/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: unixstl/filesystem/readdir_sequence.hpp * * Purpose: readdir_sequence class. * * Created: 15th January 2002 * Updated: 17th August 2012 * * Home: http://stlsoft.org/
* * Copyright (c) 2002-2012, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name(s) of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of * any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/** \file unixstl/filesystem/readdir_sequence.hpp
* * \brief [C++ only] Definition of the unixstl::readdir_sequence class * (\ref group__library__filesystem "File System" Library). */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Includes */
# include <unixstl/unixstl.h>
# include <unixstl/filesystem/filesystem_traits.hpp>
# include <unixstl/filesystem/file_path_buffer.hpp>
# include <unixstl/error/exceptions.hpp>
#if defined(PATH_MAX)
# include <stlsoft/string/static_string.hpp>
#else /* ? PATH_MAX */
# include <stlsoft/string/simple_string.hpp>
#endif /* !PATH_MAX */
# include <stlsoft/util/std/iterator_helper.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/collections/util/collections.hpp>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <dirent.h>
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace */
/* No STLSoft namespaces means no UNIXSTL namespaces */ #ifdef _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACES
/* No UNIXSTL namespaces means no unixstl namespace */ #ifdef _UNIXSTL_NO_NAMESPACES
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) /* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define ::unixstl */ namespace unixstl { # else
/* Define stlsoft::unixstl_project */
namespace stlsoft {
namespace unixstl_project {
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Classes */
/** \brief Exception class thrown by unixstl::readdir_sequence.
* * \ingroup group__library__filesystem */ class readdir_sequence_exception : public unix_exception { /// \name Types
/// @{
public: typedef unix_exception parent_class_type; typedef readdir_sequence_exception class_type; typedef parent_class_type::string_type string_type; /// @}
/// \name Construction
/// @{
public: readdir_sequence_exception(us_char_a_t const* message, us_int_t erno) : parent_class_type(message, erno) , Directory() {} readdir_sequence_exception(us_char_a_t const* message, us_int_t erno, us_char_a_t const* directory) : parent_class_type(message, erno) #if 0
, Directory(directory) #else /* ? 0 */
, Directory(stlsoft::c_str_ptr(directory)) #endif /* 0 */
{} ~readdir_sequence_exception() stlsoft_throw_0() {} private: class_type& operator =(class_type const&); /// @}
/// \name Fields
/// @{
public: /// The name of this field is subject to change in a future revision
string_type const Directory; /// @}
/** \brief STL-like readonly sequence based on directory contents
* * \ingroup group__library__filesystem * * This class presents and STL-like readonly sequence interface to allow the * iteration over the contents of a directory. */ class readdir_sequence : public stlsoft_ns_qual(stl_collection_tag) { /// \name Member Types
/// @{
public: /// \brief This class
typedef readdir_sequence class_type; private: // These make it easy to move to a template, if ever needed
typedef us_char_a_t char_type; typedef filesystem_traits<char_type> traits_type; public: /// \brief The size type
typedef us_size_t size_type; /// \brief The non-mutating (const) iterator type
class const_iterator; /// \brief The value type
typedef struct dirent const* value_type; #else /* ? UNIXSTL_READDIR_SEQUENCE_OLD_VALUE_TYPE */
typedef char_type const* value_type; #endif /* UNIXSTL_READDIR_SEQUENCE_OLD_VALUE_TYPE */
/// \brief The flags type
typedef us_int_t flags_type;
public: #if defined(PATH_MAX)
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual(basic_static_string)< char_type , PATH_MAX > string_type; #else /* ? PATH_MAX */
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual(basic_simple_string)< char_type > string_type; #endif /* !PATH_MAX */
/// @}
/// \name Member Constants
/// @{
public: enum { includeDots = 0x0008 /*!< \brief Requests that dots directories be included in the returned sequence */ , directories = 0x0010 /*!< \brief Causes the search to include directories */ , files = 0x0020 /*!< \brief Causes the search to include files */ #ifndef STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION
, sockets = 0x0000 /*!< CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED : DO NOT USE! This exists for forward compatibility with STLSoft 1.10 test programs, and is subject to change in the future. A future version will support sockets, but it may not use this enumerator name. */ #endif /* !STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION */
, typeMask = 0x0070 , fullPath = 0x0100 /*!< \brief Each file entry is presented as a full path relative to the search directory. */ , absolutePath = 0x0200 /*!< \brief The search directory is converted to an absolute path. */ }; /// @}
/// \name Construction
/// @{
public: /// \brief Constructs a sequence according to the given criteria
/// The constructor initialises a readdir_sequence instance on the given
/// directory with the given flags.
