@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
# include "storm/modelchecker/propositional/SparsePropositionalModelChecker.h"
# include "storm/modelchecker/results/ExplicitQualitativeCheckResult.h"
# include "storm/transformer/EndComponentEliminator.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/UnexpectedException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/IllegalArgumentException.h"
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ namespace storm {
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : initialize ( ) {
// collect the time-bounded subobjectives
std : : vector < std : : vector < uint64_t > > epochSteps ;
for ( uint64_t objIndex = 0 ; objIndex < this - > objectives . size ( ) ; + + objIndex ) {
auto const & formula = * this - > objectives [ objIndex ] . formula ;
if ( formula . isProbabilityOperatorFormula ( ) ) {
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ namespace storm {
memoryLabels . push_back ( memLabel ) ;
if ( boundedUntilFormula . getTimeBoundReference ( dim ) . isTimeBound ( ) | | boundedUntilFormula . getTimeBoundReference ( dim ) . isStepBound ( ) ) {
scaledReward s. push_back ( std : : vector < uint64_t > ( model . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , 1 ) ) ;
epochStep s. push_back ( std : : vector < uint64_t > ( model . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , 1 ) ) ;
scalingFactors . push_back ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( boundedUntilFormula . getTimeBoundReference ( dim ) . isRewardBound ( ) , " Unexpected type of time bound. " ) ;
@ -60,8 +62,8 @@ namespace storm {
std : : vector < ValueType > actionRewards = rewardModel . getTotalRewardVector ( this - > model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " action rewards " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( actionRewards ) < < std : : endl ;
auto discretizedRewardsAndFactor = storm : : utility : : vector : : toIntegralVector < ValueType , uint64_t > ( actionRewards ) ;
scaledReward s. push_back ( std : : move ( discretizedRewardsAndFactor . first ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " scaled rewards " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( scaledReward s. back ( ) ) < < std : : endl ;
epochStep s. push_back ( std : : move ( discretizedRewardsAndFactor . first ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " scaled rewards " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( epochStep s. back ( ) ) < < std : : endl ;
scalingFactors . push_back ( std : : move ( discretizedRewardsAndFactor . second ) ) ;
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ namespace storm {
} else if ( formula . isRewardOperatorFormula ( ) & & formula . getSubformula ( ) . isCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) ) {
subObjectives . push_back ( std : : make_pair ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asSharedPointer ( ) , objIndex ) ) ;
scaledReward s. push_back ( std : : vector < uint64_t > ( model . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , 1 ) ) ;
epochStep s. push_back ( std : : vector < uint64_t > ( model . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , 1 ) ) ;
scalingFactors . push_back ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
memoryLabels . push_back ( boost : : none ) ;
@ -85,6 +87,89 @@ namespace storm {
objectiveDimensions . push_back ( std : : move ( dimensions ) ) ;
// collect which epoch steps are possible
possibleEpochSteps . clear ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t choiceIndex = 0 ; choiceIndex < epochSteps . front ( ) . size ( ) ; + + choiceIndex ) {
Epoch step ;
step . reserve ( epochSteps . size ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & dimensionRewards : epochSteps ) {
step . push_back ( dimensionRewards [ choiceIndex ] ) ;
possibleEpochSteps . insert ( step ) ;
std : : cout < < " epoch steps are ... " < < std : : endl ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < epochSteps . size ( ) ; + + dim ) {
std : : cout < < " dim " < < dim < < " : " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( epochSteps [ dim ] ) < < std : : endl ;
// build the model x memory product
auto memoryStructure = computeMemoryStructure ( ) ;
memoryStateMap = computeMemoryStateMap ( memoryStructure ) ;
productBuilder = std : : make_shared < storm : : storage : : SparseModelMemoryProduct < ValueType > > ( memoryStructure . product ( model ) ) ;
// todo: we only need to build the reachable states + the full model for each memory state encoding that all subObjectives of an objective are irrelevant
productBuilder - > setBuildFullProduct ( ) ;
modelMemoryProduct = productBuilder - > build ( ) - > template as < storm : : models : : sparse : : Mdp < ValueType > > ( ) ;
std : : cout < < " Orig model Transitions: " < < std : : endl < < model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " Memory: " < < std : : endl < < memoryStructure . toString ( ) < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " Product transitions: " < < std : : endl < < modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) < < std : : endl ;
productEpochSteps . resize ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfChoices ( ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t modelState = 0 ; modelState < model . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + modelState ) {
uint64_t numChoices = model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupSize ( modelState ) ;
uint64_t firstChoice = model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ modelState ] ;
