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quantiles: Supporting two-dimensional quantiles with the same optimization direction of quantile bounds (max,max or min,min).

TimQu 6 years ago
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@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ namespace storm {
if (!bound.containsVariables()) {
ValueType discretizedBound = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(bound.evaluateAsRational());
// We always consider upper bounds to be non-strict and lower bounds to be strict.
// Thus, >=N would become >N-1. However, note that the case N=0 needs extra treatment
// Thus, >=N would become >N-1. However, note that the case N=0 is treated separately.
if (dimensions[dim].isBounded) {
ValueType discretizedBound = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(bound.evaluateAsRational());
discretizedBound /= dimensions[dim].scalingFactor;
if (storm::utility::isInteger(discretizedBound)) {
if (isStrict == dimensions[dim].isUpperBounded) {


@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ namespace storm {
for (uint64_t dim = 0; dim < epochManager.getDimensionCount(); ++dim) {
if (epochManager.isBottomDimensionEpochClass(epochClass, dim)) {
bottomDimensions.set(dim, true);
if (dimensions[dim].isBounded) {
if (dimensions[dim].isBounded && dimensions[dim].maxValue) {
considerInitialStates = false;


@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <storm/exceptions/NotSupportedException.h>
#include "storm/models/sparse/Mdp.h"
#include "storm/modelchecker/prctl/helper/rewardbounded/MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding.h"
@ -17,6 +16,8 @@
#include "storm/logic/ProbabilityOperatorFormula.h"
#include "storm/logic/BoundedUntilFormula.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/NotSupportedException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace modelchecker {
namespace helper {
@ -25,10 +26,20 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ModelType>
QuantileHelper<ModelType>::QuantileHelper(ModelType const& model, storm::logic::QuantileFormula const& quantileFormula) : model(model), quantileFormula(quantileFormula) {
// Intentionally left empty
/* Todo: Current assumption:
STORM_LOG_THROW(quantileFormula.getSubformula().isProbabilityOperatorFormula(), storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Quantile formula needs probability operator inside. The formula " << quantileFormula << " is not supported.");
auto const& probOpFormula = quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula();
STORM_LOG_THROW(probOpFormula.getBound().comparisonType == storm::logic::ComparisonType::Greater || probOpFormula.getBound().comparisonType == storm::logic::ComparisonType::LessEqual, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Probability operator inside quantile formula needs to have bound > or <=.");
STORM_LOG_THROW(probOpFormula.getSubformula().isBoundedUntilFormula(), storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Quantile formula needs bounded until probability operator formula as subformula. The formula " << quantileFormula << " is not supported.");
auto const& boundedUntilFormula = quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getSubformula().asBoundedUntilFormula();
// Only > and <= are supported for upper bounds. This is to make sure that Pr>0.7 [F "goal"] holds iff Pr>0.7 [F<=B "goal"] holds for some B.
// Only >= and < are supported for lower bounds. (EC construction..)
/* Todo: Current assumptions:
* Subformula is always prob operator with bounded until
* Each bound variable occurs at most once (change this?)
* cost bounds can either be <= or > (the epochs returned by the reward unfolding assume this. One could translate them, though)
* cost bounds are assumed to be always non-strict (the epochs returned by the reward unfolding assume strict lower and non-strict upper cost bounds, though...)