/// \param directory The directory whose contents are to be searched
/// \param flags Flags to alter the behaviour of the search
/// \note The \c flags parameter defaults to <code>directories | files</code> because
/// this reflects the default behaviour of \c readdir(), and also because it is the
/// most efficient.
template <ss_typename_param_k S> readdir_sequence(S const& directory, flags_type flags = directories | files) : m_flags(validate_flags_(flags)) , m_directory(prepare_directory_(stlsoft_ns_qual(c_str_ptr)(directory), flags)) {} /// @}
/// \name Iteration
/// @{
public: /// \brief Begins the iteration
/// \return An iterator representing the start of the sequence
const_iterator begin() const; /// \brief Ends the iteration
/// \return An iterator representing the end of the sequence
const_iterator end() const; /// @}
/// \name Attributes
/// @{
public: /// \brief Indicates whether the search sequence is empty
us_bool_t empty() const;
/// \brief The search directory
/// \note The value returned by this method always has a trailing path name separator, so
/// you can safely concatenate this with the value returned by the iterator's operator *()
/// with minimal fuss.
string_type const& get_directory() const;
/// \brief The flags used by the sequence
/// \note This value is the value used by the sequence, which may, as a result of the
/// determination of defaults, be different from those specified in its constructor. In
/// other words, if <code>includeDots</code> is specified, this function
/// will return <code>includeDots | directories | files</code>
flags_type get_flags() const; /// @}
/// \name Implementation
/// @{
private: /// \brief Ensures that the flags are correct
static flags_type validate_flags_(flags_type flags);
/// \brief Prepares the directory, according to the given flags
static string_type prepare_directory_(char_type const* directory, flags_type flags); /// @}
/// \name Members
/// @{
private: const flags_type m_flags; const string_type m_directory; /// @}
/// \name Not to be implemented
/// @{
private: readdir_sequence(class_type const&); class_type& operator =(class_type const&); /// @}
/** \brief Iterator for the \link unixstl::readdir_sequence readdir_sequence\endlink class.
* * \ingroup group__library__filesystem * * This class performs as a non-mutating iterator (aka const iterator) for the * readdir_sequence class. */ class readdir_sequence::const_iterator : public stlsoft_ns_qual(iterator_base)<unixstl_ns_qual_std(input_iterator_tag) , readdir_sequence::value_type , us_ptrdiff_t , void // By-Value Temporary reference
, readdir_sequence::value_type // By-Value Temporary reference
> { /// \name Members
/// @{
private: typedef readdir_sequence::string_type string_type; public: /// \brief The class type
typedef const_iterator class_type; /// \brief The value type
typedef readdir_sequence::value_type value_type; /// \brief The flags type
typedef readdir_sequence::flags_type flags_type; // typedef value_type* pointer;
// typedef value_type& reference;
/// @}
/// \name Construction
/// @{
private: friend class readdir_sequence;
/// \brief Construct an instance and begin a sequence iteration on the given dir.
const_iterator(DIR* dir, string_type const& directory, flags_type flags); public: /// \brief Default constructor
const_iterator(); /// \brief Copy constructor
const_iterator(class_type const& rhs); /// \brief Release the search handle
~const_iterator() stlsoft_throw_0();
/// \brief Copy assignment operator
class_type const& operator =(class_type const& rhs); /// @}
/// \name Input Iterator Methods
/// @{
public: /// \brief Returns the value representative
value_type operator *() const;
/// \brief Moves the iteration on to the next point in the sequence, or end() if
/// the sequence is exhausted
class_type& operator ++();
/// \brief Post-increment form of operator ++().
/// \note Because this version uses a temporary on which to call the
/// pre-increment form it is thereby less efficient, and should not be used
/// except where post-increment semantics are required.
class_type operator ++(int);
/// \brief Compares \c this for equality with \c rhs
/// \param rhs The instance against which to test
/// \retval true if the iterators are equivalent
/// \retval false if the iterators are not equivalent
bool equal(class_type const& rhs) const; /// @}
/// \name Members
/// @{
private: struct shared_handle;
shared_handle* m_handle; // The DIR handle, shared with other iterator instances
struct dirent* m_entry; // The current entry
flags_type m_flags; // flags. (Only non-const, to allow copy assignment)
string_type m_scratch; // Holds the directory, and is a scratch area
size_type m_dirLen; // The length of the directory
/// @}
struct readdir_sequence::const_iterator::shared_handle { /// \name Member Types
/// @{
public: typedef shared_handle class_type; typedef DIR* handle_type; /// @}
/// \name Members
/// @{
public: handle_type m_dir; private: ss_sint32_t m_refCount; /// @}
/// \name Construction
/// @{
public: ss_explicit_k shared_handle(handle_type h) : m_dir(h) , m_refCount(1) {} ss_sint32_t AddRef() { return ++m_refCount; } ss_sint32_t Release() { ss_sint32_t rc = --m_refCount;
if(0 == rc) { delete this; }
~shared_handle() stlsoft_throw_0() { UNIXSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Shared search handle being destroyed with outstanding references!", 0 == m_refCount);
if(NULL != m_dir) { ::closedir(m_dir); } } /// @}
/// \name Not to be implemented
/// @{
private: shared_handle(class_type const&); class_type& operator =(class_type const&); /// @}
// Operators
inline us_bool_t operator ==( readdir_sequence::const_iterator const& lhs , readdir_sequence::const_iterator const& rhs ) { return lhs.equal(rhs); }
inline us_bool_t operator !=( readdir_sequence::const_iterator const& lhs , readdir_sequence::const_iterator const& rhs ) { return !lhs.equal(rhs); }
// Unit-testing
# include "./unittest/readdir_sequence_unittest_.h"
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Implementation */
// readdir_sequence
inline /* static */ readdir_sequence::flags_type readdir_sequence::validate_flags_( readdir_sequence::flags_type flags ) { const flags_type validFlags = 0 | includeDots | 0 | directories | files | 0 | fullPath | absolutePath | 0;
UNIXSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Specification of unrecognised/unsupported flags", flags == (flags & validFlags)); STLSOFT_SUPPRESS_UNUSED(validFlags);
if(0 == (flags & (directories | files))) { flags |= (directories | files); }
return flags; }
inline /* static */ readdir_sequence::string_type readdir_sequence::prepare_directory_( char_type const* directory , readdir_sequence::flags_type flags ) { if( NULL == directory || '\0' == *directory) { static const char_type s_thisDir[] = { '.', '\0' };
directory = s_thisDir; }
basic_file_path_buffer<char_type> path; size_type n;
if(absolutePath & flags) { n = traits_type::get_full_path_name(directory, path.size() - 1u, &path[0]);
STLSOFT_THROW_X(readdir_sequence_exception("Failed to enumerate directory", errno, directory)); #else /* ? STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
traits_type::char_copy(&path[0], directory, n); path[n] = \'0'; #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
} } else { n = traits_type::str_len(directory);
traits_type::char_copy(&path[0], directory, n); path[n] = '\0'; }
traits_type::ensure_dir_end(&path[n - 1]);
directory = path.c_str();
return directory; }
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator readdir_sequence::begin() const { DIR* dir = ::opendir(m_directory.c_str());
STLSOFT_THROW_X(readdir_sequence_exception("Failed to enumerate directory", errno, m_directory.c_str())); #else /* ? STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
return const_iterator(); #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
return const_iterator(dir, m_directory, m_flags); #ifdef STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT
} catch(...) { ::closedir(dir);
throw; } #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator readdir_sequence::end() const { return const_iterator(); }
inline us_bool_t readdir_sequence::empty() const { return begin() != end(); }
inline readdir_sequence::string_type const& readdir_sequence::get_directory() const { return m_directory; }
inline readdir_sequence::flags_type readdir_sequence::get_flags() const { return m_flags; }
// readdir_sequence::const_iterator;
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::const_iterator( DIR* dir , readdir_sequence::string_type const& directory , readdir_sequence::flags_type flags ) : m_handle(new shared_handle(dir)) , m_entry(NULL) , m_flags(flags) , m_scratch(directory) , m_dirLen(directory.length()) { UNIXSTL_ASSERT(traits_type::has_dir_end(m_scratch.c_str()));
if(NULL == m_handle) { ::closedir(dir); } else { operator ++(); } }
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::const_iterator() : m_handle(NULL) , m_entry(NULL) , m_flags(0) , m_scratch() , m_dirLen(0) {}
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::const_iterator( class_type const& rhs ) : m_handle(rhs.m_handle) , m_entry(rhs.m_entry) , m_flags(rhs.m_flags) , m_scratch(rhs.m_scratch) , m_dirLen(rhs.m_dirLen) { if(NULL != m_handle) { m_handle->AddRef(); } }
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::~const_iterator() stlsoft_throw_0() { if(NULL != m_handle) { m_handle->Release(); } }
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::class_type const& readdir_sequence::const_iterator::operator =( readdir_sequence::const_iterator::class_type const& rhs ) { shared_handle* this_handle = m_handle;
m_handle = rhs.m_handle; m_entry = rhs.m_entry; m_flags = rhs.m_flags; m_scratch = rhs.m_scratch; m_dirLen = rhs.m_dirLen;
if(NULL != m_handle) { m_handle->AddRef(); }
if(NULL != this_handle) { this_handle->Release(); }
return *this; }
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::value_type readdir_sequence::const_iterator::operator *() const { UNIXSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT( "Dereferencing invalid iterator", NULL != m_entry);
return m_entry; #else /* ? UNIXSTL_READDIR_SEQUENCE_OLD_VALUE_TYPE */
return (readdir_sequence::fullPath & m_flags) ? m_scratch.c_str() : m_entry->d_name; #endif /* UNIXSTL_READDIR_SEQUENCE_OLD_VALUE_TYPE */
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::class_type& readdir_sequence::const_iterator::operator ++() { UNIXSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT( "Incrementing invalid iterator", NULL != m_handle);
for(;;) { errno = 0;
m_entry = ::readdir(m_handle->m_dir);
if(NULL == m_entry) { if(0 != errno) { #ifdef STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT
STLSOFT_THROW_X(readdir_sequence_exception("Partial failure of directory enumeration", errno, m_scratch.c_str())); #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
} } else { UNIXSTL_ASSERT(NULL != m_entry->d_name);
// Check for dots
if(0 == (m_flags & includeDots)) { if(traits_type::is_dots(m_entry->d_name)) { continue; // Don't want dots; skip it
} }
// If either
// - eliding files or directories, or
// - requiring absolute path
// then need to construct it.
#ifdef _WIN32
if((m_flags & (fullPath | directories | files)) != (directories | files)) #endif /* _WIN32 */
{ // Truncate the scratch to the directory path, ...
m_scratch.resize(m_dirLen); // ... and add the file
m_scratch += m_entry->d_name; }
#ifdef _WIN32
if((m_flags & (directories | files)) != (directories | files)) #endif /* _WIN32 */
{ // Now need to process the file, by using stat
traits_type::stat_data_type st;
if(!traits_type::stat(m_scratch.c_str(), &st)) { // Failed to get info from entry. Must assume it is
// dead, so skip it
continue; } else { #ifndef _WIN32
// Test for sockets : this version does not support sockets,
// but does elide them from the search results.
if(traits_type::is_socket(&st)) { continue; } #endif /* !_WIN32 */
if(m_flags & directories) // Want directories
{ if(traits_type::is_directory(&st)) { // It is a directory, so accept it
break; } } if(m_flags & files) // Want files
{ if(traits_type::is_file(&st)) { // It is a file, so accept it
break; } }
continue; // Not a match, so skip this entry
} } }
break; }
if(NULL == m_entry) { UNIXSTL_ASSERT(NULL != m_handle);
m_handle = NULL; }
return *this; }
inline readdir_sequence::const_iterator::class_type readdir_sequence::const_iterator::operator ++(int) { class_type ret(*this);
operator ++();
return ret; }
inline bool readdir_sequence::const_iterator::equal( readdir_sequence::const_iterator::class_type const& rhs ) const { UNIXSTL_ASSERT(NULL == m_handle || NULL == rhs.m_handle || m_handle->m_dir == rhs.m_handle->m_dir);
return m_entry == rhs.m_entry; }
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } // namespace unixstl
# else
} // namespace unixstl_project
} // namespace stlsoft
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */