/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: inetstl/network/connection.hpp (originally MIntConn.h) * * Purpose: Contains the basic_connection class. * * Created: 30th April 1999 * Updated: 10th August 2009 * * Home: http://stlsoft.org/
* * Copyright (c) 1999-2009, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name(s) of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of * any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/** \file inetstl/network/connection.hpp
* * \brief [C++ only] Definition of the inetstl::basic_connection class * template * (\ref group__library__network "Network" Library). */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Includes */
# include <inetstl/inetstl.h>
# error This file is currently compatible only with the Win32/Win64 API
# include <inetstl/network/session.hpp>
# include <inetstl/filesystem/filesystem_traits.hpp>
# include <inetstl/error/exceptions.hpp> // for throw_internet_exception_policy
# include <stlsoft/error/exceptions.hpp> // for stlsoft::null_exception_policy
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) /* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define ::inetstl */ namespace inetstl { # else
/* Define stlsoft::inetstl_project */
namespace stlsoft {
namespace inetstl_project {
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Classes */
/** \brief Represents an internet connection
* * \ingroup group__library__network * */ template< ss_typename_param_k C #ifdef STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT
, ss_typename_param_k X = throw_internet_exception_policy #else /* ? STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
, ss_typename_param_k X = stlsoft_ns_qual(null_exception_policy) #endif /* STLSOFT_CF_EXCEPTION_SUPPORT */
, ss_typename_param_k T = filesystem_traits<C> > class basic_connection { public: typedef C char_type; typedef X exception_policy_type; typedef ss_typename_param_k exception_policy_type::thrown_type thrown_type; typedef T traits_type; typedef basic_connection<C, X, T> class_type;
typedef HINTERNET resource_type; // Construction
public: /// Default constructor
/// \note No connection exists. Use connect() to open a connection
/// Create a connection with the given arguments
/// \param hsess A WinInet handle to the current session, obtained via \c InternetOpen() or the basic_session class
/// \param server The name of the server to which to connect. May not be NULL
/// \param port The number of the port to connect on
/// \param userName The username for the connection. May be NULL
/// \param password The password for the connection. May be NULL
/// \param service The service to access. Either INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP or INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP
/// \param flags Service specific flags, e.g. INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE
/// \param context Context used for callback functions
/// \note If the connection fails to open, the exception_policy_type function-call operator is called. If the
/// policy throws an exception, then that exception is thrown. If the policy is "null exception" policy type, then
/// the connection object will be constructed in a closed state.
ss_explicit_k basic_connection( HINTERNET hsess , char_type const* server , INTERNET_PORT port , char_type const* userName , char_type const* password , is_dword_t service , is_dword_t flags , is_dword_t context = 0); /// Closes the connection, if open
~basic_connection() stlsoft_throw_0();
// Operations
public: /// Opens a connection with the given arguments
/// \param hsess A WinInet handle to the current session, obtained via \c InternetOpen() or the basic_session class
/// \param server The name of the server to which to connect. May not be NULL
/// \param port The number of the port to connect on
/// \param userName The username for the connection. May be NULL
/// \param password The password for the connection. May be NULL
/// \param service The service to access. Either INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP or INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP
/// \param flags Service specific flags, e.g. INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE
/// \param context Context used for callback functions
/// \note If the connection fails to open, the exception_policy_type function-call operator is called. If the
/// policy throws an exception, then that exception is thrown. If the policy is "null exception" policy type, then
/// the connection object will be left in a closed state.
is_bool_t connect( HINTERNET hsess , char_type const* server , INTERNET_PORT port , char_type const* userName , char_type const* password , is_dword_t service , is_dword_t flags , is_dword_t context = 0); /// Closes the connection, if open
void close(); /// Removes the connection from this object, and returns the underlying WinInet handle to the
/// caller, who must take responsibility for releasing it.
HINTERNET detach();
// State
public: /// Indicates whether the object is managing an open connection
is_bool_t is_connected() const; /// The last Win32/WinInet error associated with this connection object
is_dword_t last_error() const;
/// The underlying WinInet handle
HINTERNET get() const;
/// Implicit conversion operator to a WinInet handle
/// \deprecated This will be removed in a future release
operator HINTERNET ();
// Implementation
private: static char_type const *null_string_();
// Members
private: HINTERNET m_hConn; is_dword_t m_lastError; };
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Typedefs for commonly encountered types */
/** \brief Specialisation of the basic_connection template for the ANSI character type \c char
* * \ingroup group__library__network * */ typedef basic_connection<is_char_a_t> connection_a; /** \brief Specialisation of the basic_connection template for the Unicode character type \c wchar_t
* * \ingroup group__library__network * */ typedef basic_connection<is_char_w_t> connection_w; /** \brief Specialisation of the basic_connection template for the Win32 character type \c TCHAR
* * \ingroup group__library__network * */ typedef basic_connection<TCHAR> connection;
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline /* static */ ss_typename_type_ret_k basic_connection<C, X, T>::char_type const* basic_connection<C, X, T>::null_string_() { static char_type s_null[1] = { 0 };
return s_null; }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline basic_connection<C, X, T>::basic_connection() : m_hConn(NULL) , m_lastError(ERROR_SUCCESS) {}
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline basic_connection<C, X, T>::basic_connection( HINTERNET hsess , char_type const* server , INTERNET_PORT port , char_type const* userName , char_type const* password , is_dword_t service , is_dword_t flags , is_dword_t context /* = 0 */) : m_hConn(traits_type::internet_connect(hsess, server, port, userName, password, service, flags, context)) , m_lastError(::GetLastError()) { if(NULL == m_hConn) { exception_policy_type()("Failed to open connection", m_lastError); } }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline basic_connection<C, X, T>::~basic_connection() stlsoft_throw_0() { if(NULL != m_hConn) { traits_type::close_connection(m_hConn); } }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline is_bool_t basic_connection<C, X, T>::connect(HINTERNET hsess , char_type const* server , INTERNET_PORT port , char_type const* userName , char_type const* password , is_dword_t service , is_dword_t flags , is_dword_t context /* = 0 */) { is_bool_t bRet;
if(is_connected()) { bRet = false; } else { m_hConn = traits_type::internet_connect(hsess, server, port, userName, password, service, flags, context); m_lastError = ::GetLastError();
if(NULL == m_hConn) { exception_policy_type()("Failed to open connection", m_lastError);
bRet = false; } else { bRet = true; } }
return bRet; }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline void basic_connection<C, X, T>::close() { if(NULL != m_hConn) { traits_type::close_connection(m_hConn);
m_hConn = NULL; } }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline HINTERNET basic_connection<C, X, T>::detach() { INETSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Attempting to detach from an empty connection", is_connected());
HINTERNET hConn = m_hConn;
m_hConn = NULL;
return hConn; }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline is_bool_t basic_connection<C, X, T>::is_connected() const { return NULL != m_hConn; }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline is_dword_t basic_connection<C, X, T>::last_error() const { return m_lastError; }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline HINTERNET basic_connection<C, X, T>::get() const { return m_hConn; }
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline basic_connection<C, X, T>::operator HINTERNET () { return m_hConn; }
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
template< ss_typename_param_k C , ss_typename_param_k X , ss_typename_param_k T > inline HINTERNET get_handle(basic_connection<C, X, T> &s) { return s; }
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } // namespace inetstl
# else
} // namespace inetstl_project
} // namespace stlsoft
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */