Browse Source
Created bit vector hash map and some necessary bit vector methods.
Created bit vector hash map and some necessary bit vector methods.
Former-commit-id: 4a9946a743
14 changed files with 826 additions and 28 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ |
#include "src/storage/BitVectorHashMap.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2> |
const std::vector<std::size_t> BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::sizes = {5, 13, 31, 79, 163, 277, 499, 1021, 2029, 3989, 8059, 16001, 32099, 64301, 127921, 256499, 511111, 1024901, 2048003, 4096891, 8192411, 15485863}; |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2> |
BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::BitVectorHashMap(uint64_t bucketSize, uint64_t initialSize, double loadFactor) : loadFactor(loadFactor), bucketSize(bucketSize), numberOfElements(0) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(bucketSize % 64 == 0, "Bucket size must be a multiple of 64."); |
currentSizeIterator = std::find_if(sizes.begin(), sizes.end(), [=] (uint64_t value) { return value > initialSize; } ); |
// Create the underlying containers.
buckets = storm::storage::BitVector(bucketSize * *currentSizeIterator); |
occupied = storm::storage::BitVector(*currentSizeIterator); |
values = std::vector<ValueType>(*currentSizeIterator); |
} |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2> |
bool BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::isBucketOccupied(uint_fast64_t bucket) { |
return occupied.get(bucket); |
} |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2> |
std::size_t BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::size() const { |
return numberOfElements; |
} |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2> |
std::size_t BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::capacity() const { |
return *currentSizeIterator; |
} |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2> |
void BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::increaseSize() { |
++currentSizeIterator; |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(currentSizeIterator != sizes.end(), "Hash map became to big."); |
storm::storage::BitVector oldBuckets(bucketSize * *currentSizeIterator); |
std::swap(oldBuckets, buckets); |
storm::storage::BitVector oldOccupied = storm::storage::BitVector(*currentSizeIterator); |
std::swap(oldOccupied, occupied); |
std::vector<ValueType> oldValues = std::vector<ValueType>(*currentSizeIterator); |
std::swap(oldValues, values); |
// Now iterate through the elements and reinsert them in the new storage.
numberOfElements = 0; |
for (auto const& bucketIndex : oldOccupied) { |
this->findOrAdd(oldBuckets.get(bucketIndex * bucketSize, bucketSize), oldValues[bucketIndex]); |
} |
} |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2> |
ValueType BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::findOrAdd(storm::storage::BitVector const& key, ValueType value) { |
// If the load of the map is too high, we increase the size.
if (numberOfElements >= loadFactor * *currentSizeIterator) { |
this->increaseSize(); |
} |
uint_fast64_t initialHash = hasher1(key) % *currentSizeIterator; |
uint_fast64_t bucket = initialHash; |
while (isBucketOccupied(bucket)) { |
if (buckets.matches(bucket * bucketSize, key)) { |
return values[bucket]; |
} |
bucket += hasher2(key); |
bucket %= *currentSizeIterator; |
// If we arrived at the original position, this means that we have visited all possible locations, but
// could not find a suitable position. This implies that we have to enlarge the map in order to resolve
// the issue.
if (bucket == initialHash) { |
this->increaseSize(); |
} |
} |
// Insert the new bits into the bucket.
buckets.set(bucket * bucketSize, key); |
occupied.set(bucket); |
values[bucket] = value; |
++numberOfElements; |
return value; |
} |
template class BitVectorHashMap<uint_fast64_t>; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <functional> |
#include "src/storage/BitVector.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
/*! |
* This class represents a hash-map whose keys are bit vectors. The value type is arbitrary. Currently, only |
* queries and insertions are supported. Also, the keys must be bit vectors with a length that is a multiple of |
* 64. |
*/ |
template<class ValueType, class Hash1 = std::hash<storm::storage::BitVector>, class Hash2 = std::hash<storm::storage::BitVector>> |
class BitVectorHashMap { |
public: |
/*! |
* Creates a new hash map with the given bucket size and initial size. |
* |
* @param bucketSize The size of the buckets that this map can hold. This value must be a multiple of 64. |
* @param initialSize The number of buckets that is initially available. |
* @param loadFactor The load factor that determines at which point the size of the underlying storage is |
* increased. |
*/ |
BitVectorHashMap(uint64_t bucketSize, uint64_t initialSize, double loadFactor = 0.75); |
/*! |
* Searches for the given key in the map. If it is found, the mapped-to value is returned. Otherwise, the |
* key is inserted with the given value. |
* |
* @param key The key to search or insert. |
* @param value The value that is inserted if the key is not already found in the map. |
* @return The found value if the key is already contained in the map and the provided new value otherwise. |
*/ |
ValueType findOrAdd(storm::storage::BitVector const& key, ValueType value); |
/*! |
* Retrieves the size of the map in terms of the number of key-value pairs it stores. |
* |
* @return The size of the map. |
*/ |
std::size_t size() const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the capacity of the underlying container. |
* |
* @return The capacity of the underlying container. |
*/ |
std::size_t capacity() const; |
private: |
/*! |
* Retrieves whether the given bucket holds a value. |
* |
* @param bucket The bucket to check. |
* @return True iff the bucket is occupied. |
*/ |
bool isBucketOccupied(uint_fast64_t bucket); |
/*! |
* Increases the size of the hash map and performs the necessary rehashing of all entries. |
*/ |
void increaseSize(); |
// The load factor determining when the size of the map is increased. |
double loadFactor; |
// The size of one bucket. |
uint64_t bucketSize; |
// The number of buckets. |
std::size_t numberOfBuckets; |
// The buckets that hold the elements of the map. |
storm::storage::BitVector buckets; |
// A bit vector that stores which buckets actually hold a value. |
storm::storage::BitVector occupied; |
// A vector of the mapped-to values. The entry at position i is the "target" of the key in bucket i. |
std::vector<ValueType> values; |
// The number of elements in this map. |
std::size_t numberOfElements; |
// An iterator to a value in the static sizes table. |
std::vector<std::size_t>::const_iterator currentSizeIterator; |
// Functor object that are used to perform the actual hashing. |
Hash1 hasher1; |
Hash2 hasher2; |
// A static table that produces the next possible size of the hash table. |
static const std::vector<std::size_t> sizes; |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionEvaluator.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionManager.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace expressions { |
ExpressionEvaluator::ExpressionEvaluator(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager) : manager(manager.getSharedPointer()), booleanValues(manager.getNumberOfBooleanVariables()), integerValues(manager.getNumberOfIntegerVariables()), rationalValues(manager.getNumberOfRationalVariables()) { |
for (auto const& variableTypePair : manager) { |
if (variableTypePair.second.isBooleanType()) { |
symbolTable.add_variable(variableTypePair.first.getName(), this->booleanValues[variableTypePair.first.getOffset()]); |
} else if (variableTypePair.second.isIntegerType()) { |
symbolTable.add_variable(variableTypePair.first.getName(), this->integerValues[variableTypePair.first.getOffset()]); |
} else if (variableTypePair.second.isRationalType()) { |
symbolTable.add_variable(variableTypePair.first.getName(), this->rationalValues[variableTypePair.first.getOffset()]); |
} |
} |
symbolTable.add_constants(); |
} |
bool ExpressionEvaluator::asBool(Expression const& expression) { |
BaseExpression const* expressionPtr = expression.getBaseExpressionPointer().get(); |
auto const& expressionPair = this->compiledExpressions.find(expression.getBaseExpressionPointer().get()); |
if (expressionPair == this->compiledExpressions.end()) { |
CompiledExpressionType const& compiledExpression = this->getCompiledExpression(expressionPtr); |
return compiledExpression.value() == ValueType(1); |
} |
return expressionPair->second.value() == ValueType(1); |
} |
int_fast64_t ExpressionEvaluator::asInt(Expression const& expression) { |
BaseExpression const* expressionPtr = expression.getBaseExpressionPointer().get(); |
