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Using the revamped optimistic value iteration helper also for the lower bound.

Tim Quatmann 5 years ago
  1. 58
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  3. 53
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  5. 321
  6. 56


@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include <limits>
#include "storm/solver/IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver.h"
#include "storm/solver/helper/OptimisticValueIterationHelper.h"
#include "storm/environment/solver/MinMaxSolverEnvironment.h"
#include "storm/environment/solver/OviSolverEnvironment.h"
@ -369,63 +368,28 @@ namespace storm {
return true;
if (!this->multiplierA) {
this->multiplierA = storm::solver::MultiplierFactory<ValueType>().create(env, *this->A);
if (!auxiliaryRowGroupVector) {
auxiliaryRowGroupVector = std::make_unique<std::vector<ValueType>>(this->A->getRowGroupCount());
if (!auxiliaryRowGroupVector2) {
auxiliaryRowGroupVector2 = std::make_unique<std::vector<ValueType>>(this->A->getRowGroupCount());
if (!optimisticValueIterationHelper) {
optimisticValueIterationHelper = std::make_unique<storm::solver::helper::OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>>(*this->A);
// By default, we can not provide any guarantee
SolverGuarantee guarantee = SolverGuarantee::None;
// Get handle to multiplier.
storm::solver::Multiplier<ValueType> const &multiplier = *this->multiplierA;
// Allow aliased multiplications.
storm::solver::MultiplicationStyle multiplicationStyle = env.solver().minMax().getMultiplicationStyle();
bool useGaussSeidelMultiplication = multiplicationStyle == storm::solver::MultiplicationStyle::GaussSeidel;
boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> relevantValues;
if (this->hasRelevantValues()) {
relevantValues = this->getRelevantValues();
storm::solver::helper::OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType> helper(*this->A);
// x has to start with a lower bound.
std::vector<ValueType>* lowerX = &x;
std::vector<ValueType>* upperX = auxiliaryRowGroupVector.get();
std::vector<ValueType>* auxVector = auxiliaryRowGroupVector2.get();
storm::solver::helper::OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType> helper(*this->A);
auto statusIters = helper.solveEquationsOptimisticValueIteration(env, lowerX, upperX, auxVector, b,
[&] (std::vector<ValueType>*& y, std::vector<ValueType>*& yPrime, ValueType const& precision, bool const& relative, uint64_t const& i, uint64_t const& maxI) {
auto result = performValueIteration(env, dir, y, yPrime, b, precision, relative, guarantee, i, maxI, multiplicationStyle);
return std::make_pair(result.iterations, result.status);
[&] (std::vector<ValueType>* y, std::vector<ValueType>* yPrime, uint64_t const& i) {
if (useGaussSeidelMultiplication) {
// Copy over the current vectors so we can modify them in-place.
// This is necessary as we want to compare the new values with the current ones.
*yPrime = *y;
multiplier.multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(env, dir, *y, &b);
} else {
multiplier.multiplyAndReduce(env, dir, *y, &b, *yPrime);
std::swap(y, yPrime);
auto statusIters = helper.solveEquations(env, lowerX, upperX, b,
auto two = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0);
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise<ValueType, ValueType, ValueType>(*lowerX, *upperX, x, [&two] (ValueType const& a, ValueType const& b) -> ValueType { return (a + b) / two; });
@ -434,8 +398,7 @@ namespace storm {
// If requested, we store the scheduler for retrieval.
