/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: winstl/filesystem/file_functions.hpp * * Purpose: Helper functions for file handling * * Created: 1st January 2005 * Updated: 4th July 2012 * * Home: http://stlsoft.org/
* * Copyright (c) 2005-2012, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name(s) of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of * any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/** \file winstl/filesystem/file_functions.hpp
* * \brief [C++ only] Helper functions for (text) file handling * (\ref group__library__filesystem "File System" Library). */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Includes */
# include <winstl/winstl.h>
# include <winstl/filesystem/filesystem_traits.hpp>
# include <winstl/error/exceptions.hpp>
# include <winstl/memory/processheap_allocator.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/memory/auto_buffer.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/shims/access/string.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/smartptr/scoped_handle.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/string/string_traits.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/string/tokeniser_functions.hpp> // for find_next_token
# include <stlsoft/string/simple_string.hpp>
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) /* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define ::winstl */ namespace winstl { # else
/* Define stlsoft::winstl_project */
namespace stlsoft { namespace winstl_project {
#endif /* !_WINSTL_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Functions */
template< ss_typename_param_k S1 , ss_typename_param_k S2 > inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file_impl( S1 const& fileName , S2& contents ); #endif /* !STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION */
/** \brief Loads a text file into a string
* * \ingroup group__library__filesystem * * \param fileName The name/path of the text file to load. Can be * nul-terminated C-style string, or a string object * \param contents A reference to a string instance into which the contents * will be loaded (with the assign() method) * * \return The number of bytes read from the file * \code std::string contents; winstl::uint64_t numBytes = winstl::load_text_file("mytextfile.ext", contents); \endcode * * \remarks The character type of the text file is assumed (and controlled) * to be that of the \c contents parameter. For example, if \c contents is * of type \c std::wstring then the file will be processed as if it * contains \c wchar_t. * * \note When used with a compiler that does not support partial template * specialisation, the use of string types for which explicit * specialisations are not defined will fail. Hence, using * <code>stlsoft::simple_string</code> (which is the specialisation * <code>stlsoft::basic_simple_string<char></code>) will succeed * because a specialisation of <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> exists * for that type. The same applies for * <code>stlsoft::simple_wstring</code>, <code>std::string</code> and * <code>std::wstring</code>. However, if you attempt to use a * specialisation of a string class template for which an explicit * specialisation of <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> does not exist * then you will experience a compile-time error in the implementation * of <code>winstl::load_text_file_impl()</code>. To correct this, you * must either provide an explicit specialisation of * <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> for your type, or use a type for * which a specialisation of <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> does * exist.<br><br>This problem does not occur for compilers that support * partial template specialisation. */ template< ss_typename_param_k S1 , ss_typename_param_k S2 > inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file( S1 const& fileName , S2& contents ) { return load_text_file_impl<S1, S2>(fileName, contents); }
template< ss_typename_param_k S1 , ss_typename_param_k S2 > inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file_impl( S1 const& fileName , S2& contents ) { typedef string_traits<S1> string_traits_t;
STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(string_traits_t)); // Fires if S1 does not have a traits specialisation defined
typedef string_traits<S2> string_traits2_t;
STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(string_traits2_t)); // Fires if S2 does not have a traits specialisation defined
typedef ss_typename_type_k string_traits_t::char_type C;
STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(C)); // Fires if the traits is not correctly defined
typedef ss_typename_type_k string_traits2_t::char_type char_2_type;
STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(char_2_type)); // Fires if the traits is not correctly defined
typedef filesystem_traits<C> filesys_traits_t;
STLSOFT_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(filesys_traits_t)); // Fires if no corresponding filesystem_traits defined
scoped_handle<HANDLE> h( filesys_traits_t::create_file( stlsoft_ns_qual(c_str_ptr)(fileName) , GENERIC_READ , FILE_SHARE_READ , NULL , OPEN_EXISTING , 0 , NULL) , (void (STLSOFT_CDECL *)(HANDLE))&filesys_traits_t::close_handle // This cast required by VC++ 5
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h.get()) { STLSOFT_THROW_X(windows_exception("File does not exist", ::GetLastError())); }
ws_uint64_t size = filesys_traits_t::get_file_size(h.get());
if( 0 != size && static_cast<ws_uint64_t>(~0) != size) { if(size > 0xFFFFFFFF) { STLSOFT_THROW_X(winstl_ns_qual_std(out_of_range)("Cannot read in files larger than 4GB")); } else { // TODO: Catch the out-of-memory exception and translate to a std::out_of_range()
typedef ::stlsoft::auto_buffer_old< char_2_type , processheap_allocator<char_2_type> , 1024 > buffer_t;
buffer_t buffer(static_cast<ss_typename_type_k buffer_t::size_type>(size)); DWORD dw;
if(!::ReadFile(h.get(), &buffer[0], buffer.size(), &dw, NULL)) { STLSOFT_THROW_X(windows_exception("Read operation failed", ::GetLastError())); } else { contents.assign(&buffer[0], dw);
return size; } } }
return 0; }
#if !defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_DMC) && \
!defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_MWERKS) && \ ( !defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_MSVC) || \ _MSC_VER != 1300)
template< ss_typename_param_k S2 > inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file( ws_char_a_t const* fileName , S2& contents ) { return load_text_file_impl<ws_char_a_t const*, S2>(fileName, contents); }
template< ss_typename_param_k S2 > inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file( ws_char_w_t const* fileName , S2& contents ) { return load_text_file_impl<ws_char_w_t const*, S2>(fileName, contents); }
#if 0
template< ss_typename_param_k S2 > inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file( char const fileName[] , S2& contents ) { return load_text_file_impl<ws_char_a_t const*, S2>(fileName, contents); }
template< ss_typename_param_k S2 > inline ws_uint64_t load_text_file( ws_char_w_t* fileName , S2& contents ) { return load_text_file_impl<ws_char_w_t const*, S2>(fileName, contents); } #endif /* 0 */
#endif /* compiler */
#if 0
template< ss_typename_param_k S > struct trim_trailing_carriage_return { public: S operator ()(S const& s) { ss_size_t len = stlsoft_ns_qual(c_str_len)(s);
if( len > 0 && '\r' == s[len]) { return s; }
return S(stlsoft_ns_qual(c_str_ptr)(s), len - 1); } }; #endif /* 0 */
template< ss_typename_param_k CH , ss_typename_param_k C > void readlines_impl(CH const* p, ss_size_t len, C &container) { typedef CH char_t; typedef ss_typename_type_k C::value_type value_t;
char_t const* p0 = p; char_t const* p1 = p0; char_t const* end = p + len;
while(end != stlsoft_ns_qual(find_next_token)(p0, p1, end, static_cast<char_t>('\n'))) { if( p1 > p0 && '\r' == p1[-1]) { --p1; }
container.push_back(value_t(p0, static_cast<ws_size_t>(p1 - p0)));
if('\r' == *p1) { ++p1; } } }
/** \brief Reads the lines of a text-file into a sequence container
* * \ingroup group__library__filesystem * * \param fileName The name of the text-file to load * \param container Reference to the sequence container to which each line * read from \c fileName will be appended (via its push_back() method) * * \returns The \c container reference * \code std::vector<std::string> lines;
winstl::readlines("mytextfile.ext", lines); \endcode * * * \remarks The container type's <code>value_type</code> must provide * a two-parameter constructor whose parameters types are * <code>char_type const*</code> (where <code>char_type</code> is the * <code>value_type</code> of the string type <code>S</code>) and * <code>size_t</code>, indicating the pointer to the beginning and the * length of the C-style string that represents the line read from the * file denoted by <code>fileName</code>. * * \note When used with a compiler that does not support partial template * specialisation, the use of string types for which explicit * specialisations are not defined will fail. Hence, using * <code>stlsoft::simple_string</code> (which is the specialisation * <code>stlsoft::basic_simple_string<char></code>) will succeed * because a specialisation of <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> exists * for that type. The same applies for * <code>stlsoft::simple_wstring</code>, <code>std::string</code> and * <code>std::wstring</code>. However, if you attempt to use a * specialisation of a string class template for which an explicit * specialisation of <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> does not exist * then you will experience a compile-time error in the implementation * of <code>winstl::load_text_file_impl()</code>. To correct this, you * must either provide an explicit specialisation of * <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> for your type, or use a type for * which a specialisation of <code>stlsoft::string_traits</code> does * exist.<br><br>This problem does not occur for compilers that support * partial template specialisation. */ template< ss_typename_param_k S , ss_typename_param_k C > C& readlines( S const& fileName , C& container ) { S contents; S delim;
// NOTE: doing these as characters skips the issue of ANSI vs Unicode
delim.append(1, '\n');
load_text_file(fileName, contents);
#if 0
stlsoft::string_tokeniser< S /* stlsoft::basic_string_view<ss_typename_type_k stlsoft::string_traits<S>::char_type> */ , S , stlsoft::string_tokeniser_ignore_blanks<false> > tokens(contents, delim);
std::transform(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), std::back_inserter(container), trim_trailing_carriage_return</* ss_typename_type_k */ C::value_type>()); #else /* ? 0 */
readlines_impl(contents.c_str(), contents.size(), container); #endif /* 0 */
return container; }
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Unit-testing */
# include "./unittest/file_functions_unittest_.h"
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } // namespace winstl
# else
} // namespace winstl_project
} // namespace stlsoft
#endif /* !_WINSTL_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */