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main executable compiling again, started to debug

Former-commit-id: f255c48a3d
dehnert 10 years ago
  1. 6
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  7. 10
  8. 4


@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace storm {
void createMetaVariablesAndIdentities() {
// Add synchronization variables.
for (auto const& actionIndex : program.getActionIndices()) {
for (auto const& actionIndex : program.getSynchronizingActionIndices()) {
std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Variable> variablePair = manager->addMetaVariable(program.getActionName(actionIndex));
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::pair<storm::dd::Add<Type>, typename DdPrismModelBuilder<Type>::ModuleDecisionDiagram> DdPrismModelBuilder<Type>::createSystemDecisionDiagram(GenerationInformation& generationInfo) {
// Create the initial offset mapping.
std::map<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t> synchronizingActionToOffsetMap;
for (auto const& actionIndex : generationInfo.program.getActionIndices()) {
for (auto const& actionIndex : generationInfo.program.getSynchronizingActionIndices()) {
synchronizingActionToOffsetMap[actionIndex] = 0;
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Translating module '" << currentModule.getName() << "'.");
// Update the offset index.
for (auto const& actionIndex : generationInfo.program.getActionIndices()) {
for (auto const& actionIndex : generationInfo.program.getSynchronizingActionIndices()) {
if (system.hasSynchronizingAction(actionIndex)) {
synchronizingActionToOffsetMap[actionIndex] = system.synchronizingActionToDecisionDiagramMap[actionIndex].numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables;


@ -210,6 +210,8 @@ namespace storm {
// Now that the program is fixed, we we need to substitute all constants with their concrete value.
preparedProgram = preparedProgram.substituteConstants();
std::cout << preparedProgram << std::endl;
// Select the appropriate reward models (after the constants have been substituted).
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::prism::RewardModel const>> selectedRewardModels;
for (auto const& rewardModel : preparedProgram.getRewardModels()) {
@ -401,7 +403,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, IndexType>::getLabeledTransitions(storm::prism::Program const& program, bool discreteTimeModel, StateInformation& stateInformation, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::storage::BitVector const& currentState, bool choiceLabeling, storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator<ValueType> const& evaluator, std::queue<storm::storage::BitVector>& stateQueue, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) {
std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> result;
for (uint_fast64_t actionIndex : program.getActionIndices()) {
for (uint_fast64_t actionIndex : program.getSynchronizingActionIndices()) {
boost::optional<std::vector<std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<storm::prism::Command const>>>> optionalActiveCommandLists = getActiveCommandsByActionIndex(program, evaluator, actionIndex);
// Only process this action label, if there is at least one feasible solution.
@ -421,8 +423,6 @@ namespace storm {
std::unordered_map<CompressedState, ValueType>* newTargetStates = new std::unordered_map<CompressedState, ValueType>();
currentTargetStates->emplace(currentState, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
// FIXME: This does not check whether a global variable is written multiple times. While the
// behaviour for this is undefined anyway, a warning should be issued in that case.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < iteratorList.size(); ++i) {
storm::prism::Command const& command = *iteratorList[i];
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ namespace storm {
bool labeledChoice = allUnlabeledChoices.empty() ? false : true;
bool labeledChoice = allUnlabeledChoices.empty() ? true : false;
Choice<ValueType> const& globalChoice = labeledChoice ? allLabeledChoices.front() : allUnlabeledChoices.front();
auto builderIt = rewardModelBuilders.begin();
@ -589,6 +589,10 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : globalChoice) {
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(currentRow, stateProbabilityPair.first, stateProbabilityPair.second);
if (commandLabels) {
// Now add the resulting distribution as the only choice of the current state.
@ -820,6 +824,8 @@ namespace storm {
modelComponents.choiceLabeling = buildMatrices(program, variableInformation, selectedRewardModels, stateInformation, options.buildCommandLabels, deterministicModel, discreteTimeModel, transitionMatrixBuilder, rewardModelBuilders);
modelComponents.transitionMatrix =;
// Now finalize all reward models.
auto builderIt = rewardModelBuilders.begin();
for (auto rewardModelIt = selectedRewardModels.begin(), rewardModelIte = selectedRewardModels.end(); rewardModelIt != rewardModelIte; ++rewardModelIt, ++builderIt) {
@ -863,25 +869,6 @@ namespace storm {
return result;
template <typename ValueType, typename IndexType>
std::vector<ValueType> ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, IndexType>::buildStateRewards(storm::prism::Program const& program, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, std::vector<storm::prism::StateReward> const& rewards, StateInformation const& stateInformation) {
storm::expressions::ExpressionEvaluator<ValueType> evaluator(program.getManager());
std::vector<ValueType> result(stateInformation.reachableStates.size());
for (uint_fast64_t index = 0; index < stateInformation.reachableStates.size(); index++) {
result[index] = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
unpackStateIntoEvaluator(stateInformation.reachableStates[index], variableInformation, evaluator);
for (auto const& reward : rewards) {
// Add this reward to the state if the state is included in the state reward.
if (evaluator.asBool(reward.getStatePredicateExpression())) {
result[index] += ValueType(evaluator.asRational(reward.getRewardValueExpression()));
return result;
// Explicitly instantiate the class.
template class ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<double, uint32_t>;


@ -277,15 +277,6 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The state labeling of the given program.
static storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling buildStateLabeling(storm::prism::Program const& program, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, StateInformation const& stateInformation);
* Builds the state rewards for the given state space.
* @param rewards A vector of state rewards to consider.
* @param stateInformation Information about the state space.
* @return A vector containing the state rewards for the state space.
static std::vector<ValueType> buildStateRewards(storm::prism::Program const& program, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, std::vector<storm::prism::StateReward> const& rewards, StateInformation const& stateInformation);
} // namespace adapters


@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ namespace storm {
PositionIteratorType first(input.begin());
PositionIteratorType iter = first;
PositionIteratorType last(input.end());
assert(first != last);
// Create empty result;
storm::prism::Program result;
@ -147,11 +148,11 @@ namespace storm {"update list");
// This is a dummy command-definition (it ignores the actual contents of the command) that is overwritten when the parser is moved to the second run.
commandDefinition = (((qi::lit("[") > (-identifier)[qi::_a = qi::_1] > qi::lit("]"))
commandDefinition = (((qi::lit("[") > -identifier > qi::lit("]"))
(qi::lit("<") > (-identifier)[qi::_a = qi::_1] > qi::lit(">")[qi::_b = true]))
(qi::lit("<") > -identifier > qi::lit(">")[qi::_a = true]))
> +(qi::char_ - qi::lit(";"))
> qi::lit(";"))[qi::_val = phoenix::bind(&PrismParser::createCommand, phoenix::ref(*this), qi::_a, qi::_r1)];
> qi::lit(";"))[qi::_val = phoenix::bind(&PrismParser::createCommand, phoenix::ref(*this), qi::_1, qi::_r1)];"command definition");
moduleDefinition = ((qi::lit("module") >> identifier >> *(variableDefinition(qi::_a, qi::_b))) > *commandDefinition(qi::_r1) > qi::lit("endmodule"))[qi::_val = phoenix::bind(&PrismParser::createModule, phoenix::ref(*this), qi::_1, qi::_a, qi::_b, qi::_2, qi::_r1)];
@ -203,13 +204,13 @@ namespace storm {
void PrismParser::moveToSecondRun() {
// In the second run, we actually need to parse the commands instead of just skipping them,
// so we adapt the rule for parsing commands.
commandDefinition = (((qi::lit("[") > (-identifier)[qi::_a = qi::_1] > qi::lit("]"))
commandDefinition = (((qi::lit("[") > -identifier > qi::lit("]"))
(qi::lit("<") > (-identifier)[qi::_a = qi::_1] > qi::lit(">")[qi::_b = true]))
(qi::lit("<") > -identifier > qi::lit(">")[qi::_a = true]))
> expressionParser
> qi::lit("->")
> updateListDefinition(qi::_r1)
> qi::lit(";"))[qi::_val = phoenix::bind(&PrismParser::createCommand, phoenix::ref(*this), qi::_b, qi::_a, qi::_2, qi::_3, qi::_r1)];
> qi::lit(";"))[qi::_val = phoenix::bind(&PrismParser::createCommand, phoenix::ref(*this), qi::_a, qi::_1, qi::_2, qi::_3, qi::_r1)];
this->secondRun = true;
@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ namespace storm {
auto const& nameIndexPair = globalProgramInformation.actionIndices.find(realActionName);
STORM_LOG_THROW(nameIndexPair != globalProgramInformation.actionIndices.end(), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Transition reward refers to illegal action '" << realActionName << "'.");
return storm::prism::TransitionReward(nameIndexPair->second, actionName.get(), sourceStatePredicateExpression, targetStatePredicateExpression, rewardValueExpression, this->getFilename());
return storm::prism::TransitionReward(nameIndexPair->second, realActionName, sourceStatePredicateExpression, targetStatePredicateExpression, rewardValueExpression, this->getFilename());
storm::prism::Assignment PrismParser::createAssignment(std::string const& variableName, storm::expressions::Expression assignedExpression) const {


@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ namespace storm {
qi::rule<Iterator, storm::prism::IntegerVariable(), qi::locals<storm::expressions::Expression>, Skipper> integerVariableDefinition;
// Rules for command definitions.
qi::rule<Iterator, storm::prism::Command(GlobalProgramInformation&), qi::locals<boost::optional<std::string>, bool>, Skipper> commandDefinition;
qi::rule<Iterator, storm::prism::Command(GlobalProgramInformation&), qi::locals<bool>, Skipper> commandDefinition;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<storm::prism::Update>(GlobalProgramInformation&), Skipper> updateListDefinition;
qi::rule<Iterator, storm::prism::Update(GlobalProgramInformation&), Skipper> updateDefinition;
qi::rule<Iterator, std::vector<storm::prism::Assignment>(), Skipper> assignmentDefinitionList;


@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace storm {
formulas(formulas), formulaToIndexMap(), modules(modules), moduleToIndexMap(),
rewardModels(rewardModels), rewardModelToIndexMap(), initialConstruct(initialConstruct),
labels(labels), actionToIndexMap(actionToIndexMap), indexToActionMap(), actions(),
actionIndices(), actionIndicesToModuleIndexMap(), variableToModuleIndexMap()
synchronizingActionIndices(), actionIndicesToModuleIndexMap(), variableToModuleIndexMap()
// Start by creating the necessary mappings from the given ones.
@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ namespace storm {
return this->actions;
std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& Program::getActionIndices() const {
return this->actionIndices;
std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& Program::getSynchronizingActionIndices() const {
return this->synchronizingActionIndices;
std::string const& Program::getActionName(uint_fast64_t actionIndex) const {
@ -391,8 +391,12 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto const& actionIndexPair : this->getActionNameToIndexMapping()) {
this->indexToActionMap.emplace(actionIndexPair.second, actionIndexPair.first);
// Only let all non-zero indices be synchronizing.
if (actionIndexPair.second != 0) {
// Build the mapping from action names to module indices so that the lookup can later be performed quickly.
@ -794,7 +798,6 @@ namespace storm {
Program Program::simplify() {
std::vector<Module> newModules;
std::vector<Constant> newConstants = this->getConstants();


@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ namespace storm {
std::set<std::string> const& getActions() const;
* Retrieves the set of action indices present in the program.
* Retrieves the set of synchronizing action indices present in the program.
* @return The set of action indices present in the program.
* @return The set of synchronizing action indices present in the program.
std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& getActionIndices() const;
std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& getSynchronizingActionIndices() const;
* Retrieves the action name of the given action index.
@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ namespace storm {
// The set of actions present in this program.
std::set<std::string> actions;
// The set of actions present in this program.
std::set<uint_fast64_t> actionIndices;
// The set of synchronizing actions present in this program.
std::set<uint_fast64_t> synchronizingActionIndices;
// A map of actions to the set of modules containing commands labelled with this action.
std::map<uint_fast64_t, std::set<uint_fast64_t>> actionIndicesToModuleIndexMap;


@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ namespace storm {
distribution[state] += value;
std::size_t size() const {
return distribution.size();
// The distribution that is associated with the choice.
std::map<KeyType, ValueType, Compare> distribution;
