInformation.useLocalPrecomputation()) {
for (auto const& stateActionPair : stack) {
if (explorationInformation.maximize() || !comparator.isOne(bounds.getLowerBoundForState(stateActionPair.first, explorationInformation))) {
@ -380,9 +390,15 @@ namespace storm {
StateType sink = relevantStates.size();
// Create a mapping for faster look-up during the translation of flexible matrix to the real sparse matrix.
// While doing so, record all target states.
std::unordered_map<StateType, StateType> relevantStateToNewRowGroupMapping;
storm::storage::BitVector targetStates(sink + 1);
for (StateType index = 0; index < relevantStates.size(); ++index) {
relevantStateToNewRowGroupMapping.emplace(relevantStates[index], index);
if (storm::utility::isOne(bounds.getLowerBoundForState(relevantStates[index], explorationInformation))) {
std::cout << "target states: " << targetStates << std::endl;
// Do the actual translation.
@ -411,48 +427,76 @@ namespace storm {
// Then, make the unexpanded state absorbing.
builder.addNextValue(currentRow, sink, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Successfully built matrix for MEC decomposition.");
// Go on to step 2.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> relevantStatesMatrix =;
storm::storage::MaximalEndComponentDecomposition<ValueType> mecDecomposition(relevantStatesMatrix, relevantStatesMatrix.transpose(true));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Successfully computed MEC decomposition. Found " << (mecDecomposition.size() > 1 ? (mecDecomposition.size() - 1) : 0) << " MEC(s).");
// If the decomposition contains only the MEC consisting of the sink state, we count it as 'failed'.
if (mecDecomposition.size() <= 1) {
// explorationInformation.increasePathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection();
return false;
} else {
stats.totalNumberOfEcDetected += mecDecomposition.size() - 1;
// 3. Analyze the MEC decomposition.
for (auto const& mec : mecDecomposition) {
// Ignore the (expected) MEC of the sink state.
if (mec.containsState(sink)) {
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> transposedMatrix = relevantStatesMatrix.transpose(true);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Successfully built matrix for precomputation.");
storm::storage::BitVector allStates(sink + 1, true);
storm::storage::BitVector statesWithProbability0;
storm::storage::BitVector statesWithProbability1;
if (explorationInformation.maximize()) {
// If we are computing maximal probabilities, we first perform a detection of states that have
// probability 01 and then additionally perform an MEC decomposition. The reason for this somewhat
// duplicate work is the following. Optimally, we would only do the MEC decomposition, because we need
// it anyway. However, when only detecting (accepting) MECs, we do not infer which of the other states
// (not contained in MECs) also have probability 0/1.
statesWithProbability0 = storm::utility::graph::performProb0A(relevantStatesMatrix, relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices(), transposedMatrix, allStates, targetStates);
targetStates.set(sink, true);
statesWithProbability1 = storm::utility::graph::performProb1E(relevantStatesMatrix, relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices(), transposedMatrix, allStates, targetStates);
storm::storage::MaximalEndComponentDecomposition<ValueType> mecDecomposition(relevantStatesMatrix, relevantStatesMatrix.transpose(true));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Successfully computed MEC decomposition. Found " << (mecDecomposition.size() > 1 ? (mecDecomposition.size() - 1) : 0) << " MEC(s).");
// If the decomposition contains only the MEC consisting of the sink state, we count it as 'failed'.
if (mecDecomposition.size() > 1) {
} else {
stats.totalNumberOfEcDetected += mecDecomposition.size() - 1;
if (explorationInformation.maximize()) {
analyzeMecForMaximalProbabilities(mec, relevantStates, relevantStatesMatrix, explorationInformation, bounds);
} else {
analyzeMecForMinimalProbabilities(mec, relevantStates, relevantStatesMatrix, explorationInformation, bounds);
// 3. Analyze the MEC decomposition.
for (auto const& mec : mecDecomposition) {
// Ignore the (expected) MEC of the sink state.
if (mec.containsState(sink)) {
collapseMec(mec, relevantStates, relevantStatesMatrix, explorationInformation, bounds);
} else {
// If we are computing minimal probabilities, we do not need to perform an EC-detection. We rather
// compute all states (of the considered fragment) that have probability 0/1. For states with
// probability 0, we have to mark the sink as being a target. For states with probability 1, however,
// we must treat the sink as being rejecting.
targetStates.set(sink, true);
statesWithProbability0 = storm::utility::graph::performProb0E(relevantStatesMatrix, relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices(), transposedMatrix, allStates, targetStates);
targetStates.set(sink, false);
statesWithProbability1 = storm::utility::graph::performProb1A(relevantStatesMatrix, relevantStatesMatrix.getRowGroupIndices(), transposedMatrix, allStates, targetStates);
std::cout << "prob0: " << statesWithProbability0 << std::endl;
std::cout << "prob1: " << statesWithProbability1 << std::endl;
// Set the bounds of the identified states.
for (auto state : statesWithProbability0) {
StateType originalState = relevantStates[state];
bounds.setUpperBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
for (auto state : statesWithProbability1) {
StateType originalState = relevantStates[state];
bounds.setLowerBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
return true;
template<typename ValueType>
void SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::analyzeMecForMaximalProbabilities(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const {
// For maximal probabilities, we check (a) which MECs contain a target state, because the associated states
// have a probability of 1 (and we can therefore set their lower bounds to 1) and (b) which of the remaining
// MECs have no outgoing action, because the associated states have a probability of 0 (and we can therefore
// set their upper bounds to 0).
void SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::collapseMec(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const {
bool containsTargetState = false;
// Now we record all choices leaving the EC.
// Now we record all actions leaving the EC.
std::vector<ActionType> leavingActions;
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) {
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
@ -485,34 +529,14 @@ namespace storm {
// If one of the states of the EC is a target state, all states in the EC have probability 1.
if (containsTargetState) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("MEC contains a target state.");
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) {
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType const& originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first];
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Setting lower bound of state in row group " << explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState) << " to 1.");
bounds.setLowerBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
} else if (leavingActions.empty()) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("MEC's leaving choices are empty.");
// If there is no choice leaving the EC, but it contains no target state, all states have probability 0.
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) {
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType const& originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first];
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Setting upper bound of state in row group " << explorationInformation.getRowGroup(originalState) << " to 0.");
bounds.setUpperBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
} else {
// Now, we need to collapse the EC only if it does not contain a target state and the leaving actions are
// non-empty, because only then have the states a (potentially) non-zero, non-one probability.
if (!containsTargetState && !leavingActions.empty()) {
// In this case, no target state is contained in the MEC, but there are actions leaving the MEC. To
// prevent the simulation getting stuck in this MEC again, we replace all states in the MEC by a new
// state whose outgoing actions are the ones leaving the MEC. We do this, by assigning all states in the
// MEC to a new row group, which will then hold all the outgoing choices.
// Remap all contained states to the new row group.
StateType nextRowGroup = explorationInformation.getNextRowGroup();
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) {
@ -530,26 +554,13 @@ namespace storm {
stateBounds = combineBounds(explorationInformation.optimizationDirection, stateBounds, actionBounds);
bounds.setBoundsForRowGroup(nextRowGroup, stateBounds);
// Terminate the row group of the newly introduced state.
template<typename ValueType>
void SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::analyzeMecForMinimalProbabilities(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const {
// For minimal probabilities, all found MECs are guaranteed to not contain a target state. Hence, in all
// associated states, the probability is 0 and we can set the upper bounds of the states to 0).
for (auto const& stateAndChoices : mec) {
// Compute the state of the original model that corresponds to the current state.
StateType originalState = relevantStates[stateAndChoices.first];
bounds.setUpperBoundForState(originalState, explorationInformation, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::computeLowerBoundOfAction(ActionType const& action, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues const& bounds) const {
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();


@ -51,11 +51,12 @@ namespace storm {
// A struct that keeps track of certain statistics during the computation.
struct Statistics {
Statistics() : iterations(0), maxPathLength(0), numberOfTargetStates(0), numberOfExploredStates(0), ecDetections(0), failedEcDetections(0), totalNumberOfEcDetected(0) {
Statistics() : pathsSampled(0), explorationSteps(0), maxPathLength(0), numberOfTargetStates(0), numberOfExploredStates(0), ecDetections(0), failedEcDetections(0), totalNumberOfEcDetected(0) {
// Intentionally left empty.