auto const& expressionPair = this->compiledExpressions.find(expression.getBaseExpressionPointer().get()); |
if (expressionPair == this->compiledExpressions.end()) { |
CompiledExpressionType const& compiledExpression = this->getCompiledExpression(expressionPtr); |
return static_cast<int_fast64_t>(compiledExpression.value()); |
} |
return static_cast<int_fast64_t>(expressionPair->second.value()); |
} |
double ExpressionEvaluator::asDouble(Expression const& expression) { |
BaseExpression const* expressionPtr = expression.getBaseExpressionPointer().get(); |
auto const& expressionPair = this->compiledExpressions.find(expression.getBaseExpressionPointer().get()); |
if (expressionPair == this->compiledExpressions.end()) { |
CompiledExpressionType const& compiledExpression = this->getCompiledExpression(expressionPtr); |
return static_cast<double>(compiledExpression.value()); |
} |
return static_cast<double>(expressionPair->second.value()); |
} |
ExpressionEvaluator::CompiledExpressionType& ExpressionEvaluator::getCompiledExpression(BaseExpression const* expression) { |
std::pair<CacheType::iterator, bool> result = this->compiledExpressions.emplace(expression, CompiledExpressionType()); |
CompiledExpressionType& compiledExpression = result.first->second; |
compiledExpression.register_symbol_table(symbolTable); |
bool parsingOk = parser.compile(stringTranslator.toString(expression), compiledExpression); |
return compiledExpression; |
} |
void ExpressionEvaluator::setBooleanValue(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, bool value) { |
this->booleanValues[variable.getOffset()] = static_cast<ValueType>(value); |
} |
void ExpressionEvaluator::setIntegerValue(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, int_fast64_t value) { |
this->integerValues[variable.getOffset()] = static_cast<ValueType>(value); |
} |
void ExpressionEvaluator::setRationalValue(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, double value) { |
this->rationalValues[variable.getOffset()] = static_cast<ValueType>(value); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
#include <unordered_map> |
#include <vector> |
#include "exprtk.hpp" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/Expression.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionVisitor.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/ToExprtkStringVisitor.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace expressions { |
class ExpressionEvaluator { |
public: |
/*! |
* Creates an expression evaluator that is capable of evaluating expressions managed by the given manager. |
* |
* @param manager The manager responsible for the expressions. |
*/ |
ExpressionEvaluator(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager); |
bool asBool(Expression const& expression); |
int_fast64_t asInt(Expression const& expression); |
double asDouble(Expression const& expression); |
void setBooleanValue(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, bool value); |
void setIntegerValue(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, int_fast64_t value); |
void setRationalValue(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, double value); |
private: |
typedef double ValueType; |
typedef exprtk::expression<ValueType> CompiledExpressionType; |
typedef std::unordered_map<BaseExpression const*, CompiledExpressionType> CacheType; |
/*! |
* Adds a compiled version of the given expression to the internal storage. |
* |
* @param expression The expression that is to be compiled. |
*/ |
CompiledExpressionType& getCompiledExpression(BaseExpression const* expression); |
// The expression manager that is used by this evaluator. |
std::shared_ptr<storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const> manager; |
// The parser used. |
exprtk::parser<ValueType> parser; |
// The symbol table used. |
exprtk::symbol_table<ValueType> symbolTable; |
// The actual data that is fed into the expression. |
std::vector<ValueType> booleanValues; |
std::vector<ValueType> integerValues; |
std::vector<ValueType> rationalValues; |
// A mapping of expressions to their compiled counterpart. |
CacheType compiledExpressions; |
// A translator that can be used for transforming an expression into the correct string format. |
ToExprtkStringVisitor stringTranslator; |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ |
#include "src/storage/expressions/ToExprtkStringVisitor.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace expressions { |
std::string ToExprtkStringVisitor::toString(Expression const& expression) { |
return toString(expression.getBaseExpressionPointer().get()); |
} |
std::string ToExprtkStringVisitor::toString(BaseExpression const* expression) { |
stream = std::stringstream(); |
expression->accept(*this); |
return std::move(stream.str()); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(IfThenElseExpression const& expression) { |
stream << "if("; |
expression.getCondition()->accept(*this); |
stream << ","; |
expression.getThenExpression()->accept(*this); |
stream << ","; |
