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Beautified output of option system. Enabled command line interface of counterexample generation.

Former-commit-id: cecc5e85b3
dehnert 12 years ago
  1. 6
  2. 9
  3. 90
  4. 55
  5. 12
  6. 4
  7. 44
  8. 8
  9. 48
  10. 20
  11. 40
  12. 16
  13. 74
  14. 44


@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ target_link_libraries(storm-performance-tests ltl2dstar)
message (STATUS "StoRM - Linking with Gurobi")
target_link_libraries(storm "gurobi55")
target_link_libraries(storm-functional-tests "gurobi55")
target_link_libraries(storm-performance-tests "gurobi55")
target_link_libraries(storm "gurobi56")
target_link_libraries(storm-functional-tests "gurobi56")
target_link_libraries(storm-performance-tests "gurobi56")


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "src/settings/Settings.h"
bool MILPMinimalLabelSetGeneratorOptionsRegistered = storm::settings::Settings::registerNewModule([] (storm::settings::Settings* instance) -> bool {
std::vector<std::string> techniques;
instance->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("MILPMinimalLabelSetGenerator", "mincmd", "", "Computes a counterexample for the given symbolic model in terms of a minimal command set.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("propertyFile", "The file containing the properties for which counterexamples are to be generated.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("method", "Sets which technique is used to derive the counterexample. Must be either \"milp\" or \"sat\".").setDefaultValueString("sat").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(techniques)).build()).build());
return true;


@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ namespace storm {
result.problematicStates = storm::utility::graph::performProbGreater0E(labeledMdp, backwardTransitions, phiStates, psiStates);
result.problematicStates &= result.relevantStates;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << phiStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " filter states (" << phiStates.toString() << ").");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << psiStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " target states (" << psiStates.toString() << ").");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << result.relevantStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " relevant states (" << result.relevantStates.toString() << ").");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << result.problematicStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " problematic states (" << result.problematicStates.toString() << ").");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << phiStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " filter states.");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << psiStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " target states.");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << result.relevantStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " relevant states .");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << result.problematicStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " problematic states.");
return result;
@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ namespace storm {
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << result.allRelevantLabels.size() << " relevant labels.");
// Finally, determine the set of labels that are known to be taken.
result.knownLabels = storm::utility::counterexamples::getGuaranteedLabelSet(labeledMdp, psiStates, result.allRelevantLabels);
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Found " << result.knownLabels.size() << " known labels.");
return result;
@ -171,7 +176,9 @@ namespace storm {
* @param env The Gurobi environment to modify.
static void setGurobiEnvironmentProperties(GRBenv* env) {
int error = error = GRBsetintparam(env, "OutputFlag", storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->isSet("debug") ? 1 : 0);
// Enable the following line to only print the output of Gurobi if the debug flag is set.
// int error = error = GRBsetintparam(env, "OutputFlag", storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->isSet("debug") ? 1 : 0);
int error = error = GRBsetintparam(env, "OutputFlag", 1);
@ -869,7 +876,6 @@ namespace storm {
uint_fast64_t numberOfConstraintsCreated = 0;
int error = 0;
choiceInformation.knownLabels = storm::utility::counterexamples::getGuaranteedLabelSet(labeledMdp, psiStates, choiceInformation.allRelevantLabels);
for (auto label : choiceInformation.knownLabels) {
double coefficient = 1;
int variableIndex =;
@ -964,6 +970,7 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto predecessor : predecessors) {
// If the predecessor is not a relevant state, we need to skip it.
if (!stateInformation.relevantStates.get(predecessor)) {
@ -1003,7 +1010,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Assert that at least one initial state selects at least one action.
@ -1034,6 +1041,11 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto predecessor : predecessors) {
// If the predecessor is not a relevant state, we need to skip it.
if (!stateInformation.relevantStates.get(predecessor)) {
std::list<uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator choiceVariableIndicesIterator =;
for (auto relevantChoice : {
bool choiceTargetsPsiState = false;
@ -1246,8 +1258,6 @@ namespace storm {
static std::set<uint_fast64_t> getMinimalLabelSet(storm::models::Mdp<T> const& labeledMdp, storm::storage::BitVector const& phiStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, double probabilityThreshold, bool checkThresholdFeasible = false, bool includeSchedulerCuts = false) {
auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// (0) Check whether the MDP is indeed labeled.
if (!labeledMdp.hasChoiceLabels()) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Minimal label set generation is impossible for unlabeled model.";
@ -1298,9 +1308,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Display achieved probability.
std::pair<uint_fast64_t, double> initialStateProbabilityPair = getReachabilityProbability(environmentModelPair.first, environmentModelPair.second, labeledMdp, variableInformation);
auto endTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << "Computed minimal label set of size " << usedLabelSet.size() << " in " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(endTime - startTime).count() << "ms." << std::endl;
// (4.6) Shutdown Gurobi.
destroyGurobiModelAndEnvironment(environmentModelPair.first, environmentModelPair.second);
@ -1311,6 +1318,65 @@ namespace storm {
* Computes a (minimally labeled) counterexample for the given model and (safety) formula. If the model satisfies the property, an exception is thrown.
* @param labeledMdp A labeled MDP that is the model in which to generate the counterexample.
* @param formulaPtr A pointer to a safety formula. The outermost operator must be a probabilistic bound operator with a strict upper bound. The nested
* formula can be either an unbounded until formula or an eventually formula.
static void computeCounterexample(storm::models::Mdp<T> const& labeledMdp, storm::property::prctl::AbstractPrctlFormula<double> const* formulaPtr) {
std::cout << std::endl << "Generating minimal label counterexample for formula " << formulaPtr->toString() << std::endl;
// First, we need to check whether the current formula is an Until-Formula.
storm::property::prctl::ProbabilisticBoundOperator<double> const* probBoundFormula = dynamic_cast<storm::property::prctl::ProbabilisticBoundOperator<double> const*>(formulaPtr);
if (probBoundFormula == nullptr) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << " for counterexample generation.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Illegal formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << " for counterexample generation.";
if (probBoundFormula->getComparisonOperator() != storm::property::ComparisonType::LESS) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal comparison operator in formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << ". Only strict upper bounds are supported for counterexample generation.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Illegal comparison operator in formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << ". Only strict upper bounds are supported for counterexample generation.";
// Now derive the probability threshold we need to exceed as well as the phi and psi states. Simultaneously, check whether the formula is of a valid shape.
double bound = probBoundFormula->getBound();
storm::property::prctl::AbstractPathFormula<double> const& pathFormula = probBoundFormula->getPathFormula();
storm::storage::BitVector phiStates;
storm::storage::BitVector psiStates;
storm::modelchecker::prctl::SparseMdpPrctlModelChecker<T> modelchecker(labeledMdp, new storm::solver::GmmxxNondeterministicLinearEquationSolver<T>());
try {
storm::property::prctl::Until<double> const& untilFormula = dynamic_cast<storm::property::prctl::Until<double> const&>(pathFormula);
phiStates = untilFormula.getLeft().check(modelchecker);
psiStates = untilFormula.getRight().check(modelchecker);
} catch (std::bad_cast const& e) {
// If the nested formula was not an until formula, it remains to check whether it's an eventually formula.
try {
storm::property::prctl::Eventually<double> const& eventuallyFormula = dynamic_cast<storm::property::prctl::Eventually<double> const&>(pathFormula);
phiStates = storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp.getNumberOfStates(), true);
psiStates = eventuallyFormula.getChild().check(modelchecker);
} catch (std::bad_cast const& e) {
// If the nested formula is neither an until nor a finally formula, we throw an exception.
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Formula nested inside probability bound operator must be an until or eventually formula for counterexample generation.";
// Delegate the actual computation work to the function of equal name.
auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::set<uint_fast64_t> usedLabelSet = getMinimalLabelSet(labeledMdp, phiStates, psiStates, bound, true, true);
auto endTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << std::endl << "Computed minimal label set of size " << usedLabelSet.size() << " in " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(endTime - startTime).count() << "ms." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "-------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// FIXME: Return the DTMC that results from applying the max scheduler in the MDP restricted to the computed label set.
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This functionality is unavailable since StoRM has been compiled without support for Gurobi.";
} // namespace counterexamples


