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(MDP-LTL) SparseMdpPrctlHelper: computeSurelyAcceptingPmaxStates

Joachim Klein 5 years ago
committed by Stefan Pranger
  1. 106
  2. 13


@ -745,6 +745,112 @@ namespace storm {
return result;
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::BitVector SparseMdpPrctlHelper<ValueType>::computeSurelyAcceptingPmaxStates(automata::AcceptanceCondition const& acceptance, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& transitionMatrix, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Computing accepting states for acceptance condition " << *acceptance.getAcceptanceExpression());
std::cout << transitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount() << std::endl;
if (acceptance.getAcceptanceExpression()->isTRUE()) {
STORM_LOG_INFO(" TRUE -> all states accepting (assumes no deadlock in the model)");
return storm::storage::BitVector(transitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount(), true);
} else if (acceptance.getAcceptanceExpression()->isFALSE()) {
STORM_LOG_INFO(" FALSE -> all states rejecting");
return storm::storage::BitVector(transitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount(), false);
std::vector<std::vector<automata::AcceptanceCondition::acceptance_expr::ptr>> dnf = acceptance.extractFromDNF();
storm::storage::BitVector acceptingStates(transitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount(), false);
std::size_t i = 0;
for (auto const& conjunction : dnf) {
// determine the set of states of the subMDP that can satisfy the condition
// => remove all states that would violate Fins in the conjunction
storm::storage::BitVector allowed(transitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount(), true);
STORM_LOG_INFO("Handle conjunction " << i);
for (auto const& literal : conjunction) {
STORM_LOG_INFO(" " << *literal);
if (literal->isTRUE()) {
// skip
} else if (literal->isFALSE()) {
} else if (literal->isAtom()) {
const cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance& atom = literal->getAtom();
if (atom.getType() == cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance::TEMPORAL_FIN) {
// only deal with FIN, ignore INF here
const storm::storage::BitVector& accSet = acceptance.getAcceptanceSet(atom.getAcceptanceSet());
if (atom.isNegated()) {
// allowed = allowed \ ~accSet = allowed & accSet
allowed &= accSet;
} else {
// allowed = allowed \ accSet = allowed & ~accSet
allowed &= ~accSet;
if (allowed.empty()) {
// skip
STORM_LOG_INFO(" Allowed states: " << allowed);
// compute MECs in the allowed fragment
storm::storage::MaximalEndComponentDecomposition<ValueType> mecs(transitionMatrix, backwardTransitions, allowed);
for (const auto& mec : mecs) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Inspect MEC: " << mec);
bool accepting = true;
for (auto const& literal : conjunction) {
if (literal->isTRUE()) {
// skip
} else if (literal->isFALSE()) {
accepting = false;
} else if (literal->isAtom()) {
const cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance& atom = literal->getAtom();
const storm::storage::BitVector& accSet = acceptance.getAcceptanceSet(atom.getAcceptanceSet());
if (atom.getType() == cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance::TEMPORAL_INF) {
if (atom.isNegated()) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Checking against " << ~accSet);
if (!mec.containsAnyState(~accSet)) {
STORM_LOG_INFO(" -> not satisfied");
accepting = false;
} else {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Checking against " << accSet);
if (!mec.containsAnyState(accSet)) {
STORM_LOG_INFO(" -> not satisfied");
accepting = false;
} else if (atom.getType() == cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance::TEMPORAL_FIN) {
// do only sanity checks here
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(atom.isNegated() ? !mec.containsAnyState(~accSet) : !mec.containsAnyState(accSet), "MEC contains Fin-states, which should have been removed");
if (accepting) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("MEC is accepting");
for (auto const& stateChoicePair : mec) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Accepting states: " << acceptingStates);
return acceptingStates;
template<typename ValueType>
template<typename RewardModelType>


@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
#include "storm/modelchecker/prctl/helper/rewardbounded/MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding.h"
#include "MDPModelCheckingHelperReturnType.h"
#include "storm/automata/AcceptanceCondition.h"
#include "storm/utility/solver.h"
#include "storm/solver/SolveGoal.h"
@ -47,6 +49,17 @@ namespace storm {
static MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType<ValueType> computeGloballyProbabilities(Environment const& env, storm::solver::SolveGoal<ValueType>&& goal, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& transitionMatrix, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, bool qualitative, bool produceScheduler, bool useMecBasedTechnique = false);
* Compute a set S of states that admit a probability 1 strategy of satisfying the given acceptance conditon.
* More precisely, let
* accEC be the set of states that are contained in end components that satisfy the acceptance condition
* and let
* P1acc be the set of states that satisfy Pmax=1[ F accEC ].
* This function then computes a set that contains accEC and is contained by P1acc.
* However, if the acceptance condition consists of 'true', the whole state space can be returned.
static storm::storage::BitVector computeSurelyAcceptingPmaxStates(automata::AcceptanceCondition const& acceptance, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& transitionMatrix, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions);
template<typename RewardModelType>
static std::vector<ValueType> computeInstantaneousRewards(Environment const& env, storm::solver::SolveGoal<ValueType>&& goal, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& transitionMatrix, RewardModelType const& rewardModel, uint_fast64_t stepCount);
