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modified AutoParser to reflect changes in the model type system.

gereon 12 years ago
  1. 79
  2. 61


@ -2,82 +2,89 @@
#include "src/exceptions/WrongFileFormatException.h"
#include "DeterministicSparseTransitionParser.h"
#include "NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser.h"
#include "src/parser/DtmcParser.h"
//#include "NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser.h"
#include <string>
namespace storm {
namespace parser {
AutoParser::AutoParser(const std::string& filename)
: type(Unknown) {
AutoParser::AutoParser(std::string const & transitionSystemFile, std::string const & labelingFile,
std::string const & stateRewardFile, std::string const & transitionRewardFile)
ModelType name = this->analyzeFilename(filename);
std::pair<ModelType,ModelType> content = this->analyzeContent(filename);
ModelType hint = content.first, transitions = content.second;
storm::models::ModelType name = this->analyzeFilename(transitionSystemFile);
std::pair<storm::models::ModelType,storm::models::ModelType> content = this->analyzeContent(transitionSystemFile);
storm::models::ModelType hint = content.first, transitions = content.second;
if (hint == Unknown) {
if (name == transitions) this->type = name;
storm::models::ModelType type = storm::models::Unknown;
if (hint == storm::models::Unknown) {
if (name == transitions) type = name;
else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not determine file type of " << filename << ". Filename suggests " << name << " but transitions look like " << transitions);
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Please fix your file and try again.");
throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Could not determine type of file " << filename;
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not determine file type of " << transitionSystemFile << ". Filename suggests " << name << " but transitions look like " << transitions); LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Please fix your file and try again.");
throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Could not determine type of file " << transitionSystemFile;
} else {
if ((hint == name) && (name == transitions)) this->type = name;
if ((hint == name) && (name == transitions)) type = name;
else if (hint == name) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Transition format in file " << filename << " of type " << name << " look like " << transitions << " transitions.");
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Transition format in file " << transitionSystemFile << " of type " << name << " look like " << transitions << " transitions.");
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "We will use the parser for " << name << " and hope for the best!");
this->type = name;
type = name;
else if (hint == transitions) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "File extension of " << filename << " suggests type " << name << " but the content seems to be " << hint);
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "File extension of " << transitionSystemFile << " suggests type " << name << " but the content seems to be " << hint);
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "We will use the parser for " << hint << " and hope for the best!");
this->type = hint;
type = hint;
else if (name == transitions) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "File " << filename << " contains a hint that it is " << hint << " but filename and transition pattern suggests " << name);
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "File " << transitionSystemFile << " contains a hint that it is " << hint << " but filename and transition pattern suggests " << name);
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "We will use the parser for " << name << " and hope for the best!");
this->type = name;
type = name;
else {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "File " << filename << " contains a hint that it is " << hint << " but filename suggests " << name << " and transition pattern suggests " << transitions);
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "File " << transitionSystemFile << " contains a hint that it is " << hint << " but filename suggests " << name << " and transition pattern suggests " << transitions);
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "We will stick to the hint, use the parser for " << hint << " and hope for the best!");
this->type = hint;
type = hint;
// Do actual parsing
switch (this->type) {
case DTMC:
this->parser = new DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(filename);
switch (type) {
case storm::models::DTMC: {
DtmcParser* parser = new DtmcParser(transitionSystemFile, labelingFile, stateRewardFile, transitionRewardFile);
this->model = parser->getDtmc();
case storm::models::CTMC:
case storm::models::MDP:
case NDTMC:
this->parser = new NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser(filename);
case storm::models::CTMDP:
default: ; // Unknown
ModelType AutoParser::analyzeFilename(const std::string& filename) {
ModelType type = Unknown;
storm::models::ModelType AutoParser::analyzeFilename(const std::string& filename) {
storm::models::ModelType type = storm::models::Unknown;
// find file extension
std::string::size_type extpos = filename.rfind(".");
if (extpos == std::string::npos) return Unknown;
if (extpos == std::string::npos) return storm::models::Unknown;
else extpos++;
// check file extension
if (filename.substr(extpos) == "dtmc") type = DTMC;
else if (filename.substr(extpos) == "ndtmc") type = NDTMC;
if (filename.substr(extpos) == "dtmc") type = storm::models::DTMC;
else if (filename.substr(extpos) == "mdp") type = storm::models::MDP;
return type;
std::pair<ModelType,ModelType> AutoParser::analyzeContent(const std::string& filename) {
std::pair<storm::models::ModelType,storm::models::ModelType> AutoParser::analyzeContent(const std::string& filename) {
ModelType hintType = Unknown, transType = Unknown;
storm::models::ModelType hintType = storm::models::Unknown, transType = storm::models::Unknown;
// Open file
MappedFile file(filename.c_str());
char* buf =;
@ -87,14 +94,14 @@ std::pair<ModelType,ModelType> AutoParser::analyzeContent(const std::string& fil
sscanf(buf, "%s\n", hint);
// check hint
if (strncmp(hint, "dtmc", sizeof(hint)) == 0) hintType = DTMC;
else if (strncmp(hint, "ndtmc", sizeof(hint)) == 0) hintType = NDTMC;
if (strncmp(hint, "dtmc", sizeof(hint)) == 0) hintType = storm::models::DTMC;
else if (strncmp(hint, "mdp", sizeof(hint)) == 0) hintType = storm::models::MDP;
// check transition format
// todo.
return std::pair<ModelType,ModelType>(hintType, transType);
return std::pair<storm::models::ModelType,storm::models::ModelType>(hintType, transType);
} //namespace parser


@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
#include "src/models/AtomicPropositionsLabeling.h"
#include "boost/integer/integer_mask.hpp"
#include "src/parser/Parser.h"
#include "src/models/AbstractModel.h"
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
@ -14,28 +12,10 @@ namespace storm {
namespace parser {
* @brief Enumeration of all supported types of models.
enum ModelType {
Unknown, DTMC, NDTMC
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ModelType type)
switch (type) {
case Unknown: os << "Unknown"; break;
case DTMC: os << "DTMC"; break;
case NDTMC: os << "NDTMC"; break;
default: os << "Invalid ModelType";
return os;
* @brief Checks the given file and tries to call the correct parser.
* @brief Checks the given files and parses the model within these files.
* This parser analyzes the filename, an optional format hint (in the first
* line of the file) and the transitions within the file.
* line of the transition file) and the transitions within the file.
* If all three (or two, if the hint is not given) are consistent, it will
* call the appropriate parser.
@ -45,40 +25,39 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ModelType type)
* warning to the user and use the format hint to determine the correct
* parser.
* Otherwise, it will issue an error.
* When the files are parsed successfully, the parsed ModelType and Model
* can be obtained via getType() and getModel<ModelClass>().
class AutoParser : Parser {
AutoParser(const std::string& filename);
AutoParser(std::string const & transitionSystemFile, std::string const & labelingFile,
std::string const & stateRewardFile = "", std::string const & transitionRewardFile = "");
* @brief Returns the type of transition system that was detected.
* @brief Returns the type of model that was parsed.
ModelType getModelType() {
return this->type;
storm::models::ModelType getType() {
return this->model->getType();
template <typename T>
T* getParser() {
return dynamic_cast<T*>( this->parser );
* @brief Returns the model with the given type.
template <typename Model>
std::shared_ptr<Model> getModel() {
return this->model->as<Model>();
~AutoParser() {
delete this->parser;
ModelType analyzeFilename(const std::string& filename);
std::pair<ModelType,ModelType> analyzeContent(const std::string& filename);
* @brief Type of the transition system.
ModelType type;
storm::models::ModelType analyzeFilename(const std::string& filename);
std::pair<storm::models::ModelType, storm::models::ModelType> analyzeContent(const std::string& filename);
* @brief Pointer to a parser that has parsed the given transition system.
Parser* parser;
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel> model;
} // namespace parser
