@ -424,11 +424,72 @@ public:
storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > forwardTransitions ( matrix , nondeterministicChoiceIndices , true ) ;
storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > forwardTransitions ( matrix , nondeterministicChoiceIndices , true ) ;
/ / Perform the actual SCC decomposition based on the graph - transitions of the system .
/ / Perform the actual SCC decomposition based on the graph - transitions of the system .
performSccDecomposition ( nondeterministicChoiceIndices . size ( ) , forwardTransitions , stronglyConnectedComponents , stronglyConnectedComponentsDependencyGraph ) ;
performSccDecomposition ( nondeterministicChoiceIndices . size ( ) - 1 , forwardTransitions , stronglyConnectedComponents , stronglyConnectedComponentsDependencyGraph ) ;
LOG4CPLUS_INFO ( logger , " Done computing SCC decomposition. " ) ;
LOG4CPLUS_INFO ( logger , " Done computing SCC decomposition. " ) ;
template < typename T >
static void getTopologicalSort ( storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > const & transitions , std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > & topologicalSort ) {
topologicalSort . reserve ( transitions . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > recursionStack ;
recursionStack . reserve ( transitions . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < typename storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > : : stateSuccessorIterator > iteratorRecursionStack ;
iteratorRecursionStack . reserve ( transitions . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector visitedStates ( transitions . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
for ( uint_fast64_t state = 0 ; state < transitions . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + state ) {
if ( ! visitedStates . get ( state ) ) {
recursionStack . push_back ( state ) ;
iteratorRecursionStack . push_back ( transitions . beginStateSuccessorsIterator ( state ) ) ;
recursionStepForward :
while ( ! recursionStack . empty ( ) ) {
uint_fast64_t currentState = recursionStack . back ( ) ;
typename storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > : : stateSuccessorIterator currentIt = iteratorRecursionStack . back ( ) ;
visitedStates . set ( currentState , true ) ;
recursionStepBackward :
for ( ; currentIt ! = transitions . endStateSuccessorsIterator ( currentState ) ; + + currentIt ) {
if ( ! visitedStates . get ( * currentIt ) ) {
/ / Put unvisited successor on top of our recursion stack and remember that .
recursionStack . push_back ( * currentIt ) ;
/ / Save current iterator position so we can continue where we left off later .
iteratorRecursionStack . pop_back ( ) ;
iteratorRecursionStack . push_back ( currentIt + 1 ) ;
/ / Also , put initial value for iterator on corresponding recursion stack .
iteratorRecursionStack . push_back ( transitions . beginStateSuccessorsIterator ( * currentIt ) ) ;
goto recursionStepForward ;
topologicalSort . push_back ( currentState ) ;
/ / If we reach this point , we have completed the recursive descent for the current state .
/ / That is , we need to pop it from the recursion stacks .
recursionStack . pop_back ( ) ;
iteratorRecursionStack . pop_back ( ) ;
/ / If there is at least one state under the current one in our recursion stack , we need
/ / to restore the topmost state as the current state and jump to the part after the
/ / original recursive call .
if ( recursionStack . size ( ) > 0 ) {
currentState = recursionStack . back ( ) ;
currentIt = iteratorRecursionStack . back ( ) ;
goto recursionStepBackward ;
private :
private :
template < typename T >
template < typename T >
static void performSccDecomposition ( uint_fast64_t numberOfStates , storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > const & forwardTransitions , std : : vector < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > & stronglyConnectedComponents , storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > & stronglyConnectedComponentsDependencyGraph ) {
static void performSccDecomposition ( uint_fast64_t numberOfStates , storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > const & forwardTransitions , std : : vector < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > & stronglyConnectedComponents , storm : : models : : GraphTransitions < T > & stronglyConnectedComponentsDependencyGraph ) {
@ -482,24 +543,26 @@ private:
tarjanStackStates . set ( currentState , true ) ;
tarjanStackStates . set ( currentState , true ) ;
/ / Now , traverse all successors of the current state .
/ / Now , traverse all successors of the current state .
recursionStepBackward :
for ( ; currentIt ! = forwardTransitions . endStateSuccessorsIterator ( currentState ) ; + + currentIt ) {
for ( ; currentIt ! = forwardTransitions . endStateSuccessorsIterator ( currentState ) ; + + currentIt ) {
/ / If we have not visited the successor already , we need to perform the procedure
/ / If we have not visited the successor already , we need to perform the procedure
/ / recursively on the newly found state .
/ / recursively on the newly found state .
if ( ! visitedStates . get ( * currentIt ) ) {
if ( ! visitedStates . get ( * currentIt ) ) {
/ / Save current iterator position so we can continue where we left off later .
recursionIteratorStack . pop_back ( ) ;
recursionIteratorStack . push_back ( currentIt ) ;
/ / Put unvisited successor on top of our recursion stack and remember that .
/ / Put unvisited successor on top of our recursion stack and remember that .
recursionStateStack . push_back ( * currentIt ) ;
recursionStateStack . push_back ( * currentIt ) ;
statesInStack [ * currentIt ] = true ;
statesInStack [ * currentIt ] = true ;
/ / Save current iterator position so we can continue where we left off later .
recursionIteratorStack . pop_back ( ) ;
recursionIteratorStack . push_back ( currentIt + 1 ) ;
/ / Also , put initial value for iterator on corresponding recursion stack .
/ / Also , put initial value for iterator on corresponding recursion stack .
recursionIteratorStack . push_back ( forwardTransitions . beginStateSuccessorsIterator ( * currentIt ) ) ;
recursionIteratorStack . push_back ( forwardTransitions . beginStateSuccessorsIterator ( * currentIt ) ) ;
/ / Perform the actual recursion step in an iterative way .
/ / Perform the actual recursion step in an iterative way .
goto recursionStepForward ;
goto recursionStepForward ;
recursionStepBackward :
lowlinks [ currentState ] = std : : min ( lowlinks [ currentState ] , lowlinks [ * currentIt ] ) ;
} else if ( tarjanStackStates . get ( * currentIt ) ) {
} else if ( tarjanStackStates . get ( * currentIt ) ) {
/ / Update the lowlink of the current state .
/ / Update the lowlink of the current state .
lowlinks [ currentState ] = std : : min ( lowlinks [ currentState ] , stateIndices [ * currentIt ] ) ;
lowlinks [ currentState ] = std : : min ( lowlinks [ currentState ] , stateIndices [ * currentIt ] ) ;