for ( uint64_t choiceOffset = 0 ; choiceOffset < numChoices ; + + choiceOffset ) {
Epoch step ;
bool isZeroStep = true ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < epochSteps . size ( ) ; + + dim ) {
step . push_back ( epochSteps [ dim ] [ firstChoice + choiceOffset ] ) ;
isZeroStep = isZeroStep & & step . back ( ) = = 0 ;
std : : cout < < " step # " < < modelState < < " . " < < choiceOffset < < " is " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( step ) < < std : : endl ;
if ( ! isZeroStep ) {
std : : cout < < " (non-zero step) " < < std : : endl ;
for ( uint64_t memState = 0 ; memState < memoryStateMap . size ( ) ; + + memState ) {
uint64_t productState = getProductState ( modelState , memState ) ;
uint64_t productChoice = modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState ] + choiceOffset ;
assert ( productChoice < modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState + 1 ] ) ;
productEpochSteps [ productChoice ] = step ;
std : : cout < < " set step at product choice " < < productChoice < < std : : endl ;
modelStates . resize ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
memoryStates . resize ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t modelState = 0 ; modelState < model . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + modelState ) {
for ( uint64_t memoryState = 0 ; memoryState < memoryStructure . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + memoryState ) {
uint64_t productState = getProductState ( modelState , memoryState ) ;
modelStates [ productState ] = modelState ;
memoryStates [ productState ] = memoryState ;
productChoiceToStateMapping . clear ( ) ;
productChoiceToStateMapping . reserve ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfChoices ( ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t productState = 0 ; productState < modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + productState ) {
uint64_t groupSize = modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupSize ( productState ) ;
for ( uint64_t i = 0 ; i < groupSize ; + + i ) {
productChoiceToStateMapping . push_back ( productState ) ;
productAllowedBottomStates = storm : : storage : : BitVector ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ;
for ( auto const & modelState : allowedBottomStates ) {
for ( uint64_t memoryState = 0 ; memoryState < memoryStateMap . size ( ) ; + + memoryState ) {
productAllowedBottomStates . set ( getProductState ( modelState , memoryState ) , true ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
@ -119,16 +204,6 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : Epoch > MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getEpochComputationOrder ( Epoch const & startEpoch ) {
// collect which 'epoch steps' are possible
std : : set < Epoch > steps ;
for ( uint64_t choiceIndex = 0 ; choiceIndex < scaledRewards . front ( ) . size ( ) ; + + choiceIndex ) {
Epoch step ;
step . reserve ( scaledRewards . size ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & dimensionRewards : scaledRewards ) {
step . push_back ( dimensionRewards [ choiceIndex ] ) ;
steps . insert ( step ) ;
// perform DFS to get the 'reachable' epochs in the correct order.
std : : vector < Epoch > result , dfsStack ;
@ -137,7 +212,7 @@ namespace storm {
dfsStack . push_back ( startEpoch ) ;
while ( ! dfsStack . empty ( ) ) {
bool hasUnseenSuccessor = false ;
for ( auto const & step : steps ) {
for ( auto const & step : po ssibleEpochS teps) {
Epoch successorEpoch = getSuccessorEpoch ( dfsStack . back ( ) , step ) ;
if ( seenEpochs . find ( successorEpoch ) = = seenEpochs . end ( ) ) {
seenEpochs . insert ( successorEpoch ) ;
@ -146,6 +221,7 @@ namespace storm {
if ( ! hasUnseenSuccessor ) {
std : : cout < < " ADDING EPOCH to computation order: " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( dfsStack . back ( ) ) < < std : : endl ;
result . push_back ( std : : move ( dfsStack . back ( ) ) ) ;
dfsStack . pop_back ( ) ;
@ -153,111 +229,178 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochModel const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getModelForEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
// Get the model for the considered class of epochs
EpochClass classOfEpoch = getClassOfEpoch ( epoch ) ;
auto findRes = epochModels . find ( classOfEpoch ) ;
std : : shared_ptr < EpochModel > epochModel ;
if ( findRes ! = epochModels . end ( ) ) {
epochModel = findRes - > second ;
} else {
epochModel = epochModels . insert ( std : : make_pair ( classOfEpoch , computeModelForEpoch ( epoch ) ) ) . first - > second ;
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochModel const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setCurrentEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
std : : cout < < " Setting epoch to " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( epoch ) < < std : : endl ;
// Check if we need to update the current epoch class
if ( ! currentEpoch | | getClassOfEpoch ( epoch ) ! = getClassOfEpoch ( currentEpoch . get ( ) ) ) {
setCurrentEpochClass ( epoch ) ;
// Filter out all objective rewards that we do not receive in this particular epoch
epochModel - > objectiveRewardFilter . resize ( objectives . size ( ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t objIndex = 0 ; objIndex < objectives . size ( ) ; + + objIndex ) {
storm : : storage : : BitVector & filter = epochModel - > objectiveRewardFilter [ objIndex ] ;
filter . resize ( epochModel - > objectiveRewards [ objIndex ] . size ( ) ) ;
if ( objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] . empty ( ) ) {
filter . clear ( ) ;
filter . complement ( ) ;
} else {
for ( uint64_t state = 0 ; state < epochModel - > rewardTransitions . getRowGroupCount ( ) ; + + state ) {
for ( uint64_t choice = epochModel - > rewardTransitions . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ state ] ; choice < epochModel - > rewardTransitions . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ state + 1 ] ; + + choice ) {
for ( auto const & dim : objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ) {
auto successorEpoch = epoch [ dim ] - ( epochModel - > epochSteps [ choice ] . is_initialized ( ) ? epochModel - > epochSteps [ choice ] . get ( ) [ dim ] : 0 ) ;
if ( successorEpoch > = 0 ) {
filter . set ( choice , true ) ;
} else if ( epochModel - > relevantStates [ dim ] . get ( state ) ) {
filter . set ( choice , false ) ;
break ;
} else {
filter . set ( choice , true ) ;
// Find out which objective rewards are earned in this particular epoch
epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter = std : : vector < storm : : storage : : BitVector > ( objectives . size ( ) , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( epochModel . objectiveRewards . front ( ) . size ( ) , true ) ) ;
for ( auto const & reducedChoice : epochModel . stepChoices ) {
uint64_t productChoice = ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping [ reducedChoice ] ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector memoryState = convertMemoryState ( getMemoryState ( productChoiceToStateMapping [ productChoice ] ) ) ;
Epoch successorEpoch = getSuccessorEpoch ( epoch , productEpochSteps [ productChoice ] . get ( ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < successorEpoch . size ( ) ; + + dim ) {
if ( successorEpoch [ dim ] < 0 & & memoryState . get ( dim ) ) {
epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter [ subObjectives [ dim ] . second ] . set ( reducedChoice , false ) ;
std : : cout < < " Epoch model for epoch: " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( epoch ) < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " Reward choices in this epoch are " < < epochModel - > rewardChoices < < std : : endl ;
// compute the solution for the stepChoices
epochModel . stepSolutions . resize ( epochModel . stepChoices . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) ) ;
auto stepSolIt = epochModel . stepSolutions . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto const & reducedChoice : epochModel . stepChoices ) {
uint64_t productChoice = ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping [ reducedChoice ] ;
SolutionType choiceSolution = getZeroSolution ( ) ;
Epoch successorEpoch = getSuccessorEpoch ( epoch , productEpochSteps [ productChoice ] . get ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector greaterZeroDimensions = storm : : utility : : vector : : filter < int64_t > ( successorEpoch , [ ] ( int64_t const & e ) - > bool { return e > = 0 ; } ) ;
for ( auto const & successor : modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRow ( productChoice ) ) {
storm : : storage : : BitVector successorMemoryState = convertMemoryState ( getMemoryState ( successor . getColumn ( ) ) ) & greaterZeroDimensions ;
uint64_t successorProductState = getProductState ( getModelState ( successor . getColumn ( ) ) , convertMemoryState ( successorMemoryState ) ) ;
SolutionType const & successorSolution = getStateSolution ( successorEpoch , successorProductState ) ;
addScaledSolution ( choiceSolution , successorSolution , successor . getValue ( ) ) ;
* stepSolIt = std : : move ( choiceSolution ) ;
+ + stepSolIt ;
assert ( epochModel . objectiveRewards . size ( ) = = objectives . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter . size ( ) = = objectives . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowCount ( ) = = epochModel . stepChoices . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( epochModel . stepChoices . size ( ) = = epochModel . objectiveRewards . front ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( epochModel . objectiveRewards . front ( ) . size ( ) = = epochModel . objectiveRewards . back ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( epochModel . objectiveRewards . front ( ) . size ( ) = = epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter . front ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( epochModel . objectiveRewards . back ( ) . size ( ) = = epochModel . objectiveRewardFilter . back ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( epochModel . stepChoices . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) = = epochModel . stepSolutions . size ( ) ) ;
currentEpoch = epoch ;
std : : cout < < " epoch matrix is " < < std : : endl < < epochModel . epochMatrix < < std : : endl ;
return epochModel ;
return * epochModel ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : shared_ptr < typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochModel > MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeModelForEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setCurrentEpochClass ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
std : : cout < < " Setting class for epoch " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( epoch ) < < std : : endl ;
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure memory = computeMemoryStructureForEpoch ( epoch ) ;
auto modelMemoryProductBuilder = memory . product ( model ) ;
modelMemoryProductBuilder . setBuildFullProduct ( ) ;
auto modelMemoryProduct = modelMemoryProductBuilder . build ( ) - > template as < storm : : models : : sparse : : Mdp < ValueType > > ( ) ;
auto productObjectiveRewards = computeObjectiveRewardsForProduct ( epoch ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & allTransitions = modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) ;
std : : shared_ptr < EpochModel > result = std : : make_shared < EpochModel > ( ) ;
result - > rewardChoices = storm : : storage : : BitVector ( allTransitions . getRowCount ( ) , false ) ;
result - > epochSteps . resize ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfChoices ( ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t modelState = 0 ; modelState < model . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + modelState ) {
uint64_t numChoices = model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupSize ( modelState ) ;
uint64_t firstChoice = model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ modelState ] ;
for ( uint64_t choiceOffset = 0 ; choiceOffset < numChoices ; + + choiceOffset ) {
Epoch step ;
bool isZeroStep = true ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < epoch . size ( ) ; + + dim ) {
std : : cout < < " scaled rewards " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( scaledRewards [ dim ] ) < < std : : endl ;
step . push_back ( scaledRewards [ dim ] [ firstChoice + choiceOffset ] ) ;
isZeroStep = isZeroStep & & ( step . back ( ) = = 0 | | epoch [ dim ] < 0 ) ;
if ( ! isZeroStep ) {
for ( uint64_t memState = 0 ; memState < memory . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + memState ) {
uint64_t productState = modelMemoryProductBuilder . getResultState ( modelState , memState ) ;
uint64_t productChoice = allTransitions . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState ] + choiceOffset ;
assert ( productChoice < allTransitions . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ productState + 1 ] ) ;
result - > epochSteps [ productChoice ] = step ;
result - > rewardChoices . set ( productChoice , true ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector stepChoices ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfChoices ( ) , false ) ;
uint64_t choice = 0 ;
for ( auto const & step : productEpochSteps ) {
if ( step ) {
std : : cout < < " step at choice " < < choice < < " is " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( step . get ( ) ) < < std : : endl ;
auto eIt = epoch . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto const & s : step . get ( ) ) {
if ( s ! = 0 & & * eIt > = 0 ) {
stepChoices . set ( choice , true ) ;
break ;
+ + eIt ;
+ + choice ;
std : : cout < < " step choices is " < < stepChoices < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " Matrix before filter: " < < std : : endl < < modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) < < std : : endl < < std : : endl ;
epochModel . epochMatrix = modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . filterEntries ( ~ stepChoices ) ;
result - > rewardTransitions = allTransitions . filterEntries ( result - > rewardChoices ) ;
result - > intermediateTransitions = allTransitions . filterEntries ( ~ result - > rewardChoices ) ;
result - > objectiveRewards = computeObjectiveRewardsForEpoch ( epoch , modelMemoryProduct ) ;
storm : : modelchecker : : SparsePropositionalModelChecker < storm : : models : : sparse : : Mdp < ValueType > > mc ( * modelMemoryProduct ) ;
result - > relevantStates . reserve ( subObjectives . size ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & relevantStatesLabel : memoryLabels ) {
if ( relevantStatesLabel ) {
auto relevantStatesFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : AtomicLabelFormula > ( relevantStatesLabel . get ( ) ) ;
result - > relevantStates . push_back ( mc . check ( * relevantStatesFormula ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ) ;
} else {
result - > relevantStates . push_back ( storm : : storage : : BitVector ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector zeroObjRewardChoices ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfChoices ( ) , true ) ;
for ( auto const & objRewards : productObjectiveRewards ) {
std : : cout < < " objectiveRewards: " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( objRewards ) < < std : : endl ;
zeroObjRewardChoices & = storm : : utility : : vector : : filterZero ( objRewards ) ;
std : : cout < < " Matrix before ec elim: " < < std : : endl < < epochModel . epochMatrix < < std : : endl < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " zeroObjRewChoices: " < < zeroObjRewardChoices < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " productAllowedBottomStates: " < < productAllowedBottomStates < < std : : endl ;
ecElimResult = storm : : transformer : : EndComponentEliminator < ValueType > : : transform ( epochModel . epochMatrix , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) , zeroObjRewardChoices & ~ stepChoices , productAllowedBottomStates ) ;
epochModel . epochMatrix = std : : move ( ecElimResult . matrix ) ;
std : : cout < < " matrix redu: " < < std : : endl < < epochModel . epochMatrix < < std : : endl ;
epochModel . stepChoices = storm : : storage : : BitVector ( epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowCount ( ) , false ) ;
for ( uint64_t choice = 0 ; choice < epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ; + + choice ) {
if ( stepChoices . get ( ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping [ choice ] ) ) {
epochModel . stepChoices . set ( choice , true ) ;
std : : cout < < " step choices orig: " < < stepChoices < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " step choices redu: " < < epochModel . stepChoices < < std : : endl ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( epochModel . stepChoices . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) = = stepChoices . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) , " The number of choices leading outside of the epoch does not match for the reduced and unreduced epochMatrix " ) ;
result - > initialStates = modelMemoryProduct - > getInitialStates ( ) ;
epochModel . objectiveRewards . clear ( ) ;
for ( auto const & productObjRew : productObjectiveRewards ) {
std : : vector < ValueType > reducedModelObjRewards ;
reducedModelObjRewards . reserve ( epochModel . epochMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & productChoice : ecElimResult . newToOldRowMapping ) {
reducedModelObjRewards . push_back ( productObjRew [ productChoice ] ) ;
epochModel . objectiveRewards . push_back ( std : : move ( reducedModelObjRewards ) ) ;
return result ;
template < typename ValueType >
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeMemoryStructureForEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) const {
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : SolutionType MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getZeroSolution ( ) const {
SolutionType res ;
res . weightedValue = storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ;
res . objectiveValues = std : : vector < ValueType > ( objectives . size ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
return res ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : addScaledSolution ( SolutionType & solution , SolutionType const & solutionToAdd , ValueType const & scalingFactor ) const {
solution . weightedValue + = solutionToAdd . weightedValue * scalingFactor ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : addScaledVector ( solution . objectiveValues , solutionToAdd . objectiveValues , scalingFactor ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( std : : vector < SolutionType > const & reducedModelStateSolutions ) {
for ( uint64_t productState = 0 ; productState < modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + productState ) {
uint64_t reducedModelState = ecElimResult . oldToNewStateMapping [ productState ] ;
if ( reducedModelState < reducedModelStateSolutions . size ( ) ) {
setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( productState , reducedModelStateSolutions [ reducedModelState ] ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setSolutionForCurrentEpoch ( uint64_t const & productState , SolutionType const & solution ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( currentEpoch , " Tried to set a solution for the current epoch, but no epoch was specified before. " ) ;
std : : vector < int64_t > solutionKey = currentEpoch . get ( ) ;
solutionKey . push_back ( productState ) ;
solutions [ solutionKey ] = solution ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : SolutionType const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getStateSolution ( Epoch const & epoch , uint64_t const & productState ) const {
std : : vector < int64_t > solutionKey = epoch ;
solutionKey . push_back ( productState ) ;
auto solutionIt = solutions . find ( solutionKey ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( solutionIt ! = solutions . end ( ) , " Requested unexisting solution for epoch " < < storm : : utility : : vector : : toString ( epoch ) < < " . " ) ;
return solutionIt - > second ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : SolutionType const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getInitialStateResult ( Epoch const & epoch ) const {
return getStateSolution ( epoch , * modelMemoryProduct - > getInitialStates ( ) . begin ( ) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeMemoryStructure ( ) const {
storm : : modelchecker : : SparsePropositionalModelChecker < storm : : models : : sparse : : Mdp < ValueType > > mc ( model ) ;
@ -268,6 +411,82 @@ namespace storm {
continue ;
std : : vector < uint64_t > dimensionIndexMap ;
for ( auto const & globalDimensionIndex : objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ) {
dimensionIndexMap . push_back ( globalDimensionIndex ) ;
// collect the memory states for this objective
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : BitVector > objMemStates ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector m ( dimensionIndexMap . size ( ) , false ) ;
for ( ; ! m . full ( ) ; m . increment ( ) ) {
objMemStates . push_back ( ~ m ) ;
objMemStates . push_back ( ~ m ) ;
assert ( objMemStates . size ( ) = = 1ull < < dimensionIndexMap . size ( ) ) ;
// build objective memory
auto objMemoryBuilder = storm : : storage : : MemoryStructureBuilder < ValueType > ( objMemStates . size ( ) , model ) ;
// Get the set of states that for all subobjectives satisfy either the left or the right subformula
storm : : storage : : BitVector constraintStates ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ;
for ( auto const & dim : objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ) {
auto const & subObj = subObjectives [ dim ] ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( subObj . first - > isBoundedUntilFormula ( ) , " Unexpected Formula type " ) ;
constraintStates & =
( mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getLeftSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) |
mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ) ;
// Build the transitions between the memory states
for ( uint64_t memState = 0 ; memState < objMemStates . size ( ) ; + + memState ) {
auto const & memStateBV = objMemStates [ memState ] ;
for ( uint64_t memStatePrime = 0 ; memStatePrime < objMemStates . size ( ) ; + + memStatePrime ) {
auto const & memStatePrimeBV = objMemStates [ memStatePrime ] ;
if ( memStatePrimeBV . isSubsetOf ( memStateBV ) ) {
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula const > transitionFormula = storm : : logic : : Formula : : getTrueFormula ( ) ;
for ( auto const & subObjIndex : memStateBV ) {
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula const > subObjFormula = subObjectives [ dimensionIndexMap [ subObjIndex ] ] . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) . asSharedPointer ( ) ;
if ( memStatePrimeBV . get ( subObjIndex ) ) {
subObjFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : UnaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : UnaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : Not , subObjFormula ) ;
transitionFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : And , transitionFormula , subObjFormula ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector transitionStates = mc . check ( * transitionFormula ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
if ( memStatePrimeBV . empty ( ) ) {
transitionStates | = ~ constraintStates ;
} else {
transitionStates & = constraintStates ;
objMemoryBuilder . setTransition ( memState , memStatePrime , transitionStates ) ;
// Set the initial states
if ( memStateBV . full ( ) ) {
storm : : storage : : BitVector initialTransitionStates = model . getInitialStates ( ) & transitionStates ;
// At this point we can check whether there is an initial state that already satisfies all subObjectives.
// Such a situation is not supported as we can not reduce this (easily) to an expected reward computation.
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! memStatePrimeBV . empty ( ) | | initialTransitionStates . empty ( ) | | initialTransitionStates . isDisjointFrom ( constraintStates ) , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " The objective " < < * objectives [ objIndex ] . formula < < " is already satisfied in an initial state. This special case is not supported. " ) ;
for ( auto const & initState : initialTransitionStates ) {
objMemoryBuilder . setInitialMemoryState ( initState , memStatePrime ) ;
// Build the memory labels
for ( uint64_t memState = 0 ; memState < objMemStates . size ( ) ; + + memState ) {
auto const & memStateBV = objMemStates [ memState ] ;
for ( auto const & subObjIndex : memStateBV ) {
objMemoryBuilder . setLabel ( memState , memoryLabels [ dimensionIndexMap [ subObjIndex ] ] . get ( ) ) ;
/* Old (wrong.. ) implementation
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure objMemory = storm : : storage : : MemoryStructureBuilder < ValueType > : : buildTrivialMemoryStructure ( model ) ;
for ( auto const & dim : objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ) {
@ -276,52 +495,98 @@ namespace storm {
// Create a memory structure that stores whether a PsiState has already been reached
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructureBuilder < ValueType > subObjMemBuilder ( 2 , model ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setLabel ( 0 , memoryLabels [ dim ] . get ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector leftSubformulaResult = mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getLeftSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector rightSubformulaResult = mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
if ( epoch [ dim ] > = 0 ) {
storm : : storage : : BitVector rightSubformulaResult = mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 0 , ~ rightSubformulaResult ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 1 , rightSubformulaResult ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 1 , 1 , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
for ( auto const & initState : model . getInitialStates ( ) ) {
subObjMemBuilder . setInitialMemoryState ( initState , rightSubformulaResult . get ( initState ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
} else {
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 0 , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 1 , 1 , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 0 , leftSubformulaResult & ~ rightSubformulaResult ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 1 , rightSubformulaResult ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 1 , 1 , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
for ( auto const & initState : model . getInitialStates ( ) ) {
subObjMemBuilder . setInitialMemoryState ( initState , rightSubformulaResult . get ( initState ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure subObjMem = subObjMemBuilder . build ( ) ;
std : : cout < < " subObjMem: " < < std : : endl < < subObjMem . toString ( ) < < std : : endl ;
objMemory = objMemory . product ( subObjMem ) ;
std : : cout < < " objMemory before: " < < std : : endl < < objMemory . toString ( ) < < std : : endl ;
// find the memory state that represents that none of the subobjective is relative anymore
storm : : storage : : BitVector sinkStates ( objMemory . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ;
// find the memory state that represents that all subObjectives are decided (i.e., Psi_i has been reached for all i)
storm : : storage : : BitVector decidedState ( objMemory . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ;
