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Added support for exit rates and Markovian/probabilistic states in DRN Format

Matthias Volk 7 years ago
  1. 109
  2. 14


@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_THROW(!sawType, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Type declared twice");
type = storm::models::getModelType(line.substr(7));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Model type: " << type);
STORM_LOG_THROW(type != storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Markov Automata in DRN format are not supported (unclear indication of Markovian Choices in DRN format)");
STORM_LOG_THROW(type != storm::models::ModelType::S2pg, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Stochastic Two Player Games in DRN format are not supported.");
sawType = true;
@ -107,15 +106,21 @@ namespace storm {
// Initialize
auto modelComponents = std::make_shared<storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents<ValueType, RewardModelType>>();
bool nonDeterministic = (type == storm::models::ModelType::Mdp || type == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton);
bool continousTime = (type == storm::models::ModelType::Ctmc || type == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton);
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType> builder = storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType>(0, 0, 0, false, nonDeterministic, 0);
modelComponents->stateLabeling = storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling(stateSize);
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> stateRewards;
if (continousTime) {
modelComponents->exitRates = std::vector<ValueType>(stateSize);
if (type == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton) {
modelComponents->markovianStates = storm::storage::BitVector(stateSize);
// We parse rates for continuous time models.
if (type == storm::models::ModelType::Ctmc) {
modelComponents->rateTransitions = true;
// Iterate over all lines
std::string line;
size_t row = 0;
@ -131,34 +136,66 @@ namespace storm {
} else {
line = line.substr(6);
size_t parsedId;
size_t posId = line.find(" ");
if (posId != std::string::npos) {
parsedId = NumberParser<size_t>::parse(line.substr(0, posId));
// Parse rewards and labels
line = line.substr(posId+1);
// Check for rewards
if (boost::starts_with(line, "[")) {
// Rewards found
size_t posEndReward = line.find(']');
STORM_LOG_THROW(posEndReward != std::string::npos, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "] missing.");
std::string rewardsStr = line.substr(1, posEndReward-1);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State rewards: " << rewardsStr);
std::vector<std::string> rewards;
boost::split(rewards, rewardsStr, boost::is_any_of(","));
if (stateRewards.size() < rewards.size()) {
stateRewards.resize(rewards.size(), std::vector<ValueType>(stateSize, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()));
auto stateRewardsIt = stateRewards.begin();
for (auto const& rew : rewards) {
(*stateRewardsIt)[state] = valueParser.parseValue(rew);
line = line.substr(posEndReward+1);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("New state " << state);
// Parse state id
line = line.substr(6); // Remove "state "
std::string curString = line;
size_t posEnd = line.find(" ");
if (posEnd != std::string::npos) {
curString = line.substr(0, posEnd);
line = line.substr(posEnd+1);
} else {
line = "";
size_t parsedId = NumberParser<size_t>::parse(curString);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(state == parsedId, "State ids do not correspond.");
if (nonDeterministic) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("new Row Group starts at " << row << ".");
if (type == storm::models::ModelType::Ctmc || type == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton) {
// Parse exit rate for CTMC or MA
STORM_LOG_THROW(boost::starts_with(line, "!"), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Exit rate missing.");
line = line.substr(1); //Remove "!"
curString = line;
posEnd = line.find(" ");
if (posEnd != std::string::npos) {
curString = line.substr(0, posEnd);
line = line.substr(posEnd+1);
} else {
line = "";
ValueType exitRate = valueParser.parseValue(curString);
if (type == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton && !storm::utility::isZero<ValueType>(exitRate)) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Exit rate " << exitRate);
modelComponents->exitRates.get()[state] = exitRate;
if (boost::starts_with(line, "[")) {
// Parse rewards
size_t posEndReward = line.find(']');
STORM_LOG_THROW(posEndReward != std::string::npos, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "] missing.");
std::string rewardsStr = line.substr(1, posEndReward-1);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State rewards: " << rewardsStr);
std::vector<std::string> rewards;
boost::split(rewards, rewardsStr, boost::is_any_of(","));
if (stateRewards.size() < rewards.size()) {
stateRewards.resize(rewards.size(), std::vector<ValueType>(stateSize, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()));
// Check for labels
auto stateRewardsIt = stateRewards.begin();
for (auto const& rew : rewards) {
(*stateRewardsIt)[state] = valueParser.parseValue(rew);
line = line.substr(posEndReward+1);
// Parse labels
if (!line.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> labels;
boost::split(labels, line, boost::is_any_of(" "));
for (std::string label : labels) {
@ -166,18 +203,10 @@ namespace storm {
modelComponents->stateLabeling.addLabelToState(label, state);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("New label: " << label);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("New label: '" << label << "'");
} else {
// Only state id given
parsedId = NumberParser<size_t>::parse(line);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("New state " << state);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(state == parsedId, "State ids do not correspond.");
if (nonDeterministic) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("new Row Group starts at " << row << ".");
} else if (boost::starts_with(line, "\taction ")) {
// New action
if (firstAction) {


@ -21,20 +21,17 @@ namespace storm {
// Notice that for CTMCs we write the rate matrix instead of probabilities
// Initialize
storm::models::ModelType type = sparseModel->getType();
std::vector<ValueType> exitRates; // Only for CTMCs and MAs.
if(sparseModel->getType() == storm::models::ModelType::Ctmc) {
if (sparseModel->getType() == storm::models::ModelType::Ctmc) {
exitRates = sparseModel->template as<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType>>()->getExitRateVector();
} else if(sparseModel->getType() == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton) {
type = storm::models::ModelType::Mdp;
STORM_LOG_WARN("Markov automaton is exported as MDP (indication of Markovian choices is not supported in DRN format).");
} else if (sparseModel->getType() == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton) {
exitRates = sparseModel->template as<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<ValueType>>()->getExitRates();
// Write header
os << "// Exported by storm" << std::endl;
os << "// Original model type: " << sparseModel->getType() << std::endl;
os << "@type: " << type << std::endl;
os << "@type: " << sparseModel->getType() << std::endl;
os << "@parameters" << std::endl;
if (parameters.empty()) {
for (std::string const& parameter : getParameters(sparseModel)) {
@ -60,6 +57,11 @@ namespace storm {
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>::index_type group = 0; group < matrix.getRowGroupCount(); ++group) {
os << "state " << group;
// Write exit rates for CTMCs and MAs
if (!exitRates.empty()) {
os << " !" <<;
// Write state rewards
bool first = true;
for (auto const& rewardModelEntry : sparseModel->getRewardModels()) {
