#include <exception>
#include <sstream>
namespace storm { namespace exceptions {
template<typename E> class BaseException : public std::exception { public: BaseException() : exception() {} BaseException(const BaseException& cp) : exception(cp), stream(cp.stream.str()) { }
BaseException(const char* cstr) { stream << cstr; } ~BaseException() throw() { } template<class T> E& operator<<(const T& var) { this->stream << var; return * dynamic_cast<E*>(this); } virtual const char* what() const throw() { std::string errorString = this->stream.str(); char* result = new char[errorString.size() + 1]; result[errorString.size()] = '\0'; std::copy(errorString.begin(), errorString.end(), result); return result; } private: std::stringstream stream; };
} // namespace exceptions
} // namespace storm
/* Macro to generate descendant exception classes.
* As all classes are nearly the same, this makes changing common features much easier. */ #define STORM_EXCEPTION_DEFINE_NEW(exception_name) class exception_name : public BaseException<exception_name> { \
public: \ exception_name() : BaseException() { \ } \ exception_name(const char* cstr) : BaseException(cstr) { \ } \ exception_name(const exception_name& cp) : BaseException(cp) { \ } \ };