* This file is part of the program ltl2dstar (http://www.ltl2dstar.de/).
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Joachim Klein <j.klein@ltl2dstar.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
/** @file
* Provides an implementation of an EdgeContainer with APElements as labels, * which stores the edges in a vector, which is complete, ie there are * always 2^AP edges. */
#include "common/Exceptions.hpp"
#include "APSet.hpp"
#include "APElement.hpp"
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <utility>
* An EdgeContainer, which stores * the edges (labeled by APElements) in a vector, which is complete, ie there are * always 2^AP edges. * The template parameter To signifies the type of target for the edges, * it can e.g. be an int to store a state index or a BitSet to * store multiple targets for a single edge. */ template <typename To> class EdgeContainerExplicit_APElement { public: /** The type of this container class */ typedef EdgeContainerExplicit_APElement<To> container_type; /** The type of the edges */ typedef std::pair<APElement, To* > edge_type;
* Constructor. * @param sizeAP the number of atomic propositions in the APSet */ EdgeContainerExplicit_APElement(unsigned int sizeAP=1) : _sizeAP(sizeAP) { _arraySize=1<<sizeAP; _storage=new To*[_arraySize]; for (unsigned int i=0;i<_arraySize;i++) { _storage[i]=0; } };
/** Destructor */ ~EdgeContainerExplicit_APElement() {delete[] _storage;};
/** Add an edge that doesn't already exist */ void addEdge(APElement label, To &to) {addEdge(label, &to);}
/** Add an edge that doesn't already exist */ void addEdge(APElement label, To *to) { if (get(label)) { THROW_EXCEPTION(IllegalArgumentException, "Trying to add edge which already exists!"); }
set(label, to); }
/** Remove an edge */ void removeEdge(APElement label) { if (!get(label)) { THROW_EXCEPTION(IllegalArgumentException, "Trying to remove non-existing edge!"); }
set(label, 0); }
/** Get the target of the edge labeled with label*/ To* get(APElement label) { if (label.getBitSet()>=_arraySize) { THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, ""); } return _storage[label.getBitSet()]; };
/** Set the target of an edge labeled with <i>label</i> to <i>to</i> */ void set(APElement label, To& to) { set(label, &to); } /** Set the target of an edge labeled with <i>label</i> to <i>to</i> */ void set(APElement label, To *to) { if (label.getBitSet()>=_arraySize) { THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, ""); } _storage[label.getBitSet()]=to; };
/** An iterator over all the edges. */ class EdgeIterator : public boost::iterator_facade< EdgeIterator, edge_type, boost::forward_traversal_tag, edge_type> { public: EdgeIterator(container_type& container) : _container(container), _i(0) { if (!_container.get(_i)) { // edge with index 0 doesn't exist, increment until we find the first edge
increment(); } }; explicit EdgeIterator(container_type& container, unsigned int i) : _container(container), _i(i) { };
private: friend class boost::iterator_core_access; void increment() { while (++_i < _container._arraySize && _container.get(_i) == 0) { ; //nop
} }
bool equal(EdgeIterator const& other) const { return (&this->_container == &other._container) && (this->_i == other._i); }
edge_type dereference() const { To* to=_container.get(_i); return edge_type(APElement(_i), to); }
container_type& _container; unsigned int _i; };
* Returns an iterator pointing to the first edge. * This iterator iterates over all the 2^AP edges, * irrespective that some may not have a target * (dereferencing will return NULL for these). */ EdgeIterator begin() {return EdgeIterator(*this);} /** Returns an iterator pointing after the last edge. */ EdgeIterator end() {return EdgeIterator(*this,_arraySize);}
/** Type of the iterator over all the edges */ typedef EdgeIterator iterator;
private: /** The size of the APSet */ unsigned int _sizeAP; /** The number of edges */ unsigned long _arraySize; /** The storage area for the edges */ To** _storage; };