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started to refactor learning engine a bit

Former-commit-id: e908301152
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 396
  2. 16


@ -402,6 +402,182 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
bool SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::exploreState(storm::generator::PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>& generator, std::function<StateType (storm::generator::CompressedState const&)> const& stateToIdCallback, StateType const& currentStateId, storm::generator::CompressedState const& compressedState, StateType const& unexploredMarker, boost::container::flat_set<StateType>& terminalStates, std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>>& matrix, std::vector<StateType>& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<StateType>& stateToRowGroupMapping, storm::expressions::Expression const& targetStateExpression, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerState, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerState, Statistics& stats) {
bool isTerminalState = false;
bool isTargetState = false;
// Map the unexplored state to a row group.
stateToRowGroupMapping[currentStateId] = rowGroupIndices.size() - 1;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Assigning row group " << stateToRowGroupMapping[currentStateId] << " to state " << currentStateId << ".");
// Before generating the behavior of the state, we need to determine whether it's a target state that
// does not need to be expanded.
if (generator.satisfies(targetStateExpression)) {
isTargetState = true;
isTerminalState = true;
} else {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Exploring state.");
// If it needs to be expanded, we use the generator to retrieve the behavior of the new state.
storm::generator::StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> behavior = generator.expand(stateToIdCallback);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State has " << behavior.getNumberOfChoices() << " choices.");
// Clumsily check whether we have found a state that forms a trivial BMEC.
if (behavior.getNumberOfChoices() == 0) {
isTerminalState = true;
} else if (behavior.getNumberOfChoices() == 1) {
auto const& onlyChoice = *behavior.begin();
if (onlyChoice.size() == 1) {
auto const& onlyEntry = *onlyChoice.begin();
if (onlyEntry.first == currentStateId) {
isTerminalState = true;
// If the state was neither a trivial (non-accepting) terminal state nor a target state, we
// need to store its behavior.
if (!isTerminalState) {
// Next, we insert the behavior into our matrix structure.
StateType startRow = matrix.size();
matrix.resize(startRow + behavior.getNumberOfChoices());
// Terminate the row group.
uint32_t currentAction = 0;
for (auto const& choice : behavior) {
for (auto const& entry : choice) {
std::cout << "adding " << currentStateId << " -> " << entry.first << " with prob " << entry.second << std::endl;
matrix[startRow + currentAction].emplace_back(entry.first, entry.second);
std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> values = computeValuesOfChoice(startRow + currentAction, matrix, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, unexploredMarker);
lowerBoundsPerAction.back() = values.first;
upperBoundsPerAction.back() = values.second;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Initializing bounds of action " << (startRow + currentAction) << " to " << lowerBoundsPerAction.back() << " and " << upperBoundsPerAction.back() << ".");
std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> values = computeValuesOfState(currentStateId, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerAction, upperBoundsPerAction, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, unexploredMarker);
lowerBoundsPerState.back() = values.first;
upperBoundsPerState.back() = values.second;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Initializing bounds of state " << currentStateId << " to " << lowerBoundsPerState.back() << " and " << upperBoundsPerState.back() << ".");
if (isTerminalState) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State does not need to be explored, because it is " << (isTargetState ? "a target state" : "a rejecting terminal state") << ".");
if (isTargetState) {
lowerBoundsPerState.back() = storm::utility::one<ValueType>();
} else {
upperBoundsPerState.back() = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
// Increase the size of the matrix, but leave the row empty.
matrix.resize(matrix.size() + 1);
// Terminate the row group.
return isTerminalState;
template<typename ValueType>
bool SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::samplePathFromState(storm::generator::PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>& generator, std::function<StateType (storm::generator::CompressedState const&)> const& stateToIdCallback, StateType initialStateIndex, std::vector<std::pair<StateType, uint32_t>>& stateActionStack, std::unordered_map<StateType, storm::generator::CompressedState>& unexploredStates, StateType const& unexploredMarker, boost::container::flat_set<StateType>& terminalStates, std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>>& matrix, std::vector<StateType>& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<StateType>& stateToRowGroupMapping, std::unordered_map<StateType, ChoiceSetPointer>& stateToLeavingChoicesOfEndComponent, storm::expressions::Expression const& targetStateExpression, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerState, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerState, Statistics& stats) {
// Start the search from the initial state.
stateActionStack.push_back(std::make_pair(initialStateIndex, 0));
bool foundTerminalState = false;
while (!foundTerminalState) {
StateType const& currentStateId = stateActionStack.back().first;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State on top of stack is: " << currentStateId << ".");
// If the state is not yet explored, we need to retrieve its behaviors.
auto unexploredIt = unexploredStates.find(currentStateId);
if (unexploredIt != unexploredStates.end()) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State was not yet explored.");
// Explore the previously unexplored state.
foundTerminalState = exploreState(generator, stateToIdCallback, currentStateId, unexploredIt->second);
} else {
// If the state was already explored, we check whether it is a terminal state or not.
if (terminalStates.find(currentStateId) != terminalStates.end()) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Found already explored terminal state: " << currentStateId << ".");
foundTerminalState = true;
// If the state was not a terminal state, we continue the path search and sample the next state.
if (!foundTerminalState) {
std::cout << "(2) stack is:" << std::endl;
for (auto const& el : stateActionStack) {
std::cout << el.first << "-[" << el.second << "]-> ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (StateType state = 0; state < stateToRowGroupMapping.size(); ++state) {
if (stateToRowGroupMapping[state] != unexploredMarker) {
std::cout << "state " << state << " (grp " << stateToRowGroupMapping[state] << ") has bounds [" << lowerBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << ", " << upperBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << "], actions: ";
for (auto choice = rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]]; choice < rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state] + 1]; ++choice) {
std::cout << choice << " = [" << lowerBoundsPerAction[choice] << ", " << upperBoundsPerAction[choice] << "], ";
std::cout << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "state " << state << " is unexplored" << std::endl;
// At this point, we can be sure that the state was expanded and that we can sample according to the
// probabilities in the matrix.
uint32_t chosenAction = sampleFromMaxActions(currentStateId, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, upperBoundsPerState, stateToLeavingChoicesOfEndComponent, unexploredMarker);
stateActionStack.back().second = chosenAction;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampled action " << chosenAction << " in state " << currentStateId << ".");
StateType successor = sampleSuccessorFromAction(chosenAction, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampled successor " << successor << " according to action " << chosenAction << " of state " << currentStateId << ".");
// Put the successor state and a dummy action on top of the stack.
stateActionStack.emplace_back(successor, 0);
stats.maxPathLength = std::max(stats.maxPathLength, stateActionStack.size());
// If the current path length exceeds the threshold and the model is a nondeterministic one, we
// perform an EC detection.
if (stateActionStack.size() > stats.pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection && !program.isDeterministicModel()) {
detectEndComponents(stateActionStack, terminalStates, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerAction, upperBoundsPerAction, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, stateToLeavingChoicesOfEndComponent, unexploredMarker);
// Abort the current search.
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Aborting the search after EC detection.");
return foundTerminalState;
template<typename ValueType>
std::tuple<typename SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::StateType, ValueType, ValueType> SparseMdpLearningModelChecker<ValueType>::performLearningProcedure(storm::expressions::Expression const& targetStateExpression, storm::storage::sparse::StateStorage<StateType>& stateStorage, storm::generator::PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>& generator, std::function<StateType (storm::generator::CompressedState const&)> const& stateToIdCallback, std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>>& matrix, std::vector<StateType>& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<StateType>& stateToRowGroupMapping, std::unordered_map<StateType, storm::generator::CompressedState>& unexploredStates, StateType const& unexploredMarker) {
@ -426,215 +602,57 @@ namespace storm {
// Now perform the actual sampling.
std::vector<std::pair<StateType, uint32_t>> stateActionStack;
std::size_t iterations = 0;
std::size_t maxPathLength = 0;
std::size_t numberOfTargetStates = 0;
std::size_t pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection = 27;
Statistics stats;
bool convergenceCriterionMet = false;
while (!convergenceCriterionMet) {
// Start the search from the initial state.
