@ -216,25 +216,22 @@ namespace storm {
swSetEpoch . start ( ) ;
swAux1 . start ( ) ;
epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter . clear ( ) ;
for ( auto const & objRewards : epochModel . objectiveRewards ) {
epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter . push_back ( storm : : utility : : vector : : filterZero ( objRewards ) ) ;
epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter . back ( ) . complement ( ) ;
swAux1 . stop ( ) ;
epochModel . stepSolutions . resize ( epochModel . stepChoices . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) ) ;
auto stepSolIt = epochModel . stepSolutions . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto const & reducedChoice : epochModel . stepChoices ) {
uint64_t productChoice = ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping [ reducedChoice ] ;
uint64_t productChoice = epochModelToProductChoiceMap [ reducedChoice ] ;
uint64_t productState = memoryProduct . getProductStateFromChoice ( productChoice ) ;
auto memoryState = memoryProduct . convertMemoryState ( memoryProduct . getMemoryState ( productState ) ) ;
Epoch successorEpoch = getSuccessorEpoch ( epoch , memoryProduct . getSteps ( ) [ productChoice ] ) ;
// Find out whether objective reward is earned for the current choice
// Objective reward is not earned if there is a subObjective that is still relevant but the corresponding reward bound is passed after taking the choice
swAux1 . start ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t objIndex = 0 ; objIndex < this - > objectives . size ( ) ; + + objIndex ) {
if ( epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter [ objIndex ] . get ( reducedChoice ) ) {
for ( auto const & dim : objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ) {
@ -245,14 +242,11 @@ namespace storm {
swAux1 . stop ( ) ;
// compute the solution for the stepChoices
swAux2 . start ( ) ;
SolutionType choiceSolution ;
bool firstSuccessor = true ;
if ( sameEpochClass ( epoch , successorEpoch ) ) {
swAux3 . start ( ) ;
for ( auto const & successor : memoryProduct . getProduct ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRow ( productChoice ) ) {
if ( firstSuccessor ) {
choiceSolution = getScaledSolution ( getStateSolution ( successorEpoch , successor . getColumn ( ) ) , successor . getValue ( ) ) ;
@ -261,9 +255,7 @@ namespace storm {
addScaledSolution ( choiceSolution , getStateSolution ( successorEpoch , successor . getColumn ( ) ) , successor . getValue ( ) ) ;
swAux3 . stop ( ) ;
} else {
swAux4 . start ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector successorRelevantDimensions ( dimensionCount , true ) ;
for ( auto const & dim : memoryState ) {
if ( isBottomDimension ( successorEpoch , dim ) ) {
@ -281,9 +273,7 @@ namespace storm {
addScaledSolution ( choiceSolution , successorSolution , successor . getValue ( ) ) ;
swAux4 . stop ( ) ;
swAux2 . stop ( ) ;
* stepSolIt = std : : move ( choiceSolution ) ;
+ + stepSolIt ;
@ -318,6 +308,7 @@ namespace storm {
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : setCurrentEpochClass ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
// std::cout << "Setting epoch class for epoch " << storm::utility::vector::toString(epoch) << std::endl;
swSetEpochClass . start ( ) ;
swAux1 . start ( ) ;
auto productObjectiveRewards = computeObjectiveRewardsForProduct ( epoch ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector stepChoices ( memoryProduct . getProduct ( ) . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , false ) ;
@ -334,7 +325,8 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & objRewards : productObjectiveRewards ) {
zeroObjRewardChoices & = storm : : utility : : vector : : filterZero ( objRewards ) ;
swAux1 . stop ( ) ;
swAux2 . start ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector allProductStates ( memoryProduct . getProduct ( ) . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ;
// Get the relevant states for this epoch. These are all states
@ -346,22 +338,27 @@ namespace storm {
// We assume that there is no end component in which objective reward is earned
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( ! storm : : utility : : graph : : checkIfECWithChoiceExists ( epochModel . epochMatrix , epochModel . epochMatrix . transpose ( true ) , allProductStates , ~ zeroObjRewardChoices & ~ stepChoices ) , " There is a scheduler that yields infinite reward for one objective. This case should be excluded " ) ;
ecElimResult = storm : : transformer : : EndComponentEliminator < ValueType > : : transform ( epochModel . epochMatrix , consideredStates , zeroObjRewardChoices & ~ stepChoices , consideredStates ) ;
swAux2 . stop ( ) ;
swAux3 . start ( ) ;
auto ecElimResult = storm : : transformer : : EndComponentEliminator < ValueType > : : transform ( epochModel . epochMatrix , consideredStates , zeroObjRewardChoices & ~ stepChoices , consideredStates ) ;
swAux3 . stop ( ) ;
swAux4 . start ( ) ;
epochModel . epochMatrix = std : : move ( ecElimResult . matrix ) ;
epochModelToProductChoiceMap = std : : move ( ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping ) ;
productToEpochModelStateMap = std : : move ( ecElimResult . oldToNewStateMapping ) ;
epochModel . stepChoices = storm : : storage : : BitVector ( epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowCount ( ) , false ) ;
for ( uint64_t choice = 0 ; choice < epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ; + + choice ) {
if ( stepChoices . get ( ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping [ choice ] ) ) {
if ( stepChoices . get ( epochModelToProductChoiceMap [ choice ] ) ) {
epochModel . stepChoices . set ( choice , true ) ;
//STORM_LOG_ASSERT(epochModel.stepChoices.getNumberOfSetBits() == stepChoices.getNumberOfSetBits(), "The number of choices leading outside of the epoch does not match for the reduced and unreduced epochMatrix");
epochModel . objectiveRewards . clear ( ) ;
for ( auto const & productObjRew : productObjectiveRewards ) {
std : : vector < ValueType > reducedModelObjRewards ;
reducedModelObjRewards . reserve ( epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & productChoice : ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping ) {
for ( auto const & productChoice : epochModelToProductChoiceMap ) {
reducedModelObjRewards . push_back ( productObjRew [ productChoice ] ) ;
epochModel . objectiveRewards . push_back ( std : : move ( reducedModelObjRewards ) ) ;
@ -369,9 +366,16 @@ namespace storm {
epochModel . epochInStates = storm : : storage : : BitVector ( epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , false ) ;
for ( auto const & productState : productInStates ) {
epochModel . epochInStates . set ( ecElimResult . oldToNewStateMapping [ productState ] , true ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( productToEpochModelStateMap [ productState ] < epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , " Selected product state does not exist in the epoch model. " ) ;
epochModel . epochInStates . set ( productToEpochModelStateMap [ productState ] , true ) ;
epochModelInStateToProductStatesMap . assign ( epochModel . epochInStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) , std : : vector < uint64_t > ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & productState : productInStates ) {
epochModelInStateToProductStatesMap [ epochModel . epochInStates . getNumberOfSetBitsBeforeIndex ( productToEpochModelStateMap [ productState ] ) ] . push_back ( productState ) ;
swAux4 . stop ( ) ;
swSetEpochClass . stop ( ) ;
epochModelSizes . push_back ( epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) ) ;
@ -501,24 +505,37 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType , bool SingleObjectiveMode >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( ) {
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( std : : vector < SolutionType > & inStateSolutions ) {
swInsertSol . start ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t productState = 0 ; productState < memoryProduct . getProduct ( ) . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + productState ) {
uint64_t reducedModelState = ecElimResult . oldToNewStateMapping [ productState ] ;
if ( reducedModelState < epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) & & epochModel . epochInStates . get ( reducedModelState ) ) {
setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( productState , epochModel . inStateSolutions [ epochModel . epochInStates . getNumberOfSetBitsBeforeIndex ( reducedModelState ) ] ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( inStateSolutions . size ( ) = = epochModelInStateToProductStatesMap . size ( ) , " Invalid number of solutions. " ) ;
auto solIt = inStateSolutions . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto const & productStates : epochModelInStateToProductStatesMap ) {
assert ( ! productStates . empty ( ) ) ;
auto productStateIt = productStates . begin ( ) ;
// Skip the first product state for now. It's result will be std::move'd afterwards.
for ( + + productStateIt ; productStateIt ! = productStates . end ( ) ; + + productStateIt ) {
setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( * productStateIt , * solIt ) ;
setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( productStates . front ( ) , std : : move ( * solIt ) ) ;
+ + solIt ;
swInsertSol . stop ( ) ;
template < typename ValueType , bool SingleObjectiveMode >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( uint64_t const & productState , SolutionType const & solution ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( currentEpoch , " Tried to set a solution for the current epoch, but no epoch was specified before. " ) ;
//std::cout << "Storing solution for epoch " << epochToString(currentEpoch.get()) << " and state " << productState << std::endl;
solutions [ std : : make_pair ( currentEpoch . get ( ) , productState ) ] = solution ;
template < typename ValueType , bool SingleObjectiveMode >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( uint64_t const & productState , SolutionType & & solution ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( currentEpoch , " Tried to set a solution for the current epoch, but no epoch was specified before. " ) ;
solutions [ std : : make_pair ( currentEpoch . get ( ) , productState ) ] = std : : move ( solution ) ;
template < typename ValueType , bool SingleObjectiveMode >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : SolutionType const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : getStateSolution ( Epoch const & epoch , uint64_t const & productState ) {
swFindSol . start ( ) ;
@ -702,7 +719,7 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType , bool SingleObjectiveMode >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType , SingleObjectiveMode > : : MemoryProduct : : setReachableStates ( storm : : storage : : SparseModelMemoryProduct < ValueType > & productBuilder , std : : vector < Epoch > const & originalModelSteps , std : : vector < storm : : storage : : BitVector > const & objectiveDimensions ) const {
// todo: find something else to check whether a specific dimension at a specific choice is bottom
// todo: find something else to perform getDimensionOfEpoch at this point
uint64_t dimensionCount = objectiveDimensions . front ( ) . size ( ) ;
uint64_t bitsPerDimension = 64 / dimensionCount ;
uint64_t dimensionBitMask ;