/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: platformstl/system/environment_map.hpp * * Purpose: Definition of the environment_map class. * * Created: 14th November 2005 * Updated: 10th August 2009 * * Home: http://stlsoft.org/
* * Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name(s) of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of * any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/** \file platformstl/system/environment_map.hpp
* * \brief [C++ only] Definition of the platformstl::environment_map class * (\ref group__library__system "System" Library). */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Auto-generation and compatibility */
[Incompatibilies-start] STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_WATCOM: [Incompatibilies-end] */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Includes */
# include <platformstl/platformstl.hpp>
# include <platformstl/system/environment_variable_traits.hpp>
#else /* ? operating system */
# error Operating system not discriminated
#endif /* operating system */
# include <stlsoft/util/std/library_discriminator.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/smartptr/scoped_handle.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/smartptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/shims/access/string.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/string/split_functions.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/util/std/iterator_helper.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/collections/util/collections.hpp>
# include <map>
#endif /* !STLSOFT_INCL_MAP */
# include <utility>
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace */
#if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) /* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define ::platformstl */ namespace platformstl { #else
/* Define stlsoft::platformstl_project */
namespace stlsoft {
namespace platformstl_project { #endif /* _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Classes */
/** \brief Provides an associative STL-collection interface to the current
* process's system environment. * * \note The design and implementation of this class is documented in Part 2 * of the forthcoming book * <a href = "http://extendedstl.com">Extended STL</a>. */ class environment_map : public stlsoft_ns_qual(stl_collection_tag) { /// \name Member Types
/// @{
private: typedef environment_variable_traits traits_type; typedef stlsoft_ns_qual_std(string) string_type; public: /// \brief The string type used for variable name, and lookup
/// \note This is the association "key" type
typedef string_type first_type; /// \brief The string type used for variable value, and retrieval
/// \note This is the association "value" type
typedef string_type second_type; /// \brief Value type of the class: a pair of first_type and second_type
typedef std::pair< const first_type , second_type > value_type; /// \brief The size type
typedef ss_size_t size_type; /// \brief The difference type
typedef ss_ptrdiff_t difference_type; /// \brief The non-mutating (const) reference type
typedef const value_type const_reference; // BVT
/// \brief The non-mutating (const) iterator type
class const_iterator; #if defined(STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT) && \
!defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_BORLAND) typedef const_reverse_bidirectional_iterator_base< const_iterator , value_type , const_reference , void // By-Value Temporary reference category
, difference_type > const_reverse_iterator; #endif /* STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT */
/// \brief The type of the class
typedef environment_map class_type;
private: friend class const_iterator; class snapshot { public: // Member Types
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual(shared_ptr)<snapshot> ref_type; #if defined(STLSOFT_CF_STD_LIBRARY_IS_DINKUMWARE_VC) && \
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual_std(map)< first_type #else /* ? library */
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual_std(map)< const first_type #endif /* library */
, second_type > variables_type_; typedef variables_type_::iterator iterator;
public: // Construction
public: // Operations
ss_bool_t erase( first_type const& name) throw(); void erase( iterator it) throw(); void insert( first_type const &name , second_type const& value); void set( first_type const& name , second_type const& value); ss_bool_t lookup( first_type const& name , second_type*& pvalue) throw();
public: // Iteration
iterator begin(); iterator end();
private: // Members
variables_type_ m_variables; }; /// @}
/// \name Construction
/// @{
public: /// \brief Constructs an instance of the type
/// \note This instance does <b>not</b> store a snapshot of the
/// environment at the time of its construction. All lookup and
/// iteration is carried out 'live' at the time of invocation.
environment_map(); /// @}
/// \name Element Access
/// @{
public: /// \brief Returns the value of the given environment variable, or throws
/// std::out_of_range if it does not exist.
/// \param name The name of the environment variable whose value is to be
/// retrieved
/// \exception std::out_of_range If no variable exists with the given name
second_type operator [](char const* name) const; /// \brief Returns the value of the given environment variable, or throws
/// std::out_of_range if it does not exist.
/// \param name The name of the environment variable whose value is to be
/// retrieved
/// \exception std::out_of_range If no variable exists with the given name
second_type operator [](first_type const& name) const;
/// \brief Looks for the variable of the given name in the current
/// process environment.
/// \return A Boolean value indicating whether the variable was found
ss_bool_t lookup(char const* name, second_type& value) const; /// \brief Looks for the variable of the given name in the current
/// process environment.
/// \return A Boolean value indicating whether the variable was found
ss_bool_t lookup(first_type const& name, second_type& value) const; /// @}
/// \name Operations
/// @{
public: /// \brief Discard any current enumeration snapshots.
/// Used to force the collection instance to discard any currently snapshotd
/// snapshot it may be holding on behalf of extant iterator instances, so
/// that new iterator instances will receive a refreshed view of the
/// underlying environment.
void refresh(); /// @}
/// \name Modifiers
/// @{
/// \brief Inserts or updates and environment variable
/// \note This method is strongly exception-safe. The insertion into the
/// snapshot is done first. If that does not throw an exception, but the
/// insertion into the process' environment fails, it is removed from
/// the snapshot. The only way that could fail would be if the element
/// already exists, in which case
void insert(first_type const& name, second_type const& value);
/// \brief The semantics of this function are identical to the string object overload
/// \param name The name of the variable to insert/update
/// \param value The new value of the variable
void insert(char const* name, char const* value); #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_SET_SUPPORTED */
/// \brief Removes the entry of the given name
/// \note If the given entry does not exist
size_type erase(first_type const& name);
/// \brief Removes the entry of the given name
/// \note If the given entry does not exist
size_type erase(char const* name);
/// \brief Removes the entry corresponding to the given iterator
void erase(const_iterator it); #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_ERASE_SUPPORTED */
/// @}
/// \name Iteration
/// @{
/// \brief Begins the iteration
/// \return A non-mutating (const) iterator representing the start of the sequence
const_iterator begin() const; /// \brief Ends the iteration
/// \return A non-mutating (const) iterator representing (one past) the end of the sequence
const_iterator end() const; # if defined(STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT) && \
!defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_BORLAND) /// \brief Begins the reverse iteration
/// \return A non-mutating (const) iterator representing the start of the reverse sequence
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const; /// \brief Ends the reverse iteration
/// \return A non-mutating (const) iterator representing (one past) the end of the reverse sequence
const_reverse_iterator rend() const; # endif /* STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT */
/// @}
/// \name Iteration
/// @{
/// \brief const_iterator class
/// \note Even though the const_iterator class, in and of itself, supports Invalidatable
/// References, the collection as a whole supports only By-Value Temporary (BVT) References
/// because that is the highest model that the subscript operations can support. (See XSTL
/// for details.)
class const_iterator : public stlsoft_ns_qual(iterator_base)<stlsoft_ns_qual_std(bidirectional_iterator_tag) , value_type , ss_ptrdiff_t , void // By-Value Temporary reference
, const value_type // By-Value Temporary reference
> { /// \name Member Types
/// @{
public: typedef const_iterator class_type; /// @}
/// \name Construction
/// @{
private: friend class environment_map; const_iterator(snapshot::iterator it, snapshot::ref_type snapshot); public: const_iterator(); const_iterator(class_type const& rhs); /// @}
/// \name Forward Iterator Operations
/// @{
public: class_type& operator ++(); class_type operator ++(int); const_reference operator *() const; /// @}
/// \name BiDirectional Iterator Operations
/// @{
public: class_type& operator --(); class_type operator --(int); /// @}
/// \name Comparison
/// @{
public: ss_bool_t equal(class_type const& rhs) const; /// @}
/// \name Members
/// @{
private: snapshot::iterator m_it; snapshot::ref_type m_snapshot; /// @}
/// @}
/// \name Implementation
/// @{
void check_refresh_snapshot_() const; #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_HAS_ENVIRON */
/// @}
/// \name Members
/// @{
mutable snapshot::ref_type m_snapshot; #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_HAS_ENVIRON */
/// @}
/// \name Not to be defined
/// @{
private: environment_map(environment_map const& rhs); environment_map& operator =(environment_map const& rhs); /// @}
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Operators */
// NOTE: Neither Borland (5.6+) nor DMC++ correctly handle ADL for (comparison)
// operators of types within a namespace, so we temporarily skip out into
// the global namespace.
