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  1. % This file can be used to display the exported plots from multi-objective model checking
  2. \documentclass{article}
  3. \usepackage{pgfplots}
  4. \usepackage{filecontents}
  5. \newcommand{\resultPath}{../ma/stream/results/}
  6. \begin{document}
  7. \centering
  8. \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.75]
  9. \begin{axis}[
  10. enlargelimits=false,
  11. axis background/.style={fill=red!50}
  12. ]
  13. \addplot[fill=white, very thin] table [col sep=comma] {\resultPath overapproximation.csv} -- cycle;
  14. \addplot[fill=green, very thin] table [col sep=comma] {\resultPath underapproximation.csv} -- cycle;
  15. \addplot[mark=o, mark options={blue, scale=1.3, thick}, only marks] table [col sep=comma] {\resultPath paretopoints.csv};
  16. \addplot[mark=false] table [col sep=comma] {\resultPath boundaries.csv};
  17. \end{axis}
  18. \end{tikzpicture}
  19. \end{document}