@ -115,9 +115,42 @@ namespace storm {
// build the model x memory product
auto memoryStructure = computeMemoryStructure ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseModelMemoryProduct < ValueType > productBuilder ( memoryStructure . product ( model ) ) ;
// todo: we only need to build the reachable states + the full model for each memory state encoding that all subObjectives of an objective are irrelevant
productBuilder . setBuildFullProduct ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector memoryState ( subObjectives . size ( ) , false ) ;
uint64_t memoryStateAsInt = memoryStructure . getNumberOfStates ( ) ;
do {
- - memoryStateAsInt ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector stepChoices ( model . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , false ) ;
for ( uint64_t objIndex = 0 ; objIndex < objectives . size ( ) ; + + objIndex ) {
auto const & subObjectives = objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ;
if ( subObjectives . isDisjointFrom ( memoryState ) ) {
for ( auto const & subObj : subObjectives ) {
stepChoices | = storm : : utility : : vector : : filterGreaterZero ( epochSteps [ subObj ] ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector stepChoiceSuccessors ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , false ) ;
for ( auto const & choice : stepChoices ) {
for ( auto const & successor : model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRow ( choice ) ) {
stepChoiceSuccessors . set ( successor . getColumn ( ) , true ) ;
for ( auto const & modelState : stepChoiceSuccessors ) {
productBuilder . addReachableState ( modelState , memoryStateAsInt ) ;
memoryState . increment ( ) ;
} while ( ! memoryState . empty ( ) ) ;
assert ( memoryStateAsInt = = 0 ) ;
memoryProduct = MemoryProduct ( productBuilder , epochSteps , memoryLabels ) ;
@ -280,6 +313,7 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : storage : : BitVector allProductStates ( memoryProduct . getProduct ( ) . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ;
// We assume that there is no end component in which reward is earned
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( ! storm : : utility : : graph : : checkIfECWithChoiceExists ( epochModel . epochMatrix , epochModel . epochMatrix . transpose ( true ) , allProductStates , ~ zeroObjRewardChoices & ~ stepChoices ) , " There is a scheduler that yields infinite reward for one objective. This case should be excluded " ) ;
// TODO: unselect unreachable states
ecElimResult = storm : : transformer : : EndComponentEliminator < ValueType > : : transform ( epochModel . epochMatrix , allProductStates , zeroObjRewardChoices & ~ stepChoices , allProductStates ) ;
epochModel . epochMatrix = std : : move ( ecElimResult . matrix ) ;
@ -456,9 +490,11 @@ namespace storm {
for ( uint64_t modelState = 0 ; modelState < numModelStates ; + + modelState ) {
for ( uint64_t memoryState = 0 ; memoryState < numMemoryStates ; + + memoryState ) {
uint64_t productState = productBuilder . getResultState ( modelState , memoryState ) ;
modelMemoryToProductStateMap [ modelState * numMemoryStates + memoryState ] = productState ;
productToModelStateMap [ productState ] = modelState ;
productToMemoryStateMap [ productState ] = memoryState ;
if ( productState < numProductStates ) {
modelMemoryToProductStateMap [ modelState * numMemoryStates + memoryState ] = productState ;
productToModelStateMap [ productState ] = modelState ;
productToMemoryStateMap [ productState ] = memoryState ;
@ -497,10 +533,12 @@ namespace storm {
if ( ! isZeroStep ) {
for ( uint64_t memState = 0 ; memState < numMemoryStates ; + + memState ) {
uint64_t productState = getProductState ( modelState , memState ) ;
uint64_t productChoice = getProduct ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState ] + choiceOffset ;
assert ( productChoice < getProduct ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState + 1 ] ) ;
steps [ productChoice ] = step ;
if ( productStateExists ( modelState , memState ) ) {
uint64_t productState = getProductState ( modelState , memState ) ;
uint64_t productChoice = getProduct ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState ] + choiceOffset ;
assert ( productChoice < getProduct ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState + 1 ] ) ;
steps [ productChoice ] = step ;
@ -517,10 +555,15 @@ namespace storm {
return steps ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : MemoryProduct : : productStateExists ( uint64_t const & modelState , uint64_t const & memoryState ) const {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( ! memoryStateMap . empty ( ) , " Tried to retrieve whether a product state exists but the memoryStateMap is not yet initialized. " ) ;
return modelMemoryToProductStateMap [ modelState * memoryStateMap . size ( ) + memoryState ] < getProduct ( ) . getNumberOfStates ( ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
uint64_t MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : MemoryProduct : : getProductState ( uint64_t const & modelState , uint64_t const & memoryState ) const {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( ! memoryStateMap . empty ( ) , " Tried to retrieve a product state but the memoryStateMap is not yet initialized. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( modelMemoryToProductStateMap [ modelState * memoryStateMap . size ( ) + memoryState ] < getProduct ( ) . getNumberOfStates ( ) , " Tried to obtain a state in the model-memory-product that does not exist " ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( productStateExists ( modelState , memoryState ) , " Tried to obtain a state in the model-memory-product that does not exist " ) ;
return modelMemoryToProductStateMap [ modelState * memoryStateMap . size ( ) + memoryState ] ;