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introduced PostScheduler

this allows for different choice mappings per state, in the sense of
'what should I schedule if another scheduler has already picked a
different action'
Stefan Pranger 4 years ago
  1. 167
  2. 100
  3. 32


@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#include "storm/utility/vector.h"
#include "storm/storage/PostScheduler.h"
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/NotImplementedException.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
namespace storm {
namespace storage {
template <typename ValueType>
PostScheduler<ValueType>::PostScheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> numberOfChoicesPerState, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure> const& memoryStructure) : Scheduler<ValueType>(numberOfModelStates, memoryStructure) {
STORM_LOG_DEBUG(numberOfChoicesPerState.size() << " " << numberOfModelStates);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(numberOfChoicesPerState.size() == numberOfModelStates, "Need to know amount of choices per model state");
uint_fast64_t numOfMemoryStates = memoryStructure ? memoryStructure->getNumberOfStates() : 1;
schedulerChoiceMapping = std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<SchedulerChoice<ValueType>>>>(numOfMemoryStates, std::vector<std::vector<SchedulerChoice<ValueType>>>(numberOfModelStates));
for(uint state = 0; state < numberOfModelStates; state++) {
numberOfChoices = 0;
for(std::vector<uint_fast64_t>::iterator it = numberOfChoicesPerState.begin(); it != numberOfChoicesPerState.end(); ++it)
numberOfChoices += *it;
this->numOfUndefinedChoices = numOfMemoryStates * numberOfChoices;
this->numOfDeterministicChoices = 0;
template <typename ValueType>
PostScheduler<ValueType>::PostScheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> numberOfChoicesPerState, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure>&& memoryStructure) : Scheduler<ValueType>(numberOfModelStates, std::move(memoryStructure)) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(numberOfChoicesPerState.size() == numberOfModelStates, "Need to know amount of choices per model state");
uint_fast64_t numOfMemoryStates = memoryStructure ? memoryStructure->getNumberOfStates() : 1;
schedulerChoiceMapping = std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<SchedulerChoice<ValueType>>>>(numOfMemoryStates, std::vector<std::vector<SchedulerChoice<ValueType>>>(numberOfModelStates));
for(uint state = 0; state < numberOfModelStates; state++) {
numberOfChoices = 0;
for(std::vector<uint_fast64_t>::iterator it = numberOfChoicesPerState.begin(); it != numberOfChoicesPerState.end(); ++it)
numberOfChoices += *it;
this->numOfUndefinedChoices = numOfMemoryStates * numberOfChoices;
this->numOfDeterministicChoices = 0;
template <typename ValueType>
void PostScheduler<ValueType>::setChoice(OldChoice const& oldChoice, SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& newChoice, uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(memoryState == 0, "Currently we do not support PostScheduler with memory");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(modelState < schedulerChoiceMapping[memoryState].size(), "Illegal model state index");
//auto& schedulerChoice = schedulerChoiceMapping[memoryState][modelState];
//if (schedulerChoice.isDefined()) {
// if (!choice.isDefined()) {
// ++numOfUndefinedChoices;
// }
//} else {
// if (choice.isDefined()) {
// assert(numOfUndefinedChoices > 0);
// --numOfUndefinedChoices;
// }
//if (schedulerChoice.isDeterministic()) {
// if (!choice.isDeterministic()) {
// assert(numOfDeterministicChoices > 0);
// --numOfDeterministicChoices;
// }
//} else {
// if (choice.isDeterministic()) {
// ++numOfDeterministicChoices;
// }
schedulerChoiceMapping[memoryState][modelState][oldChoice] = newChoice;
template <typename ValueType>
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& PostScheduler<ValueType>::getChoice(uint_fast64_t modelState, OldChoice oldChoice, uint_fast64_t memoryState) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(memoryState < this->getNumberOfMemoryStates(), "Illegal memory state index");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(modelState < schedulerChoiceMapping[memoryState].size(), "Illegal model state index");
return schedulerChoiceMapping[memoryState][modelState][oldChoice];
template <typename ValueType>
bool PostScheduler<ValueType>::isDeterministicScheduler() const {
return true;
template <typename ValueType>
bool PostScheduler<ValueType>::isMemorylessScheduler() const {
return true;
template <typename ValueType>