if (this->isTrackSchedulerSet()) {
this->schedulerChoices = std::vector<uint_fast64_t>(this->A->getRowGroupCount());
this->multiplierA->multiplyAndReduce(env, dir, x, &b, *auxiliaryRowGroupVector.get(), &this->schedulerChoices.get());
this->multiplierA->multiplyAndReduce(env, dir, x, &b, *auxiliaryRowGroupVector.get(), &this->schedulerChoices.get());
this->A->multiplyAndReduce(dir, this->A->getRowGroupIndices(), x, &b, *auxiliaryRowGroupVector.get(), &this->schedulerChoices.get());
if (!this->isCachingEnabled()) {
@ -1109,6 +1072,7 @@ namespace storm {


@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "storm/solver/Multiplier.h"
#include "storm/solver/StandardMinMaxLinearEquationSolver.h"
#include "storm/solver/helper/SoundValueIterationHelper.h"
#include "storm/solver/helper/OptimisticValueIterationHelper.h"
#include "storm/solver/SolverStatus.h"
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ namespace storm {
mutable std::unique_ptr<std::vector<ValueType>> auxiliaryRowGroupVector; // A.rowGroupCount() entries
mutable std::unique_ptr<std::vector<ValueType>> auxiliaryRowGroupVector2; // A.rowGroupCount() entries
mutable std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::helper::SoundValueIterationHelper<ValueType>> soundValueIterationHelper;
mutable std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::helper::OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>> optimisticValueIterationHelper;


@ -643,62 +643,26 @@ namespace storm {
return true;
if (!this->multiplier) {
this->multiplier = storm::solver::MultiplierFactory<ValueType>().create(env, *this->A);
if (!this->cachedRowVector) {
this->cachedRowVector = std::make_unique<std::vector<ValueType>>(this->A->getRowCount());
if (!this->cachedRowVector2) {
this->cachedRowVector2 = std::make_unique<std::vector<ValueType>>(this->A->getRowCount());
if (!optimisticValueIterationHelper) {
optimisticValueIterationHelper = std::make_unique<storm::solver::helper::OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>>(*this->A);
// By default, we can not provide any guarantee
SolverGuarantee guarantee = SolverGuarantee::None;
// Get handle to multiplier.
storm::solver::Multiplier<ValueType> const &multiplier = *this->multiplier;
// Allow aliased multiplications.
storm::solver::MultiplicationStyle multiplicationStyle = env.solver().native().getPowerMethodMultiplicationStyle();
bool useGaussSeidelMultiplication = multiplicationStyle == storm::solver::MultiplicationStyle::GaussSeidel;
boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> relevantValues;
if (this->hasRelevantValues()) {
relevantValues = this->getRelevantValues();
// x has to start with a lower bound.
std::vector<ValueType>* lowerX = &x;
std::vector<ValueType>* upperX = this->cachedRowVector.get();
std::vector<ValueType>* auxVector = this->cachedRowVector2.get();
storm::solver::helper::OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType> helper(*this->A);
auto statusIters = helper.solveEquationsOptimisticValueIteration(env, lowerX, upperX, auxVector, b,
[&] (std::vector<ValueType>*& y, std::vector<ValueType>*& yPrime, ValueType const& precision, bool const& relative, uint64_t const& i, uint64_t const& maxI) {
auto result = performPowerIteration(env, y, yPrime, b, precision, relative, guarantee, i, maxI, multiplicationStyle);
return std::make_pair(result.iterations, result.status);
[&] (std::vector<ValueType>* y, std::vector<ValueType>* yPrime, uint64_t const& i) {
if (useGaussSeidelMultiplication) {
// Copy over the current vectors so we can modify them in-place.
// This is necessary as we want to compare the new values with the current ones.
*yPrime = *y;
multiplier.multiplyGaussSeidel(env, *y, &b);
} else {
multiplier.multiply(env, *y, &b, *yPrime);
std::swap(y, yPrime);
boost::none, // No optimization dir
auto statusIters = helper.solveEquations(env, lowerX, upperX, b,
boost::none, // No optimization dir
auto two = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0);
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise<ValueType, ValueType, ValueType>(*lowerX, *upperX, x, [&two] (ValueType const& a, ValueType const& b) -> ValueType { return (a + b) / two; });
this->logIterations(statusIters.first == SolverStatus::Converged, statusIters.first == SolverStatus::TerminatedEarly, statusIters.second);
@ -1066,6 +1030,7 @@ namespace storm {


@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "storm/solver/NativeMultiplier.h"
#include "storm/solver/SolverStatus.h"
#include "storm/solver/helper/SoundValueIterationHelper.h"
#include "storm/solver/helper/OptimisticValueIterationHelper.h"
#include "storm/utility/NumberTraits.h"
@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ namespace storm {
// cached auxiliary data
mutable std::unique_ptr<std::vector<ValueType>> cachedRowVector2; // A.getRowCount() rows
mutable std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::helper::SoundValueIterationHelper<ValueType>> soundValueIterationHelper;
mutable std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::helper::OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>> optimisticValueIterationHelper;
struct JacobiDecomposition {
JacobiDecomposition(Environment const& env, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& A);


@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType computeMaxRelDiff(std::vector<ValueType> const& allOldValues, std::vector<ValueType> const& allNewValues, storm::storage::BitVector const& relevantValues) {
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
for (auto const& i : relevantValues) {
for (auto i : relevantValues) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i]) || storm::utility::isZero(allOldValues[i]), "Unexpected entry in iteration vector.");
if (!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i])) {
result = storm::utility::max<ValueType>(result, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>(allNewValues[i] - allOldValues[i]) / allNewValues[i]);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace storm {
ValueType computeMaxRelDiff(std::vector<ValueType> const& allOldValues, std::vector<ValueType> const& allNewValues) {
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < allOldValues.size(); ++i) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i]) || storm::utility::isZero(allOldValues[i]), "Unexpected entry in iteration vector.");
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i]) || storm::utility::isZero(allOldValues[i]), "Unexpected entry in iteration vector.");
if (!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i])) {
result = storm::utility::max<ValueType>(result, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>(allNewValues[i] - allOldValues[i]) / allNewValues[i]);
@ -57,14 +57,9 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType updateIterationPrecision(storm::Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType> const& currentX, std::vector<ValueType> const& newX, bool const& relative, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> const& relevantValues) {
ValueType updateIterationPrecision(storm::Environment const& env, ValueType const& diff) {
auto factor = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().ovi().getPrecisionUpdateFactor());
bool useRelevant = relevantValues.is_initialized() && env.solver().ovi().useRelevantValuesForPrecisionUpdate();
if (relative) {
return (useRelevant ? computeMaxRelDiff(newX, currentX, relevantValues.get()) : computeMaxRelDiff(newX, currentX)) * factor;
} else {
return (useRelevant ? computeMaxAbsDiff(newX, currentX, relevantValues.get()) : computeMaxAbsDiff(newX, currentX)) * factor;
return factor * diff;
template<typename ValueType>
@ -78,7 +73,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::UpperBoundIterator(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix) {
IterationHelper<ValueType>::IterationHelper(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) > matrix.getRowCount() + 1, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Matrix dimensions too large.");
STORM_LOG_THROW(static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) > matrix.getEntryCount(), storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Matrix dimensions too large.");
@ -97,23 +92,120 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType IterationHelper<ValueType>::singleIterationWithDiff(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool computeRelativeDiff) {
return singleIterationWithDiffInternal<false, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, computeRelativeDiff);
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType IterationHelper<ValueType>::singleIterationWithDiff(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool computeRelativeDiff) {
if (minimize(dir)) {
return singleIterationWithDiffInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, computeRelativeDiff);
} else {
return singleIterationWithDiffInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(x, b, computeRelativeDiff);
template <typename ValueType>
typename UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::iterate(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) {
return iterateInternal<false, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew);
template<bool HasRowGroups, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
ValueType IterationHelper<ValueType>::singleIterationWithDiffInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool computeRelativeDiff) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(x.size() > 0, "Empty equation system not expected.");
ValueType diff = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
IndexType i = x.size();
while (i > 0) {
ValueType newXi = HasRowGroups ? multiplyRowGroup<Dir>(i, b, x) : multiplyRow(i, b[i], x);
ValueType& oldXi = x[i];
if (computeRelativeDiff) {
if (storm::utility::isZero(newXi)) {
if (storm::utility::isZero(oldXi)) {
// this operation has no effect:
// diff = std::max(diff, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
} else {
diff = std::max(diff, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
} else {
diff = std::max(diff, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>((newXi - oldXi) / newXi));
} else {
diff = std::max(diff, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>(newXi - oldXi));
oldXi = std::move(newXi);
return diff;
template <typename ValueType>
uint64_t IterationHelper<ValueType>::repeatedIterate(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueType precision, bool relative) {
if (minimize(dir)) {
return repeatedIterateInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, precision, relative);
} else {
return repeatedIterateInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(x, b, precision, relative);
template <typename ValueType>
uint64_t IterationHelper<ValueType>::repeatedIterate(std::vector<ValueType>& x, const std::vector<ValueType>& b, ValueType precision, bool relative) {
