9 years ago
7 changed files with 547 additions and 69 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ |
#include <iostream> |
#include <iomanip> |
#include "src/utility/macros.h" |
#include "src/storage/geometry/Polytope.h" |
#include "src/storage/geometry/Halfspace.h" |
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException" |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
/* |
* This class represents a hyperrectangle, i.e., the intersection of finitely many intervals |
*/ |
template <typename ValueType> |
class Hyperrectangle { |
public: |
Hyperrectangle(std::vector<ValueType> const& lowerBounds, std::vector<ValueType> const& upperBounds) : mLowerBounds(lowerBounds), mUpperBounds(upperBounds) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(lowerBounds.size() == upperBounds.size(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Tried to construct a hyperrectangle but the number of given lower bounds does not equal the number of given upper bounds."); |
} |
Hyperrectangle(std::vector<ValueType>&& lowerBounds, std::vector<ValueType>&& upperBounds) : mLowerBounds(lowerBounds), mUpperBounds(upperBounds) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(lowerBounds.size() == upperBounds.size(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Tried to construct a hyperrectangle but the number of given lower bounds does not equal the number of given upper bounds."); |
} |
std::vector<ValueType> const& lowerBounds() const { |
return mLowerBounds; |
} |
std::vector<ValueType>& lowerBounds(){ |
return mLowerBounds; |
} |
std::vector<ValueType> const& upperBounds() const { |
return mUpperBounds; |
} |
std::vector<ValueType>& upperBounds(){ |
return mUpperBounds; |
} |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> asPolytope() const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(lowerBounds.size() == upperBounds.size(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Tried to construct a polytope form a hyperrectangle but the numbers of given lower and upper bounds do not match."); |
std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> halfspaces; |
halfspaces.reserve(2*lowerBounds.size()); |
for(uint_fast64_t i = 0; i<lowerBounds.size(); ++i) { |
std::vector<ValueType> direction(lowerBounds.size(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
direction[i] = -storm::utility::one<ValueType>(); |
ValueType offset = -lowerBounds()[i]; |
halfspaces.emplace_back(std::move(direction), std::move(offset)); |
direction = std::vector<ValueType>(lowerBounds.size(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
direction[i] = storm::utility::one<ValueType>(); |
offset = upperBounds()[i]; |
halfspaces.emplace_back(std::move(direction), std::move(offset)); |
} |
return Polytope<ValueType>::create(halfspaces); |
} |
private: |
std::vector<ValueType> mLowerBounds; |
std::vector<ValueType> mUpperBounds; |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ |
#include "src/storage/geometry/HyproPolytope.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/UnexpectedException.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
template <typename ValueType> |
HyproPolytope<ValueType>::HyproPolytope(std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> const& halfspaces) { |
if(halfspaces.empty()){ |
internPolytope = HyproPolytopeType(); |
} else { |
std::vector<hypro::Halfspace<ValueType>> hyproHalfspaces; |
hyproHalfspaces.reserve(halfspaces.size()); |
for(auto& h : halfspaces) { |
hyproHalfspaces.emplace_back(storm::adapters::toHypro(h)); |
} |
internPolytope = HyproPolytopeType(std::move(hyproHalfspaces)); |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
HyproPolytope<ValueType>::HyproPolytope(std::vector<Point> const& points) { |
if(points.empty()){ |
internPolytope = HyproPolytopeType::Empty(); |
} else { |
std::vector<hypro::Point<ValueType>> hyproPoints; |
hyproPoints.reserve(points.size()); |
for(auto const& p : points){ |
hyproPoints.emplace_back(storm::adapters::toHypro(p)); |
} |
internPolytope = HyproPolytopeType(std::move(hyproPoints)); |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::create(boost::optional<std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>>> const& halfspaces, |
boost::optional<std::vector<Point>> const& points) { |
if(halfspaces) { |
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(!points, "Creating a HyproPolytope where halfspaces AND points are given. The points will be ignored."); |
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(*halfspaces); |
} else if(points) { |
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(*points); |
} |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "Creating a HyproPolytope but no representation was given."); |
return nullptr; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
HyproPolytope<ValueType>::HyproPolytope(HyproPolytope<ValueType> const& other) : internPolytope(other.internPolytope) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
HyproPolytope<ValueType>::HyproPolytope(HyproPolytope<ValueType>&& other) : internPolytope(std::move(other.internPolytope)) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
HyproPolytope<ValueType>::HyproPolytope(HyproPolytopeType const& p) : internPolytope(p) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
HyproPolytope<ValueType>::HyproPolytope(HyproPolytopeType&& p) : internPolytope(p) { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
HyproPolytope<ValueType>::~HyproPolytope() { |
// Intentionally left empty
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::vector<typename Polytope<ValueType>::Point> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::getVertices() const { |
std::vector<hypro::Point<ValueType>> hyproVertices = internPolytope.vertices(); |
std::vector<Point> result; |
result.reserve(hyproVertices.size()); |
for(auto const& p : hyproVertices) { |
result.push_back(storm::adapters::fromHypro(p.rawCoordinates())); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::getHalfspaces() const { |
std::vector<hypro::Halfspace<ValueType>> hyproHalfspaces = internPolytope.constraints(); |
std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> result; |
result.reserve(hyproHalfspaces.size()); |
for(auto const& h : hyproHalfspaces) { |
result.push_back(storm::adapters::fromHypro(h)); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool HyproPolytope<ValueType>::isEmpty() const { |
return internPolytope.empty(); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool HyproPolytope<ValueType>::isUniversal() const { |
return internPolytope.constraints().empty(); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool HyproPolytope<ValueType>::contains(Point const& point) const{ |
return internPolytope.contains(storm::adapters::toHypro(point)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool HyproPolytope<ValueType>::contains(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& other) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(other->isHyproPolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a HyproPolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
return internPolytope.contains(other->asHyproPolytope().internPolytope); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::intersection(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const{ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(rhs->isHyproPolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a HyproPolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(internPolytope.intersect(rhs->asHyproPolytope().internPolytope)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::intersection(Halfspace<ValueType> const& halfspace) const{ |
HyproPolytopeType result(internPolytope); |
result.insert(storm::adapters::toHypro(halfspace)); |
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(std::move(result)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::convexUnion(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const{ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(rhs->isHyproPolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a HyproPolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(internPolytope.unite(rhs->asHyproPolytope().internPolytope)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::minkowskiSum(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const{ |
STORM_LOG_THROW(rhs->isHyproPolytope(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Invoked operation between a HyproPolytope and a different polytope implementation. This is not supported"); |
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(internPolytope.minkowskiSum(rhs->asHyproPolytope().internPolytope)); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> HyproPolytope<ValueType>::downwardClosure(boost::optional<Point> const& upperBounds) const { |
if(this->isUniversal() || this->isEmpty()) { |
// In these cases, the polytope does not change, i.e., we return a copy of this
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(internPolytope); |
} |
// Only keep the halfspaces where all entries of the normal vector are non-negative
std::vector<hypro::Halfspace<ValueType>> halfspaces; |
for(auto& h : internPolytope.constraints()){ |
if((h.normal().array() >= storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()).all()){ |
halfspaces.push_back(h); |
} |
} |
// Add Halfspaces to bound the polytope in each (positive) direction
for(uint_fast64_t dim = 0; dim < internPolytope.dimension(); ++dim){ |
hypro::vector_t<ValueType> direction = hypro::vector_t<ValueType>::Zero(dim); |
direction(dim) = storm::utility::one<ValueType>(); |
if(upperBounds){ |
ValueType upperBound = (*upperBounds)[dim]; |
halfspaces.emplace_back(std::move(direction), std::move(upperBound)); |
} else { |
// Compute max{x_dim | x \in P }
hypro::EvaluationResult<ValueType> evalRes = internPolytope.evaluate(direction); |
switch (evalRes.errorCode) { |
case hypro::SOLUTION::FEAS: |
halfspaces.emplace_back(std::move(direction), std::move(evalRes.supportValue)); |
break; |
case hypro::SOLUTION::INFTY: |
// if this polytope is not bounded in the current direction, no halfspace needs to be added
break; |
default: |
// there should never be an infeasible solution as we already excluded the empty polytope.
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "Unexpected eror code for Polytope evaluation"); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
return std::make_shared<HyproPolytope<ValueType>>(HyproPolytopeType(std::move(halfspaces))); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
bool HyproPolytope<ValueType>::isHyproPolytope() const { |
return true; |
} |
template class HyproPolytope<storm::RationalNumber>; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ |
#include "src/storage/geometry/Polytope.h" |
#include "src/adapters/HyproAdapter.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
namespace geometry { |
template <typename ValueType> |
class HyproPolytope : public Polytope<ValueType> { |
public: |
typedef typename Polytope<ValueType>::Point Point; |
typedef hypro::HPolytope<ValueType> HyproPolytopeType; |
/*! |
* Creates a HyproPolytope from the given halfspaces or points. |
* If both representations are given, one of them might be ignored |
*/ |
static std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> create(boost::optional<std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>>> const& halfspaces, |
boost::optional<std::vector<Point>> const& points); |
/*! |
* Creates a HyproPolytope from the given halfspaces |
* The resulting polytope is defined as the intersection of the halfspaces. |
*/ |
HyproPolytope(std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> const& halfspaces); |
/*! |
* Creates a HyproPolytope from the given points. |
* The resulting polytope is defined as the convex hull of the points' |
*/ |
HyproPolytope(std::vector<Point> const& points); |
/*! |
* Copy and move constructors |
*/ |
HyproPolytope(HyproPolytope<ValueType> const& other); |
HyproPolytope(HyproPolytope<ValueType>&& other); |
/*! |
* Construction from a plain hypro polytope |
*/ |
HyproPolytope(HyproPolytopeType const& polytope); |
HyproPolytope(HyproPolytopeType&& polytope); |
~HyproPolytope(); |
/*! |
* Returns the vertices of this polytope. |
*/ |
virtual std::vector<Point> getVertices() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the halfspaces of this polytope. |
*/ |
virtual std::vector<Halfspace<ValueType>> getHalfspaces() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns whether this polytope is the empty set. |
*/ |
virtual bool isEmpty() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns whether this polytope is universal (i.e., equals R^n). |
*/ |
virtual bool isUniversal() const override; |
/*! |
* Returns true iff the given point is inside of the polytope. |
*/ |
virtual bool contains(Point const& point) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns true iff the given polytope is a subset of this polytope. |
*/ |
virtual bool contains(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& other) const override; |
/*! |
* Intersects this polytope with rhs and returns the result. |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> intersection(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const override; |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> intersection(Halfspace<ValueType> const& halfspace) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the convex union of this polytope and rhs. |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> convexUnion(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the minkowskiSum of this polytope and rhs. |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> minkowskiSum(std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> const& rhs) const override; |
/*! |
* Returns the downward closure of this, i.e., the set { x | ex. y \in P : x<=y} where P is this Polytope. |
* Put differently, the resulting polytope corresponds to this polytope, where |
* 1. a vector y with y_i=max{x_i | x \in P} is computed and for each i, a halfspace with offset y_i and |
* normal vector n (where n_i = 1 and the remaining entries are 0) is inserted. |
* 2. all halfspaces where the normal vector has at least one negative entry are removed |
* |
* @param upperBounds If given, this vector is considered for y (hence, max{x_i | x i \in P does not need to be computed) |
*/ |
virtual std::shared_ptr<Polytope<ValueType>> downwardClosure(boost::optional<Point> const& upperBounds = boost::none) const override; |
virtual bool isHyproPolytope() const override; |
private: |
HyproPolytopeType internPolytope; |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
#endif /* STORM_HAVE_HYPRO */ |
Reference in new issue