@ -6,11 +6,14 @@
# include "storm/settings/modules/GeneralSettings.h"
# include "storm/settings/modules/GeneralSettings.h"
# include "storm/settings/modules/NativeEquationSolverSettings.h"
# include "storm/settings/modules/NativeEquationSolverSettings.h"
# include "storm/utility/ConstantsComparator.h"
# include "storm/utility/KwekMehlhorn.h"
# include "storm/utility/constants.h"
# include "storm/utility/constants.h"
# include "storm/utility/vector.h"
# include "storm/utility/vector.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/InvalidStateException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/InvalidStateException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/InvalidSettingsException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/InvalidSettingsException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/UnmetRequirementException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/UnmetRequirementException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/PrecisionExceededException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace storm {
namespace solver {
namespace solver {
@ -641,6 +644,252 @@ namespace storm {
return converged ;
return converged ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearch ( std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
return solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper < double > ( x , b ) ;
template < typename RationalType , typename ImpreciseType >
struct TemporaryHelper {
static std : : vector < RationalType > * getTemporary ( std : : vector < RationalType > & rationalX , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > * & currentX , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > * & newX ) {
return & rationalX ;
static void swapSolutions ( std : : vector < RationalType > & rationalX , std : : vector < RationalType > * & rationalSolution , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > & x , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > * & currentX , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > * & newX ) {
// Nothing to do.
} ;
template < typename RationalType >
struct TemporaryHelper < RationalType , RationalType > {
static std : : vector < RationalType > * getTemporary ( std : : vector < RationalType > & rationalX , std : : vector < RationalType > * & currentX , std : : vector < RationalType > * & newX ) {
return newX ;
static void swapSolutions ( std : : vector < RationalType > & rationalX , std : : vector < RationalType > * & rationalSolution , std : : vector < RationalType > & x , std : : vector < RationalType > * & currentX , std : : vector < RationalType > * & newX ) {
if ( & rationalX = = rationalSolution ) {
// In this case, the rational solution is in place.
// However, since the rational solution is no alias to current x, the imprecise solution is stored
// in current x and and rational x is not an alias to x, we can swap the contents of currentX to x.
std : : swap ( x , * currentX ) ;
} else {
// Still, we may assume that the rational solution is not current x and is therefore new x.
std : : swap ( rationalX , * rationalSolution ) ;
std : : swap ( x , * currentX ) ;
} ;
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename RationalType , typename ImpreciseType >
bool NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper ( NativeLinearEquationSolver < ImpreciseType > const & impreciseSolver , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < RationalType > const & rationalA , std : : vector < RationalType > & rationalX , std : : vector < RationalType > const & rationalB , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ImpreciseType > const & A , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > & x , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > const & b , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > & tmpX ) const {
std : : vector < ImpreciseType > * currentX = & x ;
std : : vector < ImpreciseType > * newX = & tmpX ;
Status status = Status : : InProgress ;
uint64_t overallIterations = 0 ;
uint64_t valueIterationInvocations = 0 ;
ValueType precision = this - > getSettings ( ) . getPrecision ( ) ;
impreciseSolver . startMeasureProgress ( ) ;
while ( status = = Status : : InProgress & & overallIterations < this - > getSettings ( ) . getMaximalNumberOfIterations ( ) ) {
// Perform value iteration with the current precision.
typename NativeLinearEquationSolver < ImpreciseType > : : PowerIterationResult result = impreciseSolver . performPowerIteration ( currentX , newX , b , storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ImpreciseType , ValueType > ( precision ) , this - > getSettings ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) , SolverGuarantee : : LessOrEqual , overallIterations ) ;
// At this point, the result of the imprecise value iteration is stored in the (imprecise) current x.
+ + valueIterationInvocations ;
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Completed " < < valueIterationInvocations < < " power iteration invocations, the last one with precision " < < precision < < " completed in " < < result . iterations < < " iterations. " ) ;
// Count the iterations.
overallIterations + = result . iterations ;
// Compute maximal precision until which to sharpen.
uint64_t p = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < uint64_t > ( storm : : utility : : ceil ( storm : : utility : : log10 < ValueType > ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / precision ) ) ) ;
// Make sure that currentX and rationalX are not aliased.
std : : vector < RationalType > * temporaryRational = TemporaryHelper < RationalType , ImpreciseType > : : getTemporary ( rationalX , currentX , newX ) ;
// Sharpen solution and place it in the temporary rational.
bool foundSolution = sharpen ( p , rationalA , * currentX , rationalB , * temporaryRational ) ;
// After sharpen, if a solution was found, it is contained in the free rational.
if ( foundSolution ) {
status = Status : : Converged ;
TemporaryHelper < RationalType , ImpreciseType > : : swapSolutions ( rationalX , temporaryRational , x , currentX , newX ) ;
} else {
// Increase the precision.
precision = precision / 100 ;
if ( status = = Status : : InProgress & & overallIterations = = this - > getSettings ( ) . getMaximalNumberOfIterations ( ) ) {
status = Status : : MaximalIterationsExceeded ;
this - > logIterations ( status = = Status : : Converged , status = = Status : : TerminatedEarly , overallIterations ) ;
return status = = Status : : Converged | | status = = Status : : TerminatedEarly ;
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ImpreciseType >
typename std : : enable_if < std : : is_same < ValueType , ImpreciseType > : : value & & ! NumberTraits < ValueType > : : IsExact , bool > : : type NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper ( std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
// Version for when the overall value type is imprecise.
// Create a rational representation of the input so we can check for a proper solution later.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > rationalA = this - > A - > template toValueType < storm : : RationalNumber > ( ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > rationalX ( x . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > rationalB = storm : : utility : : vector : : convertNumericVector < storm : : RationalNumber > ( b ) ;
if ( ! this - > cachedRowVector ) {
this - > cachedRowVector = std : : make_unique < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( this - > A - > getRowCount ( ) ) ;
// Forward the call to the core rational search routine.
bool converged = solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper < storm : : RationalNumber , ImpreciseType > ( * this , rationalA , rationalX , rationalB , * this - > A , x , b , * this - > cachedRowVector ) ;
// Translate back rational result to imprecise result.
auto targetIt = x . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto it = rationalX . begin ( ) , ite = rationalX . end ( ) ; it ! = ite ; + + it , + + targetIt ) {
* targetIt = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( * it ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
this - > clearCache ( ) ;
return converged ;
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ImpreciseType >
typename std : : enable_if < std : : is_same < ValueType , ImpreciseType > : : value & & NumberTraits < ValueType > : : IsExact , bool > : : type NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper ( std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
// Version for when the overall value type is exact and the same type is to be used for the imprecise part.
if ( ! this - > linEqSolverA ) {
this - > linEqSolverA = this - > linearEquationSolverFactory - > create ( * this - > A ) ;
this - > linEqSolverA - > setCachingEnabled ( true ) ;
if ( ! this - > cachedRowVector ) {
this - > cachedRowVector = std : : make_unique < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( this - > A - > getRowCount ( ) ) ;
// Forward the call to the core rational search routine.
bool converged = solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper < ValueType , ImpreciseType > ( * this , * this - > A , x , b , * this - > A , * this - > cachedRowVector , b , x ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
this - > clearCache ( ) ;
return converged ;
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ImpreciseType >
typename std : : enable_if < ! std : : is_same < ValueType , ImpreciseType > : : value , bool > : : type NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper ( std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
// Version for when the overall value type is exact and the imprecise one is not. We first try to solve the
// problem using the imprecise data type and fall back to the exact type as needed.
// Translate A to its imprecise version.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ImpreciseType > impreciseA = this - > A - > template toValueType < ImpreciseType > ( ) ;
// Translate x to its imprecise version.
std : : vector < ImpreciseType > impreciseX ( x . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > tmp ( x . size ( ) ) ;
this - > createLowerBoundsVector ( tmp ) ;
auto targetIt = impreciseX . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto sourceIt = tmp . begin ( ) ; targetIt ! = impreciseX . end ( ) ; + + targetIt , + + sourceIt ) {
* targetIt = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ImpreciseType , ValueType > ( * sourceIt ) ;
// Create temporary storage for an imprecise x.
std : : vector < ImpreciseType > impreciseTmpX ( x . size ( ) ) ;
// Translate b to its imprecise version.
std : : vector < ImpreciseType > impreciseB ( b . size ( ) ) ;
auto targetIt = impreciseB . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto sourceIt = b . begin ( ) ; targetIt ! = impreciseB . end ( ) ; + + targetIt , + + sourceIt ) {
* targetIt = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ImpreciseType , ValueType > ( * sourceIt ) ;
// Create imprecise solver from the imprecise data.
