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Fixed the Settings structure

Fixed the standard settings to comply with the infrastructure

Former-commit-id: 9ab888c2df
PBerger 12 years ago
  1. 12
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. 22
  5. 20
  6. 10
  7. 6
  8. 10
  9. 8


@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ namespace storm {
virtual std::string getValueAsString() const override {
switch (this->argumentType) {
case ArgumentType::String:
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString(ArgumentType::String, this->argumentValue);
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString(ArgumentType::String, this->getArgumentValue());
case ArgumentType::Boolean: {
bool iValue = ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType::Boolean, this->argumentValue);
bool iValue = ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType::Boolean, this->getArgumentValue());
if (iValue) {
return "true";
} else {
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ namespace storm {
virtual int_fast64_t getValueAsInteger() const override {
switch (this->argumentType) {
case ArgumentType::Integer:
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger(ArgumentType::Integer, this->argumentValue);
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger(ArgumentType::Integer, this->getArgumentValue());
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Error: getValueAsInteger() was called on Argument \"" << getArgumentName() << "\" of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(getArgumentType()) << "\"!";
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ namespace storm {
virtual uint_fast64_t getValueAsUnsignedInteger() const override {
switch (this->argumentType) {
case ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger:
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger(ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger, this->argumentValue);
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger(ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger, this->getArgumentValue());
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Error: getValueAsUnsignedInteger() was called on Argument \"" << getArgumentName() << "\" of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(getArgumentType()) << "\"!";
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ namespace storm {
virtual double getValueAsDouble() const override {
switch (this->argumentType) {
case ArgumentType::Double:
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble(ArgumentType::Double, this->argumentValue);
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble(ArgumentType::Double, this->getArgumentValue());
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Error: getValueAsDouble() was called on Argument \"" << getArgumentName() << "\" of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(getArgumentType()) << "\"!";
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ namespace storm {
virtual bool getValueAsBoolean() const override {
switch (this->argumentType) {
case ArgumentType::Boolean:
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType::Boolean, this->argumentValue);
return ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType::Boolean, this->getArgumentValue());
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Error: getValueAsBoolean() was called on Argument \"" << getArgumentName() << "\" of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(getArgumentType()) << "\"!";


@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ namespace storm {
#define MACROsetDefaultValue(funcName, funcType) ArgumentBuilder& PPCAT(setDefaultValue, funcName) (funcType const& defaultValue) { \
if (this->argumentType != ArgumentType::funcName) { \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Error: You tried adding a default Value for a \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(ArgumentType::String) << "\" Argument, but this Argument is configured to be of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(this->argumentType) << "\"."; \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Error: You tried adding a default Value for a \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(ArgumentType::String) << "\" Argument, but the Argument \"" << this->argumentName << "\" is configured to be of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(this->argumentType) << "\"."; \
} \
PPCAT(this->defaultValue_, funcName) = defaultValue; \
std::string errorMessageTarget = ""; \
if (!this->validateDefaultForEach(errorMessageTarget)) { \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException() << "Error: You tried adding a default Value for an Argument, but a Validation Function rejected it:\r\n" << errorMessageTarget; \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException() << "Error: You tried adding a default Value for the Argument \"" << this->argumentName << "\", but a Validation Function rejected it:\r\n" << errorMessageTarget; \
} \
this->hasDefaultValue = true; \
return *this; \


@ -230,11 +230,10 @@ namespace storm {
std::unordered_set<std::string> argumentNameSet;
for (auto i = arguments.begin(); i != arguments.end(); ++i) {
bool isCurrentArgumentOptional = i->get()->getIsOptional();
// If this Option is optional, all arguments must have default values
if (!this->isRequired && !i->get()->getHasDefaultValue()) {
//if (!this->isRequired && !i->get()->getHasDefaultValue()) {
// LOG
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Error: The Argument Vector specified for Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid!\nIt contains an argument without a default value, but the containing option is optional and therefor requires all arguments to provide default values.";
// throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Error: The Argument Vector specified for Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid!\nIt contains an argument without a default value, but the containing option is optional and therefor requires all arguments to provide default values.";
if (!isCurrentArgumentOptional && lastEntryWasOptional) {
// LOG


@ -170,7 +170,9 @@ void storm::settings::Settings::parseCommandLine(int const argc, char const * co
} else {
// Set defaults on optional values
for (auto i = 0; i < it->second.get()->getArgumentCount(); ++i) {
if (it->second.get()->getArgument(i).getHasDefaultValue()) {
@ -179,7 +181,23 @@ void storm::settings::Settings::parseCommandLine(int const argc, char const * co
bool storm::settings::Settings::registerNewModule(ModuleRegistrationFunction_t registrationFunction) {
Settings* myInstance = Settings::getInstance();
return registrationFunction(myInstance);
bool result = false;
try {
result = registrationFunction(myInstance);
} catch (storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException e) {
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << myInstance->getHelpText();
return false;
} catch (storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException e) {
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentValueException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << myInstance->getHelpText();
return false;
} catch (storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException e) {
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalFunctionCallException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << myInstance->getHelpText();
return false;
return result;
storm::settings::Settings* storm::settings::Settings::getInstance() {