void PostScheduler<ValueType>::printToStream(std::ostream& out, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model, bool skipUniqueChoices) const {
bool const stateValuationsGiven = model != nullptr && model->hasStateValuations();
bool const choiceLabelsGiven = model != nullptr && model->hasChoiceLabeling();
bool const choiceOriginsGiven = model != nullptr && model->hasChoiceOrigins();
uint_fast64_t widthOfStates = std::to_string(schedulerChoiceMapping.front().size()).length();
if (stateValuationsGiven) {
widthOfStates += model->getStateValuations().getStateInfo(schedulerChoiceMapping.front().size() - 1).length() + 5;
widthOfStates = std::max(widthOfStates, (uint_fast64_t)12);
uint_fast64_t numOfSkippedStatesWithUniqueChoice = 0;
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << "model state:" << " " << (isMemorylessScheduler() ? "" : " memory: ") << "choice(s)" << std::endl;
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < schedulerChoiceMapping.front().size(); ++state) {
// Print the state info
if (stateValuationsGiven) {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << (std::to_string(state) + ": " + model->getStateValuations().getStateInfo(state));
} else {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << state;
out << " ";
bool firstChoiceIndex = true;
for(uint choiceIndex = 0; choiceIndex < schedulerChoiceMapping[0][state].size(); choiceIndex++) {
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& choice = schedulerChoiceMapping[0][state][choiceIndex];
if(firstChoiceIndex) {
firstChoiceIndex = false;
out << std::to_string(choiceIndex) << ": ";
} else {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates + 5) << std::to_string(choiceIndex) << ": ";
if (choice.isDefined()) {
if (choice.isDeterministic()) {
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
out << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
} else {
out << choice.getDeterministicChoice();
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
out << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
} else {
bool firstChoice = true;
for (auto const& choiceProbPair : choice.getChoiceAsDistribution()) {
if (firstChoice) {
firstChoice = false;
} else {
out << " + ";
out << choiceProbPair.second << ": (";
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
out << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choiceProbPair.first);
} else {
out << choiceProbPair.first;
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
out << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
out << ")";
} else {
out << "undefined.";
// Todo: print memory updates
out << std::endl;
template class PostScheduler<double>;
template class PostScheduler<storm::RationalNumber>;


@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include "storm/storage/SchedulerChoice.h"
#include "storm/storage/Scheduler.h"
namespace storm {
namespace storage {
* TODO needs obvious changes in all comment blocks
* This class defines which action is chosen in a particular state of a non-deterministic model. More concretely, a scheduler maps a state s to i
* if the scheduler takes the i-th action available in s (i.e. the choices are relative to the states).
* A Choice can be undefined, deterministic
template <typename ValueType>
class PostScheduler : public Scheduler<ValueType> {
typedef uint_fast64_t OldChoice;
* Initializes a scheduler for the given number of model states.
* @param numberOfModelStates number of model states
* @param memoryStructure the considered memory structure. If not given, the scheduler is considered as memoryless.
PostScheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> numberOfChoicesPerState, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure> const& memoryStructure = boost::none);
PostScheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> numberOfChoicesPerState, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure>&& memoryStructure);
* Sets the choice defined by the scheduler for the given state.
* @param choice The choice to set for the given state.
* @param modelState The state of the model for which to set the choice.
* @param memoryState The state of the memoryStructure for which to set the choice.
void setChoice(OldChoice const& oldChoice, SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& newChoice, uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0);
* Is the scheduler defined on the states indicated by the selected-states bitvector?
bool isChoiceSelected(BitVector const& selectedStates, uint64_t memoryState = 0) const;
* Clears the choice defined by the scheduler for the given state.