stateActionStack.push_back(std::make_pair(initialStateIndex, 0));
bool result = samplePathFromState(generator, stateToIdCallback, initialStateIndex, stateActionStack, unexploredStates, unexploredMarker, terminalStates, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, stateToLeavingChoicesOfEndComponent, targetStateExpression, lowerBoundsPerAction, upperBoundsPerAction, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, stats);
bool foundTerminalState = false;
bool foundTargetState = false;
while (!foundTerminalState) {
StateType const& currentStateId = stateActionStack.back().first;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State on top of stack is: " << currentStateId << ".");
// If the state is not yet expanded, we need to retrieve its behaviors.
auto unexploredIt = unexploredStates.find(currentStateId);
if (unexploredIt != unexploredStates.end()) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State was not yet explored.");
// Map the unexplored state to a row group.
stateToRowGroupMapping[currentStateId] = rowGroupIndices.size() - 1;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Assigning row group " << stateToRowGroupMapping[currentStateId] << " to state " << currentStateId << ".");
// We need to get the compressed state back from the id to explore it.
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(unexploredIt != unexploredStates.end(), "Unable to find unexplored state " << currentStateId << ".");
storm::storage::BitVector const& currentState = unexploredIt->second;
// Before generating the behavior of the state, we need to determine whether it's a target state that
// does not need to be expanded.
if (generator.satisfies(targetStateExpression)) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State does not need to be expanded, because it is a target state. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
foundTargetState = true;
foundTerminalState = true;
} else {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Exploring state.");
// If it needs to be expanded, we use the generator to retrieve the behavior of the new state.
storm::generator::StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> behavior = generator.expand(stateToIdCallback);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State has " << behavior.getNumberOfChoices() << " choices.");
// Clumsily check whether we have found a state that forms a trivial BMEC.
if (behavior.getNumberOfChoices() == 0) {
foundTerminalState = true;
} else if (behavior.getNumberOfChoices() == 1) {
auto const& onlyChoice = *behavior.begin();
if (onlyChoice.size() == 1) {
auto const& onlyEntry = *onlyChoice.begin();
if (onlyEntry.first == currentStateId) {
foundTerminalState = true;
// If the state was neither a trivial (non-accepting) terminal state nor a target state, we
// need to store its behavior.
if (!foundTerminalState) {
// Next, we insert the behavior into our matrix structure.
StateType startRow = matrix.size();
matrix.resize(startRow + behavior.getNumberOfChoices());
// Terminate the row group.
uint32_t currentAction = 0;
for (auto const& choice : behavior) {
for (auto const& entry : choice) {
std::cout << "adding " << currentStateId << " -> " << entry.first << " with prob " << entry.second << std::endl;
matrix[startRow + currentAction].emplace_back(entry.first, entry.second);
std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> values = computeValuesOfChoice(startRow + currentAction, matrix, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, unexploredMarker);
lowerBoundsPerAction.back() = values.first;
upperBoundsPerAction.back() = values.second;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Initializing bounds of action " << (startRow + currentAction) << " to " << lowerBoundsPerAction.back() << " and " << upperBoundsPerAction.back() << ".");
std::pair<ValueType, ValueType> values = computeValuesOfState(currentStateId, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerAction, upperBoundsPerAction, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, unexploredMarker);
lowerBoundsPerState.back() = values.first;
upperBoundsPerState.back() = values.second;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Initializing bounds of state " << currentStateId << " to " << lowerBoundsPerState.back() << " and " << upperBoundsPerState.back() << ".");
if (foundTerminalState) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State does not need to be explored, because it is " << (foundTargetState ? "a target state" : "a rejecting terminal state") << ".");
if (foundTargetState) {
lowerBoundsPerState.back() = storm::utility::one<ValueType>();
} else {
upperBoundsPerState.back() = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
// Increase the size of the matrix, but leave the row empty.
matrix.resize(matrix.size() + 1);
// Terminate the row group.
// Now that we have explored the state, we can dispose of it.
} else {
if (terminalStates.find(currentStateId) != terminalStates.end()) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Found already explored terminal state: " << currentStateId << ".");
foundTerminalState = true;
if (foundTerminalState) {
// Update the bounds along the path to the terminal state.
