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* UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression.h * * Created on: 03.01.2013 * Author: chris */
#include "src/ir/expressions/UnaryExpression.h"
namespace storm {
namespace ir {
namespace expressions {
class UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression : public UnaryExpression { public: enum FunctionType {NOT};
UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression(std::shared_ptr<BaseExpression> child, FunctionType functionType) : UnaryExpression(bool_, child), functionType(functionType) {
virtual ~UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression() {
virtual std::shared_ptr<BaseExpression> clone(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& renaming, const std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t>& bools, const std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t>& ints) { return std::shared_ptr<BaseExpression>(new UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression(this->getChild()->clone(renaming, bools, ints), this->functionType)); }
FunctionType getFunctionType() const { return functionType; }
virtual bool getValueAsBool(std::pair<std::vector<bool>, std::vector<int_fast64_t>> const* variableValues) const { bool resultChild = this->getChild()->getValueAsBool(variableValues); switch(functionType) { case NOT: return !resultChild; break; default: throw storm::exceptions::ExpressionEvaluationException() << "Cannot evaluate expression: " << "Unknown boolean unary operator: '" << functionType << "'."; } }
virtual void accept(ExpressionVisitor* visitor) { visitor->visit(this); }
virtual std::string toString() const { std::string result = ""; switch (functionType) { case NOT: result += "!"; break; } result += "(" + this->getChild()->toString() + ")";
return result; } virtual std::string dump(std::string prefix) const { std::stringstream result; result << prefix << "UnaryBooleanFunctionExpression" << std::endl; switch (functionType) { case NOT: result << prefix << "!" << std::endl; break; } result << this->getChild()->dump(prefix + "\t"); return result.str(); }
private: FunctionType functionType; };