message(FATAL_ERROR"Gurobi Library ${GUROBI_LIBRARY} not found. If your Gurobi Version is higher then 8.1.0, please contact the Storm developers.")
message(FATAL_ERROR"Gurobi Library ${GUROBI_LIBRARY} not found. If your Gurobi Version is higher then 9.0.0, please contact the Storm developers.")
message(FATAL_ERROR"Gurobi Library requested but was not found. Make sure that GUROBI_ROOT points to the correct directory (containing include/ and lib/ subdirectories).")
message(FATAL_ERROR"Gurobi Library requested but was not found. Make sure that GUROBI_ROOT points to the correct directory (containing include/ and lib/ subdirectories). If your Gurobi Version is higher then 9.0.0, please contact the Storm developers.")