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Found terminal state, updating probabilities along path.");
updateProbabilitiesUsingStack(stateActionStack, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerAction, upperBoundsPerAction, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, unexploredMarker);
} else {
std::cout << "(2) stack is:" << std::endl;
for (auto const& el : stateActionStack) {
std::cout << el.first << "-[" << el.second << "]-> ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (StateType state = 0; state < stateToRowGroupMapping.size(); ++state) {
if (stateToRowGroupMapping[state] != unexploredMarker) {
std::cout << "state " << state << " (grp " << stateToRowGroupMapping[state] << ") has bounds [" << lowerBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << ", " << upperBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << "], actions: ";
for (auto choice = rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]]; choice < rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state] + 1]; ++choice) {
std::cout << choice << " = [" << lowerBoundsPerAction[choice] << ", " << upperBoundsPerAction[choice] << "], ";
std::cout << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "state " << state << " is unexplored" << std::endl;
// At this point, we can be sure that the state was expanded and that we can sample according to the
// probabilities in the matrix.
uint32_t chosenAction = sampleFromMaxActions(currentStateId, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, upperBoundsPerState, stateToLeavingChoicesOfEndComponent, unexploredMarker);
stateActionStack.back().second = chosenAction;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampled action " << chosenAction << " in state " << currentStateId << ".");
StateType successor = sampleSuccessorFromAction(chosenAction, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Sampled successor " << successor << " according to action " << chosenAction << " of state " << currentStateId << ".");
// Put the successor state and a dummy action on top of the stack.
stateActionStack.emplace_back(successor, 0);
maxPathLength = std::max(maxPathLength, stateActionStack.size());
// If the current path length exceeds the threshold and the model is a nondeterministic one, we
// perform an EC detection.
if (stateActionStack.size() > pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection && !program.isDeterministicModel()) {
detectEndComponents(stateActionStack, terminalStates, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerAction, upperBoundsPerAction, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, stateToLeavingChoicesOfEndComponent, unexploredMarker);
// Abort the current search.
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Aborting the search after EC detection.");
// If a terminal state was found, we update the probabilities along the path contained in the stack.
if (result) {
// Update the bounds along the path to the terminal state.
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Found terminal state, updating probabilities along path.");
updateProbabilitiesUsingStack(stateActionStack, matrix, rowGroupIndices, stateToRowGroupMapping, lowerBoundsPerAction, upperBoundsPerAction, lowerBoundsPerState, upperBoundsPerState, unexploredMarker);
} else {
// If not terminal state was found, the search aborted, possibly because of an EC-detection. In this
// case, we cannot update the probabilities.
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Did not find terminal state.");
// Sanity check of results.
for (StateType state = 0; state < stateToRowGroupMapping.size(); ++state) {
if (stateToRowGroupMapping[state] != unexploredMarker) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(lowerBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] <= upperBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]], "The bounds for state " << state << " are not in a sane relation: " << lowerBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << " > " << upperBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << ".");
for (StateType state = 0; state < stateToRowGroupMapping.size(); ++state) {
if (stateToRowGroupMapping[state] != unexploredMarker) {
std::cout << "state " << state << " (grp " << stateToRowGroupMapping[state] << ") has bounds [" << lowerBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << ", " << upperBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << "], actions: ";
for (auto choice = rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]]; choice < rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state] + 1]; ++choice) {
std::cout << choice << " = [" << lowerBoundsPerAction[choice] << ", " << upperBoundsPerAction[choice] << "], ";
std::cout << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "state " << state << " is unexplored" << std::endl;
// TODO: remove debug output when superfluous
// for (StateType state = 0; state < stateToRowGroupMapping.size(); ++state) {
// if (stateToRowGroupMapping[state] != unexploredMarker) {
// std::cout << "state " << state << " (grp " << stateToRowGroupMapping[state] << ") has bounds [" << lowerBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << ", " << upperBoundsPerState[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]] << "], actions: ";
// for (auto choice = rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state]]; choice < rowGroupIndices[stateToRowGroupMapping[state] + 1]; ++choice) {
// std::cout << choice << " = [" << lowerBoundsPerAction[choice] << ", " << upperBoundsPerAction[choice] << "], ";
// }
// std::cout << std::endl;
// } else {
// std::cout << "state " << state << " is unexplored" << std::endl;
// }
// }
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Discovered states: " << stateStorage.numberOfStates << " (" << unexploredStates.size() << " unexplored).");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Value of initial state is in [" << lowerBoundsPerState[initialStateIndex] << ", " << upperBoundsPerState[initialStateIndex] << "].");
ValueType difference = upperBoundsPerState[initialStateIndex] - lowerBoundsPerState[initialStateIndex];
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Difference after iteration " << iterations << " is " << difference << ".");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Difference after iteration " << stats.iterations << " is " << difference << ".");
convergenceCriterionMet = difference < 1e-6;
if (storm::settings::generalSettings().isShowStatisticsSet()) {
std::cout << std::endl << "Learning summary -------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Discovered states: " << stateStorage.numberOfStates << " (" << unexploredStates.size() << " unexplored, " << numberOfTargetStates << " target states)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sampling iterations: " << iterations << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maximal path length: " << maxPathLength << std::endl;
std::cout << "Discovered states: " << stateStorage.numberOfStates << " (" << unexploredStates.size() << " unexplored, " << stats.numberOfTargetStates << " target states)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sampling iterations: " << stats.iterations << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maximal path length: " << stats.maxPathLength << std::endl;
return std::make_tuple(initialStateIndex, lowerBoundsPerState[initialStateIndex], upperBoundsPerState[initialStateIndex]);


@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace storm {
namespace modelchecker {
template<typename ValueType>
class SparseMdpLearningModelChecker : public AbstractModelChecker {
@ -42,6 +42,20 @@ namespace storm {
virtual std::unique_ptr<CheckResult> computeReachabilityProbabilities(CheckTask<storm::logic::EventuallyFormula> const& checkTask) override;
struct Statistics {
Statistics() : iterations(0), maxPathLength(0), numberOfTargetStates(0), pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection(27) {
// Intentionally left empty.
std::size_t iterations;
std::size_t maxPathLength;
std::size_t numberOfTargetStates;
std::size_t pathLengthUntilEndComponentDetection;
bool exploreState(storm::generator::PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>& generator, std::function<StateType (storm::generator::CompressedState const&)> const& stateToIdCallback, StateType const& currentStateId, storm::generator::CompressedState const& compressedState, StateType const& unexploredMarker, boost::container::flat_set<StateType>& terminalStates, std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>>& matrix, std::vector<StateType>& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<StateType>& stateToRowGroupMapping, storm::expressions::Expression const& targetStateExpression, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerState, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerState, Statistics& stats);
bool samplePathFromState(storm::generator::PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>& generator, std::function<StateType (storm::generator::CompressedState const&)> const& stateToIdCallback, StateType initialStateIndex, std::vector<std::pair<StateType, uint32_t>>& stateActionStack, std::unordered_map<StateType, storm::generator::CompressedState>& unexploredStates, StateType const& unexploredMarker, boost::container::flat_set<StateType>& terminalStates, std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>>& matrix, std::vector<StateType>& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<StateType>& stateToRowGroupMapping, std::unordered_map<StateType, ChoiceSetPointer>& stateToLeavingChoicesOfEndComponent, storm::expressions::Expression const& targetStateExpression, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerAction, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerState, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerState, Statistics& stats);
std::tuple<StateType, ValueType, ValueType> performLearningProcedure(storm::expressions::Expression const& targetStateExpression, storm::storage::sparse::StateStorage<StateType>& stateStorage, storm::generator::PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>& generator, std::function<StateType (storm::generator::CompressedState const&)> const& stateToIdCallback, std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>>& matrix, std::vector<StateType>& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<StateType>& stateToRowGroupMapping, std::unordered_map<StateType, storm::generator::CompressedState>& unexploredStates, StateType const& unexploredMarker);
void updateProbabilities(StateType const& sourceStateId, uint32_t action, std::vector<std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<StateType, ValueType>>> const& transitionMatrix, std::vector<StateType> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<StateType> const& stateToRowGroupMapping, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBounds, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBounds, std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBoundsPerState, std::vector<ValueType>& upperBoundsPerState, StateType const& unexploredMarker) const;