* @param modelState The state of the model for which to clear the choice.
* @param memoryState The state of the memoryStructure for which to clear the choice.
void clearChoice(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0);
* Gets the choice defined by the scheduler for the given model and memory state.
* @param state The state for which to get the choice.
* @param memoryState the memory state which we consider.
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& getChoice(uint_fast64_t modelState, OldChoice oldChoice, uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0) ;
* Compute the Action Support: A bit vector that indicates all actions that are selected with positive probability in some memory state
//storm::storage::BitVector computeActionSupport(std::vector<uint64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndicies) const;
* Retrieves whether all defined choices are deterministic
bool isDeterministicScheduler() const;
* Retrieves whether the scheduler considers a trivial memory structure (i.e., a memory structure with just a single state)
bool isMemorylessScheduler() const;
* Retrieves the number of memory states this scheduler considers.
//uint_fast64_t getNumberOfMemoryStates() const;
* Retrieves the memory structure associated with this scheduler
//boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure> const& getMemoryStructure() const;
* Prints the scheduler to the given output stream.
* @param out The output stream
* @param model If given, provides additional information for printing (e.g., displaying the state valuations instead of state indices)
* @param skipUniqueChoices If true, the (unique) choice for deterministic states (i.e., states with only one enabled choice) is not printed explicitly.
* Requires a model to be given.
void printToStream(std::ostream& out, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model = nullptr, bool skipUniqueChoices = false) const;
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<SchedulerChoice<ValueType>>>> schedulerChoiceMapping;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> numberOfChoicesPerState;
uint_fast64_t numberOfChoices;


@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
#include "storm/storage/SchedulerChoice.h"
namespace storm {
namespace storage {
template <typename ValueType>
class PostScheduler;
* This class defines which action is chosen in a particular state of a non-deterministic model. More concretely, a scheduler maps a state s to i
* if the scheduler takes the i-th action available in s (i.e. the choices are relative to the states).
@ -17,7 +16,8 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
class Scheduler {
friend class PostScheduler<ValueType>;
* Initializes a scheduler for the given number of model states.
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace storm {
Scheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure> const& memoryStructure = boost::none);
Scheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure>&& memoryStructure);
* Sets the choice defined by the scheduler for the given state.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Is the scheduler defined on the states indicated by the selected-states bitvector?
bool isChoiceSelected(BitVector const& selectedStates, uint64_t memoryState = 0) const;
* Clears the choice defined by the scheduler for the given state.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param memoryState The state of the memoryStructure for which to clear the choice.
void clearChoice(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0);
* Gets the choice defined by the scheduler for the given model and memory state.
@ -66,22 +66,22 @@ namespace storm {
* Retrieves whether there is a pair of model and memory state for which the choice is undefined.
bool isPartialScheduler() const;
* Retrieves whether all defined choices are deterministic
bool isDeterministicScheduler() const;
* Retrieves whether the scheduler considers a trivial memory structure (i.e., a memory structure with just a single state)
bool isMemorylessScheduler() const;
* Retrieves the number of memory states this scheduler considers.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfMemoryStates() const;
* Retrieves the memory structure associated with this scheduler
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ namespace storm {
return newScheduler;
* Prints the scheduler to the given output stream.
* @param out The output stream
@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ namespace storm {
void printToStream(std::ostream& out, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model = nullptr, bool skipUniqueChoices = false) const;
* Prints the scheduler in json format to the given output stream.
void printJsonToStream(std::ostream& out, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model = nullptr, bool skipUniqueChoices = false) const;
boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure> memoryStructure;
std::vector<std::vector<SchedulerChoice<ValueType>>> schedulerChoices;
uint_fast64_t numOfUndefinedChoices;
uint_fast64_t numOfDeterministicChoices;