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  1. Changelog
  2. ==============
  3. This changelog lists only the most important changes. Smaller (bug)fixes as well as non-mature features are not part of the changelog.
  4. The releases of major and minor versions contain an overview of changes since the last major/minor update.
  5. Version 1.6.x
  6. -------------
  7. ## Version 1.6.4 (20xx/xx)
  8. - Added an export of check results to json. Use `--exportresult` in the command line interface.
  9. - Added computation of steady state probabilities for DTMC/CTMC in the sparse engine. Use `--steadystate` in the command line interface.
  10. - Implemented parsing and model building of Stochastic multiplayer games (SMGs) in the PRISM language. No model checking implemented, for now.
  11. - Added support for continuous integration with Github Actions.
  12. ## Version 1.6.3 (2020/11)
  13. - Added support for multi-objective model checking of long-run average objectives including mixtures with other kinds of objectives.
  14. - Added support for generating optimal schedulers for globally formulae.
  15. - Simulator supports exact arithmetic.
  16. - Added switch `--no-simplify` to disable simplification of PRISM programs (which sometimes costs a bit of time on extremely large inputs).
  17. - Fixed issues with JANI inputs concerning .
  18. - transient variable expressions in properties,
  19. - constants in properties, and
  20. - integer variables with either only an upper or only a lower bound.
  21. - `storm-pomdp`: States can be labelled with values for observable predicates.
  22. - `storm-pomdp`: (Only API) Track state estimates.
  23. - `storm-pomdp`: (Only API) Reduce computation of state estimates to computation on unrolled MDP.
  24. ## Version 1.6.2 (2020/09)
  25. - Prism program simplification improved.
  26. - Revamped implementation of long-run-average algorithms, including scheduler export for LRA properties on Markov automata.
  27. - Support for step-bounded properties of the form ... [F[x,y] ... ] for DTMCs and MDPs (sparse engine).
  28. - Renamed portfolio engine to automatic
  29. - `storm-dft`: Fix for relevant events when using symmetry reduction.
  30. - `storm-pomdp`: Fix for --transformsimple and --transformbinary when used with until formulae.
  31. - `storm-pomdp`: POMDPs can be parametric as well.
  32. ## Version 1.6.0 (2020/06)
  33. - Changed default Dd library from `cudd` to `sylvan`. The Dd library can be changed back to `cudd` using the command line switch `--ddlib`.
  34. - Scheduler export: Properly handle models with end components. Added export in `.json` format.
  35. - CMake: Search for Gurobi prefers new versions.
  36. - CMake: We no longer ship xerces-c. If xerces-c is not found on the system, storm-gspn will not be able to parse xml-based GSPN formats.
  37. - CMake: Added option `STORM_LOAD_QVBS` to automatically download the quantitative verification benchmark set.
  38. - Eigen library: The source code of Eigen is no longer included but downloaded from an external repository instead. Incremented Eigen version to 3.3.7 which fixes a compilation issue with recent XCode versions.
  39. - Tests: Enabled tests for permissive schedulers.
  40. - `storm-counterexamples`: fix when computing multiple counterexamples in debug mode.
  41. - `storm-dft`: Renamed setting `--show-dft-stats` to `dft-statistics` and added approximation information to statistics.
  42. - `storm-pomdp`: Implemented approximation algorithms that explore (a discritization of) the belief MDP, allowing to compute safe lower- and upper bounds for a given property.
  43. - `storm-pomdp`: Implemented almost-sure reachability computations: graph-based, one-shot SAT-based, and iterative SAT-based.
  44. - `storm-pomdp': Various changes such that transformation to pMCs is now again supported (and improved).
  45. - Fixed several compiler warnings.
  46. Version 1.5.x
  47. -------------
  48. ## Version 1.5.1 (2020/03)
  49. - Jani models are now parsed using exact arithmetic.
  50. ## Version 1.5.0 (2020/03)
  51. - Added portfolio engine which picks a good engine (among other settings) based on features of the symbolic input.
  52. - Abort of Storm (via timeout or CTRL+C for example) is now gracefully handled. After an abort signal the program waits some seconds to output the result computed so far and terminates afterwards. A second signal immediately terminates the program.
  53. - Setting `--engine dd-to-sparse --bisimulation` now triggers extracting the sparse bisimulation quotient.
  54. - JIT model building is now invoked via `--engine jit` (instead of `--jit`).
  55. - DRN: support import of choice labelling.
  56. - Added option `--build:buildchoiceorig` to build a model (PRISM or JANI) with choice origins (which are exported with, e.g. `--exportscheduler`).
  57. - Implemented optimistic value iteration for sound computations and set it as new default in `--sound` mode.
  58. - Time bounded properties for Markov automata are now computed with relative precision. Use `--absolute` for the previous behavior.
  59. - Apply the maximum progress assumption while building a Markov automaton with one of the symbolic engines.
  60. - Added option `--build:nomaxprog` to disable applying the maximum progress assumption during model building (for Markov Automata).
  61. - Added hybrid engine for Markov Automata.
  62. - Improved performance of the Unif+ algorithm (used for time-bounded properties on Markov Automata).
  63. - Various performance improvements for model building with the sparse engine.
  64. - `storm-dft`: Symmetry reduction is now enabled by default and can be disabled via `--nosymmetryreduction`.
  65. - `storm-pomdp`: Only accept POMDPs that are canonical.
  66. - `storm-pomdp`: Prism language extended with observable expressions.
  67. - `storm-pomdp`: Various fixes that prevented usage.
  68. - Several bug fixes.
  69. Version 1.4.x
  70. -------------
  71. ### Version 1.4.1 (2019/12)
  72. - Implemented long run average (LRA) computation for DTMCs/CTMCs via value iteration and via gain/bias equations.
  73. - Added several LRA related settings in a new settings module. Note that `--minmax:lramethod` has been replaced by `--lra:nondetmethod`.
  74. ### Version 1.4.0 (2019/11)
  75. - Added support for multi-dimensional quantile queries.
  76. - Added support for multi-objective model checking under pure (deterministic) schedulers with bounded memory using `--purescheds`.
  77. - Allow to quickly check a benchmark from the [Quantitative Verification Benchmark Set]( using the `--qvbs` option.
  78. - Added script `resources/examples/` to download the QVBS.
  79. - If an option is unknown, Storm now suggests similar option names.
  80. - Flagged several options as 'advanced' to clean up the `--help`-message. Use `--help all` to display a complete list of options.
  81. - Support for parsing of exact time bounds for properties, e.g., `P=? [F=27 "goal"]`.
  82. - Export of optimal schedulers when checking MDPs with the sparse engine (experimental). Use `--exportscheduler <filename>`.
  83. - PRISM language: Support for the new `round` operator.
  84. - PRISM language: Improved error messages of the parser.
  85. - JANI: Allow bounded types for constants.
  86. - JANI: Support for non-trivial reward accumulations.
  87. - JANI: Fixed support for reward expressions over non-transient variables.
  88. - DRN: Added support for exact parsing and action-based rewards.
  89. - DRN: Support for placeholder variables which allows to parse recurring rational functions only once.
  90. - Fixed sparse bisimulation of MDPs (which failed if all non-absorbing states in the quotient are initial).
  91. - Support for export of MTBDDs from Storm.
  92. - Support for k-shortest path counterexamples (arguments `-cex --cextype shortestpath`)
  93. - New settings module `transformation` for Markov chain transformations. Use `--help transformation` to get a list of available transformations.
  94. - Support for eliminating chains of Non-Markovian states in MAs via `--eliminate-chains`.
  95. - Export to dot format allows for maximal line width in states (argument `--dot-maxwidth <width>`)
  96. - `storm-conv` can now apply transformations on a prism file.
  97. - `storm-pars`: Enabled building, bisimulation and analysis of symbolic models.
  98. - `storm-dft`: Support partial-order for state space generation.
  99. - `storm-dft`: Compute lower and upper bounds for number of BE failures via SMT.
  100. - `storm-dft`: Allow to set relevant events which are not set to Don't Care.
  101. - `storm-dft`: Support for constant failed BEs. Use flag `--uniquefailedbe` to create a unique constant failed BE.
  102. - `storm-dft`: Support for probabilistic BEs via PDEPs.
  103. - Fixed linking with Mathsat on macOS.
  104. - Fixed linking with IntelTBB for GCC.
  105. - Fixed compilation for macOS Mojave and higher.
  106. - Several bug fixes.
  107. Version 1.3.x
  108. -------------
  109. ## Version 1.3.0 (2018/12)
  110. - Slightly improved scheduler extraction
  111. - Environments are now part of the c++ API
  112. - Heavily extended JANI support, in particular:
  113. * arrays, functions, state-exit-rewards (all engines)
  114. * indexed assignments, complex reward expressions (sparse engine)
  115. * several jani-related bug fixes
  116. - New binary `storm-conv` that handles conversions between model files
  117. - New binary `storm-pomdp` that handles the translation of POMDPs to pMCs.
  118. - Maximal progress assumption is now applied while building Markov Automata (sparse engine).
  119. - Improved Unif+ implementation for Markov Automata, significantly reduced memory consumption.
  120. - Added support for expected time properties for discrete time models
  121. - Bug fix in the parser for DRN (MDPs and MAs might have been affected).
  122. - `storm-gspn`: Improved .pnpro parser
  123. - `storm-gspn`: Added support for single/infinite/k-server semantics for GSPNs given in the .pnpro format
  124. - `storm-gspn`: Added option to set a global capacity for all places
  125. - `storm-gspn`: Added option to include a set of standard properties when converting GSPNs to jani
  126. - `storm-pars`: Added possibility to compute the extremal value within a given region using parameter lifting
  127. - `storm-dft`: DFT translation to GSPN supports Don't Care propagation
  128. - `storm-dft`: Support DFT analysis via transformation from DFT to GSPN to JANI
  129. - `storm-dft`: Added SMT encoding for DFTs
  130. - `storm-dft`: Improved Galileo and JSON parser
  131. - Several bug fixes
  132. - Storm uses the `master14` branch of carl from now on
  133. ### Comparison with Version 1.2.0 (details see below)
  134. - Heavily extended JANI-support
  135. - New binary `storm-conv` that handles conversion between model files
  136. - New binary `storm-pomdp` that handles the translation of POMDPs to pMCs.
  137. - `storm-gspn` improved
  138. - Sound value iteration
  139. Version 1.2.x
  140. -------------
  141. ### Version 1.2.3 (2018/07)
  142. - Fix in version parsing
  143. ### Version 1.2.2 (2018/07)
  144. - Sound value iteration (SVI) for DTMCs and MDPs
  145. - Topological solver for linear equation systems and MinMax equation systems (enabled by default)
  146. - Added support for expected total rewards in the sparse engine
  147. - By default, iteration-based solvers are no longer aborted after a given number of steps.
  148. - Improved export for jani models
  149. - A fix in parsing jani properties
  150. - Several extensions to high-level counterexamples
  151. - `storm-parsers` extracted to reduce linking time
  152. - `storm-counterexamples` extracted to reduce linking time
  153. - `storm-dft`: improvements in Galileo parser
  154. - `storm-dft`: test cases for DFT analysis
  155. - Improved Storm installation
  156. - Several bug fixes
  157. ### Version 1.2.1 (2018/02)
  158. - Multi-dimensional reward bounded reachability properties for DTMCs.
  159. - `storm-dft`: transformation of DFTs to GSPNs
  160. - Several bug fixes
  161. ### Version 1.2.0 (2017/12)
  162. - C++ api changes: Building model takes `BuilderOptions` instead of extended list of Booleans, does not depend on settings anymore.
  163. - `storm-cli-utilities` now contains cli related stuff, instead of `storm-lib`
  164. - Symbolic (MT/BDD) bisimulation
  165. - Fixed issue related to variable names that can not be used in Exprtk.
  166. - DRN parser improved
  167. - LP-based MDP model checking
  168. - Sound (interval) value iteration
  169. - Support for Multi-objective multi-dimensional reward bounded reachability properties for MDPs.
  170. - RationalSearch method to solve equation systems exactly
  171. - WalkerChae method for solving linear equation systems with guaranteed convergence
  172. - Performance improvements for sparse model building
  173. - Performance improvements for conditional properties on MDPs
  174. - Automatically convert MA without probabilistic states into CTMC
  175. - Fixed implemention of Fox and Glynn' algorithm
  176. - `storm-pars`: support for welldefinedness constraints in mdps.
  177. - `storm-dft`: split DFT settings into IO settings and fault tree settings
  178. - `storm-dft`: removed obsolete explicit model builder for DFTs
  179. - Features for developers:
  180. * Solvers can now expose requirements
  181. * unbounded reachability and reachability rewards now correctly respect solver requirements
  182. * Environment variables (such as the solver precisions) can now be handled more flexible
  183. * changes to Matrix-Vector operation interfaces, in particular fixed some issues with the use Intel TBB
  184. Version 1.1.x
  185. -------------
  186. ### Version 1.1.0 (2017/8)
  187. - Support for long-run average rewards on MDPs and Markov automata using a value-iteration based approach.
  188. - Storm can now check MDPs and Markov Automata (i.e. MinMax equation systems) via Linear Programming.
  189. - Parametric model checking is now handled in a separated library/executable called `storm-pars`.
  190. - Wellformedness constraints on PMCs:
  191. * include constraints from rewards
  192. * are in smtlib2
  193. * fixed
  194. * computation of only constraints without doing model checking is now supported
  195. - Fix for nested formulae
  196. - JANI: Explicit engine supports custom model compositions.
  197. - Support for parsing/building models given in the explicit input format of IMCA.
  198. - Storm now overwrites files if asked to write files to a specific location.
  199. - Changes in build process to accommodate for changes in carl. Also, more robust against issues with carl.
  200. - `USE_POPCNT` removed in favor of `FORCE_POPCNT`. The popcnt instruction is used if available due to `march=native`, unless portable is set.
  201. Then, using `FORCE_POPCNT` enables the use of the SSE 4.2 instruction
  202. Version 1.0.x
  203. -------------
  204. ### Version 1.0.1 (2017/4)
  205. - Multi-objective model checking support now fully included
  206. - Several improvements in parameter lifting
  207. - Several improvements in JANI parsing
  208. - Properties can contain model variables
  209. - Support for rational numbers/functions in decision diagrams via sylvan
  210. - Elimination-based solvers (exact solution) for models stored as decision diagrams
  211. - Export of version and configuration to cmake
  212. - Improved building process
  213. ### Version 1.0.0 (2017/3)
  214. Start of this changelog