@ -2,15 +2,13 @@
# include "storm/modelchecker/helper/infinitehorizon/internal/ComponentUtility.h"
# include "storm/modelchecker/helper/infinitehorizon/internal/LraViHelper.h"
# include "storm/modelchecker/prctl/helper/BaierUpperRewardBoundsComputer.h"
# include "storm/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
# include "storm/storage/StronglyConnectedComponentDecomposition.h"
# include "storm/storage/Scheduler.h"
# include "storm/solver/LinearEquationSolver.h"
# include "storm/solver/Multiplier.h"
# include "storm/solver/LpSolver.h"
# include "storm/utility/SignalHandler.h"
# include "storm/utility/solver.h"
@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ namespace storm {
return computeLraForBsccVi ( env , stateValueGetter , actionValueGetter , component ) ;
} else if ( method = = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : LraDistributionEquations ) {
// We only need the first element of the pair as the lra distribution is not relevant at this point.
return computeLraForBsccLra Distr ( env , stateValueGetter , actionValueGetter , component ) . first ;
return computeLraForBsccSteadyState Distr ( env , stateValueGetter , actionValueGetter , component ) . first ;
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND ( method = = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : GainBiasEquations , " Unsupported lra method selected. Defaulting to " < < storm : : solver : : toString ( storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : GainBiasEquations ) < < " . " ) ;
// We don't need the bias values
@ -124,6 +122,9 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
std : : pair < ValueType , std : : vector < ValueType > > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeLraForBsccGainBias ( Environment const & env , ValueGetter const & stateValuesGetter , ValueGetter const & actionValuesGetter , storm : : storage : : StronglyConnectedComponent const & bscc ) {
// we want that the returned vector is sorted as the bscc. So let's assert that the bscc is sorted ascendingly.
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( std : : is_sorted ( bscc . begin ( ) , bscc . end ( ) ) , " Expected that bsccs are sorted. " ) ;
// We build the equation system as in Line 3 of Algorithm 3 from
// Kretinsky, Meggendorfer: Efficient Strategy Iteration for Mean Payoff in Markov Decision Processes (ATVA 2017)
// https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68167-2_25
@ -212,17 +213,19 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
std : : pair < ValueType , std : : vector < ValueType > > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeLraForBsccLraDistr ( Environment const & env , ValueGetter const & stateValuesGetter , ValueGetter const & actionValuesGetter , storm : : storage : : StronglyConnectedComponent const & bscc ) {
std : : vector < ValueType > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeSteadyStateDistrForBscc ( Environment const & env , storm : : storage : : StronglyConnectedComponent const & bscc ) {
// We want that the returned values are sorted properly. Let's assert that strongly connected components use a sorted container type
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( std : : is_sorted ( bscc . begin ( ) , bscc . end ( ) ) , " Expected that bsccs are sorted. " ) ;
// Let A be ab auxiliary Matrix with A[s,s] = R(s,s) - r(s) & A[s,s'] = R(s,s') for s,s' in BSCC and s!=s'.
// We build and solve the equation system for
// x*A=0 & x_0+...+x_n=1 <=> A^t*x=0=x-x & x_0+...+x_n=1 <=> (1+A^t)*x = x & 1-x_0-...-x_n-1=x_n
// Then, x[i] will be the fraction of the time we are in state i.
// This method assumes that this BSCC consist of more than one state
// This method assumes that this BSCC consist of more than one state.
// We therefore catch the (easy) case where the BSCC is a singleton.
if ( bscc . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
ValueType lraValue = stateValuesGetter ( * bscc . begin ( ) ) + ( this - > isContinuousTime ( ) ? ( * this - > _exitRates ) [ * bscc . begin ( ) ] * actionValuesGetter ( * bscc . begin ( ) ) : actionValuesGetter ( * bscc . begin ( ) ) ) ;
return { lraValue , { storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) } } ;
return { storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) } ;
// Prepare an environment for the underlying linear equation solver
@ -318,12 +321,28 @@ namespace storm {
requirements . clearUpperBounds ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! requirements . hasEnabledCriticalRequirement ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnmetRequirementException , " Solver requirements " + requirements . getEnabledRequirementsAsString ( ) + " not checked. " ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > lraDistr ( bscc . size ( ) , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType , uint64_t > ( bscc . size ( ) ) ) ;
solver - > solveEquations ( subEnv , lraDistr , bsccEquationSystemRightSide ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > steadyStateDistr ( bscc . size ( ) , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType , uint64_t > ( bscc . size ( ) ) ) ;
solver - > solveEquations ( subEnv , steadyStateDistr , bsccEquationSystemRightSide ) ;
// As a last step, we normalize these values to counter numerical inaccuracies a bit.
// This is only reasonable in non-exact mode.
if ( ! subEnv . solver ( ) . isForceExact ( ) ) {
ValueType sum = std : : accumulate ( steadyStateDistr . begin ( ) , steadyStateDistr . end ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : scaleVectorInPlace < ValueType , ValueType > ( steadyStateDistr , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / sum ) ;
return steadyStateDistr ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : pair < ValueType , std : : vector < ValueType > > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeLraForBsccSteadyStateDistr ( Environment const & env , ValueGetter const & stateValuesGetter , ValueGetter const & actionValuesGetter , storm : : storage : : StronglyConnectedComponent const & bscc ) {
// Get the LRA distribution for the provided bscc.
auto steadyStateDistr = computeSteadyStateDistrForBscc ( env , bscc ) ;
// Calculate final LRA Value
ValueType result = storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ;
auto solIt = lraDistr . begin ( ) ;
auto solIt = steadyState Distr. begin ( ) ;
for ( auto const & globalState : bscc ) {
if ( this - > isContinuousTime ( ) ) {
result + = ( * solIt ) * ( stateValuesGetter ( globalState ) + ( * this - > _exitRates ) [ globalState ] * actionValuesGetter ( globalState ) ) ;
@ -332,9 +351,9 @@ namespace storm {
+ + solIt ;
assert ( solIt = = lra Distr. end ( ) ) ;
assert ( solIt = = steadyState Distr. end ( ) ) ;
return std : : pair < ValueType , std : : vector < ValueType > > ( std : : move ( result ) , std : : move ( lra Distr) ) ;
return std : : pair < ValueType , std : : vector < ValueType > > ( std : : move ( result ) , std : : move ( steadyState Distr) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
@ -424,6 +443,131 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < ValueType > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeLongRunAverageStateDistribution ( Environment const & env ) {
createDecomposition ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( this - > _longRunComponentDecomposition - > size ( ) < = 1 , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidOperationException , " " ) ;
return computeLongRunAverageStateDistribution ( env , [ ] ( uint64_t ) { return storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ; } ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < ValueType > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeLongRunAverageStateDistribution ( Environment const & env , uint64_t const & initialState ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( initialState < this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , " Invlid initial state index: " < < initialState < < " . Have only " < < this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) < < " states. " ) ;
return computeLongRunAverageStateDistribution ( env , [ & initialState ] ( uint64_t stateIndex ) { return initialState = = stateIndex ? storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) : storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ; } ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < ValueType > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeLongRunAverageStateDistribution ( Environment const & env , ValueGetter const & initialDistributionGetter ) {
createDecomposition ( ) ;
// Compute for each BSCC get the probability with which we reach that BSCC
auto bsccReachProbs = computeBsccReachabilityProbabilities ( env , initialDistributionGetter ) ;
// We are now ready to compute the resulting lra distribution
std : : vector < ValueType > steadyStateDistr ( this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t currentComponentIndex = 0 ; currentComponentIndex < this - > _longRunComponentDecomposition - > size ( ) ; + + currentComponentIndex ) {
auto const & component = ( * this - > _longRunComponentDecomposition ) [ currentComponentIndex ] ;
// Compute distribution for current bscc
auto bsccDistr = this - > computeSteadyStateDistrForBscc ( env , component ) ;
// Scale with probability to reach that bscc
auto const & scalingFactor = bsccReachProbs [ currentComponentIndex ] ;
if ( ! storm : : utility : : isOne ( scalingFactor ) ) {
storm : : utility : : vector : : scaleVectorInPlace ( bsccDistr , scalingFactor ) ;
// Set the values in the result vector
auto bsccDistrIt = bsccDistr . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto const & element : component ) {
uint64_t state = internal : : getComponentElementState ( element ) ;
steadyStateDistr [ state ] = * bsccDistrIt ;
+ + bsccDistrIt ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( bsccDistrIt = = bsccDistr . end ( ) , " Unexpected number of entries in bscc distribution " ) ;
return steadyStateDistr ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < ValueType > computeUpperBoundsForExpectedVisitingTimes ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & nonBsccMatrix , std : : vector < ValueType > const & toBsccProbabilities ) {
return storm : : modelchecker : : helper : : BaierUpperRewardBoundsComputer < ValueType > : : computeUpperBoundOnExpectedVisitingTimes ( nonBsccMatrix , toBsccProbabilities ) ;
template < >
std : : vector < storm : : RationalFunction > computeUpperBoundsForExpectedVisitingTimes ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalFunction > const & nonBsccMatrix , std : : vector < storm : : RationalFunction > const & toBsccProbabilities ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " Computing upper bounds for expected visiting times over rational functions is not supported. " ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < ValueType > SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < ValueType > : : computeBsccReachabilityProbabilities ( Environment const & env , ValueGetter const & initialDistributionGetter ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( this - > _longRunComponentDecomposition ! = nullptr , " Decomposition not computed, yet. " ) ;
uint64_t numBSCCs = this - > _longRunComponentDecomposition - > size ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( numBSCCs > 0 , " Found 0 BSCCs in a Markov chain. This should not be possible. " ) ;
// Compute for each BSCC get the probability with which we reach that BSCC
std : : vector < ValueType > bsccReachProbs ( numBSCCs , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
if ( numBSCCs = = 1 ) {
bsccReachProbs . front ( ) = storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ;
} else {
// Compute mapping from state indices to their BSCC and
// the set of states that do not lie in a BSCC
std : : vector < uint64_t > stateToBsccMap ( this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , std : : numeric_limits < uint64_t > : : max ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector statesNotInComponent ( this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , true ) ;
for ( uint64_t currentComponentIndex = 0 ; currentComponentIndex < this - > _longRunComponentDecomposition - > size ( ) ; + + currentComponentIndex ) {
for ( auto const & element : ( * this - > _longRunComponentDecomposition ) [ currentComponentIndex ] ) {
uint64_t state = internal : : getComponentElementState ( element ) ;
statesNotInComponent . set ( state , false ) ;
stateToBsccMap [ state ] = currentComponentIndex ;
// For each non-BSCC state, compute the expected number of times we visit that state by solving an equation system
// The equation system basically considers an equation `init(s) + sum_s' P(s',s) * x_s' = x_s` for each state s.
storm : : solver : : GeneralLinearEquationSolverFactory < ValueType > linearEquationSolverFactory ;
bool isEqSysFormat = linearEquationSolverFactory . getEquationProblemFormat ( env ) = = storm : : solver : : LinearEquationSolverProblemFormat : : EquationSystem ;
auto eqSysMatrix = this - > _transitionMatrix . getSubmatrix ( false , statesNotInComponent , statesNotInComponent , isEqSysFormat ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < storm : : solver : : LinearEquationSolver < ValueType > > solver = linearEquationSolverFactory . create ( env , eqSysMatrix ) ;
solver - > setLowerBound ( storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
// Check solver requirements
auto requirements = solver - > getRequirements ( env ) ;
requirements . clearLowerBounds ( ) ;
if ( requirements . upperBounds ( ) ) {
auto toBsccProbabilities = this - > _transitionMatrix . getConstrainedRowSumVector ( statesNotInComponent , ~ statesNotInComponent ) ;
solver - > setUpperBounds ( computeUpperBoundsForExpectedVisitingTimes ( eqSysMatrix , toBsccProbabilities ) ) ;
requirements . clearUpperBounds ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! requirements . hasEnabledCriticalRequirement ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnmetRequirementException , " Solver requirements " + requirements . getEnabledRequirementsAsString ( ) + " not checked. " ) ;
eqSysMatrix . transpose ( false , true ) ; // Transpose so that each row considers the predecessors
if ( isEqSysFormat ) {
eqSysMatrix . convertToEquationSystem ( ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > eqSysRhs ;
eqSysRhs . reserve ( eqSysMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ) ;
for ( auto state : statesNotInComponent ) {
eqSysRhs . push_back ( initialDistributionGetter ( state ) ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > eqSysValues ( eqSysMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ) ;
solver - > solveEquations ( env , eqSysValues , eqSysRhs ) ;
// Now that we have the expected number of times we visit each non-BSCC state, we can compute the probabilities to reach each bscc.
// Run over all transitions that enter a BSCC
uint64_t eqSysStateIndex = 0 ;
for ( auto state : statesNotInComponent ) {
for ( auto const & entry : this - > _transitionMatrix . getRow ( state ) ) {
if ( ! statesNotInComponent . get ( entry . getColumn ( ) ) ) {
// Add the probability that the BSCC is reached from this state.
bsccReachProbs [ stateToBsccMap [ entry . getColumn ( ) ] ] + = entry . getValue ( ) * eqSysValues [ eqSysStateIndex ] ;
+ + eqSysStateIndex ;
// As a last step, we normalize these values to counter numerical inaccuracies a bit.
// This is only reasonable in non-exact mode.
if ( ! env . solver ( ) . isForceExact ( ) ) {
ValueType sum = std : : accumulate ( bsccReachProbs . begin ( ) , bsccReachProbs . end ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : scaleVectorInPlace < ValueType , ValueType > ( bsccReachProbs , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / sum ) ;
return bsccReachProbs ;
template class SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < double > ;
template class SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < storm : : RationalNumber > ;
template class SparseDeterministicInfiniteHorizonHelper < storm : : RationalFunction > ;