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first version of BoundedNaryUntil. clone() does not work yet...

gereon 12 years ago
  1. 209
  2. 1


@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
* BoundedNaryUntil.h
* Created on: 19.10.2012
* Author: Thomas Heinemann
#include "src/formula/AbstractPathFormula.h"
#include "src/formula/AbstractStateFormula.h"
#include "src/modelChecker/AbstractModelChecker.h"
#include "boost/integer/integer_mask.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <sstream>
#include "src/formula/AbstractFormulaChecker.h"
namespace storm {
namespace formula {
template <class T> class BoundedNaryUntil;
* @brief Interface class for model checkers that support BoundedNaryUntil.
* All model checkers that support the formula class BoundedNaryUntil must inherit
* this pure virtual class.
template <class T>
class IBoundedNaryUntilModelChecker {
* @brief Evaluates BoundedNaryUntil formula within a model checker.
* @param obj Formula object with subformulas.
* @return Result of the formula for every node.
virtual std::vector<T>* checkBoundedNaryUntil(const BoundedNaryUntil<T>& obj) const = 0;
* @brief
* Class for a Abstract (path) formula tree with a BoundedNaryUntil node as root.
* Has at least two Abstract state formulas as sub formulas and an interval
* associated with all but the first sub formula. We'll call the first one
* \e left and all other one \e right.
* @par Semantics
* The formula holds iff \e left holds until eventually any of the \e right
* formulas holds after a number of steps contained in the interval
* associated with this formula.
* The subtrees are seen as part of the object and deleted with the object
* (this behavior can be prevented by setting them to NULL before deletion)
* @see AbstractPathFormula
* @see AbstractFormula
template <class T>
class BoundedNaryUntil : public AbstractPathFormula<T> {
* Empty constructor
BoundedNaryUntil() {
this->left = NULL;
this->right = new std::vector<std::tuple<AbstractStateFormula<T>*,T,T>>();
* Constructor
* @param left The left formula subtree
* @param right The left formula subtree
* @param bound The maximal number of steps
BoundedNaryUntil(AbstractStateFormula<T>* left, AbstractStateFormula<T>* right,
uint_fast64_t bound) {
this->left = left;
this->right = right;
* Destructor.
* Also deletes the subtrees.
* (this behaviour can be prevented by setting the subtrees to NULL before deletion)
virtual ~BoundedNaryUntil() {
if (left != NULL) {
delete left;
if (right != NULL) {
delete right;
* Sets the left child node.
* @param newLeft the new left child.
void setLeft(AbstractStateFormula<T>* newLeft) {
left = newLeft;
void setRight(std::vector<std::tuple<AbstractStateFormula<T>*,T,T>>* newRight) {
right = newRight;
* Sets the right child node.
* @param newRight the new right child.
void addRight(AbstractStateFormula<T>* newRight, T upperBound, T lowerBound) {
this->right->push_back(std::tuple<AbstractStateFormula<T>*,T,T>(newRight, upperBound, lowerBound));
* @returns a pointer to the left child node
const AbstractStateFormula<T>& getLeft() const {
return *left;
* @returns a pointer to the right child nodes.
const std::vector<std::tuple<AbstractStateFormula<T>*,T,T>>& getRight() const {
return *right;
* @returns a string representation of the formula
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::stringstream result;
result << "( " << left->toString();
for (auto it = this->right->begin(); it != this->right->end(); ++it) {
result << " U[" << std::get<1>(*it) << "," << std::get<2>(*it) << "] " << std::get<0>(*it)->toString();
result << ")";
return result.str();
* Clones the called object.
* Performs a "deep copy", i.e. the subtrees of the new object are clones of the original ones
* @returns a new BoundedNaryUntil-object that is identical the called object.
virtual AbstractPathFormula<T>* clone() const {
BoundedNaryUntil<T>* result = new BoundedNaryUntil<T>();
if (left != NULL) {
if (right != NULL) {
//TODO: implement clone of std::vector
return result;
* Calls the model checker to check this formula.
* Needed to infer the correct type of formula class.
* @note This function should only be called in a generic check function of a model checker class. For other uses,
* the methods of the model checker should be used.
* @returns A vector indicating the probability that the formula holds for each state.
virtual std::vector<T> *check(const storm::modelChecker::AbstractModelChecker<T>& modelChecker) const {
return modelChecker.template as<IBoundedNaryUntilModelChecker>()->checkBoundedNaryUntil(*this);
* @brief Checks if all subtrees conform to some logic.
* @param checker Formula checker object.
* @return true iff all subtrees conform to some logic.
virtual bool conforms(const AbstractFormulaChecker<T>& checker) const {
bool res = checker.conforms(this->left);
for (auto it = this->right->begin(); it != this->right->end(); ++it) {
res &= checker.conforms(std::get<0>(*it));
return res;
AbstractStateFormula<T>* left;
std::vector<std::tuple<AbstractStateFormula<T>*,T,T>>* right;
} //namespace formula
} //namespace storm


@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "And.h"
#include "Ap.h"
#include "BoundedUntil.h"
#include "BoundedNaryUntil.h"
#include "Next.h"
#include "Not.h"
#include "Or.h"