NativeLinearEquationSolver < ImpreciseType > impreciseSolver ;
impreciseSolver . setMatrix ( impreciseA ) ;
impreciseSolver . setCachingEnabled ( true ) ;
bool converged = false ;
try {
// Forward the call to the core rational search routine.
converged = solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper < ValueType , ImpreciseType > ( impreciseSolver , * this - > A , x , b , impreciseA , impreciseX , impreciseB , impreciseTmpX ) ;
} catch ( storm : : exceptions : : PrecisionExceededException const & e ) {
STORM_LOG_WARN ( " Precision of value type was exceeded, trying to recover by switching to rational arithmetic. " ) ;
if ( ! this - > cachedRowVector ) {
this - > cachedRowVector = std : : make_unique < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( this - > A - > getRowGroupCount ( ) ) ;
// Translate the imprecise value iteration result to the one we are going to use from now on.
auto targetIt = this - > cachedRowVector - > begin ( ) ;
for ( auto it = impreciseX . begin ( ) , ite = impreciseX . end ( ) ; it ! = ite ; + + it , + + targetIt ) {
* targetIt = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( * it ) ;
// Get rid of the superfluous data structures.
impreciseX = std : : vector < ImpreciseType > ( ) ;
impreciseTmpX = std : : vector < ImpreciseType > ( ) ;
impreciseB = std : : vector < ImpreciseType > ( ) ;
impreciseA = storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ImpreciseType > ( ) ;
// Forward the call to the core rational search routine, but now with our value type as the imprecise value type.
converged = solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper < ValueType , ValueType > ( * this , * this - > A , x , b , * this - > A , * this - > cachedRowVector , b , x ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
this - > clearCache ( ) ;
return converged ;
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename RationalType , typename ImpreciseType >
bool NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : sharpen ( uint64_t precision , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < RationalType > const & A , std : : vector < ImpreciseType > const & x , std : : vector < RationalType > const & b , std : : vector < RationalType > & tmp ) {
for ( uint64_t p = 0 ; p < = precision ; + + p ) {
storm : : utility : : kwek_mehlhorn : : sharpen ( p , x , tmp ) ;
if ( NativeLinearEquationSolver < RationalType > : : isSolution ( A , tmp , b ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : isSolution ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & matrix , std : : vector < ValueType > const & values , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) {
storm : : utility : : ConstantsComparator < ValueType > comparator ;
auto valueIt = values . begin ( ) ;
auto bIt = b . begin ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t row = 0 ; row < matrix . getRowCount ( ) ; + + row , + + valueIt , + + bIt ) {
ValueType rowValue = * bIt + matrix . multiplyRowWithVector ( row , values ) ;
// If the value does not match the one in the values vector, the given vector is not a solution.
if ( ! comparator . isEqual ( rowValue , * valueIt ) ) {
return false ;
// Checked all values at this point.
return true ;
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ValueType >
void NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : logIterations ( bool converged , bool terminate , uint64_t iterations ) const {
void NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : logIterations ( bool converged , bool terminate , uint64_t iterations ) const {
if ( converged ) {
if ( converged ) {
@ -666,6 +915,8 @@ namespace storm {
} else {
} else {
return this - > solveEquationsPower ( x , b ) ;
return this - > solveEquationsPower ( x , b ) ;
} else if ( this - > getSettings ( ) . getSolutionMethod ( ) = = NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : RationalSearch ) {
return this - > solveEquationsRationalSearch ( x , b ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidSettingsException , " Unknown solving technique. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidSettingsException , " Unknown solving technique. " ) ;
@ -738,7 +989,7 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ValueType >
LinearEquationSolverProblemFormat NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : getEquationProblemFormat ( ) const {
LinearEquationSolverProblemFormat NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : getEquationProblemFormat ( ) const {
if ( this - > getSettings ( ) . getSolutionMethod ( ) = = NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : Power ) {
if ( this - > getSettings ( ) . getSolutionMethod ( ) = = NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : Power | | this - > getSettings ( ) . getSolutionMethod ( ) = = NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : RationalSearch ) {
return LinearEquationSolverProblemFormat : : FixedPointSystem ;
return LinearEquationSolverProblemFormat : : FixedPointSystem ;
} else {
} else {
return LinearEquationSolverProblemFormat : : EquationSystem ;
return LinearEquationSolverProblemFormat : : EquationSystem ;
@ -804,5 +1055,12 @@ namespace storm {
template class NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < double > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < double > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolver < double > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolver < double > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolverFactory < double > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolverFactory < double > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < storm : : RationalNumber > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolver < storm : : RationalNumber > ;
template class NativeLinearEquationSolverFactory < storm : : RationalNumber > ;
# endif