expression.getElseExpression()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(BinaryBooleanFunctionExpression const& expression) { |
switch (expression.getOperatorType()) { |
case BinaryBooleanFunctionExpression::OperatorType::And: |
stream << "and("; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ","; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
case BinaryBooleanFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Or: |
stream << "or("; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ","; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
case BinaryBooleanFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Xor: |
stream << "xor("; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ","; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
case BinaryBooleanFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Implies: |
stream << "or(not("; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "),"; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
case BinaryBooleanFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Iff: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "=="; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
} |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression const& expression) { |
switch (expression.getOperatorType()) { |
case BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Plus: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "+"; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Minus: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "-"; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Times: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "*"; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Divide: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "/"; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Power: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "^"; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Max: |
stream << "max("; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ","; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
case BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Min: |
stream << "min("; |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ","; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
} |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(BinaryRelationExpression const& expression) { |
switch (expression.getRelationType()) { |
case BinaryRelationExpression::RelationType::Equal: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "=="; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryRelationExpression::RelationType::NotEqual: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "!="; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryRelationExpression::RelationType::Less: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "<"; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryRelationExpression::RelationType::LessOrEqual: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << "<="; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryRelationExpression::RelationType::Greater: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ">"; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
case BinaryRelationExpression::RelationType::GreaterOrEqual: |
expression.getFirstOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ">="; |
expression.getSecondOperand()->accept(*this); |
break; |
} |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(VariableExpression const& expression) { |
stream << expression.getVariableName(); |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression const& expression) { |
switch (expression.getOperatorType()) { |
case UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Not: |
stream << "not("; |
expression.getOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
} |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(UnaryNumericalFunctionExpression const& expression) { |
switch (expression.getOperatorType()) { |
case UnaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Minus: |
stream << "-("; |
expression.getOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
case UnaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Floor: |
stream << "floor("; |
expression.getOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
case UnaryNumericalFunctionExpression::OperatorType::Ceil: |
stream << "ceil("; |
expression.getOperand()->accept(*this); |
stream << ")"; |
break; |
} |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(BooleanLiteralExpression const& expression) { |
stream << expression.getValue(); |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(IntegerLiteralExpression const& expression) { |
stream << expression.getValue(); |
return boost::any(); |
} |
boost::any ToExprtkStringVisitor::visit(DoubleLiteralExpression const& expression) { |
stream << expression.getValue(); |
return boost::any(); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
#include <sstream> |
#include "src/storage/expressions/Expression.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/Expressions.h" |
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionVisitor.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace expressions { |
class ToExprtkStringVisitor : public ExpressionVisitor { |
public: |
ToExprtkStringVisitor() = default; |
std::string toString(Expression const& expression); |
std::string toString(BaseExpression const* expression); |
virtual boost::any visit(IfThenElseExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(BinaryBooleanFunctionExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(BinaryNumericalFunctionExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(BinaryRelationExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(VariableExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(UnaryNumericalFunctionExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(BooleanLiteralExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(IntegerLiteralExpression const& expression) override; |
virtual boost::any visit(DoubleLiteralExpression const& expression) override; |
private: |
std::stringstream stream; |
}; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "src/storage/BitVectorHashMap.h"
TEST(BitVectorHashMapTest, FindOrAdd) { |
storm::storage::BitVectorHashMap<uint64_t> map(64, 3); |
storm::storage::BitVector first(64); |
first.set(4); |
first.set(47); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(map.findOrAdd(first, 1)); |
storm::storage::BitVector second(64); |
second.set(8); |
second.set(18); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(map.findOrAdd(second, 2)); |
EXPECT_EQ(1, map.findOrAdd(first, 3)); |
storm::storage::BitVector third(64); |
third.set(10); |
third.set(63); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(map.findOrAdd(third, 3)); |
storm::storage::BitVector fourth(64); |
fourth.set(12); |
fourth.set(14); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(map.findOrAdd(fourth, 4)); |
storm::storage::BitVector fifth(64); |
fifth.set(44); |
fifth.set(55); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(map.findOrAdd(fifth, 5)); |
storm::storage::BitVector sixth(64); |
sixth.set(45); |
sixth.set(55); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(map.findOrAdd(sixth, 6)); |
EXPECT_EQ(1, map.findOrAdd(first, 0)); |
EXPECT_EQ(2, map.findOrAdd(second, 0)); |
EXPECT_EQ(3, map.findOrAdd(third, 0)); |
EXPECT_EQ(4, map.findOrAdd(fourth, 0)); |
EXPECT_EQ(5, map.findOrAdd(fifth, 0)); |
EXPECT_EQ(6, map.findOrAdd(sixth, 0)); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/Expression.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionManager.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/SimpleValuation.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/ExpressionEvaluator.h"
TEST(ExpressionEvaluation, NaiveEvaluation) { |
std::shared_ptr<storm::expressions::ExpressionManager> manager(new storm::expressions::ExpressionManager()); |
storm::expressions::Variable x; |
storm::expressions::Variable y; |
storm::expressions::Variable z; |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(x = manager->declareBooleanVariable("x")); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(y = manager->declareIntegerVariable("y")); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(z = manager->declareRationalVariable("z")); |
storm::expressions::SimpleValuation eval(manager); |
storm::expressions::Expression iteExpression = storm::expressions::ite(x, y + z, manager->integer(3) * z); |
eval.setRationalValue(z, 5.5); |
eval.setBooleanValue(x, true); |
for (int_fast64_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
eval.setIntegerValue(y, 3 + i); |
EXPECT_NEAR(8.5 + i, iteExpression.evaluateAsDouble(&eval), 1e-6); |
} |
eval.setBooleanValue(x, false); |
for (int_fast64_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
double zValue = i / static_cast<double>(10); |
eval.setRationalValue(z, zValue); |
EXPECT_NEAR(3 * zValue, iteExpression.evaluateAsDouble(&eval), 1e-6); |
} |
} |
TEST(ExpressionEvaluation, ExprTkEvaluation) { |
std::shared_ptr<storm::expressions::ExpressionManager> manager(new storm::expressions::ExpressionManager()); |
storm::expressions::Variable x; |
storm::expressions::Variable y; |
storm::expressions::Variable z; |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(x = manager->declareBooleanVariable("x")); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(y = manager->declareIntegerVariable("y")); |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(z = manager->declareRationalVariable("z")); |
storm::expressions::Expression iteExpression = storm::expressions::ite(x, y + z, manager->integer(3) * z); |
storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator eval(*manager); |
eval.setRationalValue(z, 5.5); |
eval.setBooleanValue(x, true); |
for (int_fast64_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
eval.setIntegerValue(y, 3 + i); |
EXPECT_NEAR(8.5 + i, eval.asDouble(iteExpression), 1e-6); |
} |
eval.setBooleanValue(x, false); |
for (int_fast64_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { |
double zValue = i / static_cast<double>(10); |
eval.setRationalValue(z, zValue); |
EXPECT_NEAR(3 * zValue, eval.asDouble(iteExpression), 1e-6); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue