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added incremental strategy generation to symbolic game solver and removed some debug output

Former-commit-id: 96af928d00
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 26
  2. 6


@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<storm::dd::DdType Type, typename ValueType>
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> SymbolicGameSolver<Type, ValueType>::solveGame(OptimizationDirection player1Goal, OptimizationDirection player2Goal, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& x, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& b) {
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> SymbolicGameSolver<Type, ValueType>::solveGame(OptimizationDirection player1Goal, OptimizationDirection player2Goal, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& x, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& b, boost::optional<storm::dd::Bdd<Type>> const& basePlayer1Strategy, boost::optional<storm::dd::Bdd<Type>> const& basePlayer2Strategy) {
// Set up the environment.
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> xCopy = x;
uint_fast64_t iterations = 0;
@ -33,12 +33,24 @@ namespace storm {
// Prepare some data storage in case we need to generate strategies.
if (generatePlayer1Strategy) {
player1Strategy = A.getDdManager().getBddZero();
if (basePlayer1Strategy) {
player1Strategy = basePlayer1Strategy.get();
} else {
player1Strategy = A.getDdManager().getBddZero();
boost::optional<storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType>> previousPlayer2Values;
if (generatePlayer2Strategy) {
previousPlayer2Values = A.getDdManager().template getAddZero<ValueType>();
player2Strategy = A.getDdManager().getBddZero();
if (basePlayer2Strategy) {
player2Strategy = basePlayer2Strategy.get();
// If we are required to generate a player 2 strategy based on another one that is not the zero strategy,
// we need to determine the values, because only then we can update the strategy only if necessary.
previousPlayer2Values = ((this->A * player2Strategy.get().template toAdd<ValueType>()).multiplyMatrix(x.swapVariables(this->rowColumnMetaVariablePairs), this->columnMetaVariables) + b).sumAbstract(this->player2Variables);
} else {
player2Strategy = A.getDdManager().getBddZero();
previousPlayer2Values = A.getDdManager().template getAddZero<ValueType>();
do {
@ -54,7 +66,7 @@ namespace storm {
if (generatePlayer2Strategy) {
// Update only the choices that strictly improved the value.
storm::dd::Bdd<Type> maxChoices = tmp.maxAbstractRepresentative(this->player2Variables);
player2Strategy = newValues.greater(previousPlayer2Values.get()).ite(maxChoices, player2Strategy.get());
player2Strategy.get() = newValues.greater(previousPlayer2Values.get()).ite(maxChoices, player2Strategy.get());
previousPlayer2Values = newValues;
@ -71,16 +83,12 @@ namespace storm {
if (player1Goal == storm::OptimizationDirection::Maximize) {
tmp.exportToDot("pl1_val_" + std::to_string(iterations) + ".dot");
storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> newValues = tmp.maxAbstract(this->player1Variables);
newValues.exportToDot("pl1_valabs_" + std::to_string(iterations) + ".dot");
if (generatePlayer1Strategy) {
// Update only the choices that strictly improved the value.
storm::dd::Bdd<Type> maxChoices = tmp.maxAbstractRepresentative(this->player1Variables);
maxChoices.template toAdd<ValueType>().exportToDot("pl1_choices_" + std::to_string(iterations) + ".dot");
player1Strategy = newValues.greater(xCopy).ite(maxChoices, player1Strategy.get());
player1Strategy.get().template toAdd<ValueType>().exportToDot("pl1_" + std::to_string(iterations) + ".dot");
tmp = newValues;


@ -64,9 +64,13 @@ namespace storm {
* @param player2Goal Sets whether player 2 wants to minimize or maximize.
* @param x The initial guess of the solution.
* @param b The vector to add after matrix-vector multiplication.
* @param basePlayer1Strategy If the vector x is not the zero vector and a strategy for player 1 is generated,
* then this strategy can be used to generate a strategy that only differs from the given one if it has to.
* @param basePlayer2Strategy If the vector x is not the zero vector and a strategy for player 1 is generated,
* then this strategy can be used to generate a strategy that only differs from the given one if it has to.
* @return The solution vector.
virtual storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> solveGame(OptimizationDirection player1Goal, OptimizationDirection player2Goal, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& x, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& b);
virtual storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> solveGame(OptimizationDirection player1Goal, OptimizationDirection player2Goal, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& x, storm::dd::Add<Type, ValueType> const& b, boost::optional<storm::dd::Bdd<Type>> const& basePlayer1Strategy = boost::none, boost::optional<storm::dd::Bdd<Type>> const& basePlayer2Strategy = boost::none);
// Setters that enable the generation of the players' strategies.
void setGeneratePlayer1Strategy(bool value);