@ -1165,11 +1165,60 @@ namespace storm {
// (9) Return the resulting command set after undefining the constants.
endTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << "Computed minimal command set of size " << commandSet.size() << " in " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(endTime - startTime).count() << "ms (" << iterations << " iterations)." << std::endl;
return commandSet;
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This functionality is unavailable since StoRM has been compiled without support for Z3.";
static void computeCounterexample(storm::ir::Program program, std::string const& constantDefinitionString, storm::models::Mdp<T> const& labeledMdp, storm::property::prctl::AbstractPrctlFormula<double> const* formulaPtr) {
#ifdef STORM_HAVE_Z3
std::cout << std::endl << "Generating minimal label counterexample for formula " << formulaPtr->toString() << std::endl;
// First, we need to check whether the current formula is an Until-Formula.
storm::property::prctl::ProbabilisticBoundOperator<double> const* probBoundFormula = dynamic_cast<storm::property::prctl::ProbabilisticBoundOperator<double> const*>(formulaPtr);
if (probBoundFormula == nullptr) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << " for counterexample generation.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Illegal formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << " for counterexample generation.";
if (probBoundFormula->getComparisonOperator() != storm::property::ComparisonType::LESS) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal comparison operator in formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << ". Only strict upper bounds are supported for counterexample generation.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Illegal comparison operator in formula " << probBoundFormula->toString() << ". Only strict upper bounds are supported for counterexample generation.";
// Now derive the probability threshold we need to exceed as well as the phi and psi states. Simultaneously, check whether the formula is of a valid shape.
double bound = probBoundFormula->getBound();
storm::property::prctl::AbstractPathFormula<double> const& pathFormula = probBoundFormula->getPathFormula();
storm::storage::BitVector phiStates;
storm::storage::BitVector psiStates;
storm::modelchecker::prctl::SparseMdpPrctlModelChecker<T> modelchecker(labeledMdp, new storm::solver::GmmxxNondeterministicLinearEquationSolver<T>());
try {
storm::property::prctl::Until<double> const& untilFormula = dynamic_cast<storm::property::prctl::Until<double> const&>(pathFormula);
phiStates = untilFormula.getLeft().check(modelchecker);
psiStates = untilFormula.getRight().check(modelchecker);
} catch (std::bad_cast const& e) {
// If the nested formula was not an until formula, it remains to check whether it's an eventually formula.
try {
storm::property::prctl::Eventually<double> const& eventuallyFormula = dynamic_cast<storm::property::prctl::Eventually<double> const&>(pathFormula);
phiStates = storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp.getNumberOfStates(), true);
psiStates = eventuallyFormula.getChild().check(modelchecker);
} catch (std::bad_cast const& e) {
// If the nested formula is neither an until nor a finally formula, we throw an exception.
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Formula nested inside probability bound operator must be an until or eventually formula for counterexample generation.";
// Delegate the actual computation work to the function of equal name.
auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::set<uint_fast64_t> usedLabelSet = getMinimalCommandSet(program, constantDefinitionString, labeledMdp, phiStates, psiStates, bound, true);
auto endTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << std::endl << "Computed minimal label set of size " << usedLabelSet.size() << " in " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(endTime - startTime).count() << "ms." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "-------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// FIXME: Return the DTMC that results from applying the max scheduler in the MDP restricted to the computed label set.
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This functionality is unavailable since StoRM has been compiled without support for Z3.";


@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ namespace storm {
#define PPCAT(A, B) PPCAT_NX(A, B)
#define MACROaddValidationFunction(funcName, funcType) ArgumentBuilder& PPCAT(addValidationFunction, funcName) (storm::settings::Argument< funcType >::userValidationFunction_t userValidationFunction) { \
if (this->argumentType != ArgumentType::funcName) { \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Tried adding a Validation-Function for a \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(ArgumentType::funcName) << "\" Argument, but this Argument is configured to be of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(this->argumentType) << "\"."; \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Unable to add a validation function for a \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(ArgumentType::funcName) << "\" argument, because this argument is of type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(this->argumentType) << "\"."; \
} \
( PPCAT(this->userValidationFunction_, funcName) ).push_back(userValidationFunction); \
std::string errorMessageTarget = ""; \
if (this->hasDefaultValue && !this->validateDefaultForEach(errorMessageTarget)) { \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException() << "Tried adding a Validation-Function for an Argument which has a Default Value set which is rejected by this Validation-Function:\r\n" << errorMessageTarget; \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException() << "Unable to add a validation function for an argument that has a default value which is rejected by this validation function:\r\n" << errorMessageTarget << "."; \
} \
return *this; \
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ namespace storm {
#define MACROsetDefaultValue(funcName, funcType) ArgumentBuilder& PPCAT(setDefaultValue, funcName) (funcType const& defaultValue) { \
if (this->argumentType != ArgumentType::funcName) { \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Tried adding a default Value for a \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(ArgumentType::String) << "\" Argument, but the Argument \"" << this->argumentName << "\" is configured to be of Type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(this->argumentType) << "\"."; \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Unable to add a default value for a \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(ArgumentType::String) << "\" argument, because the argument \"" << this->argumentName << "\" is of type \"" << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(this->argumentType) << "\"."; \
} \
PPCAT(this->defaultValue_, funcName) = defaultValue; \
std::string errorMessageTarget = ""; \
if (!this->validateDefaultForEach(errorMessageTarget)) { \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException() << "Tried adding a default Value for the Argument \"" << this->argumentName << "\", but a Validation Function rejected it:\r\n" << errorMessageTarget; \
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException() << "Unable to add a default value for the argument \"" << this->argumentName << "\", but a validation function rejected it:\r\n" << errorMessageTarget << "."; \
} \
this->hasDefaultValue = true; \
return *this; \
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace storm {
ArgumentBase* build() {
if (this->hasBeenBuild) {
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Called build() on an instance of ArgumentBuilder which has already build an Instance.";
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Called build() on an instance of ArgumentBuilder that has already built an instance.";
this->hasBeenBuild = true;
switch (this->argumentType) {
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ namespace storm {
default: {
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Error: Missing Case in ArgumentBuilder's switch/case Code.";
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing case in ArgumentBuilder.";


@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace storm {
return argumentTypeBoolean;
default: {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeHelper::toString: Missing Case in ArgumentTypeHelper's switch/case Code.");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing a Switch Case in the ArgumentTypeHelper!\n" << "It seems there is a new ArgumentType, but it was not added to the Helper Class!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeHelper::toString: Missing case in ArgumentTypeHelper.");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing case in ArgumentTypeHelper.";


@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename T>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType() {
// "Missing Template Specialization Case in ArgumentTypeInferation"
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType: Missing a Template Specialization Case in the ArgumentTypeInferationHelper! It seems you tried to use a new, non-standard Type as a Settings Parameter-Type!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing a Template Specialization Case in the ArgumentTypeInferationHelper!\n" << "It seems you tried to use a new, non-standard Type as a Settings Parameter-Type!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType: Missing a template specialization case in the ArgumentTypeInferationHelper.");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing a template specialization case in the ArgumentTypeInferationHelper.";
return ArgumentType::Invalid;
@ -72,16 +72,16 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename T>
std::string ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString: inferToString was called on a non-string Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToString was called on a non-string Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString: Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return std::string();
template <> inline std::string ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString<std::string>(ArgumentType argumentType, std::string value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::String) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString: inferToString was called on a string Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToString was called on a string Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString: Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
return value;
@ -91,16 +91,16 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename T>
int_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger: inferToInteger was called on a non-int_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToInteger was called on a non-int_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger: Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return 0;
template <> inline int_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger<int_fast64_t>(ArgumentType argumentType, int_fast64_t value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::Integer) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger: inferToInteger was called on a int_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToInteger was called on an int_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger: Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
return value;
@ -110,16 +110,16 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename T>
uint_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger: inferToUnsignedInteger was called on a non-uint_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToUnsignedInteger was called on a non-uint_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger: Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return 0;
template <> inline uint_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger<uint_fast64_t>(ArgumentType argumentType, uint_fast64_t value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger: inferToUnsignedInteger was called on a uint_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToUnsignedInteger was called on an uint_fast64_t Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger: Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return value;
@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename T>
double ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble: inferToDouble was called on a non-double Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToDouble was called on a non-double Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble: Unable to perform inferToDouble on a non-double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToDouble on a non-double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return 0.0;
template <> inline double ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble<double>(ArgumentType argumentType, double value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::Double) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble: inferToDouble was called on a double Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToDouble was called on a double Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble: Unable to perform inferToDouble on a double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToDouble on a double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return value;
@ -148,16 +148,16 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename T>
bool ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean: inferToBoolean was called on a non-bool Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToBoolean was called on a non-bool Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean: Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return false;
template <> inline bool ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean<bool>(ArgumentType argumentType, bool value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::Boolean) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean: inferToBoolean was called on a bool Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "inferToBoolean was called on a bool Template Object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean: Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return value;


@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ namespace storm {
bool upperBoundCondition = (value <= upperBound);
if (!lowerBoundCondition) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << " Lower Bound Condition not met: " << lowerBound << " is not <= " << value;
stream << " lower bound condition not met: " << lowerBound << " is not smaller or equal than " << value << ".";
if (!upperBoundCondition) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << " Upper Bound Condition not met: " << value << " is not <= " << upperBound;
stream << " upper bound condition not met: " << value << " is not smaller or equal than " << upperBound << ".";
return (lowerBoundCondition && upperBoundCondition);
@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ namespace storm {
bool upperBoundCondition = (value < upperBound);
if (!lowerBoundCondition) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << " Lower Bound Condition not met: " << lowerBound << " is not < " << value;
stream << " lower bound condition not met: " << lowerBound << " is not smaller than " << value << ".";
if (!upperBoundCondition) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << " Upper Bound Condition not met: " << value << " is not < " << upperBound;
stream << " upper bound condition not met: " << value << " is not smaller than < " << upperBound << ".";
return (lowerBoundCondition && upperBoundCondition);


@ -84,25 +84,25 @@ namespace storm {
void unify(Option& other) {
if (this->getLongName().compare(other.getLongName()) != 0) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Names are different (\"" << getLongName() << "\" vs. \"" << other.getLongName() << "\")!");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Names are different (\"" << getLongName() << "\" vs. \"" << other.getLongName() << "\")!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching names (\"" << getLongName() << "\" and \"" << other.getLongName() << "\").");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching names (\"" << getLongName() << "\" and \"" << other.getLongName() << "\").";
if (this->getShortName().compare(other.getShortName()) != 0) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Shortnames are different (\"" << getShortName() << "\" vs. \"" << other.getShortName() << "\")!");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Shortnames are different (\"" << getShortName() << "\" vs. \"" << other.getShortName() << "\")!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching names (\"" << getShortName() << "\" and \"" << other.getShortName() << "\").");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching names (\"" << getShortName() << "\" and \"" << other.getShortName() << "\").";
if (this->getArgumentCount() != other.getArgumentCount()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Argument Counts are different!");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Argument Counts are different!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching argument numbers.");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching argument numbers.";
for(size_t i = 0; i != this->arguments.size(); i++) {
ArgumentBase* A = this->;
ArgumentBase* B =;
if (A->getArgumentType() != B->getArgumentType()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Argument Types at Index " << i << " are different!");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Could not unify Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because the Argument Types at Index " << i << " are different!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching argument types at index " << i << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Unable to unify option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because of mismatching argument types at index " << i << ".";
switch (A->getArgumentType()) {
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ namespace storm {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::unify: Missing Case in ArgumentBuilder's switch/case Code.");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing Case in ArgumentBuilder's switch/case Code.";
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing case in Option.";
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace storm {
ArgumentBase& getArgument(uint_fast64_t argumentIndex) const {
if (argumentIndex >= getArgumentCount()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::getArgument: argumentIndex out of bounds!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Option::getArgument(): argumentIndex out of bounds!";
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Option::getArgument(): index of argument is out of bounds.";
return *this->;
@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ namespace storm {
auto argumentIterator = this->argumentNameMap.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(argumentName));
if (argumentIterator == this->argumentNameMap.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::getArgumentByName: The Option \"" << this->getLongName() << "\" does not contain an Argument with Name \"" << argumentName << "\"!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "The Option \"" << this->getLongName() << "\" does not contain an Argument with Name \"" << argumentName << "\"!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::getArgumentByName: Unable to retrieve unknown argument \"" << argumentName << "\" of option \"" << this->getLongName() << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Unable to retrieve unknown argument \"" << argumentName << "\" of option \"" << this->getLongName() << "\".";
return *argumentIterator->second.get();
@ -201,25 +201,25 @@ namespace storm {
void validateFields() const {
if (longName.empty()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Tried constructing an Option with an empty longName field!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Tried constructing an Option with an empty longName field!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Unable to construct an option with empty name.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Unable to construct an option with empty name.";
if (moduleName.empty()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Tried constructing an Option with an empty moduleName field!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Tried constructing an Option with an empty moduleName field!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Unable to construct an option with empty module.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Unable to construct an option with empty module.";
bool longNameContainsNonAlpha = std::find_if(longName.begin(), longName.end(), [](char c) { return !std::isalpha(c); }) != longName.end();
bool shortNameContainsNonAlpha = std::find_if(shortName.begin(), shortName.end(), [](char c) { return !std::isalpha(c); }) != shortName.end();
if (longNameContainsNonAlpha) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Tried constructing an Option with a longName that contains non-alpha characters!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Tried constructing an Option with a longName that contains non-alpha characters!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Unable to construct an option with a illegal name.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Unable to construct an option with a illegal name.";
if (shortNameContainsNonAlpha) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Tried constructing an Option with a shortName that contains non-alpha characters!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Tried constructing an Option with a shortName that contains non-alpha characters!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::validateFields: Unable to construct an option with a illegal name.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Unable to construct an option with a illegal name.";
@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ namespace storm {
if (!isCurrentArgumentOptional && lastEntryWasOptional) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::isArgumentsVectorValid: The Argument Vector specified for Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid! It contains a non-optional argument AFTER an optional argument.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "The Argument Vector specified for Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid! It contains a non-optional argument AFTER an optional argument.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::isArgumentsVectorValid: The argument vector specified for option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid, because it contains a non-optional argument after an optional one.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "The argument vector specified for option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid, because it contains a non-optional argument after an optional one.";
std::string lowerArgumentName = storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(i->get()->getArgumentName());
if (argumentNameSet.find(lowerArgumentName) != argumentNameSet.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::isArgumentsVectorValid: The Argument Vector specified for Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid!\nIt contains two arguments with the same name.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "The Argument Vector specified for Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid!\nIt contains two arguments with the same name.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Option::isArgumentsVectorValid: The argument vector specified for option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid, because it contains two arguments with the same name.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "The argument vector specified for option \"" << getLongName() << "\" is invalid, because it contains two arguments with the same name.";


@ -85,24 +85,24 @@ namespace storm {
// For automatic management of newArgument's lifetime
std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase> argumentPtr(newArgument);
if (this->isBuild) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Called addArgument() on an instance of OptionBuilder which has already build an Instance.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Called addArgument() on an instance of OptionBuilder which has already build an Instance.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Illegal call to addArgument() on an instance of OptionBuilder that has already built an instance.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Illegal call to addArgument() on an instance of OptionBuilder that has already built an instance.";
if (newArgument->getArgumentType() == ArgumentType::Invalid) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Could not add Argument to Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because its Type is Invalid!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Could not add Argument to Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because its Type is Invalid!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Unable to add argument to option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because its type is invalid.");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to add argument to option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because its type is invalid.";
if (!newArgument->getIsOptional() && (this->arguments.size() > 0) && (this->>arguments.size() - 1).get()->getIsOptional())) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Could not add Non-Optional Argument to Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because it already contains an optional argument! Please note that after an optional argument has been added only arguments which are also optional can be appended.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Could not add Non-Optional Argument to Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because it already contains an optional argument! Please note that after an optional argument has been added only arguments which are also optional can be appended.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Unable to add a non-optional argument to option \"" << getLongName() << "\", because it already contains an optional argument.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Unable to add non-optional argument to option \"" << getLongName() << "\", because it already contains an optional argument.";
std::string lowerArgumentName = storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(newArgument->getArgumentName());
if (argumentNameSet.find(lowerArgumentName) != argumentNameSet.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Could not add Argument with Name \"" << newArgument->getArgumentName() << "\" to Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because it already contains an argument with the same name! Please note that all argument names must be unique in its respective option.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Could not add Argument with Name \"" << newArgument->getArgumentName() << "\" to Option \"" << getLongName() << "\" because it already contains an argument with the same name! Please note that all argument names must be unique in its respective option.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Unable to add argument with name \"" << newArgument->getArgumentName() << "\" to option \"" << getLongName() << "\", because it already contains an argument with the same name.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "Unable to add argument with name \"" << newArgument->getArgumentName() << "\" to option \"" << getLongName() << "\", because it already contains an argument with the same name.";
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ namespace storm {
Option* build() {
if (this->isBuild) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Called build() on an instance of OptionBuilder which has already build an Instance.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Called build() on an instance of OptionBuilder which has already build an Instance.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "OptionBuilder::addArgument: Illegal call to build() on an instance of OptionBuilder that has already built an instance.");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException() << "Illegal call to build() on an instance of OptionBuilder that has already built an instance.";
this->isBuild = true;


@ -51,22 +51,22 @@ void storm::settings::Settings::handleAssignment(std::string const& longOptionNa
uint_fast64_t givenArgsCount = arguments.size();
if (givenArgsCount > option->getArgumentCount()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::handleAssignment: Could not parse Arguments for Option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " Arguments given, but max. " << option->getArgumentCount() << " Arguments expected.");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Could not parse Arguments for Option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " Arguments given, but max. " << option->getArgumentCount() << " Arguments expected.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::handleAssignment: Unable to parse arguments for option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " arguments given, but expected no more than " << option->getArgumentCount() << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Unable to parse arguments for option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " arguments given, but expected no more than " << option->getArgumentCount() << ".";
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < option->getArgumentCount(); ++i) {
if (i < givenArgsCount) {
storm::settings::fromStringAssignmentResult_t assignmentResult = option->getArgument(i).fromStringValue(;
if (!assignmentResult.first) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::handleAssignment: Could not parse Arguments for Option \"" << longOptionName << "\": Argument " << option->getArgument(i).getArgumentName() << " rejected the given Value \"" << << "\" with Message:\r\n" << assignmentResult.second);
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Could not parse Arguments for Option \"" << longOptionName << "\": Argument " << option->getArgument(i).getArgumentName() << " rejected the given Value \"" << << "\" with Message:\r\n" << assignmentResult.second;
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::handleAssignment: Unable to parse arguments for option \"" << longOptionName << "\": argument " << option->getArgument(i).getArgumentName() << " rejected the given value \"" << << "\" with message:\r\n" << assignmentResult.second << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Unable to parse arguments for option \"" << longOptionName << "\": argument " << option->getArgument(i).getArgumentName() << " rejected the given value \"" << << "\" with message:\r\n" << assignmentResult.second << ".";
} else {
// There is no given value for this argument, only optional
if (!option->getArgument(i).getIsOptional()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::handleAssignment: Could not parse Arguments for Option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " Arguments given, but more Arguments were expected.");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Could not parse Arguments for Option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " Arguments given, but more Arguments were expected.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::handleAssignment: Unable to parse arguments for option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " arguments given, but more arguments were expected.");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Unable to parse arguments for option \"" << longOptionName << "\": " << arguments.size() << " arguments given, but more arguments were expected.";
} else {
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ void storm::settings::Settings::parseCommandLine(int const argc, char const * co
// Short Option
std::string nextShortOptionName = storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(nextOption.substr(1, nextOption.size() - 1));
if (!this->containsShortName(nextShortOptionName)) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Found an unknown ShortName for an Option: \"" << nextShortOptionName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Found an unknown ShortName for an Option: \"" << nextShortOptionName << "\".";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Unknown option name \"" << nextShortOptionName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Unknown option name \"" << nextShortOptionName << "\".";
} else {
longOptionName = this->getByShortName(nextShortOptionName).getLongName();
optionActive = true;
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ void storm::settings::Settings::parseCommandLine(int const argc, char const * co
// Long Option
std::string nextLongOptionName = storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(nextOption.substr(2, nextOption.size() - 2));
if (!this->containsLongName(nextLongOptionName)) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Found an unknown LongName for an Option: \"" << nextLongOptionName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Found an unknown LongName for an Option: \"" << nextLongOptionName << "\".";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Unknown option name \"" << nextLongOptionName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Unknown option name \"" << nextLongOptionName << "\".";
} else {
longOptionName = this->getByLongName(nextLongOptionName).getLongName();
optionActive = true;
@ -158,16 +158,16 @@ void storm::settings::Settings::parseCommandLine(int const argc, char const * co
} else {
// No Option active and this is no option.
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Found a stray argument while parsing a given configuration: \"" << << "\" is neither a known Option nor preceeded by an Option.");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Found a stray argument while parsing a given configuration: \"" << << "\" is neither a known Option nor preceeded by an Option.";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Found stray argument while parsing a given configuration, \"" << << "\" is neither a known option nor preceeded by an option.");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Found stray argument while parsing a given configuration; \"" << << "\" is neither a known option nor preceeded by an option.";
for (auto it = this->options.cbegin(); it != this->options.cend(); ++it) {
if (!it->second.get()->getHasOptionBeenSet()) {
if (it->second.get()->getIsRequired()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Option \"" << it->second.get()->getLongName() << "\" is marked as required, but was not set!");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Option \"" << it->second.get()->getLongName() << "\" is marked as required, but was not set!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::parseCommandLine: Missing required option \"" << it->second.get()->getLongName() << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionParserException() << "Missing required option \"" << it->second.get()->getLongName() << "\".";
} else {
// Set defaults on optional values
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < it->second.get()->getArgumentCount(); ++i) {
@ -188,19 +188,19 @@ bool storm::settings::Settings::registerNewModule(ModuleRegistrationFunction_t r
//LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Settings::registerNewModule: Successfully executed a registrationFunction");
} catch (storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException e) {
//LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::registerNewModule: Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentException: " << e.what() << ".");
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available options." << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
return false;
} catch (storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException e) {
//LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::registerNewModule: Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentValueException: " << e.what() << ".");
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentValueException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available options." << std::endl << "IllegalArgumentValueException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
return false;
} catch (storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException e) {
//LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::registerNewModule: Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalFunctionCallException: " << e.what() << ".");
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "IllegalFunctionCallException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available options." << std::endl << "IllegalFunctionCallException: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
return false;
} catch (std::exception e) {
//LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::registerNewModule: Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "std::exception: " << e.what() << ".");
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available Options!" << std::endl << "std::exception: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Internal Error while setting up available options." << std::endl << "std::exception: " << e.what() << "." << std::endl;
return false;
return result;
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ storm::settings::Settings& storm::settings::Settings::addOption(Option* option)
if (!(shortNameIterator == this->shortNames.end())) {
// There exists an option which uses the same shortname
//LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::addOption: Error: The Option \"" << shortNameIterator->second << "\" from Module \"" << this->options.find(shortNameIterator->second)->second.get()->getModuleName() << "\" uses the same ShortName as the Option \"" << option->getLongName() << "\" from Module \"" << option->getModuleName() << "\"!");
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Error: The Option \"" << shortNameIterator->second << "\" from Module \"" << this->options.find(shortNameIterator->second)->second.get()->getModuleName() << "\" uses the same ShortName as the Option \"" << option->getLongName() << "\" from Module \"" << option->getModuleName() << "\"!";
throw storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException() << "Error: The option \"" << shortNameIterator->second << "\" of module \"" << this->options.find(shortNameIterator->second)->second.get()->getModuleName() << "\" uses the same name as option \"" << option->getLongName() << "\" of module \"" << option->getModuleName() << "\".";
// Copy Shared_ptr
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ std::string storm::settings::Settings::getHelpText() const {
for (auto i = 0; i < o.getArgumentCount(); ++i) {
ArgumentBase const& a = o.getArgument(i);
std::string const& argumentName = a.getArgumentName();
ss << delimiter << delimiter << "Arg " << (i+1) << ": " << argumentName;
ss << delimiter << delimiter << delimiter << delimiter << "argument <" << (i+1) << "> - " << argumentName;
// Fill up the remaining space after the argument Name
for (uint_fast64_t i = argumentName.size(); i < argumentNameMaxSize; ++i) {
ss << " ";