__BORLANDC__ >= 0x0560) || \ defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_DMC)
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } // namespace platformstl
# else
} // namespace platformstl_project
} // namespace stlsoft
#endif /* compiler */
inline stlsoft_ns_qual(ss_bool_t) operator ==( platformstl_ns_qual(environment_map)::const_iterator const& lhs , platformstl_ns_qual(environment_map)::const_iterator const& rhs) { return lhs.equal(rhs); } inline stlsoft_ns_qual(ss_bool_t) operator !=( platformstl_ns_qual(environment_map)::const_iterator const& lhs , platformstl_ns_qual(environment_map)::const_iterator const& rhs) { return !lhs.equal(rhs); }
// TODO: Make this a discriminated feature declared in the cccap files
__BORLANDC__ >= 0x0560) || \ defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_DMC)
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) /* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define ::platformstl */ namespace platformstl { # else
/* Define stlsoft::platformstl_project */
namespace stlsoft {
namespace platformstl_project { # endif /* _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
#endif /* compiler */
// Unit-testing
# include "./unittest/environment_map_unittest_.h"
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Implementation */
// environment_map::const_iterator
inline environment_map::const_iterator::const_iterator() : m_it() {}
inline environment_map::const_iterator::const_iterator(environment_map::snapshot::iterator it, environment_map::snapshot::ref_type snapshot) : m_it(it) , m_snapshot(snapshot) {}
inline environment_map::const_iterator::const_iterator(environment_map::const_iterator::class_type const& rhs) : m_it(rhs.m_it) , m_snapshot(rhs.m_snapshot) {}
inline environment_map::const_iterator::class_type& environment_map::const_iterator::operator ++() { ++m_it;
return *this; }
inline environment_map::const_iterator::class_type environment_map::const_iterator::operator ++(int) { class_type r(*this);
operator ++();
return r; }
inline environment_map::const_reference environment_map::const_iterator::operator *() const { return *m_it; }
inline environment_map::const_iterator::class_type& environment_map::const_iterator::operator --() { --m_it;
return *this; }
inline environment_map::const_iterator::class_type environment_map::const_iterator::operator --(int) { class_type r(*this);
operator --();
return r; }
inline ss_bool_t environment_map::const_iterator::equal(environment_map::const_iterator::class_type const& rhs) const { return m_it == rhs.m_it; } #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_HAS_ENVIRON */
// environment_map
inline environment_map::environment_map() {}
inline environment_map::second_type environment_map::operator [](char const* name) const { char const *value = traits_type::get_variable(name);
if(NULL == value) { STLSOFT_THROW_X(stlsoft_ns_qual_std(out_of_range)("variable does not exist")); }
return value; }
inline environment_map::second_type environment_map::operator [](environment_map::first_type const& name) const { return operator [](name.c_str()); }
inline ss_bool_t environment_map::lookup(char const* name, environment_map::second_type& value) const { char const *value_ = traits_type::get_variable(name);
return (NULL == value_) ? false : (value = value_, true); }
inline ss_bool_t environment_map::lookup(environment_map::first_type const& name, environment_map::second_type& value) const { return lookup(name.c_str(), value); }
inline void environment_map::refresh() { #ifdef PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_HAS_ENVIRON
m_snapshot.close(); #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_HAS_ENVIRON */
inline void environment_map::insert(environment_map::first_type const& name, environment_map::second_type const& value) { // Preconditions
STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not be empty", !name.empty()); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not contain '='", name.end() == std::find(name.begin(), name.end(), '=')); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Empty value not allowed in insertion", !value.empty());
second_type *pstr = NULL;
if( 1 < m_snapshot.use_count() && m_snapshot->lookup(name, pstr)) { // If it exists, then:
// 1. Reserve the appropriate amount of storage (which may throw,
// but doesn't need to be rolled back). If this succeeds, then
// it means that the insert() call cannot throw an exception.
// 2. Insert into the host environment
if(0 != traits_type::set_variable(name.c_str(), value.c_str())) { STLSOFT_THROW_X(stlsoft_ns_qual_std(runtime_error)("Cannot set environment variable")); }
// 3. Update the snapshot
m_snapshot->set(name, value); } else { // If it does not exist, then we add it first, and remove
// again if the set_variable() call fails to also put it
// in the host environment
if(1 < m_snapshot.use_count()) { m_snapshot->insert(name, value); }
if(0 != traits_type::set_variable(name.c_str(), value.c_str())) { if(1 < m_snapshot.use_count()) { m_snapshot->erase(name); }
STLSOFT_THROW_X(stlsoft_ns_qual_std(runtime_error)("Cannot set environment variable")); } } }
inline void environment_map::insert(char const* name, char const* value) { // Preconditions
STLSOFT_ASSERT(NULL != name); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not be empty", 0 != ::strlen(name)); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not contain '='", NULL == ::strchr(name, '=')); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Null value not allowed in insertion", NULL != value); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Empty value not allowed in insertion", 0 != ::strlen(value));
insert(first_type(name), second_type(value)); } #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_SET_SUPPORTED */
inline environment_map::size_type environment_map::erase(environment_map::first_type const& name) { // Preconditions
STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not be empty", !name.empty()); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not contain '='", name.end() == std::find(name.begin(), name.end(), '='));
size_type b = 0;
if(0 != traits_type::erase_variable(name.c_str())) { #if 0
// Failure to erase might be if some external part of the
// process has already erased it.
// Hence, the somewhat crude measure to checking whether it
// still exists (rather than knowing what value(s) to check
// the return value of erase_variable() for).
if(NULL != traits_type::get_variable(name.c_str())) #endif /* 0 */
{ STLSOFT_THROW_X(stlsoft_ns_qual_std(runtime_error)("Cannot erase environment variable")); } } else { b = 1; }
if(1 < m_snapshot.use_count()) { if(m_snapshot->erase(name)) { b = 1; } }
return b; }
inline environment_map::size_type environment_map::erase(char const* name) { // Preconditions
STLSOFT_ASSERT(NULL != name); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not be empty", 0 != ::strlen(name)); STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Name may not contain '='", NULL == ::strchr(name, '='));
return erase(first_type(name)); }
inline void environment_map::erase(environment_map::const_iterator it) { STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("No snapshot assigned, so erase() is inappropriate; maybe premature call to clear()", 1 < m_snapshot.use_count());
#if 0
first_type const &name = (*it).first; #else /* ? 0 */
first_type const &name = (*it.m_it).first; // Avoid CUR
#endif /* 0 */
if(0 != traits_type::erase_variable(name.c_str())) { #if 0
// Failure to erase might be if some external part of the
// process has already erased it.
// Hence, the somewhat crude measure to checking whether it
// still exists (rather than knowing what value(s) to check
// the return value of erase_variable() for).
if(NULL != traits_type::get_variable(name.c_str())) #endif /* 0 */
{ STLSOFT_THROW_X(stlsoft_ns_qual_std(runtime_error)("Cannot erase environment variable")); } }
m_snapshot->erase(it.m_it); } #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_ERASE_SUPPORTED */
inline environment_map::const_iterator environment_map::begin() const { check_refresh_snapshot_();
#if 0
snapshot::ref_type snapshot = m_snapshot; // Avoid a const_cast
return const_iterator(snapshot->begin(), m_snapshot); #else /* ? 0 */
return const_iterator(m_snapshot->begin(), m_snapshot); #endif /* 0 */
inline environment_map::const_iterator environment_map::end() const { check_refresh_snapshot_();
#if 0
snapshot::ref_type snapshot = m_snapshot; // Avoid a const_cast
return const_iterator(snapshot->end(), m_snapshot); #else /* ? 0 */
return const_iterator(m_snapshot->end(), m_snapshot); #endif /* 0 */
!defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_BORLAND) inline environment_map::const_reverse_iterator environment_map::rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
inline environment_map::const_reverse_iterator environment_map::rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); } # endif /* STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT */
inline void environment_map::check_refresh_snapshot_() const { if(m_snapshot.use_count() < 2) { m_snapshot = snapshot::ref_type(new snapshot()); } } #endif /* PLATFORMSTL_ENVVAR_HAS_ENVIRON */
// environment_map::snapshot
inline environment_map::snapshot::snapshot() { first_type name; second_type value;
stlsoft::scoped_handle<char const**> env( traits_type::get_environ() , &traits_type::release_environ);
{ for(char const** p = env.get(); NULL != *p; ++p) { stlsoft::split(*p, '=', name, value);
m_variables[name] = value; }} }
inline environment_map::snapshot::iterator environment_map::snapshot::begin() { return m_variables.begin(); }
inline environment_map::snapshot::iterator environment_map::snapshot::end() { return m_variables.end(); }
inline ss_bool_t environment_map::snapshot::erase(first_type const& name) throw() { variables_type_::iterator it = m_variables.find(name);
if(m_variables.end() != it) { m_variables.erase(it);
return true; }
return false; }
inline void environment_map::snapshot::erase(environment_map::snapshot::iterator it) throw() { m_variables.erase(it); }
inline void environment_map::snapshot::insert(first_type const& name, second_type const& value) { # if 0
/// This is not strongly exception safe, ...
m_variables[name] = value; # else /* ? 0 */
/// ... but this is.
m_variables.insert(value_type(name, value)); # endif /* 0 */
inline void environment_map::snapshot::set(first_type const& name, second_type const& value) { variables_type_::iterator it = m_variables.find(name);
STLSOFT_ASSERT(m_variables.end() != it); STLSOFT_ASSERT((*it).second.capacity() >= value.size());
# ifdef _DEBUG
try # endif /* _DEBUG */
{ (*it).second.assign(value); } # ifdef _DEBUG
catch(...) { STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Should never happen", 0);
throw; // Might as well pass on to precipitate unexpected()
} # endif /* _DEBUG */
inline ss_bool_t environment_map::snapshot::lookup(first_type const& name, second_type *&pvalue) throw() { variables_type_::iterator it = m_variables.find(name);
if(m_variables.end() == it) { return false; } else { pvalue = &(*it).second;
return true; } }
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
#if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } // namespace platformstl
} // namespace platformstl_project
} // namespace stlsoft
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */