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Added AND_EXISTS to sylvan+RationalFunction

Former-commit-id: 7b462145cf
PBerger 9 years ago
  1. 88
  2. 7
  3. 37


@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include <sylvan.h>
#include <sylvan_common.h>
/*#include <sylvan_mtbdd_int.h>*/
#include <sylvan_mtbdd_int.h>
#include <sylvan_storm_rational_function.h>
#include <storm_function_wrapper.h>
@ -162,14 +162,12 @@ TASK_IMPL_2(MTBDD, mtbdd_op_bool_to_storm_rational_function, MTBDD, a, size_t, v
LOG_I("task_impl_2 to_srf")
if (a == mtbdd_false) {
storm_rational_function_ptr srf_zero = storm_rational_function_get_zero();
MTBDD result = mtbdd_storm_rational_function(srf_zero);
MTBDD result = mtbdd_storm_rational_function(storm_rational_function_get_zero());
LOG_O("task_impl_2 to_srf - ZERO")
return result;
if (a == mtbdd_true) {
storm_rational_function_ptr srf_one = storm_rational_function_get_one();
MTBDD result = mtbdd_storm_rational_function(srf_one);
MTBDD result = mtbdd_storm_rational_function(storm_rational_function_get_one());
LOG_O("task_impl_2 to_srf - ONE")
return result;
@ -183,7 +181,6 @@ TASK_IMPL_2(MTBDD, mtbdd_op_bool_to_storm_rational_function, MTBDD, a, size_t, v
TASK_IMPL_1(MTBDD, mtbdd_bool_to_storm_rational_function, MTBDD, dd)
LOG_I("task_impl_1 to_srf")
return mtbdd_uapply(dd, TASK(mtbdd_op_bool_to_storm_rational_function), 0);
@ -379,3 +376,82 @@ TASK_IMPL_2(MTBDD, sylvan_storm_rational_function_op_neg, MTBDD, dd, size_t, p)
return mtbdd_invalid;
* Multiply <a> and <b>, and abstract variables <vars> using summation.
* This is similar to the "and_exists" operation in BDDs.
TASK_IMPL_3(MTBDD, sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, MTBDD, a, MTBDD, b, MTBDD, v)
/* Check terminal cases */
/* If v == true, then <vars> is an empty set */
if (v == mtbdd_true) return mtbdd_apply(a, b, TASK(sylvan_storm_rational_function_op_times));
/* Try the times operator on a and b */
MTBDD result = CALL(sylvan_storm_rational_function_op_times, &a, &b);
if (result != mtbdd_invalid) {
/* Times operator successful, store reference (for garbage collection) */
/* ... and perform abstraction */
result = mtbdd_abstract(result, v, TASK(sylvan_storm_rational_function_abstract_op_plus));
/* Note that the operation cache is used in mtbdd_abstract */
return result;
/* Maybe perform garbage collection */
/* Check cache. Note that we do this now, since the times operator might swap a and b (commutative) */
if (cache_get3(CACHE_STORM_RATIONAL_FUNCTION_AND_EXISTS, a, b, v, &result)) return result;
/* Now, v is not a constant, and either a or b is not a constant */
/* Get top variable */
int la = mtbdd_isleaf(a);
int lb = mtbdd_isleaf(b);
mtbddnode_t na = la ? 0 : GETNODE(a);
mtbddnode_t nb = lb ? 0 : GETNODE(b);
uint32_t va = la ? 0xffffffff : mtbddnode_getvariable(na);
uint32_t vb = lb ? 0xffffffff : mtbddnode_getvariable(nb);
uint32_t var = va < vb ? va : vb;
mtbddnode_t nv = GETNODE(v);
uint32_t vv = mtbddnode_getvariable(nv);
if (vv < var) {
/* Recursive, then abstract result */
result = CALL(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, a, b, node_gethigh(v, nv));
result = mtbdd_apply(result, result, TASK(sylvan_storm_rational_function_op_plus));
} else {
/* Get cofactors */
MTBDD alow, ahigh, blow, bhigh;
alow = (!la && va == var) ? node_getlow(a, na) : a;
ahigh = (!la && va == var) ? node_gethigh(a, na) : a;
blow = (!lb && vb == var) ? node_getlow(b, nb) : b;
bhigh = (!lb && vb == var) ? node_gethigh(b, nb) : b;
if (vv == var) {
/* Recursive, then abstract result */
mtbdd_refs_spawn(SPAWN(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, ahigh, bhigh, node_gethigh(v, nv)));
MTBDD low = mtbdd_refs_push(CALL(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, alow, blow, node_gethigh(v, nv)));
MTBDD high = mtbdd_refs_push(mtbdd_refs_sync(SYNC(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists)));
result = CALL(mtbdd_apply, low, high, TASK(sylvan_storm_rational_function_op_plus));
} else /* vv > v */ {
/* Recursive, then create node */
mtbdd_refs_spawn(SPAWN(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, ahigh, bhigh, v));
MTBDD low = mtbdd_refs_push(CALL(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, alow, blow, v));
MTBDD high = mtbdd_refs_sync(SYNC(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists));
result = mtbdd_makenode(var, low, high);
/* Store in cache */
cache_put3(CACHE_STORM_RATIONAL_FUNCTION_AND_EXISTS, a, b, v, result);
return result;


@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ TASK_DECL_2(MTBDD, sylvan_storm_rational_function_op_neg, MTBDD, size_t)
#define sylvan_storm_rational_function_neg(a) mtbdd_uapply(a, TASK(sylvan_storm_rational_function_op_neg), 0);
* Multiply <a> and <b>, and abstract variables <vars> using summation.
* This is similar to the "and_exists" operation in BDDs.
TASK_DECL_3(MTBDD, sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, MTBDD, MTBDD, MTBDD);
#define sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists(a, b, vars) CALL(sylvan_storm_rational_function_and_exists, a, b, vars)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */


@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
#include "src/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
TEST(SylvanDd, Constants) {
std::shared_ptr<storm::dd::DdManager<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan>> manager(new storm::dd::DdManager<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan>());
storm::dd::Add<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, double> zero;
@ -106,6 +109,40 @@ TEST(SylvanDd, RationalFunctionConstants) {
EXPECT_EQ(0ul, two.getNonZeroCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1ul, two.getLeafCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1ul, two.getNodeCount());
// The cache that is used in case the underlying type needs a cache.
std::shared_ptr<carl::Cache<carl::PolynomialFactorizationPair<storm::RawPolynomial>>> cache = std::make_shared<carl::Cache<carl::PolynomialFactorizationPair<storm::RawPolynomial>>>();
storm::dd::Add<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, storm::RationalFunction> function;
carl::Variable x = carl::freshRealVariable("x");
carl::Variable y = carl::freshRealVariable("y");
carl::Variable z = carl::freshRealVariable("z");
storm::RationalFunction constantOne(1);
storm::RationalFunction variableX = storm::RationalFunction(typename storm::RationalFunction::PolyType(typename storm::RationalFunction::PolyType::PolyType(x), cache));
storm::RationalFunction variableY = storm::RationalFunction(typename storm::RationalFunction::PolyType(typename storm::RationalFunction::PolyType::PolyType(y), cache));
storm::RationalFunction variableZ = storm::RationalFunction(typename storm::RationalFunction::PolyType(typename storm::RationalFunction::PolyType::PolyType(z), cache));
storm::RationalFunction constantOneDivTwo(constantOne / constantTwo);
storm::RationalFunction tmpFunctionA(constantOneDivTwo);
tmpFunctionA *= variableZ;
tmpFunctionA /= variableY;
storm::RationalFunction tmpFunctionB(variableX);
tmpFunctionB *= variableY;
//storm::RationalFunction rationalFunction(two * x + x*y + constantOneDivTwo * z / y);
storm::RationalFunction rationalFunction(constantTwo);
rationalFunction *= variableX;
rationalFunction += tmpFunctionB;
rationalFunction += tmpFunctionA;
ASSERT_NO_THROW(function = manager->template getConstant<storm::RationalFunction>(rationalFunction));
EXPECT_EQ(0ul, function.getNonZeroCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1ul, function.getLeafCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1ul, function.getNodeCount());
TEST(SylvanDd, RationalFunctionEncodingTest) {
