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removed or and not operation on ADDs as they should conceptually be used on BDDs

Former-commit-id: 860ed79637
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 8
  2. 17
  3. 26
  4. 18
  5. 26
  6. 17
  7. 28


@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <storm::dd::DdType Type, typename ValueType>
typename DdPrismModelBuilder<Type, ValueType>::ActionDecisionDiagram DdPrismModelBuilder<Type, ValueType>::combineCommandsToActionMDP(GenerationInformation& generationInfo, std::vector<ActionDecisionDiagram>& commandDds, uint_fast64_t nondeterminismVariableOffset) {
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> allGuards = generationInfo.manager->template getAddZero<ValueType>();
storm::dd::Bdd<Type> allGuards = generationInfo.manager->getBddZero();
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> allCommands = generationInfo.manager->template getAddZero<ValueType>();
// Make all command DDs assign to the same global variables.
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ namespace storm {
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> sumOfGuards = generationInfo.manager->template getAddZero<ValueType>();
for (auto const& commandDd : commandDds) {
sumOfGuards += commandDd.guardDd;
allGuards = allGuards || commandDd.guardDd;
allGuards |= commandDd.guardDd.toBdd();
uint_fast64_t maxChoices = static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(sumOfGuards.getMax());
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ namespace storm {
sumOfGuards = sumOfGuards * (!equalsNumberOfChoicesDd).template toAdd<ValueType>();
return ActionDecisionDiagram(allGuards, allCommands, assignedGlobalVariables, nondeterminismVariableOffset + numberOfBinaryVariables);
return ActionDecisionDiagram(allGuards.template toAdd<ValueType>(), allCommands, assignedGlobalVariables, nondeterminismVariableOffset + numberOfBinaryVariables);
@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Add a new variable that resolves the nondeterminism between the two choices.
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> combinedTransitions = generationInfo.manager->getEncoding(generationInfo.nondeterminismMetaVariables[numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables], 1).template toAdd<ValueType>().ite(action2Extended, action1Extended);
return ActionDecisionDiagram(action1.guardDd || action2.guardDd, combinedTransitions, assignedGlobalVariables, numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables + 1);
return ActionDecisionDiagram((action1.guardDd.toBdd() || action2.guardDd.toBdd()).template toAdd<ValueType>(), combinedTransitions, assignedGlobalVariables, numberOfUsedNondeterminismVariables + 1);
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException, "Illegal model type.");


@ -35,23 +35,6 @@ namespace storm {
metaVariables.insert(this->getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), this->getContainedMetaVariables().end());
return Add<LibraryType, ValueType>(this->getDdManager(), internalAdd.ite(thenAdd.internalAdd, elseAdd.internalAdd), metaVariables);
// template<DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
// Add<LibraryType, ValueType> Add<LibraryType, ValueType>::operator!() const {
// return Add<LibraryType, ValueType>(this->getDdManager(), !internalAdd, this->getContainedMetaVariables());
// }
template<DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
Add<LibraryType, ValueType> Add<LibraryType, ValueType>::operator||(Add<LibraryType, ValueType> const& other) const {
return Add<LibraryType, ValueType>(this->getDdManager(), internalAdd || other.internalAdd, Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(*this, other));
template<DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
Add<LibraryType, ValueType>& Add<LibraryType, ValueType>::operator|=(Add<LibraryType, ValueType> const& other) {
internalAdd |= other.internalAdd;
return *this;
template<DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
Add<LibraryType, ValueType> Add<LibraryType, ValueType>::operator+(Add<LibraryType, ValueType> const& other) const {


@ -75,32 +75,6 @@ namespace storm {
Add<LibraryType, ValueType> ite(Add<LibraryType, ValueType> const& thenAdd, Add<LibraryType, ValueType> const& elseAdd) const;
* Logically inverts the current ADD. That is, all inputs yielding non-zero values will be mapped to zero in
* the result and vice versa.
* @return The resulting ADD.
// Add<LibraryType, ValueType> operator!() const;
* Performs a logical or of the current anBd the given ADD. As a prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be
* 0/1 ADDs.
* @param other The second ADD used for the operation.
* @return The logical or of the operands.
Add<LibraryType, ValueType> operator||(Add<LibraryType, ValueType> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given ADD and assigns it to the current ADD. As a
* prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be 0/1 ADDs.
* @param other The second ADD used for the operation.
* @return A reference to the current ADD after the operation
Add<LibraryType, ValueType>& operator|=(Add<LibraryType, ValueType> const& other);
* Adds the two ADDs.


@ -31,23 +31,7 @@ namespace storm {
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>::ite(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& thenDd, InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& elseDd) const {
return InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>(ddManager, this->getCuddAdd().Ite(thenDd.getCuddAdd(), elseDd.getCuddAdd()));
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>::operator!() const {
return InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>(ddManager, ~this->getCuddAdd());
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>::operator||(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& other) const {
return InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>(ddManager, this->getCuddAdd() | other.getCuddAdd());
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>& InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>::operator|=(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& other) {
this->cuddAdd = this->getCuddAdd() | other.getCuddAdd();
return *this;
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>::operator+(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& other) const {
return InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>(ddManager, this->getCuddAdd() + other.getCuddAdd());


@ -82,32 +82,6 @@ namespace storm {
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> ite(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& thenAdd, InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& elseAdd) const;
* Logically inverts the current ADD. That is, all inputs yielding non-zero values will be mapped to zero in
* the result and vice versa.
* @return The resulting ADD.
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> operator!() const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given ADD. As a prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be
* 0/1 ADDs.
* @param other The second ADD used for the operation.
* @return The logical or of the operands.
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> operator||(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given ADD and assigns it to the current ADD. As a
* prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be 0/1 ADDs.
* @param other The second ADD used for the operation.
* @return A reference to the current ADD after the operation
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>& operator|=(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& other);
* Adds the two ADDs.


@ -26,22 +26,7 @@ namespace storm {
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::ite(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& thenDd, InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& elseDd) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented.");
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::operator!() const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented.");
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::operator||(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& other) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented.");
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>& InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::operator|=(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& other) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "Not yet implemented.");
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>::operator+(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& other) const {
return InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>(ddManager, this->sylvanMtbdd.Plus(other.sylvanMtbdd));


@ -81,33 +81,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The ADD corresponding to the if-then-else of the operands.
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> ite(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& thenAdd, InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& elseAdd) const;
* Logically inverts the current ADD. That is, all inputs yielding non-zero values will be mapped to zero in
* the result and vice versa.
* @return The resulting ADD.
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> operator!() const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given ADD. As a prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be
* 0/1 ADDs.
* @param other The second ADD used for the operation.
* @return The logical or of the operands.
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> operator||(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given ADD and assigns it to the current ADD. As a
* prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be 0/1 ADDs.
* @param other The second ADD used for the operation.
* @return A reference to the current ADD after the operation
InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType>& operator|=(InternalAdd<DdType::Sylvan, ValueType> const& other);
* Adds the two ADDs.
