* This file is part of the program ltl2dstar (http://www.ltl2dstar.de/).
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Joachim Klein <j.klein@ltl2dstar.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#ifndef LTL2NBA_HPP
#define LTL2NBA_HPP
/** @file
* Provides wrapper classes for external LTL-to-Buechi translators. */
#include "NBA.hpp"
#include "LTLFormula.hpp"
#include "common/RunProgram.hpp"
#include "parsers/parser_interface.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
* Virtual base class for wrappers to external LTL-to-Buechi translators. */ template <class NBA_t> class LTL2NBA { public: /** Constructor */ LTL2NBA() {} /** Destructor */ virtual ~LTL2NBA() {}
/** Convert an LTL formula to an NBA */ virtual NBA_t *ltl2nba(LTLFormula& ltl) = 0; };
* Wrapper for external LTL-to-Buechi translators using the SPIN interface. */ template <class NBA_t> class LTL2NBA_SPIN : public LTL2NBA<NBA_t> { public: /**
* Constructor * @param path path to the executable * @param arguments vector of command line arguments to be passed to the external translator */ LTL2NBA_SPIN(std::string path, std::vector<std::string> arguments=std::vector<std::string>()) : _path(path), _arguments(arguments) {}
/** Destructor */ virtual ~LTL2NBA_SPIN() {}
* Convert an LTL formula to an NBA * @param ltl * @return a pointer to the created NBA (caller gets ownership). */ virtual NBA_t *ltl2nba(LTLFormula& ltl) {
// Create canonical APSet (with 'p0', 'p1', ... as AP)
LTLFormula_ptr ltl_canonical=ltl.copy(); APSet_cp canonical_apset(ltl.getAPSet()->createCanonical()); ltl_canonical->switchAPSet(canonical_apset);
AnonymousTempFile spin_outfile; std::vector<std::string> arguments; arguments.push_back("-f"); arguments.push_back(ltl_canonical->toStringInfix());
arguments.insert(arguments.end(), _arguments.begin(), _arguments.end()); const char *program_path=_path.c_str(); RunProgram spin(program_path, arguments, false, 0, &spin_outfile, 0); int rv=spin.waitForTermination(); if (rv==0) { NBA_t *result_nba(new NBA_t(canonical_apset)); FILE *f=spin_outfile.getInFILEStream(); if (f==NULL) { throw Exception(""); }
int rc=nba_parser_promela::parse(f, result_nba); fclose(f);
if (rc!=0) { throw Exception("Couldn't parse PROMELA file!"); } // switch back to original APSet
return result_nba; } else { // There was an error, return null ptr
return (NBA_t *)0; } }
private: /** The path */ std::string _path;
/** The arguments */ std::vector<std::string> _arguments; };
* Wrapper for external LTL-to-Buechi translators using the LBTT interface. */ template <class NBA_t> class LTL2NBA_LBTT : public LTL2NBA<NBA_t> { public: /**
* Constructor * @param path path to the executable * @param arguments vector of command line arguments to be passed to the external translator */ LTL2NBA_LBTT(std::string path, std::vector<std::string> arguments=std::vector<std::string>()) : _path(path), _arguments(arguments) {}
/** Destructor */ virtual ~LTL2NBA_LBTT() {}
* Convert an LTL formula to an NBA * @param ltl * @return a pointer to the created NBA (caller gets ownership). */ virtual NBA_t *ltl2nba(LTLFormula& ltl) { // Create canonical APSet (with 'p0', 'p1', ... as AP)
LTLFormula_ptr ltl_canonical=ltl.copy(); APSet_cp canonical_apset(ltl.getAPSet()->createCanonical()); ltl_canonical->switchAPSet(canonical_apset);
NamedTempFile infile(true); NamedTempFile outfile(true);
std::ostream& o=infile.getOStream(); o << ltl_canonical->toStringPrefix() << std::endl; o.flush();
std::vector<std::string> arguments(_arguments); arguments.push_back(infile.getFileName()); arguments.push_back(outfile.getFileName()); const char *program_path=_path.c_str(); RunProgram ltl2nba_lbtt(program_path, arguments, false, 0, 0, 0); int rv=ltl2nba_lbtt.waitForTermination(); if (rv==0) { NBA_t *result_nba=new NBA_t(ltl_canonical->getAPSet());
FILE *f=outfile.getInFILEStream(); if (f==NULL) { throw Exception(""); } int rc=nba_parser_lbtt::parse(f, result_nba); fclose(f);
if (rc!=0) { throw Exception("Couldn't parse LBTT file!"); }
// result_nba->print(std::cerr);
// switch back to original APSet
return result_nba; } else { // There was an error, return null ptr
return (NBA_t *)0; } }
private: /** The path */ std::string _path;
/** The arguments */ std::vector<std::string> _arguments; };