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Modified the multiplication of a sparse matrix with a dense vector to only use the parallel version if available and the number of nonzero entries exceeds a certain threshold.

Former-commit-id: 07957b2d29
dehnert 11 years ago
  1. 52
  2. 26


@ -770,6 +770,36 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename T>
void SparseMatrix<T>::multiplyWithVector(std::vector<T> const& vector, std::vector<T>& result) const {
if (this->getNonzeroEntryCount() > 10000) {
return this->multiplyWithVectorParallel(vector, result);
} else {
return this->multiplyWithVectorSequential(vector, result);
return multiplyWithVectorSequential(vector, result);
template<typename T>
void SparseMatrix<T>::multiplyWithVectorSequential(std::vector<T> const& vector, std::vector<T>& result) const {
const_iterator it = this->begin();
const_iterator ite;
typename std::vector<uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator rowIterator = rowIndications.begin();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator resultIterator = result.begin();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator resultIteratorEnd = result.end();
for (; resultIterator != resultIteratorEnd; ++rowIterator, ++resultIterator) {
*resultIterator = storm::utility::constantZero<T>();
for (ite = this->begin() + *(rowIterator + 1); it != ite; ++it) {
*resultIterator += it->getValue() * vector[it->getColumn()];
template<typename T>
void SparseMatrix<T>::multiplyWithVectorParallel(std::vector<T> const& vector, std::vector<T>& result) const {
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<uint_fast64_t>(0, result.size(), 10),
[&] (tbb::blocked_range<uint_fast64_t> const& range) {
uint_fast64_t startRow = range.begin();
@ -778,8 +808,8 @@ namespace storm {
const_iterator ite;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator rowIterator = this->rowIndications.begin() + startRow;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator rowIteratorEnd = this->rowIndications.begin() + endRow;
std::vector<T>::iterator resultIterator = result.begin() + startRow;
std::vector<T>::iterator resultIteratorEnd = result.begin() + endRow;
typename std::vector<T>::iterator resultIterator = result.begin() + startRow;
typename std::vector<T>::iterator resultIteratorEnd = result.begin() + endRow;
for (; resultIterator != resultIteratorEnd; ++rowIterator, ++resultIterator) {
*resultIterator = storm::utility::constantZero<T>();
@ -789,23 +819,9 @@ namespace storm {
const_iterator it = this->begin();
const_iterator ite;
typename std::vector<uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator rowIterator = rowIndications.begin();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator resultIterator = result.begin();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator resultIteratorEnd = result.end();
for (; resultIterator != resultIteratorEnd; ++rowIterator, ++resultIterator) {
*resultIterator = storm::utility::constantZero<T>();
for (ite = this->begin() + *(rowIterator + 1); it != ite; ++it) {
*resultIterator += it->getValue() * vector[it->getColumn()];
template<typename T>
uint_fast64_t SparseMatrix<T>::getSizeInMemory() const {
uint_fast64_t size = sizeof(*this);


@ -576,7 +576,9 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<T> getPointwiseProductRowSumVector(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& otherMatrix) const;
* Multiplies the matrix with the given vector and writes the result to given result vector.
* Multiplies the matrix with the given vector and writes the result to the given result vector. If a
* parallel implementation is available and it is considered worthwhile (heuristically, based on the metrics
* of the matrix), the multiplication is carried out in parallel.
* @param vector The vector with which to multiply the matrix.
* @param result The vector that is supposed to hold the result of the multiplication after the operation.
@ -584,6 +586,28 @@ namespace storm {
void multiplyWithVector(std::vector<T> const& vector, std::vector<T>& result) const;
* Multiplies the matrix with the given vector in a sequential way and writes the result to the given result
* vector.
* @param vector The vector with which to multiply the matrix.
* @param result The vector that is supposed to hold the result of the multiplication after the operation.
* @return The product of the matrix and the given vector as the content of the given result vector.
void multiplyWithVectorSequential(std::vector<T> const& vector, std::vector<T>& result) const;
* Multiplies the matrix with the given vector in a parallel fashion using Intel's TBB and writes the result
* to the given result vector.
* @param vector The vector with which to multiply the matrix.
* @param result The vector that is supposed to hold the result of the multiplication after the operation.
* @return The product of the matrix and the given vector as the content of the given result vector.
void multiplyWithVectorParallel(std::vector<T> const& vector, std::vector<T>& result) const;
* Computes the sum of the entries in a given row.
