// Module: Log4CPLUS
// File: loggingevent.cxx
// Created: 6/2003
// Author: Tad E. Smith
// Copyright 2003-2013 Tad E. Smith
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <log4cplus/spi/loggingevent.h>
#include <log4cplus/internal/internal.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace log4cplus { namespace spi {
static const int LOG4CPLUS_DEFAULT_TYPE = 1;
// InternalLoggingEvent ctors and dtor
InternalLoggingEvent::InternalLoggingEvent(const log4cplus::tstring& logger, LogLevel loglevel, const log4cplus::tstring& message_, const char* filename, int line_) : message(message_) , loggerName(logger) , ll(loglevel) , ndc() , mdc() , thread() , timestamp(log4cplus::helpers::Time::gettimeofday()) , file(filename ? LOG4CPLUS_C_STR_TO_TSTRING(filename) : log4cplus::tstring()) , function () , line(line_) , threadCached(false) , thread2Cached(false) , ndcCached(false) , mdcCached(false) { }
InternalLoggingEvent::InternalLoggingEvent(const log4cplus::tstring& logger, LogLevel loglevel, const log4cplus::tstring& ndc_, MappedDiagnosticContextMap const & mdc_, const log4cplus::tstring& message_, const log4cplus::tstring& thread_, log4cplus::helpers::Time time, const log4cplus::tstring& file_, int line_) : message(message_) , loggerName(logger) , ll(loglevel) , ndc(ndc_) , mdc(mdc_) , thread(thread_) , timestamp(time) , file(file_) , function () , line(line_) , threadCached(true) , thread2Cached(true) , ndcCached(true) , mdcCached(true) { }
InternalLoggingEvent::InternalLoggingEvent () : ll (NOT_SET_LOG_LEVEL) , function () , line (0) , threadCached(false) , thread2Cached(false) , ndcCached(false) , mdcCached(false) { }
InternalLoggingEvent::InternalLoggingEvent( const log4cplus::spi::InternalLoggingEvent& rhs) : message(rhs.getMessage()) , loggerName(rhs.getLoggerName()) , ll(rhs.getLogLevel()) , ndc(rhs.getNDC()) , mdc(rhs.getMDCCopy()) , thread(rhs.getThread()) , timestamp(rhs.getTimestamp()) , file(rhs.getFile()) , function(rhs.getFunction()) , line(rhs.getLine()) , threadCached(true) , thread2Cached(true) , ndcCached(true) , mdcCached(true) { }
InternalLoggingEvent::~InternalLoggingEvent() { }
// InternalLoggingEvent static methods
unsigned int InternalLoggingEvent::getDefaultType() { return LOG4CPLUS_DEFAULT_TYPE; }
// InternalLoggingEvent implementation
void InternalLoggingEvent::setLoggingEvent (const log4cplus::tstring & logger, LogLevel loglevel, const log4cplus::tstring & msg, const char * filename, int fline) { // This could be imlemented using the swap idiom:
// InternalLoggingEvent (logger, loglevel, msg, filename, fline).swap (*this);
// But that defeats the optimization of using thread local instance
// of InternalLoggingEvent to avoid memory allocation.
loggerName = logger; ll = loglevel; message = msg; timestamp = helpers::Time::gettimeofday(); if (filename) file = LOG4CPLUS_C_STR_TO_TSTRING (filename); else file.clear (); line = fline; threadCached = false; thread2Cached = false; ndcCached = false; mdcCached = false; }
void InternalLoggingEvent::setFunction (char const * func) { function = LOG4CPLUS_C_STR_TO_TSTRING (func); }
void InternalLoggingEvent::setFunction (log4cplus::tstring const & func) { function = func; }
const log4cplus::tstring& InternalLoggingEvent::getMessage() const { return message; }
unsigned int InternalLoggingEvent::getType() const { return LOG4CPLUS_DEFAULT_TYPE; }
std::auto_ptr<InternalLoggingEvent> InternalLoggingEvent::clone() const { std::auto_ptr<InternalLoggingEvent> tmp(new InternalLoggingEvent(*this)); return tmp; }
tstring const & InternalLoggingEvent::getMDC (tstring const & key) const { MappedDiagnosticContextMap const & mdc_ = getMDCCopy (); MappedDiagnosticContextMap::const_iterator it = mdc_.find (key); if (it != mdc_.end ()) return it->second; else return internal::empty_str; }
InternalLoggingEvent & InternalLoggingEvent::operator = (const InternalLoggingEvent& rhs) { InternalLoggingEvent (rhs).swap (*this); return *this; }
void InternalLoggingEvent::gatherThreadSpecificData () const { getNDC (); getMDCCopy (); getThread (); getThread2 (); }
void InternalLoggingEvent::swap (InternalLoggingEvent & other) { using std::swap;
swap (message, other.message); swap (loggerName, other.loggerName); swap (ll, other.ll); swap (ndc, other.ndc); swap (mdc, other.mdc); swap (thread, other.thread); swap (thread2, other.thread2); swap (timestamp, other.timestamp); swap (file, other.file); swap (function, other.function); swap (line, other.line); swap (threadCached, other.threadCached); swap (ndcCached, other.ndcCached); }
} } // namespace log4cplus { namespace spi {