@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ namespace settings {
Option& getByLongName(std::string const& longName) const {
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(longName));
if (longNameIterator == this->options.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getByLongName: This program does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getByLongName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".";
return *longNameIterator->second.get();
@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ namespace settings {
Option* getPtrByLongName(std::string const& longName) const {
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(longName));
if (longNameIterator == this->options.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getPtrByLongName: This program does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option named \"" << longName << "\"!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getPtrByLongName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".";
return longNameIterator->second.get();
@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ namespace settings {
Option& getByShortName(std::string const& shortName) const {
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(shortName));
if (shortNameIterator == this->shortNames.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getByShortName: This program does not contain an Option named \"" << shortName << "\"!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option with ShortName \"" << shortName << "\"!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getByShortName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\"";
return *(this->options.find(shortNameIterator->second)->second.get());
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ namespace settings {
Option* getPtrByShortName(std::string const& shortName) const {
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(shortName));
if (shortNameIterator == this->shortNames.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getPtrByShortName: This program does not contain an Option named \"" << shortName << "\"!");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an Option with ShortName \"" << shortName << "\"!";
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getPtrByShortName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\".";
return this->options.find(shortNameIterator->second)->second.get();


@ -331,55 +331,41 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
delete modelchecker;
} else if (s->isSet("symbolic")) {
std::string const& programFile = s->getOptionByLongName("symbolic").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::string const& constants = s->getOptionByLongName("constants").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
// First, we build the model using the given symbolic model description and constant definitions.
std::string const& programFile = s->getOptionByLongName("symbolic").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::string const& constants = s->getOptionByLongName("constants").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
storm::ir::Program program = storm::parser::PrismParserFromFile(programFile);
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> model = storm::adapters::ExplicitModelAdapter<double>::translateProgram(program, constants);
// Enable the following lines to test the MinimalLabelSetGenerator.
if (model->getType() == storm::models::MDP) {
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::Mdp<double>> labeledMdp = model->as<storm::models::Mdp<double>>();
// Build stuff for coin example.
// storm::storage::BitVector const& finishedStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("finished");
// storm::storage::BitVector const& allCoinsEqual1States = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("all_coins_equal_1");
// storm::storage::BitVector targetStates = finishedStates & allCoinsEqual1States;
// std::set<uint_fast64_t> labels = storm::counterexamples::MILPMinimalLabelSetGenerator<double>::getMinimalLabelSet(*labeledMdp, storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp->getNumberOfStates(), true), targetStates, 0.4, true, true);
// storm::storage::BitVector const& collisionStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("collision_max_backoff");
// storm::storage::BitVector const& deliveredStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("all_delivered");
// std::set<uint_fast64_t> labels = storm::counterexamples::MILPMinimalLabelSetGenerator<double>::getMinimalLabelSet(*labeledMdp, ~collisionStates, deliveredStates, 0.5, true, false);
// storm::storage::BitVector const& electedStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("elected");
// std::set<uint_fast64_t> labels = storm::counterexamples::MILPMinimalLabelSetGenerator<double>::getMinimalLabelSet(*labeledMdp, storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp->getNumberOfStates(), true), electedStates, 0.5, true, true);
// Enable the following lines to test the SMTMinimalCommandSetGenerator.
if (model->getType() == storm::models::MDP) {
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::Mdp<double>> labeledMdp = model->as<storm::models::Mdp<double>>();
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> model = storm::adapters::ExplicitModelAdapter<double>::translateProgram(program, constants);
if (s->isSet("mincmd")) {
if (model->getType() != storm::models::MDP) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Minimal command counterexample generation is only supported for models of type MDP.");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Minimal command counterexample generation is only supported for models of type MDP.";
// Build stuff for coin example.
// storm::storage::BitVector const& finishedStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("finished");
// storm::storage::BitVector const& allCoinsEqual1States = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("all_coins_equal_1");
// storm::storage::BitVector targetStates = finishedStates & allCoinsEqual1States;
// std::set<uint_fast64_t> labels = storm::counterexamples::SMTMinimalCommandSetGenerator<double>::getMinimalCommandSet(program, constants, *labeledMdp, storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp->getNumberOfStates(), true), targetStates, 0.4, true);
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::Mdp<double>> mdp = model->as<storm::models::Mdp<double>>();
// Build stuff for csma example.
// storm::storage::BitVector const& collisionStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("collision_max_backoff");
// storm::storage::BitVector const& deliveredStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("all_delivered");
// std::set<uint_fast64_t> labels = storm::counterexamples::SMTMinimalCommandSetGenerator<double>::getMinimalCommandSet(program, constants, *labeledMdp, ~collisionStates, deliveredStates, 0.5, true);
// Determine whether we are required to use the MILP-version or the SAT-version.
bool useMILP = s->getOptionByLongName("mincmd").getArgumentByName("method").getValueAsString() == "milp";
// Build stuff for firewire example.
// storm::storage::BitVector const& electedStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("elected");
// std::set<uint_fast64_t> labels = storm::counterexamples::SMTMinimalCommandSetGenerator<double>::getMinimalCommandSet(program, constants, *labeledMdp, storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp->getNumberOfStates(), true), electedStates, 0.5, true);
// Build stuff for wlan example.
// storm::storage::BitVector const& oneCollisionStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("oneCollision");
// storm::storage::BitVector const& twoCollisionStates = labeledMdp->getLabeledStates("twoCollisions");
// std::set<uint_fast64_t> labels = storm::counterexamples::SMTMinimalCommandSetGenerator<double>::getMinimalCommandSet(program, constants, *labeledMdp, storm::storage::BitVector(labeledMdp->getNumberOfStates(), true), twoCollisionStates, 0.1, true);
// Now parse the property file and receive the list of parsed formulas.
std::string const& propertyFile = s->getOptionByLongName("mincmd").getArgumentByName("propertyFile").getValueAsString();
std::list<storm::property::prctl::AbstractPrctlFormula<double>*> formulaList = storm::parser::PrctlFileParser(propertyFile);
// Now generate the counterexamples for each formula.
for (storm::property::prctl::AbstractPrctlFormula<double>* formulaPtr : formulaList) {
if (useMILP) {
storm::counterexamples::MILPMinimalLabelSetGenerator<double>::computeCounterexample(*mdp, formulaPtr);
} else {
storm::counterexamples::SMTMinimalCommandSetGenerator<double>::computeCounterexample(program, constants, *mdp, formulaPtr);
// Once we are done with the formula, delete it.
delete formulaPtr;
// Perform clean-up and terminate.


@ -1,24 +1,38 @@
#include "src/utility/StormOptions.h"
bool storm::utility::StormOptions::optionsRegistered = storm::settings::Settings::registerNewModule([] (storm::settings::Settings* settings) -> bool {
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "help", "h", "Shows all available Options, Arguments and Descriptions").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "verbose", "v", "Be verbose").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "debug", "", "Be very verbose (intended for debugging)").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "trace", "", "Be extremly verbose (intended for debugging, heavy performance impacts)").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "logfile", "l", "If specified, the log output will also be written to this file").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("logFileName", "The path and name of the File to write to").build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "configfile", "c", "If specified, this file will be read and parsed for additional configuration settings").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("configFileName", "The path and name of the File to read from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "explicit", "", "Explicit parsing from Transition- and Labeling Files").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("transitionFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the transition system from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("labelingFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the labeling from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "symbolic", "", "Parse the given PRISM File").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("prismFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the PRISM Model from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "prctl", "", "Evaluates the PRCTL Formulas given in the File").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("prctlFileName", "The path and name of the File to read PRCTL Formulas from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "csl", "", "Evaluates the CSL Formulas given in the File").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("cslFileName", "The path and name of the File to read CSL Formulas from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "ltl", "", "Evaluates the LTL Formulas given in the File").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("ltlFileName", "The path and name of the File to read LTL Formulas from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "transitionRewards", "", "If specified, the model will have these transition rewards").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("transitionRewardsFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the Transition Rewards from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "stateRewards", "", "If specified, the model will have these state rewards").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("stateRewardsFileName", "The path and name of the File to read the State Rewards from").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "fixDeadlocks", "", "Insert Self-Loops for States with no outgoing transitions").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "help", "h", "Shows all available options, arguments and descriptions.").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "verbose", "v", "Be verbose.").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "debug", "", "Be very verbose (intended for debugging).").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "trace", "", "Be extremly verbose (intended for debugging, heavy performance impacts).").build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "logfile", "l", "If specified, the log output will also be written to this file.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("logFileName", "The path and name of the file to write to.").build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "configfile", "c", "If specified, this file will be read and parsed for additional configuration settings.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("configFileName", "The path and name of the file from which to read.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "explicit", "", "Explicit parsing from transition- and labeling files.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("transitionFileName", "The path and name of the file from which to read the transitions.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("labelingFileName", "The path and name of the file from which to read the labeling.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "symbolic", "", "Parse the given symbolic model file.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("symbolicFileName", "The path and name of the file from which to read the symbolic model.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "prctl", "", "Performs model checking for the PRCTL formulas given in the file.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("prctlFileName", "The file from which to read the PRCTL formulas.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "csl", "", "Performs model checking for the CSL formulas given in the file.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("cslFileName", "The file from which to read the CSL formulas.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "ltl", "", "Performs model checking for the LTL formulas given in the file.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("ltlFileName", "The file from which to read the LTL formulas.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "transitionRewards", "", "If specified, the transition rewards are read from this file and added to the explicit model. Note that this requires an explicit model.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("transitionRewardsFileName", "The file from which to read the rransition rewards.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "stateRewards", "", "If specified, the state rewards are read from this file and added to the explicit model. Note that this requires an explicit model.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("stateRewardsFileName", "The file from which to read the state rewards.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "fixDeadlocks", "", "If the model contains deadlock states, setting this option will insert self-loops for these states.").build());
std::vector<std::string> matrixLibrarys;
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "matrixLibrary", "m", "Which matrix library is to be used in numerical solving").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("matrixLibraryName", "Name of a buildin Library").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(matrixLibrarys)).setDefaultValueString("gmm++").build()).build());
settings->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("StoRM Main", "matrixLibrary", "m", "Sets which matrix library is preferred for numerical operations.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("matrixLibraryName", "The name of a matrix library. Valid values are gmm++ and native.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(matrixLibrarys)).setDefaultValueString("gmm++").build()).build());
return true;