@ -337,6 +337,41 @@ namespace storm { |
} |
} |
storm::storage::BitVector Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::toVector(storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd) const { |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddVariableIndices = this->getSortedVariableIndices(); |
storm::storage::BitVector result(rowOdd.getTotalOffset()); |
this->toVectorRec(this->getCuddDdNode(), this->getDdManager()->getCuddManager(), result, rowOdd, Cudd_IsComplement(this->getCuddDdNode()), 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), 0, ddVariableIndices); |
return result; |
} |
void Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::toVectorRec(DdNode const* dd, Cudd const& manager, storm::storage::BitVector& result, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd, bool complement, uint_fast64_t currentRowLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentRowOffset, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices) const { |
// If there are no more values to select, we can directly return.
if (dd == Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager.getManager()) && !complement) { |
return; |
} else if (dd == Cudd_ReadOne(manager.getManager()) && complement) { |
return; |
} |
// If we are at the maximal level, the value to be set is stored as a constant in the DD.
if (currentRowLevel == maxLevel) { |
result.set(currentRowOffset, true); |
} else if (ddRowVariableIndices[currentRowLevel] < dd->index) { |
toVectorRec(dd, manager, result, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), complement, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, ddRowVariableIndices); |
toVectorRec(dd, manager, result, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), complement, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices); |
} else { |
// Otherwise, we compute the ODDs for both the then- and else successors.
DdNode* elseDdNode = Cudd_E(dd); |
DdNode* thenDdNode = Cudd_T(dd); |
// Determine whether we have to evaluate the successors as if they were complemented.
bool elseComplemented = Cudd_IsComplement(elseDdNode) ^ complement; |
bool thenComplemented = Cudd_IsComplement(thenDdNode) ^ complement; |
toVectorRec(Cudd_Regular(elseDdNode), manager, result, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), elseComplemented, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, ddRowVariableIndices); |
toVectorRec(Cudd_Regular(thenDdNode), manager, result, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), thenComplemented, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices); |
} |
} |
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& bdd) { |
bdd.exportToDot(); |
return out; |