@ -164,11 +164,9 @@ namespace storm {
if ( furtherComputationNeeded ) {
storm : : storage : : BitVector allStates ( transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) , true ) ;
if ( computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly ) {
// Determine the set of states that is reachable from the initial state without jumping over a target state.
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : getReachableStates ( transitionMatrix , initialStates , all States, all States, true ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : getReachableStates ( transitionMatrix , initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( numberOf States, true ) , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( numberOf States, false ) ) ;
// Subtract from the maybe states the set of states that is not reachable (on a path from the initial to a target state).
maybeStates & = reachableStates ;
@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ namespace storm {
std : : vector < ValueType > stateValues ( maybeStates . size ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : setVectorValues ( stateValues , psiStates , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
result = computeLongRunValues ( transitionMatrix , this - > getModel ( ) . getBackwardTransitions ( ) , initialStates , maybeStates , computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , stateValues ) ;
result = computeLongRunValues ( transitionMatrix , backwardTransitions , initialStates , maybeStates , computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , stateValues ) ;
// Construct check result based on whether we have computed values for all states or just the initial states.
@ -191,26 +189,81 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename SparseDtmcModelType >
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeLongRunAverageRewards ( storm : : logic : : LongRunAverageRewardFormula const & rewardPathFormula , boost : : optional < std : : string > const & rewardModelName , bool qualitative , boost : : optional < OptimizationDirection > const & optimalityType ) {
return nullptr ;
// Do some sanity checks to establish some required properties.
RewardModelType const & rewardModel = this - > getModel ( ) . getRewardModel ( rewardModelName ? rewardModelName . get ( ) : " " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! rewardModel . empty ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " Input model does not have a reward model. " ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates = this - > getModel ( ) . getInitialStates ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( initialStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) = = 1 , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " Input model is required to have exactly one initial state. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( this - > computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " Cannot compute long-run probabilities for all states. " ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix = this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ;
uint_fast64_t numberOfStates = transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ;
// Get the state-reward values from the reward model.
std : : vector < ValueType > stateRewardValues = rewardModel . getTotalRewardVector ( this - > getModel ( ) . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector maybeStates ( stateRewardValues . size ( ) ) ;
uint_fast64_t index = 0 ;
for ( auto const & value : stateRewardValues ) {
if ( value ! = storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) {
maybeStates . set ( index , true ) ;
+ + index ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > backwardTransitions = this - > getModel ( ) . getBackwardTransitions ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector allStates ( numberOfStates , true ) ;
maybeStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : performProbGreater0 ( backwardTransitions , allStates , maybeStates ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( numberOfStates , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
// Determine whether we need to perform some further computation.
bool furtherComputationNeeded = true ;
if ( computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly & & initialStates . isDisjointFrom ( maybeStates ) ) {
furtherComputationNeeded = false ;
if ( furtherComputationNeeded ) {
if ( computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly ) {
// Determine the set of states that is reachable from the initial state without jumping over a target state.
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates = storm : : utility : : graph : : getReachableStates ( transitionMatrix , initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( numberOfStates , true ) , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( numberOfStates , false ) ) ;
// Subtract from the maybe states the set of states that is not reachable (on a path from the initial to a target state).
maybeStates & = reachableStates ;
result = computeLongRunValues ( transitionMatrix , backwardTransitions , initialStates , maybeStates , computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , stateRewardValues ) ;
// Construct check result based on whether we have computed values for all states or just the initial states.
std : : unique_ptr < CheckResult > checkResult ( new ExplicitQuantitativeCheckResult < ValueType > ( result ) ) ;
if ( computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly ) {
// If we computed the results for the initial states only, we need to filter the result to only
// communicate these results.
checkResult - > filter ( ExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( initialStates ) ) ;
return checkResult ;
template < typename SparseDtmcModelType >
std : : vector < typename SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : ValueType > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeLongRunValues ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & statesWithProbabilityGreater0 , bool computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , std : : vector < ValueType > & stateValues ) {
std : : vector < typename SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : ValueType > SparseDtmcEliminationModelChecker < SparseDtmcModelType > : : computeLongRunValues ( storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & initialStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & maybeStates , bool computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , std : : vector < ValueType > & stateValues ) {
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point totalTimeStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
// Start by decomposing the DTMC into its BSCCs.
// FIXME: time this as well.
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point sccDecompositionStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : StronglyConnectedComponentDecomposition < ValueType > bsccDecomposition ( transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) , true ) , false , true ) ;
auto sccDecompositionEnd = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point conversionStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
// Then, we convert the reduced matrix to a more flexible format to be able to perform state elimination more easily.
FlexibleSparseMatrix flexibleMatrix = getFlexibleSparseMatrix ( transitionMatrix ) ;
flexibleMatrix . filter ( statesWithProbabilityGreater0 , statesWithProbabilityGreater0 ) ;
flexibleMatrix . filter ( maybeStates , maybeStates ) ;
FlexibleSparseMatrix flexibleBackwardTransitions = getFlexibleSparseMatrix ( backwardTransitions ) ;
flexibleBackwardTransitions . filter ( statesWithProbabilityGreater0 , statesWithProbabilityGreater0 ) ;
flexibleBackwardTransitions . filter ( maybeStates , maybeStates ) ;
auto conversionEnd = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point modelCheckingStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
@ -223,7 +276,7 @@ namespace storm {
uint_fast64_t numberOfStates = transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector s tatesInBsccs( numberOfStates ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector regularS tatesInBsccs( numberOfStates ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector relevantBsccs ( bsccDecomposition . size ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector bsccRepresentativesAsBitVector ( numberOfStates ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type > bsccRepresentatives ;
@ -231,28 +284,24 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & bscc : bsccDecomposition ) {
// Since all states in an SCC can reach all other states, we only need to check whether an arbitrary
// state is a maybe state.
if ( statesWithProbabilityGreater0 . get ( * bscc . cbegin ( ) ) ) {
if ( maybeStates . get ( * bscc . cbegin ( ) ) ) {
relevantBsccs . set ( currentIndex ) ;
bsccRepresentatives . push_back ( * bscc . cbegin ( ) ) ;
bsccRepresentativesAsBitVector . set ( * bscc . cbegin ( ) , true ) ;
for ( auto const & state : bscc ) {
s tatesInBsccs. set ( state , true ) ;
regularS tatesInBsccs. set ( state , true ) ;
+ + currentIndex ;
s tatesInBsccs & = ~ bsccRepresentativesAsBitVector ;
regularS tatesInBsccs & = ~ bsccRepresentativesAsBitVector ;
// Compute the average time to stay in each state for all states in BSCCs.
std : : vector < ValueType > averageTimeInStates ( stateValues . size ( ) , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & el : stateValues ) {
std : : cout < < el < < std : : endl ;
// First, we eliminate all states in BSCCs (except for the representative states).
std : : unique_ptr < StatePriorityQueue > priorityQueue = createStatePriorityQueue ( distanceBasedPriorities , flexibleMatrix , flexibleBackwardTransitions , stateValues , s tatesInBsccs) ;
std : : unique_ptr < StatePriorityQueue > priorityQueue = createStatePriorityQueue ( distanceBasedPriorities , flexibleMatrix , flexibleBackwardTransitions , stateValues , regularStatesInBsccs ) ;
ValueUpdateCallback valueUpdateCallback = [ & stateValues , & averageTimeInStates ] ( storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type const & state , ValueType const & loopProbability ) {
stateValues [ state ] = storm : : utility : : simplify ( loopProbability * stateValues [ state ] ) ;
@ -269,17 +318,12 @@ namespace storm {
} ) ;
boost : : optional < PredecessorFilterCallback > predecessorFilterCallback = boost : : none ;
// PredecessorFilterCallback([&statesInBsccs,&bsccRepresentativesAsBitVector] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state) { return statesInBsccs.get(state) || bsccRepresentativesAsBitVector.get(state); } );
while ( priorityQueue - > hasNextState ( ) ) {
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type state = priorityQueue - > popNextState ( ) ;
eliminateState ( state , flexibleMatrix , flexibleBackwardTransitions , valueUpdateCallback , predecessorCallback , priorityUpdateCallback , predecessorFilterCallback , true ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( checkConsistent ( flexibleMatrix , flexibleBackwardTransitions ) , " The forward and backward transition matrices became inconsistent. " ) ;
flexibleMatrix . print ( ) ;
for ( auto const & el : stateValues ) {
std : : cout < < el < < std : : endl ;
// Now, we set the values of all states in BSCCs to that of the representative value (and clear the
@ -318,21 +362,29 @@ namespace storm {
// If there are states remaining that are not in BSCCs, we need to eliminate them now.
storm : : storage : : BitVector remainingStates = statesWithProbabilityGreater0 & ~ s tatesInBsccs;
storm : : storage : : BitVector remainingStates = maybeStates & ~ regularS tatesInBsccs;
// Reset the values of all remaining non-BSCC states (they might have been erroneously changed by the
// previous state elimination.
// Set the value initial value of all states not in a BSCC to zero, because a) any previous value would
// incorrectly influence the result and b) the value have been erroneously changed for the predecessors of
// BSCCs by the previous state elimination.
for ( auto state : remainingStates ) {
if ( ! bsccRepresentativesAsBitVector . get ( state ) ) {
stateValues [ state ] = storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ;
// We only need to eliminate the remaining states if there was some BSCC that has a non-zero value, i.e.
// that consists of maybe states.
if ( ! relevantBsccs . empty ( ) ) {
performOrdinaryStateElimination ( flexibleMatrix , flexibleBackwardTransitions , remainingStates , initialStates , computeResultsForInitialStatesOnly , stateValues , distanceBasedPriorities ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point modelCheckingEnd = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point totalTimeEnd = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
if ( storm : : settings : : generalSettings ( ) . isShowStatisticsSet ( ) ) {
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : duration sccDecompositionTime = sccDecompositionEnd - sccDecompositionStart ;
std : : chrono : : milliseconds sccDecompositionTimeInMilliseconds = std : : chrono : : duration_cast < std : : chrono : : milliseconds > ( sccDecompositionTime ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : duration conversionTime = conversionEnd - conversionStart ;
std : : chrono : : milliseconds conversionTimeInMilliseconds = std : : chrono : : duration_cast < std : : chrono : : milliseconds > ( conversionTime ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : duration modelCheckingTime = modelCheckingEnd - modelCheckingStart ;
@ -342,6 +394,7 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_PRINT_AND_LOG ( std : : endl ) ;
STORM_PRINT_AND_LOG ( " Time breakdown: " < < std : : endl ) ;
STORM_PRINT_AND_LOG ( " * time for SCC decomposition: " < < sccDecompositionTimeInMilliseconds . count ( ) < < " ms " < < std : : endl ) ;
STORM_PRINT_AND_LOG ( " * time for conversion: " < < conversionTimeInMilliseconds . count ( ) < < " ms " < < std : : endl ) ;
STORM_PRINT_AND_LOG ( " * time for checking: " < < modelCheckingTimeInMilliseconds . count ( ) < < " ms " < < std : : endl ) ;
STORM_PRINT_AND_LOG ( " ------------------------------------------ " < < std : : endl ) ;