return repeatedIterateInternal<false, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, precision, relative);
template <typename ValueType>
template<bool HasRowGroups, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
uint64_t IterationHelper<ValueType>::repeatedIterateInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueType precision, bool relative) {
// Do a backwards gauss-seidel style iteration
bool convergence = true;
IndexType i = x.size();
while (i > 0) {
ValueType newXi = HasRowGroups ? multiplyRowGroup<Dir>(i, b, x) : multiplyRow(i, b[i], x);
ValueType& oldXi = x[i];
// Check if we converged
if (relative) {
if (storm::utility::isZero(oldXi)) {
if (!storm::utility::isZero(newXi)) {
convergence = false;
} else if (storm::utility::abs<ValueType>((newXi - oldXi) / oldXi) > precision) {
convergence = false;
} else {
if (storm::utility::abs<ValueType>((newXi - oldXi)) > precision) {
convergence = false;
if (!convergence) {
// we now know that we did not converge. We still need to set the remaining values
while (i > 0) {
x[i] = HasRowGroups ? multiplyRowGroup<Dir>(i, b, x) : multiplyRow(i, b[i], x);
return convergence;
template <typename ValueType>
typename UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::iterate(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) {
typename IterationHelper<ValueType>::IterateResult IterationHelper<ValueType>::iterateUpper(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) {
if (minimize(dir)) {
return iterateInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew);
return iterateUpperInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew);
} else {
return iterateInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew);
return iterateUpperInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew);
template <typename ValueType>
typename IterationHelper<ValueType>::IterateResult IterationHelper<ValueType>::iterateUpper(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) {
return iterateUpperInternal<false, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew);
template <typename ValueType>
template<bool HasRowGroups, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
typename UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::iterateInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) {
typename IterationHelper<ValueType>::IterateResult IterationHelper<ValueType>::iterateUpperInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) {
// For each row compare the new upper bound candidate with the old one
bool newUpperBoundAlwaysHigherEqual = true;
bool newUpperBoundAlwaysLowerEqual = true;
@ -150,7 +242,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::multiplyRow(IndexType const& rowIndex, ValueType const& bi, std::vector<ValueType> const& x) {
ValueType IterationHelper<ValueType>::multiplyRow(IndexType const& rowIndex, ValueType const& bi, std::vector<ValueType> const& x) {
assert(rowIndex < rowIndications.size());
ValueType xRes = bi;
@ -165,7 +257,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
template<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
ValueType UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::multiplyRowGroup(IndexType const& rowGroupIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, std::vector<ValueType> const& x) {
ValueType IterationHelper<ValueType>::multiplyRowGroup(IndexType const& rowGroupIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, std::vector<ValueType> const& x) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(rowGroupIndices != nullptr, "No row group indices available.");
auto row = (*rowGroupIndices)[rowGroupIndex];
auto const& groupEnd = (*rowGroupIndices)[rowGroupIndex + 1];
@ -180,24 +272,21 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>::OptimisticValueIterationHelper(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix) : upperBoundIterator(matrix) {
OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>::OptimisticValueIterationHelper(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix) : iterationHelper(matrix) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename ValueType>
std::pair<SolverStatus, uint64_t> OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>::solveEquationsOptimisticValueIteration(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>* lowerX, std::vector<ValueType>* upperX, std::vector<ValueType>* auxVector, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueIterationCallBackType const& valueIterationCallback, SingleIterationCallBackType const& singleIterationCallback, bool relative, ValueType precision, uint64_t maxOverallIterations, boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> dir, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> relevantValues) {
std::pair<SolverStatus, uint64_t> OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>::solveEquations(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>* lowerX, std::vector<ValueType>* upperX, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool relative, ValueType precision, uint64_t maxOverallIterations, boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> dir, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> const& relevantValues) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(lowerX->size() == upperX->size(), "Dimension missmatch.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(lowerX->size() == auxVector->size(), "Dimension missmatch.");
// As we will shuffle pointers around, let's store the original positions here.
std::vector<ValueType>* initLowerX = lowerX;
std::vector<ValueType>* initUpperX = upperX;
std::vector<ValueType>* initAux = auxVector;
uint64_t overallIterations = 0;
uint64_t lastValueIterationIterations = 0;
uint64_t currentVerificationIterations = 0;
uint64_t valueIterationInvocations = 0;
// Get some parameters for the algorithm
// 2
@ -215,135 +304,101 @@ namespace storm {
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::InProgress;
while (status == SolverStatus::InProgress && overallIterations < maxOverallIterations) {
// Perform value iteration until convergence
auto result = valueIterationCallback(lowerX, auxVector, iterationPrecision, relative, overallIterations, maxOverallIterations);
lastValueIterationIterations = result.first;
overallIterations += result.first;
lastValueIterationIterations = dir ? iterationHelper.repeatedIterate(dir.get(), *lowerX, b, precision, relative) : iterationHelper.repeatedIterate(*lowerX, b, precision, relative);
overallIterations += lastValueIterationIterations;
if (result.second != SolverStatus::Converged) {
status = result.second;
} else {
bool intervalIterationNeeded = false;
currentVerificationIterations = 0;
bool intervalIterationNeeded = false;
currentVerificationIterations = 0;
if (relative) {
oviinternal::guessUpperBoundRelative(*lowerX, *upperX, relativeBoundGuessingScaler);
} else {
oviinternal::guessUpperBoundAbsolute(*lowerX, *upperX, precision);
if (relative) {
oviinternal::guessUpperBoundRelative(*lowerX, *upperX, relativeBoundGuessingScaler);
} else {
oviinternal::guessUpperBoundAbsolute(*lowerX, *upperX, precision);
bool cancelGuess = false;
while (status == SolverStatus::InProgress && overallIterations < maxOverallIterations) {
// Perform value iteration stepwise for lower bound and guessed upper bound
bool cancelGuess = false;
while (status == SolverStatus::InProgress && overallIterations < maxOverallIterations) {
// Perform value iteration stepwise for lower bound and guessed upper bound
// Upper bound iteration
auto upperBoundIterResult = dir ? upperBoundIterator.iterate(dir.get(), *upperX, b, !noTerminationGuarantee) : upperBoundIterator.iterate(*upperX, b, !noTerminationGuarantee);
// Upper bound iteration
auto upperBoundIterResult = dir ? iterationHelper.iterateUpper(dir.get(), *upperX, b, !noTerminationGuarantee) : iterationHelper.iterateUpper(*upperX, b, !noTerminationGuarantee);
if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult::AlwaysHigherOrEqual) {
// All values moved up (and did not stay the same)
// That means the guess for an upper bound is actually a lower bound
iterationPrecision = oviinternal::updateIterationPrecision(env, *auxVector, *upperX, relative, relevantValues);
// We assume to have a single fixed point. We can thus safely set the new lower bound, to the wrongly guessed upper bound
// Set lowerX to the upper bound candidate
std::swap(lowerX, upperX);
} else if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult::AlwaysLowerOrEqual) {
// All values moved down (and stayed not the same)
// This is a valid upper bound. We still need to check the precision.
// We can safely use twice the requested precision, as we calculate the center of both vectors
bool reachedPrecision;
if (relevantValues) {
reachedPrecision = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*lowerX, *upperX, relevantValues.get(), doublePrecision, relative);
} else {
reachedPrecision = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*lowerX, *upperX, doublePrecision, relative);
if (reachedPrecision) {
status = SolverStatus::Converged;
} else {
// From now on, we keep updating both bounds
intervalIterationNeeded = true;
// The following case below covers that both vectors (old and new) are equal.
// Theoretically, this means that the precise fixpoint has been reached. However, numerical instabilities can be tricky and this detection might be incorrect (see the haddad-monmege model).
// We therefore disable it. It is very unlikely that we guessed the right fixpoint anyway.
//} else if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult::Equal) {
// In this case, the guessed upper bound is the precise fixpoint
// status = SolverStatus::Converged;
// std::swap(lowerX, auxVector);
// break;
if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::IterationHelper<ValueType>::IterateResult::AlwaysHigherOrEqual) {
// All values moved up (and did not stay the same)
// That means the guess for an upper bound is actually a lower bound
auto diff = dir ? iterationHelper.singleIterationWithDiff(dir.get(), *upperX, b, relative) : iterationHelper.singleIterationWithDiff(*upperX, b, relative);
iterationPrecision = oviinternal::updateIterationPrecision(env, diff);
// We assume to have a single fixed point. We can thus safely set the new lower bound, to the wrongly guessed upper bound
// Set lowerX to the upper bound candidate
std::swap(lowerX, upperX);
} else if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::IterationHelper<ValueType>::IterateResult::AlwaysLowerOrEqual) {
// All values moved down (and stayed not the same)
// This is a valid upper bound. We still need to check the precision.
// We can safely use twice the requested precision, as we calculate the center of both vectors
bool reachedPrecision;
if (relevantValues) {
reachedPrecision = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*lowerX, *upperX, relevantValues.get(), doublePrecision, relative);
} else {
reachedPrecision = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*lowerX, *upperX, doublePrecision, relative);
// Check whether we tried this guess for too long
ValueType scaledIterationCount = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(currentVerificationIterations) * storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().ovi().getMaxVerificationIterationFactor());
if (!intervalIterationNeeded && scaledIterationCount >= storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(lastValueIterationIterations)) {
cancelGuess = true;
// In this case we will make one more iteration on the lower bound (mainly to obtain a new iterationPrecision)
if (reachedPrecision) {
status = SolverStatus::Converged;
} else {
// From now on, we keep updating both bounds
intervalIterationNeeded = true;
// The following case below covers that both vectors (old and new) are equal.
// Theoretically, this means that the precise fixpoint has been reached. However, numerical instabilities can be tricky and this detection might be incorrect (see the haddad-monmege model).
// We therefore disable it. It is very unlikely that we guessed the right fixpoint anyway.
//} else if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::IterationHelper<ValueType>::IterateResult::Equal) {
// In this case, the guessed upper bound is the precise fixpoint
// status = SolverStatus::Converged;
// break;
// Lower bound iteration (only if needed)
if (cancelGuess || intervalIterationNeeded || currentVerificationIterations > upperBoundOnlyIterations) {
singleIterationCallback(lowerX, auxVector, overallIterations);
// At this point, auxVector contains the old values for the lower bound whereas lowerX contains the new ones.
// Check whether we tried this guess for too long
ValueType scaledIterationCount = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(currentVerificationIterations) * storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().ovi().getMaxVerificationIterationFactor());
if (!intervalIterationNeeded && scaledIterationCount >= storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(lastValueIterationIterations)) {
cancelGuess = true;
// In this case we will make one more iteration on the lower bound (mainly to obtain a new iterationPrecision)
// Check whether the upper and lower bounds have crossed, i.e., the upper bound is smaller than the lower bound.
bool valuesCrossed = false;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < lowerX->size(); ++i) {
if ((*upperX)[i] < (*lowerX)[i]) {
valuesCrossed = true;
// Lower bound iteration (only if needed)
if (cancelGuess || intervalIterationNeeded || currentVerificationIterations > upperBoundOnlyIterations) {
auto diff = dir ? iterationHelper.singleIterationWithDiff(dir.get(), *lowerX, b, relative) : iterationHelper.singleIterationWithDiff(*lowerX, b, relative);
if (cancelGuess || valuesCrossed) {
// A new guess is needed.
iterationPrecision = oviinternal::updateIterationPrecision(env, *auxVector, *lowerX, relative, relevantValues);
// Check whether the upper and lower bounds have crossed, i.e., the upper bound is smaller than the lower bound.
bool valuesCrossed = false;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < lowerX->size(); ++i) {
if ((*upperX)[i] < (*lowerX)[i]) {
valuesCrossed = true;
if (cancelGuess || valuesCrossed) {
// A new guess is needed.
iterationPrecision = oviinternal::updateIterationPrecision(env, diff);
if (storm::utility::resources::isTerminate()) {
status = SolverStatus::Aborted;
if (storm::utility::resources::isTerminate()) {
status = SolverStatus::Aborted;
} // end while
// Swap the results into the output vectors.
if (initLowerX == lowerX) {
// lowerX is already at the correct position. We still have to care for upperX
if (initUpperX != upperX) {
// UpperX is not at the correct position. It has to be at the auxVector
assert(initAux == upperX);
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initAux);
} else if (initUpperX == upperX) {
// UpperX is already at the correct position.
// We already know that lowerX is at the wrong position. It has to be at the auxVector
assert(initAux == lowerX);
std::swap(*initLowerX, *initAux);
} else if (initAux == auxVector) {
// We know that upperX and lowerX are swapped.
assert(initLowerX == upperX);
// Swap the results into the output vectors (if necessary).
assert(initLowerX != lowerX || (initLowerX == lowerX && initUpperX == upperX));
if (initLowerX != lowerX) {
assert(initUpperX == lowerX);
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initLowerX);
} else {
// Now we know that all vectors are at the wrong position. There are only two possibilities left
if (initLowerX == upperX) {
assert(initUpperX == auxVector);
assert(initAux == lowerX);
std::swap(*initLowerX, *initAux);
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initAux);
} else {
assert(initLowerX == auxVector);
assert(initUpperX == lowerX);
assert (initAux == upperX);
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initAux);
std::swap(*initLowerX, *initAux);
assert(initLowerX == upperX);
if (overallIterations > maxOverallIterations) {


@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ namespace storm {
namespace oviinternal {
template <typename ValueType>
class UpperBoundIterator {
class IterationHelper {
typedef uint32_t IndexType;
UpperBoundIterator(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix);
IterationHelper(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix);
enum class IterateResult {
@ -29,13 +29,26 @@ namespace storm {
IterateResult iterate(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew);
IterateResult iterate(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew);
/// performs a single iteration and returns the maximal difference between the iterations as well as the index where this difference happened
ValueType singleIterationWithDiff(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool computeRelativeDiff);
ValueType singleIterationWithDiff(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool computeRelativeDiff);
/// returns the number of performed iterations
uint64_t repeatedIterate(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueType precision, bool relative);
uint64_t repeatedIterate(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueType precision, bool relative);
/// Performs a single iteration for the upper bound
IterateResult iterateUpper(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew);
IterateResult iterateUpper(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew);
template<bool HasRowGroups, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
IterateResult iterateInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew);
ValueType singleIterationWithDiffInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool computeRelativeDiff);
template<bool HasRowGroups, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
uint64_t repeatedIterateInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueType precision, bool relative);
template<bool HasRowGroups, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
IterateResult iterateUpperInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew);
ValueType multiplyRow(IndexType const& rowIndex, ValueType const& bi, std::vector<ValueType> const& x);
template<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir>
ValueType multiplyRowGroup(IndexType const& rowGroupIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, std::vector<ValueType> const& x);
@ -56,49 +69,20 @@ namespace storm {
OptimisticValueIterationHelper(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix);
* Return type of value iteration callback.
* The first component shall be the number of performed iterations, the second component is the final convergence status.
typedef std::pair<uint64_t, storm::solver::SolverStatus> ValueIterationReturnType;
* Value iteration callback. Performs conventional value iteration for the given input.
* @pre y points to a vector that contains starting values
* @post y points to a vector that contains resulting values
* @param yPrime points to auxiliary storage
* @param precision is the target precision
* @param relative sets whether relative precision is considered
* @param maxI the maximal number of iterations to perform
typedef std::function<ValueIterationReturnType(std::vector<ValueType>*& y, std::vector<ValueType>*& yPrime, ValueType const& precision, bool const& relative, uint64_t const& i, uint64_t const& maxI)> ValueIterationCallBackType;
* Should perform a single value iteration step (using conventional value iteration).
* @pre y points to a vector that contains starting values
* @post y points to a vector that contains resulting values
* @param yPrime points to auxiliary storage
* @param currI the current iteration (can be used to display progress within the callback)
typedef std::function<void(std::vector<ValueType>* y, std::vector<ValueType>* yPrime, uint64_t const& currI)> SingleIterationCallBackType;
* @param env
* @param lowerX Needs to be some arbitrary lower bound on the actual values initially
* @param upperX Does not need to be an upper bound initially
* @param auxVector auxiliary storage (same size as lowerX and upperX)
* @param b the values added to each matrix row (the b in A*x+b)
* @param valueIterationCallback Function that should perform standard value iteration on the input vector
* @param singleIterationCallback Function that should perform a single value iteration step on the input vector e.g. ( x' = min/max(A*x + b))
* @param dir The optimization direction
* @param relevantValues If given, we only check the precision at the states with the given indices.
* @return The status upon termination as well as the number of iterations Also, the maximum (relative/absolute) difference between lowerX and upperX will be 2*epsilon
* with the provided precision parameters.
std::pair<SolverStatus, uint64_t> solveEquationsOptimisticValueIteration(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>* lowerX, std::vector<ValueType>* upperX, std::vector<ValueType>* auxVector, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueIterationCallBackType const& valueIterationCallback, SingleIterationCallBackType const& singleIterationCallback, bool relative, ValueType precision, uint64_t maxOverallIterations, boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> dir, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> relevantValues = boost::none);
std::pair<SolverStatus, uint64_t> solveEquations(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>* lowerX, std::vector<ValueType>* upperX, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool relative, ValueType precision, uint64_t maxOverallIterations, boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> dir, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> const& relevantValues);
oviinternal::UpperBoundIterator<ValueType> upperBoundIterator;
oviinternal::IterationHelper<ValueType> iterationHelper;
