2 changed files with 174 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
toplevel "n58"; |
"n58" 2of3 "n1" "n48" "n60"; |
"n60" or "n233" "n308" "n263" "n57"; |
"n308" wsp "n310" "n45"; |
"n48" or "n235" "n287" "n271" "n64"; |
"n287" wsp "n289" "n66"; |
"n64" 3of5 "n248" "n254" "n252" "n255" "n246"; |
"n254" or "n59" "n6"; |
"n255" or "n24" "n70"; |
"n246" or "n22" "n62"; |
"n62" and "n6" "n70"; |
"n263" wsp "n261" "n306" "n5"; |
"n271" wsp "n269" "n302" "n34"; |
"n57" 3of5 "n250" "n253" "n260" "n249" "n257"; |
"n249" or "n8" "n0"; |
"n257" or "n15" "n40"; |
"n40" and "n0" "n23"; |
"n250" or "n61" "n23"; |
"n260" or "n46" "n0"; |
"n248" or "n9" "n6"; |
"n1" or "n234" "n296" "n267" "n68"; |
"n267" wsp "n265" "n294" "n3"; |
"n296" wsp "n298" "n69"; |
"n68" 3of5 "n247" "n251" "n256" "n259" "n258"; |
"n251" or "n47" "n53"; |
"n247" or "n49" "n53"; |
"n258" or "n20" "n4"; |
"n4" and "n67" "n53"; |
"n256" or "n10" "n67"; |
"n253" or "n36" "n23"; |
"n259" or "n78" "n67"; |
"n252" or "n33" "n70"; |
"n233" lambda=0.0010999999999999998 dorm=0.0; |
"n45" lambda=1.0E-5 dorm=0.0; |
"n310" lambda=2.0E-5 dorm=0.0; |
"n235" lambda=0.0010999999999999998 dorm=0.0; |
"n24" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n22" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n5" lambda=0.001 dorm=0.0; |
"n306" lambda=0.002 dorm=0.0; |
"n261" lambda=0.002 dorm=0.0; |
"n34" lambda=0.001 dorm=0.0; |
"n302" lambda=0.002 dorm=0.0; |
"n8" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n15" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n61" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n269" lambda=0.002 dorm=0.0; |
"n59" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n289" lambda=2.0E-5 dorm=0.0; |
"n46" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n0" lambda=5.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n6" lambda=5.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n9" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n234" lambda=0.0010999999999999998 dorm=0.0; |
"n3" lambda=0.001 dorm=0.0; |
"n265" lambda=0.002 dorm=0.0; |
"n298" lambda=2.0E-5 dorm=0.0; |
"n47" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n49" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n53" lambda=5.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n10" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n23" lambda=5.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n36" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n78" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n67" lambda=5.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n66" lambda=1.0E-5 dorm=0.0; |
"n20" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n69" lambda=1.0E-5 dorm=0.0; |
"n70" lambda=5.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n33" lambda=6.0E-4 dorm=0.0; |
"n294" lambda=0.002 dorm=0.0; |
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ |
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "storm-config.h"
#include "storm-dft/api/storm-dft.h"
#include "storm-parsers/api/storm-parsers.h"
namespace { |
// Configurations for DFT approximation
struct DftAnalysisConfig { |
storm::builder::ApproximationHeuristic heuristic; |
bool useSR; |
}; |
class ApproxDepthConfig { |
public: |
typedef double ValueType; |
static DftAnalysisConfig createConfig() { |
return DftAnalysisConfig {storm::builder::ApproximationHeuristic::DEPTH, false}; |
} |
}; |
class ApproxProbabilityConfig { |
public: |
typedef double ValueType; |
static DftAnalysisConfig createConfig() { |
return DftAnalysisConfig {storm::builder::ApproximationHeuristic::PROBABILITY, false}; |
} |
}; |
class ApproxBoundDifferenceConfig { |
public: |
typedef double ValueType; |
static DftAnalysisConfig createConfig() { |
return DftAnalysisConfig {storm::builder::ApproximationHeuristic::BOUNDDIFFERENCE, false}; |
} |
}; |
// General base class for testing of DFT approximation
template<typename TestType> |
class DftApproximationTest : public ::testing::Test { |
public: |
typedef typename TestType::ValueType ValueType; |
DftApproximationTest() : config(TestType::createConfig()) { |
} |
DftApproximationTest const& getConfig() const { |
return config; |
} |
std::pair<double, double> analyzeMTTF(std::string const& file, double errorBound) { |
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFT<double>> dft = storm::api::loadDFTGalileoFile<double>(file); |
EXPECT_TRUE(storm::api::isWellFormed(*dft)); |
std::string property = "T=? [F \"failed\"]"; |
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula const>> properties = storm::api::extractFormulasFromProperties(storm::api::parseProperties(property)); |
typename storm::modelchecker::DFTModelChecker<double>::dft_results results = storm::api::analyzeDFTApprox<double>(*dft, properties, config.useSR, false, true, errorBound, config.heuristic, false); |
return boost::get<storm::modelchecker::DFTModelChecker<double>::approximation_result>(results[0]); |
} |
std::pair<double, double> analyzeTimebound(std::string const& file, double timeBound, double errorBound) { |
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFT<double>> dft = storm::api::loadDFTGalileoFile<double>(file); |
EXPECT_TRUE(storm::api::isWellFormed(*dft)); |
std::stringstream propertyStream; |
propertyStream << "P=? [F<=" << timeBound << " \"failed\"]"; |
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::logic::Formula const>> properties = storm::api::extractFormulasFromProperties(storm::api::parseProperties(propertyStream.str())); |
typename storm::modelchecker::DFTModelChecker<double>::dft_results results = storm::api::analyzeDFTApprox<double>(*dft, properties, config.useSR, false, true, errorBound, config.heuristic, false); |
return boost::get<storm::modelchecker::DFTModelChecker<double>::approximation_result>(results[0]); |
} |
private: |
DftAnalysisConfig config; |
}; |
typedef ::testing::Types< |
ApproxDepthConfig, |
ApproxProbabilityConfig, |
ApproxBoundDifferenceConfig |
> TestingTypes; |
TYPED_TEST_CASE(DftApproximationTest, TestingTypes); |
TYPED_TEST(DftApproximationTest, HecsMTTF) { |
double errorBound = 2; |
std::pair<double, double> approxResult = this->analyzeMTTF(STORM_TEST_RESOURCES_DIR "/dft/hecs_3_2_2_np.dft", errorBound); |
EXPECT_LE(approxResult.first, 417.9436693); |
EXPECT_GE(approxResult.second, 417.9436693); |
EXPECT_LE(2*(approxResult.second - approxResult.first) / (approxResult.first + approxResult.second), errorBound); |
// Ensure results are not equal -> not exact values were computed
EXPECT_GE(approxResult.second - approxResult.first, errorBound * approxResult.first / 10); |
} |
TYPED_TEST(DftApproximationTest, HecsTimebound) { |
//double errorBound = 0.01;
double errorBound = 0.5; |
double timeBound = 100; |
std::pair<double, double> approxResult = this->analyzeTimebound(STORM_TEST_RESOURCES_DIR "/dft/hecs_3_2_2_np.dft", timeBound, errorBound); |
EXPECT_LE(approxResult.first, 0.0410018417); |
EXPECT_GE(approxResult.second, 0.0410018417); |
EXPECT_LE(approxResult.second - approxResult.first, errorBound); |
// Ensure results are not equal -> not exact values were computed
EXPECT_GE(approxResult.second - approxResult.first, errorBound / 10); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue