* Not.h * * Created on: 19.10.2012 * Author: Thomas Heinemann */
#include "AbstractStateFormula.h"
#include "src/formula/AbstractFormulaChecker.h"
#include "src/modelchecker/ForwardDeclarations.h"
namespace storm {
namespace formula {
template <class T> class Not;
* @brief Interface class for model checkers that support Not. * * All model checkers that support the formula class Not must inherit * this pure virtual class. */ template <class T> class INotModelChecker { public: /*!
* @brief Evaluates Not formula within a model checker. * * @param obj Formula object with subformulas. * @return Result of the formula for every node. */ virtual storm::storage::BitVector* checkNot(const Not<T>& obj) const = 0; };
* @brief * Class for a Abstract formula tree with NOT node as root. * * Has one Abstract state formula as sub formula/tree. * * The subtree is seen as part of the object and deleted with the object * (this behavior can be prevented by setting them to NULL before deletion) * * @see AbstractStateFormula * @see AbstractFormula */ template <class T> class Not : public AbstractStateFormula<T> {
public: /*!
* Empty constructor */ Not() { this->child = NULL; }
* Constructor * @param child The child node */ Not(AbstractStateFormula<T>* child) { this->child = child; }
* Destructor * * Also deletes the subtree * (this behavior can be prevented by setting them to NULL before deletion) */ virtual ~Not() { if (child != NULL) { delete child; } }
* @returns The child node */ const AbstractStateFormula<T>& getChild() const { return *child; }
* Sets the subtree * @param child the new child node */ void setChild(AbstractStateFormula<T>* child) { this->child = child; }
* @returns a string representation of the formula */ virtual std::string toString() const { std::string result = "!"; result += child->toString(); return result; }
* Clones the called object. * * Performs a "deep copy", i.e. the subtrees of the new object are clones of the original ones * * @returns a new AND-object that is identical the called object. */ virtual AbstractStateFormula<T>* clone() const { Not<T>* result = new Not<T>(); if (child != NULL) { result->setChild(child); } return result; }
* Calls the model checker to check this formula. * Needed to infer the correct type of formula class. * * @note This function should only be called in a generic check function of a model checker class. For other uses, * the methods of the model checker should be used. * * @returns A bit vector indicating all states that satisfy the formula represented by the called object. */ virtual storm::storage::BitVector *check(const storm::modelChecker::AbstractModelChecker<T>& modelChecker) const { return modelChecker.template as<INotModelChecker>()->checkNot(*this); } /*!
* @brief Checks if the subtree conforms to some logic. * * @param checker Formula checker object. * @return true iff the subtree conforms to some logic. */ virtual bool conforms(const AbstractFormulaChecker<T>& checker) const { return checker.conforms(this->child); }
private: AbstractStateFormula<T>* child; };
} //namespace formula
} //namespace storm
#endif /* STORM_FORMULA_NOT_H_ */