@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ |
#include "src/storage/dd/sylvan/InternalSylvanAdd.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "src/storage/dd/sylvan/InternalSylvanDdManager.h"
#include "src/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/utility/constants.h"
#include "src/exceptions/NotImplementedException.h"
namespace storm { |
@ -293,37 +294,317 @@ namespace storm { |
template<typename ValueType> |
Odd InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::createOdd(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented."); |
// Prepare a unique table for each level that keeps the constructed ODD nodes unique.
std::vector<std::unordered_map<BDD, std::shared_ptr<Odd>>> uniqueTableForLevels(ddVariableIndices.size() + 1); |
// Now construct the ODD structure from the ADD.
std::shared_ptr<Odd> rootOdd = createOddRec(mtbdd_regular(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), ddVariableIndices, uniqueTableForLevels); |
// Return a copy of the root node to remove the shared_ptr encapsulation.
return Odd(*rootOdd); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::shared_ptr<Odd> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::createOddRec(BDD dd, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::vector<std::unordered_map<BDD, std::shared_ptr<Odd>>>& uniqueTableForLevels) { |
// Check whether the ODD for this node has already been computed (for this level) and if so, return this instead.
auto const& iterator = uniqueTableForLevels[currentLevel].find(dd); |
if (iterator != uniqueTableForLevels[currentLevel].end()) { |
return iterator->second; |
} else { |
// Otherwise, we need to recursively compute the ODD.
// If we are already past the maximal level that is to be considered, we can simply create an Odd without
// successors
if (currentLevel == maxLevel) { |
uint_fast64_t elseOffset = 0; |
uint_fast64_t thenOffset = 0; |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mtbdd_isleaf(dd), "Expected leaf at last level."); |
// If the DD is not the zero leaf, then the then-offset is 1.
if (!mtbdd_iszero(dd)) { |
thenOffset = 1; |
} |
return std::make_shared<Odd>(nullptr, elseOffset, nullptr, thenOffset); |
} else if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd) || ddVariableIndices[currentLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd)) { |
// If we skipped the level in the DD, we compute the ODD just for the else-successor and use the same
// node for the then-successor as well.
std::shared_ptr<Odd> elseNode = createOddRec(dd, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, ddVariableIndices, uniqueTableForLevels); |
std::shared_ptr<Odd> thenNode = elseNode; |
return std::make_shared<Odd>(elseNode, elseNode->getElseOffset() + elseNode->getThenOffset(), thenNode, thenNode->getElseOffset() + thenNode->getThenOffset()); |
} else { |
// Otherwise, we compute the ODDs for both the then- and else successors.
std::shared_ptr<Odd> elseNode = createOddRec(mtbdd_regular(mtbdd_getlow(dd)), currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, ddVariableIndices, uniqueTableForLevels); |
std::shared_ptr<Odd> thenNode = createOddRec(mtbdd_regular(mtbdd_gethigh(dd)), currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, ddVariableIndices, uniqueTableForLevels); |
uint_fast64_t totalElseOffset = elseNode->getElseOffset() + elseNode->getThenOffset(); |
uint_fast64_t totalThenOffset = thenNode->getElseOffset() + thenNode->getThenOffset(); |
return std::make_shared<Odd>(elseNode, totalElseOffset, thenNode, totalThenOffset); |
} |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::composeWithExplicitVector(storm::dd::Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& targetVector, std::function<ValueType (ValueType const&, ValueType const&)> const& function) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented."); |
composeWithExplicitVectorRec(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD(), nullptr, 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), 0, odd, ddVariableIndices, targetVector, function); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::composeWithExplicitVector(storm::dd::Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& offsets, std::vector<ValueType>& targetVector, std::function<ValueType (ValueType const&, ValueType const&)> const& function) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented."); |
composeWithExplicitVectorRec(mtbdd_regular(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), &offsets, 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), 0, odd, ddVariableIndices, targetVector, function); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::composeWithExplicitVectorRec(MTBDD dd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const* offsets, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentOffset, Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& targetVector, std::function<ValueType (ValueType const&, ValueType const&)> const& function) const { |
// For the empty DD, we do not need to add any entries.
if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd) && mtbdd_iszero(dd)) { |
return; |
} |
// If we are at the maximal level, the value to be set is stored as a constant in the DD.
if (currentLevel == maxLevel) { |
ValueType& targetValue = targetVector[offsets != nullptr ? (*offsets)[currentOffset] : currentOffset]; |
targetValue = function(targetValue, getValue(dd)); |
} else if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd) || ddVariableIndices[currentLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd)) { |
// If we skipped a level, we need to enumerate the explicit entries for the case in which the bit is set
// and for the one in which it is not set.
composeWithExplicitVectorRec(dd, offsets, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentOffset, odd.getElseSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, targetVector, function); |
composeWithExplicitVectorRec(dd, offsets, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentOffset + odd.getElseOffset(), odd.getThenSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, targetVector, function); |
} else { |
// Otherwise, we simply recursively call the function for both (different) cases.
composeWithExplicitVectorRec(mtbdd_regular(mtbdd_getlow(dd)), offsets, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentOffset, odd.getElseSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, targetVector, function); |
composeWithExplicitVectorRec(mtbdd_regular(mtbdd_gethigh(dd)), offsets, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentOffset + odd.getElseOffset(), odd.getThenSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, targetVector, function); |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::splitIntoGroups(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented."); |
std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>> result; |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), mtbdd_isnegated(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), result, ddGroupVariableIndices, 0, ddGroupVariableIndices.size()); |
return result; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::vector<std::pair<InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>, InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>>> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::splitIntoGroups(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> vector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented."); |
std::vector<std::pair<InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>, InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>>> result; |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), mtbdd_isnegated(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), mtbdd_regular(vector.getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), mtbdd_isnegated(vector.getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), result, ddGroupVariableIndices, 0, ddGroupVariableIndices.size()); |
return result; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::splitIntoGroupsRec(MTBDD dd, bool negated, std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>>& groups, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel) const { |
// For the empty DD, we do not need to create a group.
if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd) && mtbdd_iszero(dd)) { |
return; |
} |
if (currentLevel == maxLevel) { |
groups.push_back(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>(ddManager, sylvan::Mtbdd(negated ? mtbdd_negate(dd) : dd))); |
} else if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd) || ddGroupVariableIndices[currentLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd)) { |
splitIntoGroupsRec(dd, negated, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
splitIntoGroupsRec(dd, negated, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
} else { |
// Otherwise, we compute the ODDs for both the then- and else successors.
MTBDD thenDdNode = mtbdd_gethigh(dd); |
MTBDD elseDdNode = mtbdd_getlow(dd); |
// Determine whether we have to evaluate the successors as if they were complemented.
bool elseComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(elseDdNode) ^ negated; |
bool thenComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(thenDdNode) ^ negated; |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(elseDdNode), elseComplemented, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(thenDdNode), thenComplemented, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::splitIntoGroupsRec(MTBDD dd1, bool negated1, MTBDD dd2, bool negated2, std::vector<std::pair<InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>, InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>>>& groups, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel) const { |
// For the empty DD, we do not need to create a group.
if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd1) && mtbdd_isleaf(dd2) && mtbdd_iszero(dd1) && mtbdd_iszero(dd2)) { |
return; |
} |
if (currentLevel == maxLevel) { |
groups.push_back(std::make_pair(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>(ddManager, sylvan::Mtbdd(negated1 ? mtbdd_negate(dd1) : dd1 )), InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>(ddManager, sylvan::Mtbdd(negated2 ? mtbdd_negate(dd2) : dd2)))); |
} else if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd1) || ddGroupVariableIndices[currentLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd1)) { |
if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd2) || ddGroupVariableIndices[currentLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd2)) { |
splitIntoGroupsRec(dd1, negated1, dd2, negated2, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
splitIntoGroupsRec(dd1, negated1, dd2, negated2, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
} else { |
MTBDD dd2ThenNode = mtbdd_gethigh(dd2); |
MTBDD dd2ElseNode = mtbdd_getlow(dd2); |
// Determine whether we have to evaluate the successors as if they were complemented.
