/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: winstl/conversion/int_to_string.hpp * * Purpose: WinSTL integer to string conversions. * * Created: 31st July 2002 * Updated: 10th August 2009 * * Home: http://stlsoft.org/
* * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name(s) of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of * any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/** \file winstl/conversion/int_to_string.hpp
* * \brief [C++ only] Very efficient integer to string conversion functions * for the Windows platform * (\ref group__library__conversion "Conversion" Library). */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Compatibility */
[Incompatibilies-start] STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_BORLAND: __BORLANDC__<0x0560 [Incompatibilies-end] */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Includes */
# include <winstl/winstl.h>
# include <stlsoft/conversion/integer_to_string.hpp>
# include <winstl/synch/thread_mutex.hpp>
# include <winstl/synch/spin_mutex.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/synch/lock_scope.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/conversion/sap_cast.hpp>
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) /* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define ::winstl */ namespace winstl { # else
/* Define stlsoft::winstl_project */
namespace stlsoft {
namespace winstl_project {
#endif /* !_WINSTL_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Pre-processor options */
# if defined(_DLL) || \
defined(__DLL__) || \ defined(_WINDLL) || \ defined(_USRDLL) || \ defined(_AFXDLL) # pragma message("Using _WINSTL_INT_TO_STRING_USE_DECLSPECTHREAD_FOR_EXES when building DLLs will result in their not being loadable dynamically (via LoadLibrary())")
# endif /* dll */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Functions */
namespace int_to_string_tls { #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT */
// NOTE: This class had to be moved out of line to prevent VC++
// from emitting multiple definitions. Silly billy!
struct thread_mx_ : public thread_mutex { public: thread_mx_() {}
void* operator new(ws_size_t , void* p) { return p; }
( !defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_MSVC) || \ _MSC_VER >= 1200) void operator delete(void* , void* ) {} #endif /* compiler */
void operator delete(void*) {} };
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ws_size_t CCH > struct Slot { Slot(Slot* next) : next(next) {} ~Slot() stlsoft_throw_0() { delete next; }
// Use the process heap because:
// 1. Don't want to worry about thread-specificity, since
// deallocation will occur in a different thread to allocation
// 2. Don't want to worry about linkage to any specific CRT or
// other library
// 3. Doesn't matter how fast it is
// 4. Want it to be *highly* unlikely that allocation will fail,
// which is indeed pretty unheard of when using the Win32
// process heap.
// 5. Want a C++-exception free solution, so use the Win32-system
// out-of-memory exception, and not have to worry about any
// linkage pains.
void* operator new(ws_size_t cb) { return ::HeapAlloc(::GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, cb); } void operator delete(void* pv) { ::HeapFree(::GetProcessHeap(), 0, pv); }
C buff[CCH]; Slot* next; };
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ws_size_t CCH > struct Key { typedef Slot<C, CCH> Slot;
// This is admittedly totally gross, but it works and will be portable
// across different compilers. The reason it works is that s_index is
// static, and therefore all its members will be 0. This facilitates
// using interlocking and spin-locks in order to manage the lifetime
// correctly, and control access to the instance's constructor.
// Note that no members are initialised in a constructor member
// initialisation list (MIL). They are initialised within the
// constructor body
Key() { // Since multiple threads could get into here before they
// are all eventually blocked out by the static controller
// variable, we must guard against such multiple
// construction. Hence, if this is the only thread currently
// engaged in construction, we can proceed to initialisation.
// otherwise we must spin.
// We can start off by incrementing m_ctor, since it will have
// been initialised to 0 by the load-time initialisation of
// all static memory
// Wrap the constructor count in a spin-mutex, and then lock it
spin_mutex smx(&m_ctor); stlsoft_ns_qual(lock_scope)<spin_mutex, spin_mutex_lock_traits> lock(smx);
if(0 == m_init++) // The test on this variable is always guarded by m_ctor
{ // Initialisation.
// The construction thread could be suspended after a
// successful completion of the constructor, but before
// the hidden boolean managing static creation was
// updated. Therefore, we need to reference-count the
// construction, which is done via another interlocked
// count, this time on m_init.
// The constructor has not yet been called through
// to this point
new (&mx()) thread_mx_();
m_index = ::TlsAlloc();
// Use Win32 exception because:
// 1. Process cannot recover from this error in any
// meaningful way
// 2. Do not want to couple to C++ exception-handling
// and there is no graceful way to allow this to be
// parameterisable. (May allow a pp-discriminated
// mechanism in next version.)
if(TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES == m_index) { ::RaiseException(STATUS_NO_MEMORY, EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE, 0, 0); } } }
~Key() stlsoft_throw_0() { if(0 == ::InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_init)) { // Walk the slot list and free. This can be as slow as
// you like, since performance is not important here
delete m_top;
// Now release the index
// Need to explicitly destroy the mutex.
mx().~thread_mutex(); } }
Slot* GetSlot() { // NOTE: This does not need to be thread-safe
return sap_cast<Slot*>(::TlsGetValue(m_index)); }
Slot* AllocSlot() { Slot* next;
{ // Protect linked-list manipulation
stlsoft_ns_qual(lock_scope)<thread_mutex, thread_mutex_lock_traits> lock(mx());
m_top = next = new Slot(m_top); }
::TlsSetValue(m_index, next);
return next; }
// Implementation
private: thread_mutex &mx() { return *static_cast<thread_mutex*>(static_cast<void*>(&m__mx.bytes[0])); }
private: #if 0
// In an ideal world the member layout would be as follows:
ws_dword_t m_index; Slot* m_top; thread_mutex m_mx; #else /* ? 0 */
// But we're not in an ideal world, so it is like this
ws_dword_t m_index; Slot* m_top; union { ws_byte_t bytes[sizeof(thread_mutex)]; long double ld; } m__mx; ws_sint32_t m_init; // Construction count
ws_sint32_t m_ctor; // Ctor entry count
#endif /* 0 */
} /* namespace int_to_string_tls */ #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT */
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ws_size_t CCH > inline C* i2str_get_tss_buffer() { #if defined(_WINSTL_INT_TO_STRING_USE_DECLSPECTHREAD_FOR_EXES)
__declspec(thread) static C s_buffer[CCH];
return s_buffer; #else
typedef int_to_string_tls::Key<C, CCH> Key; typedef int_to_string_tls::Slot<C, CCH> Slot; #else
typedef Key<C, CCH> Key; typedef Slot<C, CCH> Slot; #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_NAMESPACE_SUPPORT */
static Key s_index; Slot* slot = s_index.GetSlot();
if(NULL == slot) { slot = s_index.AllocSlot(); }
return slot->buff; #endif /* dll */
/** Converts a signed 8-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code signed char v = 13;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "13")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"13")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_sint8_t value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // 5 fits 8-bit + sign
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
/** Converts a unsigned 8-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code unsigned char v = 14;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "14")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"14")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_uint8_t value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // 4 fits 8-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
/** Converts a signed 16-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code signed char v = 15;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "15")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"15")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_sint16_t value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // 7 fits 16-bit + sign
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
/** Converts a unsigned 16-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code unsigned char v = 16;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "16")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"16")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_uint16_t value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // 6 fits 16-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
/** Converts a signed 32-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code signed char v = 17;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "17")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"17")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_sint32_t value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // 12 fits 32-bit + sign
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
/** Converts a unsigned 32-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code unsigned char v = 18;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "18")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"18")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_uint32_t value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // 11 fits 32-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
/** Converts a signed 64-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code signed char v = 19;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "19")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"19")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_sint64_t const& value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // fits 64-bit + sign
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
/** Converts a unsigned 64-bit integer to a character string
* * For example: \code unsigned char v = 20;
assert(0 == ::strcmp(winstl::int_to_string<char>(v), "20")); assert(0 == ::wcscmp(winstl::int_to_string<wchar_t>(v), L"20")); \endcode * * \ingroup group__library__conversion * * \warning This function is *not* re-entrant. You must ensure that * it is only invoked once in a statement. This includes possible * invocations by other functions in the same statement. */ template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(ws_uint64_t const& value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // fits 64-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(int const& value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // fits 64-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(unsigned int const& value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // fits 64-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(long const& value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // fits 64-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
template<ss_typename_param_k C> inline C const* int_to_string(unsigned long const& value) { const ws_size_t CCH = 21; // fits 64-bit
C* buffer = i2str_get_tss_buffer<C, CCH>();
return stlsoft::integer_to_string(buffer, CCH, value); }
// Unit-testing
# include "./unittest/int_to_string_unittest_.h"
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } /* namespace winstl */ # else
} /* namespace winstl_project */ } /* namespace stlsoft */ # endif /* _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
#endif /* !_WINSTL_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */