* constants.h * * Created on: 11.10.2012 * Author: Thomas Heinemann */
#ifdef max
# undef max
#ifdef min
# undef min
#include <limits>
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "src/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "src/storage/LabeledValues.h"
namespace storm {
namespace utility {
* Returns a constant value of 0 that is fit to the type it is being written to. * As (at least) gcc has problems to use the correct template by the return value * only, the function gets a pointer as a parameter to infer the return type. * * @note * The template parameter is just inferred by the return type; GCC is not able to infer this * automatically, hence the type should always be stated explicitly (e.g. @c constantZero<int>();) * * @return Value 0, fit to the return type */ template<typename _Scalar> static inline _Scalar constantZero() { return _Scalar(0); }
* (By default, the template specifications are not included in the documentation) */
* Template specialization for int_fast32_t * @return Value 0, fit to the type int_fast32_t */ template <> inline int_fast32_t constantZero() { return 0; }
* Template specialization for uint_fast64_t * @return Value 0, fit to the type uint_fast64_t */ template <> inline uint_fast64_t constantZero() { return 0; }
* Template specialization for double * @return Value 0.0, fit to the type double */ template <> inline double constantZero() { return 0.0; } /*!
* Template specialization for LabeledValues. * @return A LabeledValues object that represents a value of 0. */ template<> inline storm::storage::LabeledValues<double> constantZero() { return storm::storage::LabeledValues<double>(0.0); }
/*! @endcond */
* Returns a constant value of 1 that is fit to the type it is being written to. * As (at least) gcc has problems to use the correct template by the return value * only, the function gets a pointer as a parameter to infer the return type. * * @note * The template parameter is just inferred by the return type; GCC is not able to infer this * automatically, hence the type should always be stated explicitly (e.g. @c constantOne<int>();) * * @return Value 1, fit to the return type */ template<typename _Scalar> static inline _Scalar constantOne() { return _Scalar(1); }
* (By default, the template specializations are not included in the documentation) */
* Template specialization for int_fast32_t * @return Value 1, fit to the type int_fast32_t */ template<> inline int_fast32_t constantOne() { return 1; }
* Template specialization for uint_fast64_t * @return Value 1, fit to the type uint_fast61_t */ template<> inline uint_fast64_t constantOne() { return 1; }
* Template specialization for double * @return Value 1.0, fit to the type double */ template<> inline double constantOne() { return 1.0; }
* Template specialization for LabeledValues. * @return A LabeledValues object that represents a value of 1. */ template<> inline storm::storage::LabeledValues<double> constantOne() { return storm::storage::LabeledValues<double>(1.0); } /*! @endcond */
* Returns a constant value of infinity that is fit to the type it is being written to. * As (at least) gcc has problems to use the correct template by the return value * only, the function gets a pointer as a parameter to infer the return type. * * @note * The template parameter is just inferred by the return type; GCC is not able to infer this * automatically, hence the type should always be stated explicitly (e.g. @c constantOne<int>();) * * @return Value Infinity, fit to the return type */ template<typename _Scalar> static inline _Scalar constantInfinity() { return std::numeric_limits<_Scalar>::infinity(); }
* (By default, the template specializations are not included in the documentation) */
* Template specialization for int_fast32_t * @return Value Infinity, fit to the type uint_fast32_t */ template<> inline int_fast32_t constantInfinity() { throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Integer has no infinity."; return std::numeric_limits<int_fast32_t>::max(); }
* Template specialization for uint_fast64_t * @return Value Infinity, fit to the type uint_fast64_t */ template<> inline uint_fast64_t constantInfinity() { throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Integer has no infinity."; return std::numeric_limits<uint_fast64_t>::max(); }
* Template specialization for double * @return Value Infinity, fit to the type double */ template<> inline double constantInfinity() { return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); }
* Template specialization for LabeledValues. * @return Value Infinity, fit to the type LabeledValues. */ template<> inline storm::storage::LabeledValues<double> constantInfinity() { return storm::storage::LabeledValues<double>(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); } /*! @endcond */
} //namespace utility
} //namespace storm