* 'reasonable' quantile (e.g. not quantile(max B, Pmax>0.5 [F <=B G]) (we could also filter out these things early on)
@ -141,10 +152,8 @@ namespace storm {
result = {{storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(quantileRes.first) * quantileRes.second}};
} else if (maxProbSatisfiesFormula) {
// i.e., all bound values satisfy the formula
bool minimizingRewardBound = storm::solver::minimize(getOptimizationDirForDimension(dimension));
bool upperCostBound = boundedUntilOperator.getSubformula().asBoundedUntilFormula().hasUpperBound(dimension);
if (minimizingRewardBound) {
result = {{ (upperCostBound ? storm::utility::zero<ValueType>() : -storm::utility::one<ValueType>())}};
if (storm::solver::minimize(getOptimizationDirForDimension(dimension))) {
result = {{ storm::utility::zero<ValueType>() }};
} else {
result = {{ storm::utility::infinity<ValueType>()}};
@ -153,52 +162,246 @@ namespace storm {
result = {{}};
} else if (getOpenDimensions().getNumberOfSetBits() == 2) {
result = computeTwoDimensionalQuantile(env);
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "The quantile formula considers " << getOpenDimensions().getNumberOfSetBits() << " open dimensions. Only one- or two-dimensional quantiles are supported.");
return result;
return unboundedFormula->getBound().isSatisfied(numericResult);
if (!checkUnboundedValue(env)) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Bound is not satisfiable.");
for (auto const& bv : quantileFormula.getBoundVariables()) {
result.front().push_back(storm::solver::minimize(bv.first) ? storm::utility::infinity<ValueType>() : -storm::utility::infinity<ValueType>());
template<typename ValueType>
void filterDominatedPoints(std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& points, std::vector<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> const& dirs) {
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> result;
// Note: this is slow and not inplace but also most likely not performance critical
for (auto const& p1 : points) {
bool p1Dominated = false;
for (auto const& p2 : points) {
assert(p1.size() == p2.size());
bool p2DominatesP1 = false;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dirs.size(); ++i) {
if (storm::solver::minimize(dirs[i]) ? p2[i] <= p1[i] : p2[i] >= p1[i]) {
if (p2[i] != p1[i]) {
p2DominatesP1 = true;
} else {
p2DominatesP1 = false;
if (p2DominatesP1) {
p1Dominated = true;
} else {
std::vector<bool> limitProbCheckResults;
for (uint64_t dim = 0; dim < getDimension(); ++dim) {
storm::storage::BitVector dimAsBitVector(getDimension(), false);
dimAsBitVector.set(dim, true);
limitProbCheckResults.push_back(checkLimitProbability(env, dimAsBitVector));
auto quantileRes = computeQuantileForDimension(env, dim);
std::cout << "Quantile for dim " << dim << " is " << (storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(quantileRes.first) * quantileRes.second) << std::endl;
if (!p1Dominated) {
result = {{27}};
return result;*/
points = std::move(result);
template<typename ModelType>
std::vector<std::vector<typename ModelType::ValueType>> QuantileHelper<ModelType>::computeTwoDimensionalQuantile(Environment const& env) {
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> result;
auto const& probOpFormula = quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula();
storm::logic::ComparisonType probabilityBound = probOpFormula.getBound().comparisonType;
auto const& boundedUntilFormula = probOpFormula.getSubformula().asBoundedUntilFormula();
std::vector<storm::storage::BitVector> dimensionsAsBitVector;
std::vector<uint64_t> dimensions;
std::vector<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> optimizationDirections;
std::vector<bool> lowerCostBounds;
for (auto const& dirVar : quantileFormula.getBoundVariables()) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(dimensionsAsBitVector.back().getNumberOfSetBits() == 1, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "There is not exactly one reward bound referring to quantile variable '" << dirVar.second.getName() << "'.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(dimensions.size() == 2, "Expected to have exactly two open dimensions.");
if (optimizationDirections[0] == optimizationDirections[1]) {
if (lowerCostBounds[0] == lowerCostBounds[1]) {
// TODO: Assert that we have a reasonable probability bound. STORM_LOG_THROW(storm::solver::minimize(optimizationDirections[0])
bool maxmaxProbSatisfiesFormula = probOpFormula.getBound().isSatisfied(computeExtremalValue(env, storm::storage::BitVector(getDimension(), false)));
bool minminProbSatisfiesFormula = probOpFormula.getBound().isSatisfied(computeExtremalValue(env, dimensionsAsBitVector[0] | dimensionsAsBitVector[1]));
if (maxmaxProbSatisfiesFormula != minminProbSatisfiesFormula) {
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, typename ModelType::ValueType>> singleQuantileValues;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> resultPoints;
const int64_t infinity = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>().max(); // use this value to represent infinity in a result point
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// find out whether the bounds B_i = 0 and B_1-i = infinity satisfy the formula
uint64_t indexToMinimizeProb = lowerCostBounds[i] ? (1-i) : i;
bool zeroInfSatisfiesFormula = probOpFormula.getBound().isSatisfied(computeExtremalValue(env, dimensionsAsBitVector[indexToMinimizeProb]));
std::cout << "Formula sat is " << zeroInfSatisfiesFormula << " and lower bound is " << storm::logic::isLowerBound(probabilityBound) << std::endl;
if (zeroInfSatisfiesFormula == storm::solver::minimize(optimizationDirections[0])) {
// There is bound value b such that the point B_i=0 and B_1-i = b is part of the result
singleQuantileValues.emplace_back(0, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
} else {
// Compute quantile where 1-i approaches infinity
std::cout << "Computing quantile for single dimension " << dimensions[i] << std::endl;
singleQuantileValues.push_back(computeQuantileForDimension(env, dimensions[i]));
std::cout << ".. Result is " << singleQuantileValues.back().first << std::endl;
// When maximizing bounds, the computed quantile value is sat for all values of the other bound.
if (!storm::solver::minimize(optimizationDirections[i])) {
std::vector<int64_t> newResultPoint(2);
newResultPoint[i] = singleQuantileValues.back().first;
newResultPoint[1-i] = infinity;
// Increase the computed value so that there is at least one unsat assignment of bounds with B[i] = singleQuantileValues[i]
// Decrease the value for lower cost bounds to convert >= to >
if (lowerCostBounds[i]) {
std::cout << "Found starting point. Beginning 2D exploration" << std::endl;
MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true> rewardUnfolding(model, transformBoundedUntilOperator(quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula(), std::vector<BoundTransformation>(getDimension(), BoundTransformation::None)));
// initialize data that will be needed for each epoch
auto lowerBound = rewardUnfolding.getLowerObjectiveBound();
auto upperBound = rewardUnfolding.getUpperObjectiveBound();
std::vector<ValueType> x, b;
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> minMaxSolver;
std::vector<int64_t> epochValues = {(int64_t) singleQuantileValues[0].first, (int64_t) singleQuantileValues[1].first}; // signed int is needed to allow lower bounds >-1 (aka >=0).
std::cout << "Starting quantile exploration with: (" << epochValues[0] << ", " << epochValues[1] << ")." << std::endl;
std::set<typename EpochManager::Epoch> exploredEpochs;
while (true) {
auto currEpoch = rewardUnfolding.getStartEpoch(true);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (epochValues[i] >= 0) {
rewardUnfolding.getEpochManager().setDimensionOfEpoch(currEpoch, dimensions[i], (uint64_t) epochValues[i]);
} else {
rewardUnfolding.getEpochManager().setBottomDimension(currEpoch, dimensions[i]);
auto epochOrder = rewardUnfolding.getEpochComputationOrder(currEpoch);
for (auto const& epoch : epochOrder) {
if (exploredEpochs.count(epoch) == 0) {
auto& epochModel = rewardUnfolding.setCurrentEpoch(epoch);
rewardUnfolding.setSolutionForCurrentEpoch(epochModel.analyzeSingleObjective(env, quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getOptimalityType(), x, b, minMaxSolver, lowerBound, upperBound));
ValueType currValue = rewardUnfolding.getInitialStateResult(currEpoch);
std::cout << "Numeric result for epoch " << rewardUnfolding.getEpochManager().toString(currEpoch) << " is " << currValue << std::endl;
bool propertySatisfied = probOpFormula.getBound().isSatisfied(currValue);
// If the reward bounds should be as small as possible, we should stop as soon as the property is satisfied.
// If the reward bounds should be as large as possible, we should stop as soon as the property is violated and then go a step backwards
if (storm::solver::minimize(optimizationDirections[0]) == propertySatisfied) {
// We found another point for the result!
std::cout << "Found another result point: (" << epochValues[0] << ", " << epochValues[1] << ")." << std::endl;
if (epochValues[1] == singleQuantileValues[1].first) {
} else {
epochValues[1] = singleQuantileValues[1].first;
} else {
// Translate the result points to the 'original' domain
for (auto& p : resultPoints) {
std::vector<ValueType> convertedP;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (p[i] == infinity) {
} else {
if (lowerCostBounds[i]) {
// Translate > to >=
if (i == 1 && storm::solver::maximize(optimizationDirections[i])) {
// When maximizing, we actually searched for each x-value the smallest y-value that leads to a property violation. Hence, decreasing y by one means property satisfaction
if (p[i] < 0) {
// Skip this point
convertedP.push_back(storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(p[i]) * rewardUnfolding.getDimension(dimensions[i]).scalingFactor);
if (!convertedP.empty()) {
filterDominatedPoints(result, optimizationDirections);
} else if (maxmaxProbSatisfiesFormula) {
// i.e., all bound values satisfy the formula
if (storm::solver::minimize(optimizationDirections[0])) {
result = {{storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()}};
} else {
result = {{ storm::utility::infinity<ValueType>(), storm::utility::infinity<ValueType>()}};
} else {
// i.e., no bound value satisfies the formula
result = {{}};
} else {
// TODO: this is an "unreasonable" case
} else {
// TODO: find reasonable min/max cases
return result;
template<typename ModelType>
std::pair<uint64_t, typename ModelType::ValueType> QuantileHelper<ModelType>::computeQuantileForDimension(Environment const& env, uint64_t dimension) const {
// We assume that their is one bound value that violates the quantile and one bound value that satisfies it.
// We assume that there is one bound value that violates the quantile and one bound value that satisfies it.
// 'Drop' all other open bounds
// Let all other open bounds approach infinity
std::vector<BoundTransformation> bts(getDimension(), BoundTransformation::None);
storm::storage::BitVector otherLowerBoundedDimensions(getDimension(), false);
for (auto const& d : getOpenDimensions()) {
if (d != dimension) {
bts[d] = BoundTransformation::GreaterEqualZero;
if (quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getSubformula().asBoundedUntilFormula().hasLowerBound(d)) {
bts[d] = BoundTransformation::GreaterZero;
otherLowerBoundedDimensions.set(d, true);
} else {
bts[d] = BoundTransformation::GreaterEqualZero;
bool upperCostBound = quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getSubformula().asBoundedUntilFormula().hasUpperBound(dimension);
bool minimizingRewardBound = storm::solver::minimize(getOptimizationDirForDimension(dimension));
storm::storage::BitVector nonMecChoices;
if (!otherLowerBoundedDimensions.empty()) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!upperCostBound, "It is not possible to let other open dimensions approach infinity if this is an upper cost bound and others are lower cost bounds.");
// Get the choices that do not lie on a mec
nonMecChoices.resize(model.getNumberOfChoices(), true);
auto mecDecomposition = storm::storage::MaximalEndComponentDecomposition<ValueType>(model);
for (auto const& mec : mecDecomposition) {
for (auto const& stateChoicesPair : mec) {
for (auto const& choice : stateChoicesPair.second) {
nonMecChoices.set(choice, false);
auto transformedFormula = transformBoundedUntilOperator(quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula(), bts);
MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true> rewardUnfolding(model, transformedFormula);
MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true> rewardUnfolding(model, transformedFormula, [&](std::vector<EpochManager::Epoch>& epochSteps, EpochManager const& epochManager) {
if (!otherLowerBoundedDimensions.empty()) {
for (auto const& choice : nonMecChoices) {
for (auto const& dim : otherLowerBoundedDimensions) {
epochManager.setDimensionOfEpoch(epochSteps[choice], dim, 0);
bool upperCostBound = transformedFormula->getSubformula().asBoundedUntilFormula().hasUpperBound(dimension);
// bool lowerProbabilityBound = storm::logic::isLowerBound(transformedFormula->getBound().comparisonType);
bool minimizingRewardBound = storm::solver::minimize(getOptimizationDirForDimension(dimension));
// initialize data that will be needed for each epoch
auto lowerBound = rewardUnfolding.getLowerObjectiveBound();
@ -206,7 +409,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<ValueType> x, b;
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> minMaxSolver;
int64_t epochValue = 0; // -1 is actally allowed since we express >=0 as >-1
uint64_t epochValue = 0;
std::set<typename EpochManager::Epoch> exploredEpochs;
while (true) {
auto currEpoch = rewardUnfolding.getStartEpoch(true);
@ -225,10 +428,20 @@ namespace storm {
// If the reward bound should be as small as possible, we should stop as soon as the property is satisfied.
// If the reward bound should be as large as possible, we should stop as soon as sthe property is violated and then go a step backwards
if (minimizingRewardBound && propertySatisfied) {
// We found a satisfying value!
if (!upperCostBound) {
// The rewardunfolding assumes strict lower cost bounds while we assume non-strict ones. Hence, >B becomes >=(B+1).
} else if (!minimizingRewardBound && !propertySatisfied) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(epochValue > 0 || !upperCostBound, "The property does not seem to be satisfiable. This case should have been treated earlier.");
// We found a non-satisfying value. Go one step back to get the largest satisfying value.
// ... however, lower cost bounds need to be converted from strict bounds >B to non strict bounds >=(B+1).
// Hence, no operation is necessary in this case.
if (upperCostBound) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(epochValue > 0, "The property does not seem to be satisfiable. This case should have been excluded earlier.");
@ -278,6 +491,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::cout << "nonmec choices are " << nonMecChoices << std::endl;
MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true> rewardUnfolding(model, transformedFormula, [&](std::vector<EpochManager::Epoch>& epochSteps, EpochManager const& epochManager) {
if (!minimizingLowerBoundedDimensions.empty()) {


@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> computeQuantile(Environment const& env);
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> computeTwoDimensionalQuantile(Environment const& env);
* Computes the infimum over bound values in minimizing dimensions / the supremum over bound values in maximizing dimensions