@ -46,20 +46,16 @@ namespace settings {
class Destroyer;
* @brief Wrapper around boost::program_options to handle configuration options.
* @brief Settings class with command line parser and type validation
* This class uses boost::program_options to read options from the
* commandline and additionally load options from a file.
* It is meant to be used as a singleton. Call
* @code storm::settings::newInstance(argc, argv, filename) @endcode
* to initialize it and obtain an instance for the first time.
* Afterwards, use
* @code storm::settings::instance() @endcode
* @code storm::settings::Settings::getInstance() @endcode
* to initialize it and obtain an instance.
* This class can be customized by other parts of the software using
* option modules. An option module can be anything that implements the
* interface specified by registerModule().
* interface specified by registerModule() and does a static initialization call to this function.
class Settings {
@ -221,7 +217,7 @@ namespace settings {
Option& getByLongName(std::string const& longName) const {
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(longName));
if (longNameIterator == this->options.end()) {
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This Accumulator does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!";
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!";
return *longNameIterator->second.get();
@ -234,7 +230,7 @@ namespace settings {
Option* getPtrByLongName(std::string const& longName) const {
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(longName));
if (longNameIterator == this->options.end()) {
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This Accumulator does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!";
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!";
return longNameIterator->second.get();
@ -246,7 +242,7 @@ namespace settings {
Option& getByShortName(std::string const& shortName) const {
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(shortName));
if (shortNameIterator == this->shortNames.end()) {
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This Accumulator does not contain an Option with ShortName \"" << shortName << "\"!";
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option with ShortName \"" << shortName << "\"!";
return *(this->options.find(shortNameIterator->second)->second.get());
@ -258,7 +254,7 @@ namespace settings {
Option* getPtrByShortName(std::string const& shortName) const {
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(shortName));
if (shortNameIterator == this->shortNames.end()) {
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This Accumulator does not contain an Option with ShortName \"" << shortName << "\"!";
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option with ShortName \"" << shortName << "\"!";
return this->options.find(shortNameIterator->second)->second.get();


@ -281,8 +281,14 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if (s->isSet("explicit")) {
std::string const chosenTransitionSystemFile = s->getOptionByLongName("explicit").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::string const chosenLabelingFile = s->getOptionByLongName("explicit").getArgument(1).getValueAsString();
std::string const chosenStateRewardsFile = s->getOptionByLongName("stateRewards").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::string const chosenTransitionRewardsFile = s->getOptionByLongName("transitionRewards").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::string chosenStateRewardsFile = "";
if (s->isSet("stateRewards")) {
chosenStateRewardsFile = s->getOptionByLongName("stateRewards").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::string chosenTransitionRewardsFile = "";
if (s->isSet("transitionRewards")) {
chosenTransitionRewardsFile = s->getOptionByLongName("transitionRewards").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
storm::parser::AutoParser<double> parser(chosenTransitionSystemFile, chosenLabelingFile, chosenStateRewardsFile, chosenTransitionRewardsFile);


@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ bool storm::utility::StormOptions::optionsRegistered = storm::settings::Settings
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "prctl", "", "Evaluates the PRCTL Formulas given in the File").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("prctlFileName", "The path and name of the File to read PRCTL Formulas from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "csl", "", "Evaluates the CSL Formulas given in the File").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("cslFileName", "The path and name of the File to read CSL Formulas from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "ltl", "", "Evaluates the LTL Formulas given in the File").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("ltlFileName", "The path and name of the File to read LTL Formulas from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "transitionRewards", "", "If specified, the model will have these transition rewards").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("transitionRewardsFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the Transition Rewards from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).setDefaultValueString("").setIsOptional(true).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "stateRewards", "", "If specified, the model will have these state rewards").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("stateRewardsFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the State Rewards from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).setDefaultValueString("").setIsOptional(true).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "transitionRewards", "", "If specified, the model will have these transition rewards").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("transitionRewardsFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the Transition Rewards from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "stateRewards", "", "If specified, the model will have these state rewards").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("stateRewardsFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the State Rewards from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "fixDeadlocks", "", "Insert Self-Loops for States with no outgoing transitions").build());
std::vector<std::string> matrixLibrarys;
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "matrixLibrary", "m", "Which matrix library is to be used in numerical solving").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("matrixLibraryName", "Name of a buildin Library").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(matrixLibrarys)).setDefaultValueString("gmm++").build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "useHeurisiticPresolve", "", "Sets whether heuristic methods should be applied to get better initial values for value iteration").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "useHeuristicPresolve", "", "Sets whether heuristic methods should be applied to get better initial values for value iteration").build());
return true;


@ -34,8 +34,14 @@ void setUpLogging() {
* Creates an empty settings object as the standard instance of the Settings class.
void createEmptyOptions() {
const char* newArgv[] = {"storm-performance-tests"};
storm::settings::Settings::parse(1, newArgv);
const char* newArgv[] = {"storm-functional-tests"};
storm::settings::Settings* s = storm::settings::Settings::getInstance();
try {
storm::settings::Settings::parse(1, newArgv);
} catch (storm::exceptions::OptionParserException& e) {
std::cout << "Could not recover from settings error: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << s->getHelpText();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {


@ -35,7 +35,13 @@ void setUpLogging() {
void createEmptyOptions() {
const char* newArgv[] = {"storm-performance-tests", "--maxIterations", "20000"};
storm::settings::Settings::parse(3, newArgv);
storm::settings::Settings* s = storm::settings::Settings::getInstance();
try {
storm::settings::Settings::parse(3, newArgv);
} catch (storm::exceptions::OptionParserException& e) {
std::cout << "Could not recover from settings error: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << s->getHelpText();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