std::size_t iterations;
std::size_t pathsSampled;
std::size_t explorationSteps;
std::size_t maxPathLength;
std::size_t numberOfTargetStates;
std::size_t numberOfExploredStates;
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ namespace storm {
// A structure containing the data assembled during exploration.
struct ExplorationInformation {
ExplorationInformation(uint_fast64_t bitsPerBucket, bool localECDetection, ActionType const& unexploredMarker = std::numeric_limits<ActionType>::max()) : stateStorage(bitsPerBucket), unexploredMarker(unexploredMarker), localECDetection(localECDetection), pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection(10000) {
ExplorationInformation(uint_fast64_t bitsPerBucket, bool localPrecomputation, uint_fast64_t numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation, ActionType const& unexploredMarker = std::numeric_limits<ActionType>::max()) : stateStorage(bitsPerBucket), unexploredMarker(unexploredMarker), localPrecomputation(localPrecomputation), numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation(numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation) {
// Intentionally left empty.
@ -105,8 +106,8 @@ namespace storm {
storm::OptimizationDirection optimizationDirection;
StateSet terminalStates;
bool localECDetection;
uint_fast64_t pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection;
bool localPrecomputation;
uint_fast64_t numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation;
void setInitialStates(std::vector<StateType> const& initialStates) {
stateStorage.initialStateIndices = initialStates;
@ -207,20 +208,21 @@ namespace storm {
return !maximize();
uint_fast64_t getPathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection() const {
return pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection;
void increasePathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection() {
pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection += 100;
bool performPrecomputation(std::size_t& performedExplorationSteps) const {
bool result = performedExplorationSteps > numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation;
if (result) {
std::cout << "triggering precomp" << std::endl;
performedExplorationSteps = 0;
return result;
bool useLocalECDetection() const {
return localECDetection;
bool useLocalPrecomputation() const {
return localPrecomputation;
bool useGlobalECDetection() const {
return !useLocalECDetection();
bool useGlobalPrecomputation() const {
return !useLocalPrecomputation();
@ -286,7 +288,7 @@ namespace storm {
ValueType getDifferenceOfStateBounds(StateType const& state, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation) {
ValueType getDifferenceOfStateBounds(StateType const& state, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation) const {
std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> bounds = getBoundsForState(state, explorationInformation);
return bounds.second - bounds.first;
@ -324,6 +326,10 @@ namespace storm {
void setBoundsForState(StateType const& state, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> const& values) {
StateType const& rowGroup = explorationInformation.getRowGroup(state);
setBoundsForRowGroup(rowGroup, values);
void setBoundsForRowGroup(StateType const& rowGroup, std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> const& values) {
lowerBoundsPerState[rowGroup] = values.first;
upperBoundsPerState[rowGroup] = values.second;
@ -359,13 +365,11 @@ namespace storm {
ActionType sampleActionOfState(StateType const& currentStateId, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const;
StateType sampleSuccessorFromAction(ActionType const& chosenAction, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation) const;
StateType sampleSuccessorFromAction(ActionType const& chosenAction, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues const& bounds) const;
bool detectEndComponents(StateActionStack const& stack, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds, Statistics& stats) const;
bool performPrecomputation(StateActionStack const& stack, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds, Statistics& stats) const;
void analyzeMecForMaximalProbabilities(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const;
void analyzeMecForMinimalProbabilities(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const;
void collapseMec(storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec, std::vector<StateType> const& relevantStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& relevantStatesMatrix, ExplorationInformation& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const;
void updateProbabilityBoundsAlongSampledPath(StateActionStack& stack, ExplorationInformation const& explorationInformation, BoundValues& bounds) const;


@ -11,40 +11,46 @@ namespace storm {
namespace modules {
const std::string LearningSettings::moduleName = "learning";
const std::string LearningSettings::ecDetectionTypeOptionName = "ecdetection";
const std::string LearningSettings::precomputationTypeOptionName = "precomp";
const std::string LearningSettings::numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputationOptionName = "stepsprecomp";
LearningSettings::LearningSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager, moduleName) {
std::vector<std::string> types = { "local", "global" };
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, ecDetectionTypeOptionName, true, "Sets the kind of EC-detection used. Available are: { local, global }.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of the type to use.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(types)).setDefaultValueString("local").build()).build());
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, precomputationTypeOptionName, true, "Sets the kind of precomputation used. Available are: { local, global }.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of the type to use.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(types)).setDefaultValueString("local").build()).build());
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputationOptionName, false, "Sets the number of exploration steps until a precomputation is triggered.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("count", "The number of exploration steps to perform.").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(100000).build()).build());
bool LearningSettings::isLocalECDetectionSet() const {
if (this->getOption(ecDetectionTypeOptionName).getArgumentByName("name").getValueAsString() == "local") {
bool LearningSettings::isLocalPrecomputationSet() const {
if (this->getOption(precomputationTypeOptionName).getArgumentByName("name").getValueAsString() == "local") {
return true;
return false;
bool LearningSettings::isGlobalECDetectionSet() const {
if (this->getOption(ecDetectionTypeOptionName).getArgumentByName("name").getValueAsString() == "global") {
bool LearningSettings::isGlobalPrecomputationSet() const {
if (this->getOption(precomputationTypeOptionName).getArgumentByName("name").getValueAsString() == "global") {
return true;
return false;
LearningSettings::ECDetectionType LearningSettings::getECDetectionType() const {
std::string typeAsString = this->getOption(ecDetectionTypeOptionName).getArgumentByName("name").getValueAsString();
LearningSettings::PrecomputationType LearningSettings::getPrecomputationType() const {
std::string typeAsString = this->getOption(precomputationTypeOptionName).getArgumentByName("name").getValueAsString();
if (typeAsString == "local") {
return LearningSettings::ECDetectionType::Local;
return LearningSettings::PrecomputationType::Local;
} else if (typeAsString == "global") {
return LearningSettings::ECDetectionType::Global;
return LearningSettings::PrecomputationType::Global;
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException, "Unknown EC-detection type '" << typeAsString << "'.");
uint_fast64_t LearningSettings::getNumberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation() const {
return this->getOption(numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputationOptionName).getArgumentByName("count").getValueAsUnsignedInteger();
bool LearningSettings::check() const {
bool optionsSet = this->getOption(ecDetectionTypeOptionName).getHasOptionBeenSet();
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(storm::settings::generalSettings().getEngine() == storm::settings::modules::GeneralSettings::Engine::Learning || !optionsSet, "Bisimulation minimization is not selected, so setting options for bisimulation has no effect.");
bool optionsSet = this->getOption(precomputationTypeOptionName).getHasOptionBeenSet() || this->getOption(numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputationOptionName).getHasOptionBeenSet();
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(storm::settings::generalSettings().getEngine() == storm::settings::modules::GeneralSettings::Engine::Learning || !optionsSet, "Learning engine is not selected, so setting options for it has no effect.");
return true;
} // namespace modules


@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ namespace storm {
class LearningSettings : public ModuleSettings {
// An enumeration of all available EC-detection types.
enum class ECDetectionType { Local, Global };
// An enumeration of all available precomputation types.
enum class PrecomputationType { Local, Global };
* Creates a new set of learning settings that is managed by the given manager.
@ -23,25 +23,32 @@ namespace storm {
LearningSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager);
* Retrieves whether local EC-detection is to be used.
* Retrieves whether local precomputation is to be used.
* @return True iff local EC-detection is to be used.
* @return True iff local precomputation is to be used.
bool isLocalECDetectionSet() const;
bool isLocalPrecomputationSet() const;
* Retrieves whether global EC-detection is to be used.
* Retrieves whether global precomputation is to be used.
* @return True iff global EC-detection is to be used.
* @return True iff global precomputation is to be used.
bool isGlobalECDetectionSet() const;
bool isGlobalPrecomputationSet() const;
* Retrieves the selected EC-detection type.
* Retrieves the selected precomputation type.
* @return The selected EC-detection type.
* @return The selected precomputation type.
ECDetectionType getECDetectionType() const;
PrecomputationType getPrecomputationType() const;
* Retrieves the number of exploration steps to perform until a precomputation is triggered.
* @return The number of exploration steps to perform until a precomputation is triggered.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputation() const;
virtual bool check() const override;
@ -50,7 +57,8 @@ namespace storm {
// Define the string names of the options as constants.
static const std::string ecDetectionTypeOptionName;
static const std::string precomputationTypeOptionName;
static const std::string numberOfExplorationStepsUntilPrecomputationOptionName;
} // namespace modules
} // namespace settings
