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(Hopefully) Finally made cuts correct. Luckily, this even improves performance on some models.

Former-commit-id: 0ca3c9ed60
dehnert 12 years ago
  1. 323
  2. 2


@ -202,9 +202,11 @@ namespace storm {
// * identify labels that can directly follow a given action
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> initialLabels;
std::set<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> initialCombinations;
std::map<uint_fast64_t, storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> precedingLabels;
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> targetLabels;
std::map<uint_fast64_t, storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> followingLabels;
storm::storage::VectorSet<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> targetCombinations;
std::map<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>, std::set<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>>> followingLabels;
std::map<uint_fast64_t, std::set<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>>> synchronizingLabels;
// Get some data from the MDP for convenient access.
@ -220,17 +222,14 @@ namespace storm {
// If the choice is a synchronization choice, we need to record it.
if (choiceLabeling[currentChoice].size() > 1) {
for (auto label : choiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> synchSet(choiceLabeling[currentChoice]);
// If the state is initial, we need to add all the choice labels to the initial label set.
if (initialStates.get(currentState)) {
for (auto label : choiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
initialLabels.insert(choiceLabeling[currentChoice].begin(), choiceLabeling[currentChoice].end());
// Iterate over successors and add relevant choices of relevant successors to the following label set.
@ -238,11 +237,7 @@ namespace storm {
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorBegin(currentChoice), successorIte = transitionMatrix.constColumnIteratorEnd(currentChoice); successorIt != successorIte; ++successorIt) {
if (relevancyInformation.relevantStates.get(*successorIt)) {
for (auto relevantChoice :*successorIt)) {
for (auto labelToAdd : choiceLabeling[relevantChoice]) {
for (auto labelForWhichToAdd : choiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
} else if (psiStates.get(*successorIt)) {
canReachTargetState = true;
@ -251,9 +246,8 @@ namespace storm {
// If the choice can reach a target state directly, we add all the labels to the target label set.
if (canReachTargetState) {
for (auto label : choiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
targetLabels.insert(choiceLabeling[currentChoice].begin(), choiceLabeling[currentChoice].end());
@ -285,62 +279,153 @@ namespace storm {
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Successfully gathered data for explicit cuts.");
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting initial label is taken.");
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting initial combination is taken.");
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
// Start by asserting that we take at least one initial label. We may do so only if there is no initial
// combination that is already known. Otherwise this condition would be too strong.
bool initialCombinationKnown = false;
for (auto const& combination : initialCombinations) {
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> tmpSet;
std::set_difference(combination.begin(), combination.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(tmpSet, tmpSet.end()));
if (tmpSet.size() == 0) {
initialCombinationKnown = true;
} else {
z3::expr conj = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto label : tmpSet) {
conj = conj &&;
if (!initialCombinationKnown) {
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
// Start by asserting that we take at least one initial label. We may do so only if there is no initial
// label that is already known. Otherwise this condition would be too strong.
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> intersection;
std::set_intersection(initialLabels.begin(), initialLabels.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(intersection,intersection.end()));
if (intersection.empty()) {
for (auto label : initialLabels) {
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting target combination is taken.");
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
// Likewise, if no target combination is known, we may assert that there is at least one.
bool targetCombinationKnown = false;
for (auto const& combination : targetCombinations) {
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> tmpSet;
std::set_difference(combination.begin(), combination.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(tmpSet, tmpSet.end()));
if (tmpSet.size() == 0) {
targetCombinationKnown = true;
} else {
z3::expr conj = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto label : tmpSet) {
conj = conj &&;
if (!targetCombinationKnown) {
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
} else {
// If the intersection was non-empty, we clear the set so we can re-use it later.
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting target label is taken.");
// Likewise, if no target label is known, we may assert that there is at least one.
std::set_intersection(targetLabels.begin(), targetLabels.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(intersection, intersection.end()));
if (intersection.empty()) {
for (auto label : targetLabels) {
// Compute the sets of labels such that the transitions labeled with this set possess at least one known successor.
storm::storage::VectorSet<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> hasKnownSuccessor;
for (auto const& labelSetFollowingSetsPair : followingLabels) {
for (auto const& set : labelSetFollowingSetsPair.second) {
if (set.subsetOf(relevancyInformation.knownLabels)) {
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
} else {
// If the intersection was non-empty, we clear the set so we can re-use it later.
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting taken labels are followed by another label if they are not a target label.");
// Now assert that for each non-target label, we take a following label.
for (auto const& labelSetPair : followingLabels) {
if (!targetLabels.contains(labelSetPair.first)) {
// Also, if there is a known label that may follow the current label, we don't need to assert
// anything here.
std::set_intersection(labelSetPair.second.begin(), labelSetPair.second.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(intersection, intersection.end()));
if (intersection.empty()) {
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(labelSetPair.first)) {
for (auto const& labelSetFollowingSetsPair : followingLabels) {
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
// Only build a constraint if the combination does not lead to a target state and
// no successor set is already known.
if (!targetCombinations.contains(labelSetFollowingSetsPair.first) && !hasKnownSuccessor.contains(labelSetFollowingSetsPair.first)) {
// Compute the set of unknown labels on the left-hand side of the implication.
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> unknownLhsLabels;
std::set_difference(labelSetFollowingSetsPair.first.begin(), labelSetFollowingSetsPair.first.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(unknownLhsLabels, unknownLhsLabels.end()));
for (auto label : unknownLhsLabels) {
for (auto const& followingSet : labelSetFollowingSetsPair.second) {
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> tmpSet;
// Check which labels of the current following set are not known. This set must be non-empty, because
// otherwise a successor combination would already be known and control cannot reach this point.
std::set_difference(followingSet.begin(), followingSet.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(tmpSet, tmpSet.end()));
// Construct an expression that enables all unknown labels of the current following set.
z3::expr conj = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto label : tmpSet) {
conj = conj &&;
for (auto followingLabel : labelSetPair.second) {
if (followingLabel != labelSetPair.first) {
if (labelSetFollowingSetsPair.first.size() > 1) {
// Taking all commands of a combination does not necessarily mean that a following label set needs to be taken.
// This is because it could be that the commands are taken to enable other synchronizations. Therefore, we need
// to add an additional clause that says that the right-hand side of the implication is also true if all commands
// of the current choice have enabled synchronization options.
z3::expr finalDisjunct = context.bool_val(false);
for (auto label : labelSetFollowingSetsPair.first) {
z3::expr alternativeExpressionForLabel = context.bool_val(false);
std::set<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> const& synchsForCommand =;
for (auto const& synchSet : synchsForCommand) {
z3::expr alternativeExpression = context.bool_val(true);
// If the current synchSet is the same as left-hand side of the implication, we need to skip it.
if (synchSet == labelSetFollowingSetsPair.first) continue;
// Now that we have the labels that are unknown and "missing", we still need to check whether this other
// synchronizing set already has a known successor or leads directly to a target state.
if (!hasKnownSuccessor.contains(synchSet) && !targetCombinations.contains(synchSet)) {
// If not, we can assert that we take one of its possible successors.
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> unknownSynchs;
std::set_difference(synchSet.begin(), synchSet.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(unknownSynchs, unknownSynchs.end()));
for (auto label : unknownSynchs) {
alternativeExpression = alternativeExpression &&;
z3::expr disjunctionOverSuccessors = context.bool_val(false);
for (auto successorSet : {
z3::expr conjunctionOverLabels = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto label : successorSet) {
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(label)) {
conjunctionOverLabels = conjunctionOverLabels &&;
disjunctionOverSuccessors = disjunctionOverSuccessors || conjunctionOverLabels;
alternativeExpression = alternativeExpression && disjunctionOverSuccessors;
alternativeExpressionForLabel = alternativeExpressionForLabel || alternativeExpression;
finalDisjunct = finalDisjunct && alternativeExpressionForLabel;
} else {
// If the intersection was non-empty, we clear the set so we can re-use it later.
if (formulae.size() > 0) {
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
if (formulae.size() > 0) {
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
@ -348,7 +433,8 @@ namespace storm {
// Finally, assert that if we take one of the synchronizing labels, we also take one of the combinations
// the label appears in.
for (auto const& labelSynchronizingSetsPair : synchronizingLabels) {
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(labelSynchronizingSetsPair.first)) {
@ -360,7 +446,7 @@ namespace storm {
z3::expr currentCombination = context.bool_val(true);
bool allImplicantsKnownForCurrentSet = true;
for (auto label : synchronizingSet) {
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(label)) {
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(label) && label != labelSynchronizingSetsPair.first) {
currentCombination = currentCombination &&;
@ -392,6 +478,9 @@ namespace storm {
// A container storing the label sets that may precede a given label set.
std::map<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>, std::set<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>>> precedingLabelSets;
// A container that maps labels to their reachable synchronization sets.
std::map<uint_fast64_t, std::set<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>>> synchronizingLabels;
// Get some data from the MDP for convenient access.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& transitionMatrix = labeledMdp.getTransitionMatrix();
std::vector<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> const& choiceLabeling = labeledMdp.getChoiceLabeling();
@ -400,6 +489,14 @@ namespace storm {
// Compute the set of labels that may precede a given action.
for (auto currentState : relevancyInformation.relevantStates) {
for (auto currentChoice : {
// If the choice is a synchronization choice, we need to record it.
if (choiceLabeling[currentChoice].size() > 1) {
for (auto label : choiceLabeling[currentChoice]) {
// Iterate over predecessors and add all choices that target the current state to the preceding
// label set of all labels of all relevant choices of the current state.
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstIndexIterator predecessorIt = backwardTransitions.constColumnIteratorBegin(currentState), predecessorIte = backwardTransitions.constColumnIteratorEnd(currentState); predecessorIt != predecessorIte; ++predecessorIt) {
@ -608,32 +705,110 @@ namespace storm {
// Popping the disjunction of negated guards from the solver stack.
// Compute the sets of labels such that the transitions labeled with this set possess at least one known successor.
storm::storage::VectorSet<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> hasKnownPredecessor;
for (auto const& labelSetImplicationsPair : backwardImplications) {
for (auto const& set : labelSetImplicationsPair.second) {
if (set.subsetOf(relevancyInformation.knownLabels)) {
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Asserting taken labels are preceded by another label if they are not an initial label.");
// Now assert that for each non-target label, we take a following label.
for (auto const& labelSetImplicationsPair : backwardImplications) {
std::vector<z3::expr> formulae;
for (auto const& labelSetImplicationsPair : backwardImplications) {
std::vector<z3::expr> implicationExpression;
// Only build a constraint if the combination no predecessor set is already known.
if (!hasKnownPredecessor.contains(labelSetImplicationsPair.first)) {
// Compute the set of unknown labels on the left-hand side of the implication.
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> unknownLhsLabels;
std::set_difference(labelSetImplicationsPair.first.begin(), labelSetImplicationsPair.first.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(unknownLhsLabels, unknownLhsLabels.end()));
for (auto label : unknownLhsLabels) {
// Create the first part of the implication.
for (auto label : labelSetImplicationsPair.first) {
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(label)) {
for (auto const& precedingSet : labelSetImplicationsPair.second) {
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> tmpSet;
// Check which labels of the current following set are not known. This set must be non-empty, because
// otherwise a predecessor combination would already be known and control cannot reach this point.
std::set_difference(precedingSet.begin(), precedingSet.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(tmpSet, tmpSet.end()));
// Construct an expression that enables all unknown labels of the current following set.
z3::expr conj = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto label : tmpSet) {
conj = conj &&;
// Create the disjunction of conjuncts that represent the possible implications.
for (auto const& implicationSet : labelSetImplicationsPair.second) {
for (auto label : implicationSet) {
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(label)) {
implicationExpression.back() = implicationExpression.back() &&;
if (labelSetImplicationsPair.first.size() > 1) {
// Taking all commands of a combination does not necessarily mean that a predecessor label set needs to be taken.
// This is because it could be that the commands are taken to enable other synchronizations. Therefore, we need
// to add an additional clause that says that the right-hand side of the implication is also true if all commands
// of the current choice have enabled synchronization options.
z3::expr finalDisjunct = context.bool_val(false);
for (auto label : labelSetImplicationsPair.first) {
z3::expr alternativeExpressionForLabel = context.bool_val(false);
std::set<storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t>> const& synchsForCommand =;
for (auto const& synchSet : synchsForCommand) {
z3::expr alternativeExpression = context.bool_val(true);
// If the current synchSet is the same as left-hand side of the implication, we need to skip it.
if (synchSet == labelSetImplicationsPair.first) continue;
// Now that we have the labels that are unknown and "missing", we still need to check whether this other
// synchronizing set already has a known predecessor.
if (!hasKnownPredecessor.contains(synchSet)) {
// If not, we can assert that we take one of its possible predecessors.
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> unknownSynchs;
std::set_difference(synchSet.begin(), synchSet.end(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.begin(), relevancyInformation.knownLabels.end(), std::inserter(unknownSynchs, unknownSynchs.end()));
for (auto label : unknownSynchs) {
alternativeExpression = alternativeExpression &&;
z3::expr disjunctionOverPredecessors = context.bool_val(false);
auto precedingLabelSetsIterator = precedingLabelSets.find(synchSet);
if (precedingLabelSetsIterator != precedingLabelSets.end()) {
for (auto precedingSet : precedingLabelSetsIterator->second) {
z3::expr conjunctionOverLabels = context.bool_val(true);
for (auto label : precedingSet) {
if (!relevancyInformation.knownLabels.contains(label)) {
conjunctionOverLabels = conjunctionOverLabels &&;
disjunctionOverPredecessors = disjunctionOverPredecessors || conjunctionOverLabels;
alternativeExpression = alternativeExpression && disjunctionOverPredecessors;
alternativeExpressionForLabel = alternativeExpressionForLabel || alternativeExpression;
finalDisjunct = finalDisjunct && alternativeExpressionForLabel;
assertDisjunction(context, solver, implicationExpression);
if (formulae.size() > 0) {
assertDisjunction(context, solver, formulae);
* Asserts that the disjunction of the given formulae holds. If the content of the disjunction is empty,
* this corresponds to asserting false.


@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace storm {
bool operator==(VectorSet const& other) const {
if (this->size() != other.size()) return false;
return std::equal(data.begin(), data.end(), other.begin(), other.end());
return std::equal(data.begin(), data.end(), other.begin());
bool operator<(VectorSet const& other) const {
