// Copyright (c) 2015-
// Authors:
// * Joachim Klein <klein@tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de>
// * David Mueller <david.mueller@tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de>
// This file is part of the cpphoafparser library,
// http://automata.tools/hoa/cpphoafparser/
// The cpphoafparser library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// The cpphoafparser library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "cpphoafparser/parser/hoa_parser_exception.hh"
namespace cpphoafparser {
/** Lexer for tokenizing a HOA stream (used internally by HOAParser). */ class HOALexer { public: /** The type of the tokens in a HOA stream. */ enum TokenType { TOKEN_INT, TOKEN_IDENT, TOKEN_STRING, TOKEN_HEADER_NAME, TOKEN_ALIAS_NAME,
// Punctuation, etc.
/** A token in the HOA stream. */ struct Token { /** The kind of the token. */ TokenType kind; /** The string representation of this token (if applicable) */ std::string vString; /** The integer representation of this token (if applicable) */ unsigned int vInteger;
/** The line where this token started */ unsigned int line; /** The column where this token started */ unsigned int col;
/** EOF (end-of-file) constructor. */ Token() : kind(TOKEN_EOF), vString(""), vInteger(0), line(0), col(0) {} /** Constructor for syntactic element */ Token(TokenType kind, unsigned int line, unsigned int col) : kind(kind), vString(""), vInteger(0), line(line), col(col) {} /** Constructor for a token having variable string content (e.g., TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, TOKEN_ALIAS, TOKEN_STRING, ...) */ Token(TokenType kind, const std::string vString, unsigned int line, unsigned int col) : kind(kind), vString(vString), vInteger(0), line(line), col(col) {} /** Constructor for an unsigned integer token */ Token(unsigned int vInteger, unsigned int line, unsigned int col) : kind(TOKEN_INT), vString(""), vInteger(vInteger), line(line), col(col) {}
/** Returns true if this token represents the end-of-file. */ bool isEOF() const {return kind == TOKEN_EOF;}
/** Returns a string name for the given token type. */ static std::string typeAsString(TokenType kind) { switch (kind) { case TOKEN_INT: return std::string("INT"); case TOKEN_IDENT: return std::string("IDENT"); case TOKEN_STRING: return std::string("STRING"); case TOKEN_HEADER_NAME: return std::string("HEADER_NAME"); case TOKEN_ALIAS_NAME: return std::string("ALIAS_NAME");
case TOKEN_EOF: return std::string("EOF");
case TOKEN_BODY: return std::string("BODY"); case TOKEN_END: return std::string("END"); case TOKEN_ABORT: return std::string("ABORT"); case TOKEN_HOA: return std::string("HOA"); case TOKEN_STATE: return std::string("STATE"); case TOKEN_STATES: return std::string("STATES"); case TOKEN_START: return std::string("START"); case TOKEN_AP: return std::string("AP"); case TOKEN_ALIAS: return std::string("ALIAS"); case TOKEN_ACCEPTANCE: return std::string("ACCEPTANCE"); case TOKEN_ACCNAME: return std::string("ACCNAME"); case TOKEN_TOOL: return std::string("TOOL"); case TOKEN_NAME: return std::string("NAME"); case TOKEN_PROPERTIES: return std::string("PROPERTIES");
// Punctuation: etc.
case TOKEN_NOT: return std::string("NOT"); case TOKEN_AND: return std::string("AND"); case TOKEN_OR: return std::string("OR"); case TOKEN_LPARENTH: return std::string("LPARENTH"); case TOKEN_RPARENTH: return std::string("RPARENTH"); case TOKEN_LBRACKET: return std::string("LBRACKET"); case TOKEN_RBRACKET: return std::string("RBRACKET"); case TOKEN_LCURLY: return std::string("LCURLY"); case TOKEN_RCURLY: return std::string("RCURLY"); case TOKEN_TRUE: return std::string("TRUE"); case TOKEN_FALSE: return std::string("FALSE"); } throw std::logic_error("Unhandled token type"); }
/** Returns a string name for the given token type (for use in error messages). */ static std::string forErrorMessage(TokenType kind) { switch (kind) { case TOKEN_INT: return std::string("INTEGER"); case TOKEN_IDENT: return std::string("IDENTIFIER"); case TOKEN_STRING: return std::string("STRING"); case TOKEN_HEADER_NAME: return std::string("HEADER_NAME"); case TOKEN_ALIAS_NAME: return std::string("ALIAS_NAME");
case TOKEN_EOF: return std::string("END-OF_FILE");
case TOKEN_BODY: return std::string("--BODY--"); case TOKEN_END: return std::string("--END--"); case TOKEN_ABORT: return std::string("--ABORT--"); case TOKEN_HOA: return std::string("HOA:"); case TOKEN_STATE: return std::string("State:"); case TOKEN_STATES: return std::string("States:"); case TOKEN_START: return std::string("Start:"); case TOKEN_AP: return std::string("AP:"); case TOKEN_ALIAS: return std::string("Alias:"); case TOKEN_ACCEPTANCE: return std::string("Acceptance:"); case TOKEN_ACCNAME: return std::string("acc-name:"); case TOKEN_TOOL: return std::string("tool:"); case TOKEN_NAME: return std::string("name:"); case TOKEN_PROPERTIES: return std::string("properties:");
// Punctuation: etc.
case TOKEN_NOT: return std::string("!"); case TOKEN_AND: return std::string("&"); case TOKEN_OR: return std::string("|"); case TOKEN_LPARENTH: return std::string("("); case TOKEN_RPARENTH: return std::string(")"); case TOKEN_LBRACKET: return std::string("["); case TOKEN_RBRACKET: return std::string("]"); case TOKEN_LCURLY: return std::string("{"); case TOKEN_RCURLY: return std::string("}"); case TOKEN_TRUE: return std::string("t"); case TOKEN_FALSE: return std::string("f"); } throw std::logic_error("Unhandled token type"); }
/** Returns a string representation of a given token (for error messages). */ static std::string forErrorMessage(Token token) { switch (token.kind) { case TOKEN_INT: return std::string("INTEGER ")+std::to_string(token.vInteger); case TOKEN_IDENT: return std::string("IDENTIFIER ")+token.vString; case TOKEN_STRING: return std::string("STRING ")+token.vString; case TOKEN_HEADER_NAME: return std::string("HEADER ")+token.vString; case TOKEN_ALIAS_NAME: return std::string("ALIAS ")+token.vString;
case TOKEN_EOF: return std::string("END-OF-FILE");
case TOKEN_BODY: return std::string("--BODY--"); case TOKEN_END: return std::string("--END--"); case TOKEN_ABORT: return std::string("--ABORT--"); case TOKEN_HOA: return std::string("HEADER HOA"); case TOKEN_STATES: return std::string("HEADER States"); case TOKEN_START: return std::string("HEADERr Start"); case TOKEN_AP: return std::string("HEADER AP"); case TOKEN_ALIAS: return std::string("HEADER Alias"); case TOKEN_ACCEPTANCE: return std::string("HEADER Acceptance"); case TOKEN_ACCNAME: return std::string("HEADER acc-name"); case TOKEN_TOOL: return std::string("HEADER tool"); case TOKEN_NAME: return std::string("HEADER name"); case TOKEN_PROPERTIES: return std::string("HEADER properties");
case TOKEN_STATE: return std::string("DEFINITION State");
// Punctuation: etc.
case TOKEN_NOT: return std::string("!"); case TOKEN_AND: return std::string("&"); case TOKEN_OR: return std::string("|"); case TOKEN_LPARENTH: return std::string("("); case TOKEN_RPARENTH: return std::string(")"); case TOKEN_LBRACKET: return std::string("["); case TOKEN_RBRACKET: return std::string("]"); case TOKEN_LCURLY: return std::string("{"); case TOKEN_RCURLY: return std::string("}"); case TOKEN_TRUE: return std::string("TRUE t"); case TOKEN_FALSE: return std::string("FALSE f"); } throw std::logic_error("Unhandled token type"); }
/** Output function for a given token. */ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Token& token) { out << "<" << token.typeAsString(token.kind) << "> "; if (token.kind == TOKEN_INT) { out << token.vInteger; } else { out << token.vString; } out << " (" << token.line << "," << token.col << ")"; return out; } };
/** Constructor for a lexer, reading from the given input stream. */ HOALexer(std::istream& in) : in(in), line(1), col(0), ch(0) { // The headers we know
knownHeaders["HOA:"] = TOKEN_HOA; knownHeaders["State:"] = TOKEN_STATE; knownHeaders["States:"] = TOKEN_STATES; knownHeaders["Start:"] = TOKEN_START; knownHeaders["AP:"] = TOKEN_AP; knownHeaders["Alias:"] = TOKEN_ALIAS; knownHeaders["Acceptance:"] = TOKEN_ACCEPTANCE; knownHeaders["acc-name:"] = TOKEN_ACCNAME; knownHeaders["tool:"] = TOKEN_TOOL; knownHeaders["name:"] = TOKEN_NAME; knownHeaders["properties:"] = TOKEN_PROPERTIES; }
/** Get the next token from the input stream. */ Token nextToken() { // first, skip any whitespace
skip(); if (ch == EOF) return Token(TOKEN_EOF, line, col);
// handle the simple syntactic elements
switch (ch) { case '!': return Token(TOKEN_NOT, line, col); case '&': return Token(TOKEN_AND, line, col); case '|': return Token(TOKEN_OR, line, col); case '(': return Token(TOKEN_LPARENTH, line, col); case ')': return Token(TOKEN_RPARENTH, line, col); case '[': return Token(TOKEN_LBRACKET, line, col); case ']': return Token(TOKEN_RBRACKET, line, col); case '{': return Token(TOKEN_LCURLY, line, col); case '}': return Token(TOKEN_RCURLY, line, col); }
// remember where the token began
unsigned int lineStart = line; unsigned int colStart = col;
// handle --XYZ-- style markers
if (ch == '-') { unsigned int index=0; bool canBeAbort = true; bool canBeBody = true; bool canBeEnd = true; std::string abort("-ABORT--"); std::string body("-BODY--"); std::string end("-END--");
while (canBeAbort || canBeBody || canBeEnd) { nextChar(); if (ch == EOF) {throw error("Premature end-of-file inside token", lineStart, colStart);} if (canBeAbort && ch == abort.at(index)) { if (index == abort.length()-1) { return Token(TOKEN_ABORT, lineStart, colStart); } } else { canBeAbort=false; } if (canBeBody && ch == body.at(index)) { if (index == body.length()-1) { return Token(TOKEN_BODY, lineStart, colStart); } } else { canBeBody=false; } if (canBeEnd && ch == end.at(index)) { if (index == end.length()-1) { return Token(TOKEN_END, lineStart, colStart); } } else { canBeEnd=false; }
index++; if (index >= abort.length()) canBeAbort = false; if (index >= body.length()) canBeBody = false; if (index >= end.length()) canBeEnd = false; } throw error("Lexical error: For token starting with '-', expected either '--BODY--', '--END--' or '--ABORT--'", lineStart, colStart); }
// handle quoted strings
if (ch == '"') { std::string text(1, (char)ch); bool last_was_quote = false; while (true) { nextChar(); if (ch == EOF) {throw error("Premature end-of-file in quoted string", lineStart, colStart);} text+=(char)ch; if (ch == '"' && !last_was_quote) break; if (ch == '\\' && !last_was_quote) { last_was_quote = true; } else { last_was_quote = false; } }
return Token(TOKEN_STRING, text, lineStart, colStart); }
// handle integers
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { std::string text(1, (char)ch); while (true) { int next = peekChar(); if (next >= '0' && next <= '9') { nextChar(); text+=(char)ch; } else { break; } }
if (text.at(0)=='0' && text.length() > 1) { throw error("Syntax error parsing integer, starts with 0: "+text, lineStart, colStart); }
try { unsigned int vInteger = std::stoi(text); return Token(vInteger, lineStart, colStart); } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) { throw error("Syntax error: "+text+" is not an integer", lineStart, colStart); } catch (std::out_of_range& e) { throw error("Syntax error: integer "+text+" is too big to represent as an unsigned int", lineStart, colStart); }
} else if (ch == '@' || ch == '_' || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) { // handle identifiers, @alias-names, headers, t and f
std::string text(1, (char)ch);
bool alias = (ch == '@'); while (true) { int next = peekChar(); if (next == EOF) break; if (next == ':') { if (alias) break; // consume ':'
nextChar(); text+=':'; break; } if (next == '_' || next == '-' || (next >= 'a' && next <= 'z') || (next >= 'A' && next <= 'Z') || (next >= '0' && next <= '9')) { nextChar(); text+=(char)ch; continue; } else { break; } }
if (alias) { return Token(TOKEN_ALIAS_NAME, text, lineStart, colStart); }
if (text.back() == ':') { auto it = knownHeaders.find(text); if (it != knownHeaders.end()) { return Token((*it).second, text, lineStart, colStart); } return Token(TOKEN_HEADER_NAME, text, lineStart, colStart); } if (text == "t") { return Token(TOKEN_TRUE, text, lineStart, colStart); } else if (text == "f") { return Token(TOKEN_FALSE, text, lineStart, colStart); } return Token(TOKEN_IDENT, text, lineStart, colStart); }
throw error("Syntax error, illegal character '"+std::string(1, (char)ch)+"'", lineStart, colStart); }
/** Skip whitespace. */ void skip() { while (true) { nextChar(); if (ch == EOF) { // EOF
return; } if (ch == '/') { skipComment(); continue; } if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { continue; } if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { line++; col=0; continue; } break; } }
/** Skip a comment */ void skipComment() { nextChar(); if (ch != '*') { throw error("Malformed start of comment", line, col); } bool last_was_slash = false; bool last_was_star = false; unsigned int nesting = 0; while (true) { nextChar(); if (ch == EOF) {throw error("End-of-file inside comment", line, col);} if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { line++; col=0; last_was_slash = false; last_was_star = false; continue; } if (ch == '/') { if (last_was_star) { if (nesting == 0) { return; } else { nesting--; } } else { last_was_slash = true; } continue; } if (ch == '*') { if (last_was_slash) { nesting++; } else { last_was_star = true; continue; } } last_was_slash = false; last_was_star = false; } }
/** Read the next char in the input stream, store in `ch` */ void nextChar() { ch = in.get(); if (ch != EOF) { col++; } }
/** Peek at the next char in the input stream without consuming */ int peekChar() { return in.peek(); }
* Construct a HOAParserExeption for a lexer error. * @param msg the error message * @param errLine the line number where the error occured * @param errCol column number where the error occured */ HOAParserException error(const std::string& msg, unsigned int errLine, unsigned int errCol) { return HOAParserException(msg+" (at line "+std::to_string(errLine)+", col "+std::to_string(errCol)+")", errLine, errCol); }
private: /** The input stream */ std::istream& in; /** The current line number */ unsigned int line; /** The current column number */ unsigned int col; /** The current character (or EOF) */ int ch;
/** A map for mapping the known header names to the corresponding token types */ std::map<std::string, TokenType> knownHeaders; };