bool elseComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd2ElseNode) ^ negated2; |
bool thenComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd2ThenNode) ^ negated2; |
splitIntoGroupsRec(dd1, negated1, mtbdd_regular(dd2ThenNode), thenComplemented, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
splitIntoGroupsRec(dd1, negated1, mtbdd_regular(dd2ElseNode), elseComplemented, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
} |
} else if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd2) || ddGroupVariableIndices[currentLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd2)) { |
MTBDD dd1ThenNode = mtbdd_gethigh(dd1); |
MTBDD dd1ElseNode = mtbdd_getlow(dd1); |
// Determine whether we have to evaluate the successors as if they were complemented.
bool elseComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd1ElseNode) ^ negated1; |
bool thenComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd1ThenNode) ^ negated1; |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(dd1ThenNode), thenComplemented, dd2, negated2, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(dd1ElseNode), elseComplemented, dd2, negated2, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
} else { |
MTBDD dd1ThenNode = mtbdd_gethigh(dd1); |
MTBDD dd1ElseNode = mtbdd_getlow(dd1); |
MTBDD dd2ThenNode = mtbdd_gethigh(dd2); |
MTBDD dd2ElseNode = mtbdd_getlow(dd2); |
// Determine whether we have to evaluate the successors as if they were complemented.
bool dd1ElseComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd1ElseNode) ^ negated1; |
bool dd1ThenComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd1ThenNode) ^ negated1; |
bool dd2ElseComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd2ElseNode) ^ negated2; |
bool dd2ThenComplemented = mtbdd_isnegated(dd2ThenNode) ^ negated2; |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(dd1ThenNode), dd1ThenComplemented, mtbdd_regular(dd2ThenNode), dd2ThenComplemented, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
splitIntoGroupsRec(mtbdd_regular(dd1ElseNode), dd1ElseComplemented, mtbdd_regular(dd2ElseNode), dd2ElseComplemented, groups, ddGroupVariableIndices, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel); |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::toMatrixComponents(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& rowIndications, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<uint_fast64_t, ValueType>>& columnsAndValues, Odd const& rowOdd, Odd const& columnOdd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddColumnVariableIndices, bool writeValues) const { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented."); |
return toMatrixComponentsRec(mtbdd_regular(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), mtbdd_isnegated(this->getSylvanMtbdd().GetMTBDD()), rowGroupIndices, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd, columnOdd, 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices.size() + ddColumnVariableIndices.size(), 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, writeValues); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::toMatrixComponentsRec(MTBDD dd, bool negated, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& rowGroupOffsets, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& rowIndications, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<uint_fast64_t, ValueType>>& columnsAndValues, Odd const& rowOdd, Odd const& columnOdd, uint_fast64_t currentRowLevel, uint_fast64_t currentColumnLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentRowOffset, uint_fast64_t currentColumnOffset, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddColumnVariableIndices, bool generateValues) const { |
// For the empty DD, we do not need to add any entries.
if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd) && mtbdd_iszero(dd)) { |
return; |
} |
// If we are at the maximal level, the value to be set is stored as a constant in the DD.
if (currentRowLevel + currentColumnLevel == maxLevel) { |
if (generateValues) { |
columnsAndValues[rowIndications[rowGroupOffsets[currentRowOffset]]] = storm::storage::MatrixEntry<uint_fast64_t, ValueType>(currentColumnOffset, negated ? -getValue(dd) : getValue(dd)); |
} |
++rowIndications[rowGroupOffsets[currentRowOffset]]; |
} else { |
MTBDD elseElse; |
MTBDD elseThen; |
MTBDD thenElse; |
MTBDD thenThen; |
if (mtbdd_isleaf(dd) || ddColumnVariableIndices[currentColumnLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd)) { |
elseElse = elseThen = thenElse = thenThen = dd; |
} else if (ddRowVariableIndices[currentColumnLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(dd)) { |
elseElse = thenElse = mtbdd_getlow(dd); |
elseThen = thenThen = mtbdd_gethigh(dd); |
} else { |
MTBDD elseNode = mtbdd_getlow(dd); |
if (mtbdd_isleaf(elseNode) || ddColumnVariableIndices[currentColumnLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(elseNode)) { |
elseElse = elseThen = elseNode; |
} else { |
elseElse = mtbdd_getlow(elseNode); |
elseThen = mtbdd_gethigh(elseNode); |
} |
MTBDD thenNode = mtbdd_gethigh(dd); |
if (mtbdd_isleaf(thenNode) || ddColumnVariableIndices[currentColumnLevel] < mtbdd_getvar(thenNode)) { |
thenElse = thenThen = thenNode; |
} else { |
thenElse = mtbdd_getlow(thenNode); |
thenThen = mtbdd_gethigh(thenNode); |
} |
} |
// Visit else-else.
toMatrixComponentsRec(mtbdd_regular(elseElse), mtbdd_isnegated(elseElse) ^ negated, rowGroupOffsets, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), columnOdd.getElseSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, currentColumnOffset, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
// Visit else-then.
toMatrixComponentsRec(mtbdd_regular(elseThen), mtbdd_isnegated(elseThen) ^ negated, rowGroupOffsets, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), columnOdd.getThenSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, currentColumnOffset + columnOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
// Visit then-else.
toMatrixComponentsRec(mtbdd_regular(thenElse), mtbdd_isnegated(thenElse) ^ negated, rowGroupOffsets, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), columnOdd.getElseSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), currentColumnOffset, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
// Visit then-then.
toMatrixComponentsRec(mtbdd_regular(thenThen), mtbdd_isnegated(thenThen) ^ negated, rowGroupOffsets, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), columnOdd.getThenSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), currentColumnOffset + columnOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::fromVector(InternalDdManager<DdType::Sylvan> const* ddManager, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, storm::dd::Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented."); |
uint_fast64_t offset = 0; |
return InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>(ddManager, sylvan::Mtbdd(fromVectorRec(offset, 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), values, odd, ddVariableIndices))); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
MTBDD InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::fromVectorRec(uint_fast64_t& currentOffset, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices) { |
if (currentLevel == maxLevel) { |
// If we are in a terminal node of the ODD, we need to check whether the then-offset of the ODD is one
// (meaning the encoding is a valid one) or zero (meaning the encoding is not valid). Consequently, we
// need to copy the next value of the vector iff the then-offset is greater than zero.
if (odd.getThenOffset() > 0) { |
return getLeaf(values[currentOffset++]); |
} else { |
return getLeaf(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
} |
} else { |
// If the total offset is zero, we can just return the constant zero DD.
if (odd.getThenOffset() + odd.getElseOffset() == 0) { |
return getLeaf(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
} |
// Determine the new else-successor.
MTBDD elseSuccessor; |
if (odd.getElseOffset() > 0) { |
elseSuccessor = fromVectorRec(currentOffset, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, values, odd.getElseSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices); |
} else { |
elseSuccessor = getLeaf(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
} |
mtbdd_refs_push(elseSuccessor); |
// Determine the new then-successor.
MTBDD thenSuccessor; |
if (odd.getThenOffset() > 0) { |
thenSuccessor = fromVectorRec(currentOffset, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, values, odd.getThenSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices); |
} else { |
thenSuccessor = getLeaf(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
} |
mtbdd_refs_push(thenSuccessor); |
// Create a node representing ITE(currentVar, thenSuccessor, elseSuccessor);
MTBDD currentVar = mtbdd_makenode(ddVariableIndices[currentLevel], mtbdd_false, mtbdd_true); |
mtbdd_refs_push(thenSuccessor); |
MTBDD result = mtbdd_ite(currentVar, thenSuccessor, elseSuccessor); |
// Dispose of the intermediate results
mtbdd_refs_pop(3); |
return result; |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
MTBDD InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::getLeaf(double value) { |
return mtbdd_double(value); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
MTBDD InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::getLeaf(uint_fast64_t value) { |
return mtbdd_uint64(value); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
ValueType InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::getValue(MTBDD const& node) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mtbdd_isleaf(node), "Expected leaf."); |
if (std::is_same<ValueType, double>::value) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mtbdd_gettype(node) == 1, "Expected a double value."); |
return mtbdd_getuint64(node); |
} else if (std::is_same<ValueType, uint_fast64_t>::value) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mtbdd_gettype(node) == 0, "Expected an unsigned value."); |
return mtbdd_getdouble(node); |
} else { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "Illegal or unknown type in MTBDD."); |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |