Browse Source

dirOverride should be const

Stefan Pranger 4 years ago
  1. 18
  2. 10
  3. 6
  4. 10
  5. 18
  6. 8
  7. 20
  8. 298


@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
std::vector<ValueType>* target = &result;
if (&x == &result) {
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
multAddReduceHelper(dir, rowGroupIndices, x, b, x, choices, dirOverride, backwards);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceHelper(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceHelper(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
bool isOverridden = (dirOverride && !dirOverride->empty()) ? true : false;
if (dir == storm::OptimizationDirection::Minimize) {
if(isOverridden) {
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
template<typename Compare, bool backwards, bool directionOverridden>
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceHelper(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceHelper(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
Compare compare;
typedef std::vector<ValueType> VectorType;
typedef gmm::csr_matrix<ValueType> MatrixType;
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename Compare, bool backwards, bool directionOverridden>
void GmmxxMultiplier<storm::RationalFunction>::multAddReduceHelper(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& x, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void GmmxxMultiplier<storm::RationalFunction>::multAddReduceHelper(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& x, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Operation not supported for this data type.");
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType, typename Compare>
class TbbMultAddReduceFunctor {
TbbMultAddReduceFunctor(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, gmm::csr_matrix<ValueType> const& matrix, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) : rowGroupIndices(rowGroupIndices), matrix(matrix), x(x), b(b), result(result), choices(choices), dirOverride(dirOverride) {
TbbMultAddReduceFunctor(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, gmm::csr_matrix<ValueType> const& matrix, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) : rowGroupIndices(rowGroupIndices), matrix(matrix), x(x), b(b), result(result), choices(choices), dirOverride(dirOverride) {
// Intentionally left empty.
@ -429,12 +429,12 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<ValueType> const* b;
std::vector<ValueType>& result;
std::vector<uint64_t>* choices;
boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector*> dirOverride = boost::none;
boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector*> const dirOverride = boost::none;
template<typename ValueType>
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void GmmxxMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
if (dir == storm::OptimizationDirection::Minimize) {
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<unsigned long>(0, rowGroupIndices.size() - 1, 100), TbbMultAddReduceFunctor<ValueType, storm::utility::ElementLess<ValueType>>(rowGroupIndices, this->gmmMatrix, x, b, result, choices, dirOverride));
@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ namespace storm {
void GmmxxMultiplier<storm::RationalFunction>::multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& x, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void GmmxxMultiplier<storm::RationalFunction>::multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& x, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "This operation is not supported.");


@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ namespace storm {
virtual void multiply(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const override;
virtual void multiplyGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, bool backwards = true) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const override;
virtual void multiplyRow(uint64_t const& rowIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, ValueType& value) const override;
virtual void clearCache() const override;
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ namespace storm {
void multAdd(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const;
void multAddParallel(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const;
void multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multAddReduceHelper(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const;
void multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multAddReduceHelper(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const;
template<typename Compare, bool backwards = true, bool directionOverridden = false>
void multAddReduceHelper(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multAddReduceHelper(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
mutable gmm::csr_matrix<ValueType> gmmMatrix;


@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void Multiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void Multiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
multiplyAndReduce(env, dir, this->matrix.getRowGroupIndices(), x, b, result, choices, dirOverride);
template<typename ValueType>
void Multiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
void Multiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(env, dir, this->matrix.getRowGroupIndices(), x, b, choices, dirOverride, backwards);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void Multiplier<ValueType>::repeatedMultiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, uint64_t n, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void Multiplier<ValueType>::repeatedMultiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, uint64_t n, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
storm::utility::ProgressMeasurement progress("multiplications");


@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ namespace storm {
* to the number of rows of A. Can be the same as the x vector.
* @param choices If given, the choices made in the reduction process are written to this vector.
void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
virtual void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const = 0;
void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
virtual void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const = 0;
* Performs a matrix-vector multiplication in gauss-seidel style and then minimizes/maximizes over the row groups
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ namespace storm {
* @param choices If given, the choices made in the reduction process are written to this vector.
* @param backwards if true, the iterations will be performed beginning from the last rowgroup and ending at the first rowgroup.
void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const;
virtual void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const = 0;
void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const;
virtual void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const = 0;
* Performs repeated matrix-vector multiplication, using x[0] = x and x[i + 1] = A*x[i] + b. After
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace storm {
* to the number of rows of A.
* @param n The number of times to perform the multiplication.
void repeatedMultiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, uint64_t n, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void repeatedMultiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, uint64_t n, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
* Multiplies the row with the given index with x and adds the result to the provided value


@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
namespace storm {
namespace solver {
template<typename ValueType>
NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::NativeMultiplier(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix) : Multiplier<ValueType>(matrix) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename ValueType>
bool NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::parallelize(Environment const& env) const {
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace storm {
return false;
template<typename ValueType>
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multiply(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const {
std::vector<ValueType>* target = &result;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::swap(result, *this->cachedVector);
template<typename ValueType>
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, bool backwards) const {
if (backwards) {
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
std::vector<ValueType>* target = &result;
if (&x == &result) {
if (this->cachedVector) {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride, bool backwards) const {
if (backwards) {
this->matrix.multiplyAndReduceBackward(dir, rowGroupIndices, x, b, x, choices, dirOverride);
} else {
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduce(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduce(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
this->matrix.multiplyAndReduce(dir, rowGroupIndices, x, b, result, choices, dirOverride);
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void NativeMultiplier<ValueType>::multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
this->matrix.multiplyAndReduceParallel(dir, rowGroupIndices, x, b, result, choices, dirOverride);
@ -141,6 +141,6 @@ namespace storm {
template class NativeMultiplier<storm::RationalNumber>;
template class NativeMultiplier<storm::RationalFunction>;


@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ namespace storm {
virtual void multiply(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const override;
virtual void multiplyGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, bool backwards = true) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduce(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const override;
virtual void multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel(Environment const& env, OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr, bool backwards = true) const override;
virtual void multiplyRow(uint64_t const& rowIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, ValueType& value) const override;
virtual void multiplyRow2(uint64_t const& rowIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& x1, ValueType& val1, std::vector<ValueType> const& x2, ValueType& val2) const override;
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ namespace storm {
void multAdd(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const;
void multAddReduce(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multAddReduce(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multAddParallel(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const;
void multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multAddReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint64_t>* choices = nullptr, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;


@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceForward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceForward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
if(dirOverride && !dirOverride->empty()) {
if (dir == OptimizationDirection::Minimize) {
multiplyAndReduceForward<storm::utility::ElementLess<ValueType>, true>(rowGroupIndices, vector, summand, result, choices, dirOverride);
@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
template<typename Compare, bool dirOverridden>
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceForward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceForward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
Compare compare;
auto elementIt = this->begin();
auto rowGroupIt = rowGroupIndices.begin();
@ -1862,13 +1862,13 @@ namespace storm {
void SparseMatrix<storm::RationalFunction>::multiplyAndReduceForward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& vector, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<storm::RationalFunction>::multiplyAndReduceForward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& vector, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "This operation is not supported.");
template<typename ValueType>
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceBackward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceBackward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
if(dirOverride && !dirOverride->empty()) {
if (dir == storm::OptimizationDirection::Minimize) {
multiplyAndReduceBackward<storm::utility::ElementLess<ValueType>, true>(rowGroupIndices, vector, summand, result, choices, dirOverride);
@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
template<typename Compare, bool directionOverridden>
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceBackward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceBackward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
Compare compare;
auto elementIt = this->end() - 1;
auto rowGroupIt = rowGroupIndices.end() - 2;
@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ namespace storm {
void SparseMatrix<storm::RationalFunction>::multiplyAndReduceBackward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& vector, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<storm::RationalFunction>::multiplyAndReduceBackward(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& vector, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* b, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "This operation is not supported.");
@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ namespace storm {
typedef typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>::value_type value_type;
typedef typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>::const_iterator const_iterator;
TbbMultAddReduceFunctor(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>> const& columnsAndEntries, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowIndications, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<value_type> const* summand, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) : rowGroupIndices(rowGroupIndices), columnsAndEntries(columnsAndEntries), rowIndications(rowIndications), x(x), result(result), summand(summand), choices(choices), dirOverride(dirOverride) {
TbbMultAddReduceFunctor(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>> const& columnsAndEntries, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowIndications, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<value_type> const* summand, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) : rowGroupIndices(rowGroupIndices), columnsAndEntries(columnsAndEntries), rowIndications(rowIndications), x(x), result(result), summand(summand), choices(choices), dirOverride(dirOverride) {
// Intentionally left empty.
@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceParallel(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduceParallel(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
if(dirOverride && !dirOverride->empty()) {
if (dir == storm::OptimizationDirection::Minimize) {
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<index_type>(0, rowGroupIndices.size() - 1, 100), TbbMultAddReduceFunctor<ValueType, storm::utility::ElementLess<ValueType>, true>(rowGroupIndices, columnsAndValues, rowIndications, vector, result, summand, choices, dirOverride));
@ -2110,14 +2110,14 @@ namespace storm {
void SparseMatrix<storm::RationalFunction>::multiplyAndReduceParallel(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& vector, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* summand, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<storm::RationalFunction>::multiplyAndReduceParallel(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const& vector, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> const* summand, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "This operation is not supported.");
template<typename ValueType>
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride) const {
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::multiplyAndReduce(OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride) const {
// If the vector and the result are aliases, we need and temporary vector.
std::vector<ValueType>* target;


@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ namespace storm {
namespace storm {
namespace storage {
// Forward declare matrix class.
template<typename T>
class SparseMatrix;
typedef uint_fast64_t SparseMatrixIndexType;
template<typename IndexType, typename ValueType>
class MatrixEntry {
typedef IndexType index_type;
typedef ValueType value_type;
* Constructs a matrix entry with the given column and value.
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ namespace storm {
* @param value The value of the matrix entry.
MatrixEntry(index_type column, value_type value);
* Move-constructs the matrix entry fro the given column-value pair.
* @param pair The column-value pair from which to move-construct the matrix entry.
MatrixEntry(std::pair<index_type, value_type>&& pair);
MatrixEntry() = default;
MatrixEntry(MatrixEntry const& other) = default;
MatrixEntry& operator=(MatrixEntry const& other) = default;
@ -70,59 +70,59 @@ namespace storm {
MatrixEntry(MatrixEntry&& other) = default;
MatrixEntry& operator=(MatrixEntry&& other) = default;
* Retrieves the column of the matrix entry.
* @return The column of the matrix entry.
index_type const& getColumn() const;
* Sets the column of the current entry.
* @param column The column to set for this entry.
void setColumn(index_type const& column);
* Retrieves the value of the matrix entry.
* @return The value of the matrix entry.
value_type const& getValue() const;
* Sets the value of the entry in the matrix.
* @param value The value that is to be set for this entry.
void setValue(value_type const& value);
* Retrieves a pair of column and value that characterizes this entry.
* @return A column-value pair that characterizes this entry.
std::pair<index_type, value_type> const& getColumnValuePair() const;
* Multiplies the entry with the given factor and returns the result.
* @param factor The factor with which to multiply the entry.
MatrixEntry operator*(value_type factor) const;
bool operator==(MatrixEntry const& other) const;
bool operator!=(MatrixEntry const& other) const;
template<typename IndexTypePrime, typename ValueTypePrime>
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, MatrixEntry<IndexTypePrime, ValueTypePrime> const& entry);
// The actual matrix entry.
std::pair<index_type, value_type> entry;
* Computes the hash value of a matrix entry.
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ namespace storm {
boost::hash_combine(seed, matrixEntry.getValue());
return seed;
* A class that can be used to build a sparse matrix by adding value by value.
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ namespace storm {
typedef SparseMatrixIndexType index_type;
typedef ValueType value_type;
* Constructs a sparse matrix builder producing a matrix with the given number of rows, columns and entries.
* The number of rows, columns and entries is reserved upon creation. If more rows/columns or entries are
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ namespace storm {
* has a custom row grouping.
SparseMatrixBuilder(index_type rows = 0, index_type columns = 0, index_type entries = 0, bool forceDimensions = true, bool hasCustomRowGrouping = false, index_type rowGroups = 0);
* Moves the contents of the given matrix into the matrix builder so that its contents can be modified again.
* This is, for example, useful if rows need to be added to the matrix.
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param matrix The matrix that is to be made editable again.
SparseMatrixBuilder(SparseMatrix<ValueType>&& matrix);
* Sets the matrix entry at the given row and column to the given value. After all entries have been added,
* a call to finalize(false) is mandatory.
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param value The value that is to be set at the specified row and column.
void addNextValue(index_type row, index_type column, value_type const& value);
* Starts a new row group in the matrix. Note that this needs to be called before any entries in the new row
* group are added.
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param startingRow The starting row of the new row group.
void newRowGroup(index_type startingRow);
* Finalizes the sparse matrix to indicate that initialization process has been completed and the matrix
* may now be used. This must be called after all entries have been added to the matrix via addNextValue.
@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ namespace storm {
* groups added this way will be empty.
SparseMatrix<value_type> build(index_type overriddenRowCount = 0, index_type overriddenColumnCount = 0, index_type overriddenRowGroupCount = 0);
* Retrieves the most recently used row.
* @return The most recently used row.
index_type getLastRow() const;
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The most recently used row.
index_type getLastColumn() const;
* Replaces all columns with id > offset according to replacements.
* Every state with id offset+i is replaced by the id in replacements[i].
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param offset Offset to add to each id in vector index.
void replaceColumns(std::vector<index_type> const& replacements, index_type offset);
* Makes sure that a diagonal entry will be inserted at the given row.
* All other entries of this row must be set immediately after calling this (without setting values at other rows in between)
@ -251,72 +251,72 @@ namespace storm {
* If addNextValue is called on the given row and the diagonal column, we take the sum of the two values provided to addDiagonalEntry and addNextValue
void addDiagonalEntry(index_type row, ValueType const& value);
// A flag indicating whether a row count was set upon construction.
bool initialRowCountSet;
// The row count that was initially set (if any).
index_type initialRowCount;
// A flag indicating whether a column count was set upon construction.
bool initialColumnCountSet;
// The column count that was initially set (if any).
index_type initialColumnCount;
// A flag indicating whether an entry count was set upon construction.
bool initialEntryCountSet;
// The number of entries in the matrix.
index_type initialEntryCount;
// A flag indicating whether the initially given dimensions are to be enforced on the resulting matrix.
bool forceInitialDimensions;
// A flag indicating whether the builder is to construct a custom row grouping for the matrix.
bool hasCustomRowGrouping;
// A flag indicating whether the number of row groups was set upon construction.
bool initialRowGroupCountSet;
// The number of row groups in the matrix.
index_type initialRowGroupCount;
// The vector that stores the row-group indices (if they are non-trivial).
boost::optional<std::vector<index_type>> rowGroupIndices;
// The storage for the columns and values of all entries in the matrix.
std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>> columnsAndValues;
// A vector containing the indices at which each given row begins. This index is to be interpreted as an
// index in the valueStorage and the columnIndications vectors. Put differently, the values of the entries
// in row i are valueStorage[rowIndications[i]] to valueStorage[rowIndications[i + 1]] where the last
// entry is not included anymore.
std::vector<index_type> rowIndications;
// Stores the current number of entries in the matrix. This is used for inserting an entry into a matrix
// with preallocated storage.
index_type currentEntryCount;
// Stores the row of the last entry in the matrix. This is used for correctly inserting an entry into a
// matrix.
index_type lastRow;
// Stores the column of the currently last entry in the matrix. This is used for correctly inserting an
// entry into a matrix.
index_type lastColumn;
// Stores the highest column at which an entry was inserted into the matrix.
index_type highestColumn;
// Stores the currently active row group. This is used for correctly constructing the row grouping of the
// matrix.
index_type currentRowGroupCount;
boost::optional<ValueType> pendingDiagonalEntry;
* A class that holds a possibly non-square matrix in the compressed row storage format. That is, it is supposed
* to store non-zero entries only, but zeros may be explicitly stored if necessary for certain operations.
@ -340,12 +340,12 @@ namespace storm {
friend class storm::adapters::StormAdapter;
friend class storm::solver::TopologicalCudaValueIterationMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>;
friend class SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType>;
typedef SparseMatrixIndexType index_type;
typedef ValueType value_type;
typedef typename std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>>::iterator iterator;
typedef typename std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>>::const_iterator const_iterator;
* This class represents a number of consecutive rows of the matrix.
@ -359,32 +359,32 @@ namespace storm {
* @param entryCount The number of entrys in the rows.
rows(iterator begin, index_type entryCount);
* Retrieves an iterator that points to the beginning of the rows.
* @return An iterator that points to the beginning of the rows.
iterator begin();
* Retrieves an iterator that points past the last entry of the rows.
* @return An iterator that points past the last entry of the rows.
iterator end();
* Retrieves the number of entries in the rows.
* @return The number of entries in the rows.
index_type getNumberOfEntries() const;
// The pointer to the columnd and value of the first entry.
iterator beginIterator;
// The number of non-zero entries in the rows.
index_type entryCount;
@ -402,55 +402,55 @@ namespace storm {
* @param entryCount The number of entrys in the rows.
const_rows(const_iterator begin, index_type entryCount);
* Retrieves an iterator that points to the beginning of the rows.
* @return An iterator that points to the beginning of the rows.
const_iterator begin() const;
* Retrieves an iterator that points past the last entry of the rows.
* @return An iterator that points past the last entry of the rows.
const_iterator end() const;
* Retrieves the number of entries in the rows.
* @return The number of entries in the rows.
index_type getNumberOfEntries() const;
// The pointer to the column and value of the first entry.
const_iterator beginIterator;
// The number of non-zero entries in the rows.
index_type entryCount;
* An enum representing the internal state of the matrix. After creation, the matrix is UNINITIALIZED.
* Only after a call to finalize(), the status of the matrix is set to INITIALIZED and the matrix can be
* used.
* Constructs an empty sparse matrix.
* Constructs a sparse matrix by performing a deep-copy of the given matrix.
* @param other The matrix from which to copy the content.
SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<value_type> const& other);
* Constructs a sparse matrix by performing a deep-copy of the given matrix.
@ -459,14 +459,14 @@ namespace storm {
* exist in the original matrix, they are inserted and set to value zero.
SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<value_type> const& other, bool insertDiagonalElements);
* Constructs a sparse matrix by moving the contents of the given matrix to the newly created one.
* @param other The matrix from which to move the content.
SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<value_type>&& other);
* Constructs a sparse matrix by copying the given contents.
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param rowGroupIndices The vector representing the row groups in the matrix.
SparseMatrix(index_type columnCount, std::vector<index_type> const& rowIndications, std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>> const& columnsAndValues, boost::optional<std::vector<index_type>> const& rowGroupIndices);
* Constructs a sparse matrix by moving the given contents.
@ -493,14 +493,14 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The matrix from which to copy-assign.
SparseMatrix<value_type>& operator=(SparseMatrix<value_type> const& other);
* Assigns the contents of the given matrix to the current one by moving its contents.
* @param other The matrix from which to move to contents.
SparseMatrix<value_type>& operator=(SparseMatrix<value_type>&& other);
* Determines whether the current and the given matrix are semantically equal.
@ -508,28 +508,28 @@ namespace storm {
* @return True iff the given matrix is semantically equal to the current one.
bool operator==(SparseMatrix<value_type> const& other) const;
* Returns the number of rows of the matrix.
* @return The number of rows of the matrix.
index_type getRowCount() const;
* Returns the number of columns of the matrix.
* @return The number of columns of the matrix.
index_type getColumnCount() const;
* Returns the number of entries in the matrix.
* @return The number of entries in the matrix.
index_type getEntryCount() const;
* Returns the number of entries in the given row group of the matrix.
@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Recompute the nonzero entry count
void updateNonzeroEntryCount() const;
* Recomputes the number of columns and the number of non-zero entries.
@ -562,14 +562,14 @@ namespace storm {
* @param difference Difference between old and new nonzero entry count.
void updateNonzeroEntryCount(std::make_signed<index_type>::type difference);
* Returns the number of row groups in the matrix.
* @return The number of row groups in the matrix.
index_type getRowGroupCount() const;
* Returns the size of the given row group.
@ -577,31 +577,31 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The number of rows that belong to the given row group.
index_type getRowGroupSize(index_type group) const;
* Returns the size of the largest row group of the matrix
index_type getSizeOfLargestRowGroup() const;
* Returns the total number of rows that are in one of the specified row groups.
index_type getNumRowsInRowGroups(storm::storage::BitVector const& groupConstraint) const;
* Returns the grouping of rows of this matrix.
* @return The grouping of rows of this matrix.
std::vector<index_type> const& getRowGroupIndices() const;
* Swaps the grouping of rows of this matrix.
* @return The old grouping of rows of this matrix.
std::vector<index_type> swapRowGroupIndices(std::vector<index_type>&& newRowGrouping);
* Sets the row grouping to the given one.
* @note It is assumed that the new row grouping is non-trivial.
@ -609,14 +609,14 @@ namespace storm {
* @param newRowGroupIndices The new row group indices.
void setRowGroupIndices(std::vector<index_type> const& newRowGroupIndices);
* Retrieves whether the matrix has a trivial row grouping.
* @return True iff the matrix has a trivial row grouping.
bool hasTrivialRowGrouping() const;
* Makes the row grouping of this matrix trivial.
* Has no effect when the row grouping is already trivial.
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return a bit vector that is true at position i iff the row group of row i is selected.
storm::storage::BitVector getRowFilter(storm::storage::BitVector const& groupConstraint) const;
* Returns the indices of all rows that
* * are in a selected group and
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return a bit vector that is true at position i iff row i satisfies the constraints.
storm::storage::BitVector getRowFilter(storm::storage::BitVector const& groupConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const& columnConstraints) const;
* Returns the indices of all row groups selected by the row constraints
@ -650,21 +650,21 @@ namespace storm {
* @return a bit vector that is true at position i iff row i satisfies the constraints.
storm::storage::BitVector getRowGroupFilter(storm::storage::BitVector const& rowConstraint, bool setIfForAllRowsInGroup) const;
* This function makes the given rows absorbing.
* @param rows A bit vector indicating which rows are to be made absorbing.
void makeRowsAbsorbing(storm::storage::BitVector const& rows);
* This function makes the groups of rows given by the bit vector absorbing.
* @param rowGroupConstraint A bit vector indicating which row groups to make absorbing.
void makeRowGroupsAbsorbing(storm::storage::BitVector const& rowGroupConstraint);
* This function makes the given row Dirac. This means that all entries will be set to 0 except the one
* at the specified column, which is set to 1 instead.
@ -673,14 +673,14 @@ namespace storm {
* @param column The index of the column whose value is to be set to 1.
void makeRowDirac(index_type row, index_type column);
* Sums the entries in all rows.
* @return The vector of sums of the entries in the respective rows.
std::vector<ValueType> getRowSumVector() const;
* Sums the entries in the given row and columns.
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The sum of the entries in the given row and columns.
value_type getConstrainedRowSum(index_type row, storm::storage::BitVector const& columns) const;
* Computes a vector whose i-th entry is the sum of the entries in the i-th selected row where only those
* entries are added that are in selected columns.
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return A vector whose elements are the sums of the selected columns in each row.
std::vector<value_type> getConstrainedRowSumVector(storm::storage::BitVector const& rowConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const& columnConstraint) const;
* Computes a vector whose entries represent the sums of selected columns for all rows in selected row
* groups.
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ namespace storm {
* groups.
std::vector<value_type> getConstrainedRowGroupSumVector(storm::storage::BitVector const& rowGroupConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const& columnConstraint) const;
* Creates a submatrix of the current matrix by dropping all rows and columns whose bits are not
* set to one in the given bit vector.
@ -728,10 +728,10 @@ namespace storm {
* by the constraints are kept and all others are dropped.
SparseMatrix getSubmatrix(bool useGroups, storm::storage::BitVector const& rowConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const& columnConstraint, bool insertDiagonalEntries = false, storm::storage::BitVector const& makeZeroColumns = storm::storage::BitVector()) const;
* Restrict rows in grouped rows matrix. Ensures that the number of groups stays the same.
* Restrict rows in grouped rows matrix. Ensures that the number of groups stays the same.
* @param rowsToKeep A bit vector indicating which rows to keep.
* @param allowEmptyRowGroups if set to true, the result can potentially have empty row groups.
* Otherwise, it is asserted that there are no empty row groups.
@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param rowFilter the selected rows
SparseMatrix filterEntries(storm::storage::BitVector const& rowFilter) const;
* Removes all zero entries from this.
@ -770,19 +770,19 @@ namespace storm {
* @return True if the rows have identical entries.
bool compareRows(index_type i1, index_type i2) const;
* Finds duplicate rows in a rowgroup.
BitVector duplicateRowsInRowgroups() const;
* Swaps the two rows.
* @param row1 Index of first row
* @param row2 Index of second row
void swapRows(index_type const& row1, index_type const& row2);
* Selects exactly one row from each row group of this matrix and returns the resulting matrix.
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return A submatrix of the current matrix by selecting one row out of each row group.
SparseMatrix selectRowsFromRowGroups(std::vector<index_type> const& rowGroupToRowIndexMapping, bool insertDiagonalEntries = true) const;
* Selects the rows that are given by the sequence of row indices, allowing to select rows arbitrarily often and with an arbitrary order
* The resulting matrix will have a trivial row grouping.
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return A matrix which rows are selected from this matrix according to the given index sequence
SparseMatrix selectRowsFromRowIndexSequence(std::vector<index_type> const& rowIndexSequence, bool insertDiagonalEntries = true) const;
* Transposes the matrix.
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return A sparse matrix that represents the transpose of this matrix.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<value_type> transpose(bool joinGroups = false, bool keepZeros = false) const;
* Transposes the matrix w.r.t. the selected rows.
* This is equivalent to selectRowsFromRowGroups(rowGroupChoices, false).transpose(false, keepZeros) but avoids creating one intermediate matrix.
@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ namespace storm {
SparseMatrix<ValueType> transposeSelectedRowsFromRowGroups(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& rowGroupChoices, bool keepZeros = false) const;
* Transforms the matrix into an equation system. That is, it transforms the matrix A into a matrix (1-A).
@ -833,24 +833,24 @@ namespace storm {
* Requires the matrix to contain each diagonal entry and to be square.
void invertDiagonal();
* Negates (w.r.t. addition) all entries that are not on the diagonal.
void negateAllNonDiagonalEntries();
* Sets all diagonal elements to zero.
void deleteDiagonalEntries();
* Calculates the Jacobi decomposition of this sparse matrix. For this operation, the matrix must be square.
* @return A pair (L+U, D^-1) containing the matrix L+U and the inverted diagonal D^-1 (as a vector).
std::pair<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<value_type>, std::vector<value_type>> getJacobiDecomposition() const;
* Performs a pointwise multiplication of the entries in the given row of this matrix and the entries of
* the given row of the other matrix and returns the sum.
@ -862,8 +862,8 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename OtherValueType, typename ResultValueType = OtherValueType>
ResultValueType getPointwiseProductRowSum(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<OtherValueType> const& otherMatrix, index_type const& row) const;
* Performs a pointwise matrix multiplication of the matrix with the given matrix and returns a vector
* containing the sum of the entries in each row of the resulting matrix.
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename OtherValueType, typename ResultValueType = OtherValueType>
std::vector<ResultValueType> getPointwiseProductRowSumVector(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<OtherValueType> const& otherMatrix) const;
* Multiplies the matrix with the given vector and writes the result to the given result vector.
@ -886,13 +886,13 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The product of the matrix and the given vector as the content of the given result vector.
void multiplyWithVector(std::vector<value_type> const& vector, std::vector<value_type>& result, std::vector<value_type> const* summand = nullptr) const;
void multiplyWithVectorForward(std::vector<value_type> const& vector, std::vector<value_type>& result, std::vector<value_type> const* summand = nullptr) const;
void multiplyWithVectorBackward(std::vector<value_type> const& vector, std::vector<value_type>& result, std::vector<value_type> const* summand = nullptr) const;
void multiplyWithVectorParallel(std::vector<value_type> const& vector, std::vector<value_type>& result, std::vector<value_type> const* summand = nullptr) const;
* Multiplies the matrix with the given vector, reduces it according to the given direction and and writes
* the result to the given result vector.
@ -907,19 +907,19 @@ namespace storm {
* the 'new' choice has a value strictly better (wrt. to the optimization direction) value.
* @return The resulting vector the content of the given result vector.
void multiplyAndReduce(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduce(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceForward(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceForward(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
template<typename Compare, bool directionOverridden>
void multiplyAndReduceForward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceForward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* summand, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceBackward(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceBackward(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
template<typename Compare, bool directionOverridden>
void multiplyAndReduceBackward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceBackward(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceParallel(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
template<typename Compare, bool directionOverridden>
void multiplyAndReduceParallel(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
void multiplyAndReduceParallel(std::vector<uint64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector, std::vector<ValueType> const* b, std::vector<ValueType>& result, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* choices, storm::storage::BitVector const* dirOverride = nullptr) const;
@ -937,11 +937,11 @@ namespace storm {
* @param vector The vector with which the matrix is to be multiplied. This vector is interpreted as being
* a row vector.
* @param result The vector that is supposed to hold the result of the multiplication after the operation.
* @return The product of the matrix and the given vector as the content of the given result vector. The
* @return The product of the matrix and the given vector as the content of the given result vector. The
* result is to be interpreted as a row vector.
void multiplyVectorWithMatrix(std::vector<value_type> const& vector, std::vector<value_type>& result) const;
* Scales each row of the matrix, i.e., multiplies each element in row i with factors[i]
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param divisors The divisors with which each row is divided.
void divideRowsInPlace(std::vector<value_type> const& divisors);
* Performs one step of the successive over-relaxation technique.
@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param result The vector to which to write the result.
void performWalkerChaeStep(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& columnSums, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, std::vector<ValueType> const& ax, std::vector<ValueType>& result) const;
* Computes the sum of the entries in a given row.
@ -983,21 +983,21 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The sum of the selected row.
value_type getRowSum(index_type row) const;
* Returns the number of non-constant entries
index_type getNonconstantEntryCount() const;
* Returns the number of rowGroups that contain a non-constant value
index_type getNonconstantRowGroupCount() const;
* Checks for each row whether it sums to one.
bool isProbabilistic() const;
bool isProbabilistic() const;
* Checks if the current matrix is a submatrix of the given matrix, where a matrix A is called a submatrix
* of B if B has no entries in position where A has none. Additionally, the matrices must be of equal size.
@ -1007,10 +1007,10 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename OtherValueType>
bool isSubmatrixOf(SparseMatrix<OtherValueType> const& matrix) const;
// Returns true if the matrix is the identity matrix
bool isIdentityMatrix() const;
template<typename TPrime>
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, SparseMatrix<TPrime> const& matrix);
@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Returns a string describing the dimensions of the matrix.
std::string getDimensionsAsString() const;
* Prints the matrix in a dense format, as also used by e.g. Matlab.
* Notice that the format does not support multiple rows in a rowgroup.
@ -1026,14 +1026,14 @@ namespace storm {
* @out The stream to output to.
void printAsMatlabMatrix(std::ostream& out) const;
* Calculates a hash value over all values contained in the matrix.
* @return size_t A hash value for this matrix.
std::size_t hash() const;
* Returns an object representing the consecutive rows given by the parameters.
@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An object representing the given row.
rows getRow(index_type row);
* Returns an object representing the offset'th row in the rowgroup
* @param rowGroup the row group
@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An object representing the given row.
const_rows getRow(index_type rowGroup, index_type offset) const;
* Returns an object representing the offset'th row in the rowgroup
* @param rowGroup the row group
@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An object representing the given row.
rows getRow(index_type rowGroup, index_type offset);
* Returns an object representing the given row group.
@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An object representing the given row group.
const_rows getRowGroup(index_type rowGroup) const;
* Returns an object representing the given row group.
@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An object representing the given row group.
rows getRowGroup(index_type rowGroup);
* Retrieves an iterator that points to the beginning of the given row.
@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An iterator that points to the beginning of the given row.
const_iterator begin(index_type row = 0) const;
* Retrieves an iterator that points to the beginning of the given row.
@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An iterator that points to the beginning of the given row.
iterator begin(index_type row = 0);
* Retrieves an iterator that points past the end of the given row.
@ -1138,14 +1138,14 @@ namespace storm {
* @return An iterator that points past the end of the last row of the matrix.
const_iterator end() const;
* Retrieves an iterator that points past the end of the last row of the matrix.
* @return An iterator that points past the end of the last row of the matrix.
iterator end();
* Returns a copy of the matrix with the chosen internal data type
@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ namespace storm {
return SparseMatrix<NewValueType>(columnCount, std::move(newRowIndications), std::move(newColumnsAndValues), std::move(newRowGroupIndices));
* Creates a submatrix of the current matrix by keeping only row groups and columns in the given row group
@ -1178,39 +1178,39 @@ namespace storm {
* given by the row group constraint are kept and all others are dropped.
SparseMatrix getSubmatrix(storm::storage::BitVector const& rowGroupConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const& columnConstraint, std::vector<index_type> const& rowGroupIndices, bool insertDiagonalEntries = false, storm::storage::BitVector const& makeZeroColumns = storm::storage::BitVector()) const;
// The number of rows of the matrix.
index_type rowCount;
// The number of columns of the matrix.
mutable index_type columnCount;
// The number of entries in the matrix.
index_type entryCount;
// The number of nonzero entries in the matrix.
mutable index_type nonzeroEntryCount;
// The storage for the columns and values of all entries in the matrix.
std::vector<MatrixEntry<index_type, value_type>> columnsAndValues;
// A vector containing the indices at which each given row begins. This index is to be interpreted as an
// index in the valueStorage and the columnIndications vectors. Put differently, the values of the entries
// in row i are valueStorage[rowIndications[i]] to valueStorage[rowIndications[i + 1]] where the last
// entry is not included anymore.
std::vector<index_type> rowIndications;
// A flag indicating whether the matrix has a trivial row grouping. Note that this may be true and yet
// there may be row group indices, because they were requested from the outside.
bool trivialRowGrouping;
// A vector indicating the row groups of the matrix. This needs to be mutible in case we create it on-the-fly.
mutable boost::optional<std::vector<index_type>> rowGroupIndices;
std::set<storm::RationalFunctionVariable> getVariables(SparseMatrix<storm::RationalFunction> const& matrix);
} // namespace storage
} // namespace storm