* This file is part of the program ltl2dstar (http://www.ltl2dstar.de/).
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Joachim Klein <j.klein@ltl2dstar.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
/** @file
* Provides NBAStutterClosure. */
#include "GraphAlgorithms.hpp"
#include "NBAAnalysis.hpp"
#include "APElement.hpp"
#include <memory>
* Calculate the stutter closure for an NBA. */ class NBAStutterClosure { public: /** Calculate the stutter closure for the NBA, for all symbols.
* @param nba the NBA */ template<typename NBA_t> static std::shared_ptr<NBA_t> stutter_closure(NBA_t& nba) { APSet_cp apset=nba.getAPSet_cp(); std::shared_ptr<NBA_t> nba_result_ptr(new NBA_t(apset)); NBA_t& result=*nba_result_ptr; unsigned int element_count=apset->powersetSize(); assert(nba.getStartState()); unsigned int start_state=nba.getStartState()->getName(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<nba.size();i++) { unsigned int st=result.nba_i_newState(); assert(st==i); if (st==start_state) { result.setStartState(result[st]); } if (nba[st]->isFinal()) { result[st]->setFinal(true); } }
for (unsigned int i=0;i<nba.size();i++) { for (unsigned int j=0;j<element_count;j++) { unsigned int st=result.nba_i_newState(); assert( st == nba.size() + (i*element_count)+j); result[st]->addEdge(j, *(result[i])); result[st]->addEdge(j, *(result[st])); } }
std::vector< std::vector<BitSet>* > reachable; reachable.resize(element_count);
for (unsigned int j=0; j<element_count; j++) { NBAEdgeSuccessors<NBA_t> edge_successor(j); SCCs scc; GraphAlgorithms<NBA_t, NBAEdgeSuccessors<NBA_t> >::calculateSCCs(nba, scc, true, edge_successor); reachable[j]=scc.getReachabilityForAllStates();
#ifdef VERBOSE
std::cerr << "SCCs for " << APElement(j).toString(*apset) << std::endl; std::cerr << scc << std::endl; std::cerr << " Reachability: "<< std::endl; std::vector<BitSet>& reach=*reachable[j]; for (unsigned int t=0; t < reach.size(); t++) { std::cerr << t << " -> " << reach[t] << std::endl; } std::cerr << " ---\n"; #endif
for (unsigned int i=0;i<nba.size();i++) { typename NBA_t::state_type* from=result[i]; for (unsigned int j=0;j<element_count;j++) { BitSet result_to; BitSet* to=nba[i]->getEdge(j); for (BitSetIterator it=BitSetIterator(*to); it!=BitSetIterator::end(*to); ++it) { unsigned int to_state=*it; // We can go directly to the original state
result_to.set(to_state); // We can also go to the corresponding stutter state instead
unsigned int stutter_state=nba.size() + (to_state*element_count)+j; result_to.set(stutter_state); // ... and then we can go directly to all the states that are j-reachable from to
result_to.Union((*(reachable[j]))[to_state]); }
*(from->getEdge(j)) = result_to; } }
for (unsigned int i=0; i<reachable.size(); ++i) { delete reachable[i]; } return nba_result_ptr; }
/** Calculate the stutter closure for the NBA, for a certain symbol.
* @param nba the NBA * @param label the symbol for which to perform the stutter closure */ template<typename NBA_t> static std::shared_ptr<NBA_t> stutter_closure(NBA_t& nba, APElement label) { APSet_cp apset=nba.getAPSet_cp(); std::shared_ptr<NBA_t> nba_result_ptr(new NBA_t(apset)); NBA_t& result=*nba_result_ptr; unsigned int element_count=apset->powersetSize(); assert(nba.getStartState()); unsigned int start_state=nba.getStartState()->getName(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<nba.size();i++) { unsigned int st=result.nba_i_newState(); assert(st==i); if (st==start_state) { result.setStartState(result[st]); } if (nba[st]->isFinal()) { result[st]->setFinal(true); } }
for (unsigned int i=0;i<nba.size();i++) { unsigned int st=result.nba_i_newState(); assert( st == nba.size() + i); result[st]->addEdge(label, *(result[i])); result[st]->addEdge(label, *(result[st])); } std::vector<BitSet>* reachable; NBAEdgeSuccessors<NBA_t> edge_successor(label); SCCs scc; GraphAlgorithms<NBA_t, NBAEdgeSuccessors<NBA_t> >::calculateSCCs(nba, scc, true, edge_successor); reachable=scc.getReachabilityForAllStates(); // std::cerr << "SCCs for " << label.toString(*apset) << std::endl;
// std::cerr << scc << std::endl;
// std::cerr << " Reachability: "<< std::endl;
// for (unsigned int t=0; t < reachable->size(); t++) {
// std::cerr << t << " -> " << (*reachable)[t] << std::endl;
// }
// std::cerr << " ---\n";
for (unsigned int i=0;i<nba.size();i++) { typename NBA_t::state_type* from=result[i]; for (unsigned int j=0;j<element_count;j++) { BitSet result_to; BitSet* to=nba[i]->getEdge(j); if (j!=label) { result_to=*to; } else { for (BitSetIterator it=BitSetIterator(*to); it!=BitSetIterator::end(*to); ++it) { unsigned int to_state=*it; // We can go directly to the original state
result_to.set(to_state); // We can also go to the corresponding stutter state instead
unsigned int stutter_state=nba.size() + to_state; result_to.set(stutter_state); // ... and then we can go directly to all the states that are j-reachable from to
result_to.Union((*reachable)[to_state]); } } *(from->getEdge(j)) = result_to; } }
delete reachable;
return nba_result_ptr; } private: /** The successors reachable via a certain label */ template <typename NBA_t> class NBAEdgeSuccessors { public: typedef BitSetIterator successor_iterator;
NBAEdgeSuccessors(APElement label) : _label(label) {}; successor_iterator begin(NBA_t& graph, unsigned int v) { return BitSetIterator(*(graph[v]->getEdge(_label))); }
successor_iterator end(NBA_t& graph, unsigned int v) { return BitSetIterator::end(*(graph[v]->getEdge(_label))); }
private: APElement _label; }; };