for ( auto const & dim : objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ) {
sinkStates = sinkStates & ~ objMemory . getStateLabeling ( ) . getStates ( memoryLabels [ dim ] . get ( ) ) ;
decidedState = decidedState & ~ objMemory . getStateLabeling ( ) . getStates ( memoryLabels [ dim ] . get ( ) ) ;
assert ( sinkStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) = = 1 ) ;
assert ( decidedState . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) = = 1 ) ;
// When a constraint of at least one until formula is violated, we need to switch to the sink memory s tate
// When the set of PhiStates is left for at least one until formula, we switch to the decidedS tate
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructureBuilder < ValueType > objMemBuilder ( objMemory , model ) ;
for ( auto const & dim : objectiveDimensions [ objIndex ] ) {
auto const & subObj = subObjectives [ dim ] ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector constraintModelStates =
~ ( mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getLeftSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) |
mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getLef tSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ) ;
mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getLeftSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) |
mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRigh tSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
for ( auto const & maybeState : objMemory . getStateLabeling ( ) . getStates ( memoryLabels [ dim ] . get ( ) ) ) {
objMemBuilder . setTransition ( maybeState , * sinkStates . begin ( ) , constraintModelStates ) ;
objMemBuilder . setTransition ( maybeState , * decidedState . begin ( ) , ~ constraintModelStates ) ;
objMemory = objMemBuilder . build ( ) ;
auto objMemory = objMemoryBuilder . build ( ) ;
std : : cout < < " objMemory : " < < std : : endl < < objMemory . toString ( ) < < std : : endl ;
memory = memory . product ( objMemory ) ;
std : : cout < < " final memory: " < < std : : endl < < memory . toString ( ) < < std : : endl ;
return memory ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : BitVector > MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeMemoryStateMap ( storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure const & memory ) const {
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : BitVector > result ;
for ( uint64_t memState = 0 ; memState < memory . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + memState ) {
storm : : storage : : BitVector relevantSubObjectives ( subObjectives . size ( ) , false ) ;
std : : set < std : : string > stateLabels = memory . getStateLabeling ( ) . getLabelsOfState ( memState ) ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < subObjectives . size ( ) ; + + dim ) {
if ( memoryLabels [ dim ] & & stateLabels . find ( memoryLabels [ dim ] . get ( ) ) ! = stateLabels . end ( ) ) {
relevantSubObjectives . set ( dim , true ) ;
result . push_back ( std : : move ( relevantSubObjectives ) ) ;
return result ;
template < typename ValueType >
storm : : storage : : BitVector const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : convertMemoryState ( uint64_t const & memoryState ) const {
return memoryStateMap [ memoryState ] ;
template < typename ValueType >
uint64_t MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : convertMemoryState ( storm : : storage : : BitVector const & memoryState ) const {
auto memStateIt = std : : find ( memoryStateMap . begin ( ) , memoryStateMap . end ( ) , memoryState ) ;
return memStateIt - memoryStateMap . begin ( ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
uint64_t MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getProductState ( uint64_t const & modelState , uint64_t const & memoryState ) const {
uint64_t productState = productBuilder - > getResultState ( modelState , memoryState ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( productState < modelMemoryProduct - > getNumberOfStates ( ) , " There is no state in the model-memory-product that corresponds to model state " < < modelState < < " and memory state " < < memoryState < < " . " ) ;
return productState ;
template < typename ValueType >
uint64_t MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getModelState ( uint64_t const & productState ) const {
return modelStates [ productState ] ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < std : : vector < ValueType > > MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeObjectiveRewardsForEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch , std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : sparse : : Mdp < ValueType > > const & modelMemoryProduct ) const {
uint64_t MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getMemoryState ( uint64_t const & productState ) const {
return memoryStates [ productState ] ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < std : : vector < ValueType > > MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeObjectiveRewardsForProduct ( Epoch const & epoch ) const {
std : : vector < std : : vector < ValueType > > objectiveRewards ;
objectiveRewards . reserve ( objectives . size ( ) ) ;
@ -350,35 +615,45 @@ namespace storm {
while ( ! relevantObjectives . full ( ) ) {
relevantObjectives . increment ( ) ;
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula const > relevantStatesFormula ;
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula const > goalStatesFormula = storm : : logic : : CloneVisitor ( ) . clone ( * sinkStatesFormula ) ;
for ( uint64_t subObjIndex = 0 ; subObjIndex < dimensionIndexMap . size ( ) ; + + subObjIndex ) {
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula > memLabelFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : AtomicLabelFormula > ( memoryLabels [ dimensionIndexMap [ subObjIndex ] ] . get ( ) ) ;
if ( relevantObjectives . get ( subObjIndex ) ) {
auto rightSubFormula = subObjectives [ dimensionIndexMap [ subObjIndex ] ] . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) . asSharedPointer ( ) ;
goalStatesFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : And , goalStatesFormula , rightSubFormula ) ;
} else {
memLabelFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : UnaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : UnaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : Not , memLabelFormula ) ;
if ( relevantStatesFormula ) {
relevantStatesFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : And , relevantStatesFormula , memLabelFormula ) ;
} else {
relevantStatesFormula = memLabelFormula ;
// find out whether objective reward should be earned within this epoch
bool collectRewardInEpoch = true ;
for ( auto const & subObjIndex : relevantObjectives ) {
if ( epoch [ dimensionIndexMap [ subObjIndex ] ] < 0 ) {
collectRewardInEpoch = false ;
break ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector relevantStates = mc . check ( * relevantStatesFormula ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector goalStates = mc . check ( * goalStatesFormula ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : addVectors ( objRew , modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getConstrainedRowGroupSumVector ( relevantStates , goalStates ) , objRew ) ;
if ( collectRewardInEpoch ) {
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula const > relevantStatesFormula ;
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula const > goalStatesFormula = storm : : logic : : CloneVisitor ( ) . clone ( * sinkStatesFormula ) ;
for ( uint64_t subObjIndex = 0 ; subObjIndex < dimensionIndexMap . size ( ) ; + + subObjIndex ) {
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula > memLabelFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : AtomicLabelFormula > ( memoryLabels [ dimensionIndexMap [ subObjIndex ] ] . get ( ) ) ;
if ( relevantObjectives . get ( subObjIndex ) ) {
auto rightSubFormula = subObjectives [ dimensionIndexMap [ subObjIndex ] ] . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) . asSharedPointer ( ) ;
goalStatesFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : And , goalStatesFormula , rightSubFormula ) ;
} else {
memLabelFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : UnaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : UnaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : Not , memLabelFormula ) ;
if ( relevantStatesFormula ) {
relevantStatesFormula = std : : make_shared < storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula > ( storm : : logic : : BinaryBooleanStateFormula : : OperatorType : : And , relevantStatesFormula , memLabelFormula ) ;
} else {
relevantStatesFormula = memLabelFormula ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector relevantStates = mc . check ( * relevantStatesFormula ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector relevantChoices = modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRowFilter ( relevantStates ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector goalStates = mc . check ( * goalStatesFormula ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
for ( auto const & choice : relevantChoices ) {
objRew [ choice ] + = modelMemoryProduct - > getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getConstrainedRowSum ( choice , goalStates ) ;
objectiveRewards . push_back ( std : : move ( objRew ) ) ;
// Check if the formula is already satisfied in the initial state
// STORM_LOG_THROW((data.originalModel.getInitialStates() & rightSubformulaResult).empty(), storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "The Probability for the objective " << *data.objectives.back()->originalFormula << " is always one as the rhs of the until formula is true in the initial state. This (trivial) case is currently not implemented.");
} else if ( formula . isRewardOperatorFormula ( ) ) {
auto const & rewModel = modelMemoryProduct - > getRewardModel ( formula . asRewardOperatorFormula ( ) . getRewardModelName ( ) ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! rewModel . hasTransitionRewards ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " Reward model has transition rewards which is not expected. " ) ;
@ -402,21 +677,6 @@ namespace storm {
return objectiveRewards ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setEpochSolution ( Epoch const & epoch , EpochSolution const & solution ) {
epochSolutions . emplace ( epoch , solution ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setEpochSolution ( Epoch const & epoch , EpochSolution & & solution ) {
epochSolutions . emplace ( epoch , std : : move ( solution ) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochSolution const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getEpochSolution ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
return epochSolutions . at ( epoch ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochClass MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getClassOfEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) const {
// Get a BitVector that is 1 wherever the epoch is non-negative