* Copyright 2013-2015 Formal Methods and Tools, University of Twente * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
#include <errno.h> // for errno
#include <sched.h> // for sched_getaffinity
#include <stdio.h> // for fprintf
#include <stdlib.h> // for memalign, malloc
#include <string.h> // for memset
#include <sys/mman.h> // for mprotect
#include <sys/time.h> // for gettimeofday
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <lace.h>
#ifndef USE_HWLOC
#define USE_HWLOC 0
#include <hwloc.h>
// public Worker data
static Worker **workers; static size_t default_stacksize = 0; // set by lace_init
static size_t default_dqsize = 100000;
static hwloc_topology_t topo; static unsigned int n_nodes, n_cores, n_pus; #endif
static int verbosity = 0;
static int n_workers = 0; static int enabled_workers = 0;
// private Worker data (just for stats at end )
static WorkerP **workers_p;
// set to 0 when quitting
static int lace_quits = 0;
// for storing private Worker data
#ifdef __linux__ // use gcc thread-local storage (i.e. __thread variables)
static __thread WorkerP *current_worker; #else
static pthread_key_t worker_key; #endif
static pthread_attr_t worker_attr;
static pthread_cond_t wait_until_done = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; static pthread_mutex_t wait_until_done_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
struct lace_worker_init { void* stack; size_t stacksize; };
static struct lace_worker_init *workers_init;
lace_newframe_t lace_newframe;
WorkerP* lace_get_worker() { #ifdef __linux__
return current_worker; #else
return (WorkerP*)pthread_getspecific(worker_key); #endif
Task* lace_get_head(WorkerP *self) { Task *dq = self->dq; if (dq[0].thief == 0) return dq; if (dq[1].thief == 0) return dq+1; if (dq[2].thief == 0) return dq+2;
size_t low = 2; size_t high = self->end - self->dq;
for (;;) { if (low*2 >= high) { break; } else if (dq[low*2].thief == 0) { high=low*2; break; } else { low*=2; } }
while (low < high) { size_t mid = low + (high-low)/2; if (dq[mid].thief == 0) high = mid; else low = mid + 1; }
return dq+low; }
size_t lace_workers() { return n_workers; }
size_t lace_default_stacksize() { return default_stacksize; }
#ifndef cas
#define cas(ptr, old, new) (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap((ptr),(old),(new)))
static uint64_t count_at_start, count_at_end; static long long unsigned us_elapsed_timer;
static void us_elapsed_start(void) { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); us_elapsed_timer = now.tv_sec * 1000000LL + now.tv_usec; }
static long long unsigned us_elapsed(void) { struct timeval now; long long unsigned t;
gettimeofday( &now, NULL );
t = now.tv_sec * 1000000LL + now.tv_usec;
return t - us_elapsed_timer; } #endif
// Lock used only during parallel lace_init_worker...
static volatile int __attribute__((aligned(64))) lock = 0; static inline void lock_acquire() { while (1) { while (lock) {} if (cas(&lock, 0, 1)) return; } } static inline void lock_release() { lock=0; } #endif
/* Barrier */ #define BARRIER_MAX_THREADS 128
typedef union __attribute__((__packed__)) { volatile size_t val; char pad[LINE_SIZE]; } asize_t;
typedef struct { volatile int __attribute__((aligned(LINE_SIZE))) count; volatile int __attribute__((aligned(LINE_SIZE))) wait; /* the following is needed only for destroy: */ asize_t entered[BARRIER_MAX_THREADS]; } barrier_t;
barrier_t lace_bar;
void lace_barrier() { int id = lace_get_worker()->worker;
lace_bar.entered[id].val = 1; // signal entry
int wait = lace_bar.wait; if (enabled_workers == __sync_add_and_fetch(&lace_bar.count, 1)) { lace_bar.count = 0; // reset counter
lace_bar.wait = 1 - wait; // flip wait
lace_bar.entered[id].val = 0; // signal exit
} else { while (wait == lace_bar.wait) {} // wait
lace_bar.entered[id].val = 0; // signal exit
} }
static void lace_barrier_init() { assert(n_workers <= BARRIER_MAX_THREADS); memset(&lace_bar, 0, sizeof(barrier_t)); }
static void lace_barrier_destroy() { // wait for all to exit
for (int i=0; i<n_workers; i++) { while (1 == lace_bar.entered[i].val) {} } }
void lace_init_worker(int worker, size_t dq_size) { Worker *wt = NULL; WorkerP *w = NULL;
if (dq_size == 0) dq_size = default_dqsize;
// Get our logical processor
hwloc_obj_t pu = hwloc_get_obj_by_type(topo, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, worker % n_pus);
// Pin our thread...
hwloc_set_cpubind(topo, pu->cpuset, HWLOC_CPUBIND_THREAD);
// Allocate memory on our node...
lock_acquire(); wt = (Worker *)hwloc_alloc_membind(topo, sizeof(Worker), pu->cpuset, HWLOC_MEMBIND_BIND, 0); w = (WorkerP *)hwloc_alloc_membind(topo, sizeof(WorkerP), pu->cpuset, HWLOC_MEMBIND_BIND, 0); if (wt == NULL || w == NULL || (w->dq = (Task*)hwloc_alloc_membind(topo, dq_size * sizeof(Task), pu->cpuset, HWLOC_MEMBIND_BIND, 0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace error: Unable to allocate memory for the Lace worker!\n"); exit(1); } lock_release(); #else
// Allocate memory...
if (posix_memalign((void**)&wt, LINE_SIZE, sizeof(Worker)) || posix_memalign((void**)&w, LINE_SIZE, sizeof(WorkerP)) || posix_memalign((void**)&w->dq, LINE_SIZE, dq_size * sizeof(Task))) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace error: Unable to allocate memory for the Lace worker!\n"); exit(1); } #endif
// Initialize public worker data
wt->dq = w->dq; wt->ts.v = 0; wt->allstolen = 0; wt->movesplit = 0;
// Initialize private worker data
w->_public = wt; w->end = w->dq + dq_size; w->split = w->dq; w->allstolen = 0; w->worker = worker; #if USE_HWLOC
w->pu = worker % n_pus; #else
w->pu = -1; #endif
w->enabled = 1; if (workers_init[worker].stack != 0) { w->stack_trigger = ((size_t)workers_init[worker].stack) + workers_init[worker].stacksize/20; } else { w->stack_trigger = 0; }
// Reset counters
{ int k; for (k=0; k<CTR_MAX; k++) w->ctr[k] = 0; } #endif
// Set pointers
#ifdef __linux__
current_worker = w; #else
pthread_setspecific(worker_key, w); #endif
workers[worker] = wt; workers_p[worker] = w;
// Synchronize with others
w->time = gethrtime(); w->level = 0; #endif
#if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(pthread_barrier_t)
typedef int pthread_barrierattr_t; typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; int count; int tripCount; } pthread_barrier_t;
static int pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t *barrier, const pthread_barrierattr_t *attr, unsigned int count) { if(count == 0) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if(pthread_mutex_init(&barrier->mutex, 0) < 0) { return -1; } if(pthread_cond_init(&barrier->cond, 0) < 0) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&barrier->mutex); return -1; } barrier->tripCount = count; barrier->count = 0;
return 0; (void)attr; }
static int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *barrier) { pthread_cond_destroy(&barrier->cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&barrier->mutex); return 0; }
static int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *barrier) { pthread_mutex_lock(&barrier->mutex); ++(barrier->count); if(barrier->count >= barrier->tripCount) { barrier->count = 0; pthread_cond_broadcast(&barrier->cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&barrier->mutex); return 1; } else { pthread_cond_wait(&barrier->cond, &(barrier->mutex)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&barrier->mutex); return 0; } }
#endif // defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(pthread_barrier_t)
static pthread_barrier_t suspend_barrier; static volatile int must_suspend = 0, suspended = 0;
void lace_suspend() { if (suspended == 0) { suspended = 1; must_suspend = 1; lace_barrier(); must_suspend = 0; } }
void lace_resume() { if (suspended == 1) { suspended = 0; pthread_barrier_wait(&suspend_barrier); } }
* With set_workers, all workers 0..(N-1) are enabled and N..max are disabled. * You can never disable the current worker or reduce the number of workers below 1. */ void lace_disable_worker(int worker) { int self = lace_get_worker()->worker; if (worker == self) return; if (workers_p[worker]->enabled == 1) { workers_p[worker]->enabled = 0; enabled_workers--; } }
void lace_enable_worker(int worker) { int self = lace_get_worker()->worker; if (worker == self) return; if (workers_p[worker]->enabled == 0) { workers_p[worker]->enabled = 1; enabled_workers++; } }
void lace_set_workers(int workercount) { if (workercount < 1) workercount = 1; if (workercount > n_workers) workercount = n_workers; enabled_workers = workercount; int self = lace_get_worker()->worker; if (self >= workercount) workercount--; for (int i=0; i<n_workers; i++) { workers_p[i]->enabled = (i < workercount || i == self) ? 1 : 0; } }
int lace_enabled_workers() { return enabled_workers; }
static inline uint32_t rng(uint32_t *seed, int max) { uint32_t next = *seed;
next *= 1103515245; next += 12345;
*seed = next;
return next % max; }
VOID_TASK_IMPL_0(lace_steal_random) { Worker *victim = workers[(__lace_worker->worker + 1 + rng(&__lace_worker->seed, n_workers-1)) % n_workers];
PR_COUNTSTEALS(__lace_worker, CTR_steal_tries); Worker *res = lace_steal(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, victim); if (res == LACE_STOLEN) { PR_COUNTSTEALS(__lace_worker, CTR_steals); } else if (res == LACE_BUSY) { PR_COUNTSTEALS(__lace_worker, CTR_steal_busy); } }
VOID_TASK_IMPL_1(lace_steal_random_loop, int*, quit) { while(!(*(volatile int*)quit)) { lace_steal_random();
if (must_suspend) { lace_barrier(); do { pthread_barrier_wait(&suspend_barrier); } while (__lace_worker->enabled == 0); } } }
static lace_startup_cb main_cb;
static void* lace_main_wrapper(void *arg) { lace_init_worker(0, 0); WorkerP *self = lace_get_worker();
self->time = gethrtime(); #endif
lace_time_event(self, 1); main_cb(self, self->dq, arg); lace_exit(); pthread_cond_broadcast(&wait_until_done);
return NULL; }
VOID_TASK_IMPL_1(lace_steal_loop, int*, quit) { // Determine who I am
const int worker_id = __lace_worker->worker;
// Prepare self, victim
Worker ** const self = &workers[worker_id]; Worker **victim = self;
__lace_worker->time = gethrtime(); #endif
uint32_t seed = worker_id; unsigned int n = n_workers; int i=0;
while(*(volatile int*)quit == 0) { // Select victim
if( i>0 ) { i--; victim++; if (victim == self) victim++; if (victim >= workers + n) victim = workers; if (victim == self) victim++; } else { i = rng(&seed, 40); // compute random i 0..40
victim = workers + (rng(&seed, n-1) + worker_id + 1) % n; }
PR_COUNTSTEALS(__lace_worker, CTR_steal_tries); Worker *res = lace_steal(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, *victim); if (res == LACE_STOLEN) { PR_COUNTSTEALS(__lace_worker, CTR_steals); } else if (res == LACE_BUSY) { PR_COUNTSTEALS(__lace_worker, CTR_steal_busy); }
if (must_suspend) { lace_barrier(); do { pthread_barrier_wait(&suspend_barrier); } while (__lace_worker->enabled == 0); } } }
static void* lace_default_worker(void* arg) { lace_init_worker((size_t)arg, 0); WorkerP *__lace_worker = lace_get_worker(); Task *__lace_dq_head = __lace_worker->dq; lace_steal_loop(&lace_quits); lace_time_event(__lace_worker, 9); lace_barrier(); return NULL; }
pthread_t lace_spawn_worker(int worker, size_t stacksize, void* (*fun)(void*), void* arg) { // Determine stack size
if (stacksize == 0) stacksize = default_stacksize;
size_t pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); stacksize = (stacksize + pagesize - 1) & ~(pagesize - 1); // ceil(stacksize, pagesize)
// Get our logical processor
hwloc_obj_t pu = hwloc_get_obj_by_type(topo, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, worker % n_pus);
// Allocate memory for the program stack
lock_acquire(); void *stack_location = hwloc_alloc_membind(topo, stacksize + pagesize, pu->cpuset, HWLOC_MEMBIND_BIND, 0); lock_release(); if (stack_location == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace error: Unable to allocate memory for the pthread stack!\n"); exit(1); } #else
void *stack_location = mmap(NULL, stacksize + pagesize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); if (stack_location == MAP_FAILED) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace error: Cannot allocate program stack: %s!\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #endif
if (0 != mprotect(stack_location, pagesize, PROT_NONE)) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace error: Unable to protect the allocated program stack with a guard page!\n"); exit(1); } stack_location = (uint8_t *)stack_location + pagesize; // skip protected page.
if (0 != pthread_attr_setstack(&worker_attr, stack_location, stacksize)) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace error: Unable to set the pthread stack in Lace!\n"); exit(1); }
workers_init[worker].stack = stack_location; workers_init[worker].stacksize = stacksize;
if (fun == 0) { fun = lace_default_worker; arg = (void*)(size_t)worker; }
pthread_t res; pthread_create(&res, &worker_attr, fun, arg); return res; }
static int get_cpu_count() { #if USE_HWLOC
int count = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type(topo, HWLOC_OBJ_PU); #elif defined(sched_getaffinity)
/* Best solution: find actual available cpus */ cpu_set_t cs; CPU_ZERO(&cs); sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(cs), &cs); int count = CPU_COUNT(&cs); #elif defined(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
/* Fallback */ int count = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); #else
/* Okay... */ int count = 1; #endif
return count < 1 ? 1 : count; }
void lace_set_verbosity(int level) { verbosity = level; }
void lace_init(int n, size_t dqsize) { #if USE_HWLOC
hwloc_topology_init(&topo); hwloc_topology_load(topo);
n_nodes = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type(topo, HWLOC_OBJ_NODE); n_cores = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type(topo, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE); n_pus = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type(topo, HWLOC_OBJ_PU); #endif
// Initialize globals
n_workers = n; if (n_workers == 0) n_workers = get_cpu_count(); enabled_workers = n_workers; if (dqsize != 0) default_dqsize = dqsize; lace_quits = 0;
// Create barrier for all workers
// Create suspend barrier
pthread_barrier_init(&suspend_barrier, NULL, n_workers);
// Allocate array with all workers
if (posix_memalign((void**)&workers, LINE_SIZE, n_workers*sizeof(Worker*)) != 0 || posix_memalign((void**)&workers_p, LINE_SIZE, n_workers*sizeof(WorkerP*)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace error: unable to allocate memory!\n"); exit(1); }
// Create pthread key
#ifndef __linux__
pthread_key_create(&worker_key, NULL); #endif
// Prepare structures for thread creation
// Set contention scope to system (instead of process)
pthread_attr_setscope(&worker_attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
// Get default stack size
if (pthread_attr_getstacksize(&worker_attr, &default_stacksize) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace warning: pthread_attr_getstacksize returned error!\n"); default_stacksize = 1048576; // 1 megabyte default
if (verbosity) { #if USE_HWLOC
fprintf(stderr, "Initializing Lace, %u nodes, %u cores, %u logical processors, %d workers.\n", n_nodes, n_cores, n_pus, n_workers); #else
fprintf(stderr, "Initializing Lace, %d workers.\n", n_workers); #endif
// Prepare lace_init structure
workers_init = (struct lace_worker_init*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct lace_worker_init) * n_workers);
lace_newframe.t = NULL;
// Initialize counters for pie times
us_elapsed_start(); count_at_start = gethrtime(); #endif
void lace_startup(size_t stacksize, lace_startup_cb cb, void *arg) { if (stacksize == 0) stacksize = default_stacksize;
if (verbosity) { if (cb != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace startup, creating %d worker threads with program stack %zu bytes.\n", n_workers, stacksize); } else if (n_workers == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Lace startup, creating 0 worker threads.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Lace startup, creating %d worker threads with program stack %zu bytes.\n", n_workers-1, stacksize); } }
/* Spawn workers */ int i; for (i=1; i<n_workers; i++) lace_spawn_worker(i, stacksize, 0, 0);
if (cb != 0) { main_cb = cb; lace_spawn_worker(0, stacksize, lace_main_wrapper, arg);
// Suspend this thread until cb returns
pthread_mutex_lock(&wait_until_done_mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&wait_until_done, &wait_until_done_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&wait_until_done_mutex); } else { // use this thread as worker and return control
lace_init_worker(0, 0); lace_time_event(lace_get_worker(), 1); } }
static uint64_t ctr_all[CTR_MAX]; #endif
void lace_count_reset() { #if LACE_COUNT_EVENTS
int i; size_t j;
for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { for (j=0;j<CTR_MAX;j++) { workers_p[i]->ctr[j] = 0; } }
for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { workers_p[i]->time = gethrtime(); if (i != 0) workers_p[i]->level = 0; }
us_elapsed_start(); count_at_start = gethrtime(); #endif
void lace_count_report_file(FILE *file) { #if LACE_COUNT_EVENTS
int i; size_t j;
for (j=0;j<CTR_MAX;j++) ctr_all[j] = 0; for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { uint64_t *wctr = workers_p[i]->ctr; for (j=0;j<CTR_MAX;j++) { ctr_all[j] += wctr[j]; } }
for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { fprintf(file, "Tasks (%d): %zu\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_tasks]); } fprintf(file, "Tasks (sum): %zu\n", ctr_all[CTR_tasks]); fprintf(file, "\n"); #endif
for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { fprintf(file, "Steals (%d): %zu good/%zu busy of %zu tries; leaps: %zu good/%zu busy of %zu tries\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_steals], workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_steal_busy], workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_steal_tries], workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_leaps], workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_leap_busy], workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_leap_tries]); } fprintf(file, "Steals (sum): %zu good/%zu busy of %zu tries; leaps: %zu good/%zu busy of %zu tries\n", ctr_all[CTR_steals], ctr_all[CTR_steal_busy], ctr_all[CTR_steal_tries], ctr_all[CTR_leaps], ctr_all[CTR_leap_busy], ctr_all[CTR_leap_tries]); fprintf(file, "\n"); #endif
for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { fprintf(file, "Tasks per steal (%d): %zu\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_tasks]/(workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_steals]+workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_leaps])); } fprintf(file, "Tasks per steal (sum): %zu\n", ctr_all[CTR_tasks]/(ctr_all[CTR_steals]+ctr_all[CTR_leaps])); fprintf(file, "\n"); #endif
for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { fprintf(file, "Splits (%d): %zu shrinks, %zu grows, %zu outgoing requests\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_split_shrink], workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_split_grow], workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_split_req]); } fprintf(file, "Splits (sum): %zu shrinks, %zu grows, %zu outgoing requests\n", ctr_all[CTR_split_shrink], ctr_all[CTR_split_grow], ctr_all[CTR_split_req]); fprintf(file, "\n"); #endif
count_at_end = gethrtime();
uint64_t count_per_ms = (count_at_end - count_at_start) / (us_elapsed() / 1000); double dcpm = (double)count_per_ms;
uint64_t sum_count; sum_count = ctr_all[CTR_init] + ctr_all[CTR_wapp] + ctr_all[CTR_lapp] + ctr_all[CTR_wsteal] + ctr_all[CTR_lsteal] + ctr_all[CTR_close] + ctr_all[CTR_wstealsucc] + ctr_all[CTR_lstealsucc] + ctr_all[CTR_wsignal] + ctr_all[CTR_lsignal];
fprintf(file, "Measured clock (tick) frequency: %.2f GHz\n", count_per_ms / 1000000.0); fprintf(file, "Aggregated time per pie slice, total time: %.2f CPU seconds\n\n", sum_count / (1000*dcpm));
for (i=0;i<n_workers;i++) { fprintf(file, "Startup time (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_init] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Steal work (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_wapp] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Leap work (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_lapp] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Steal overhead (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, (workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_wstealsucc]+workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_wsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Leap overhead (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, (workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_lstealsucc]+workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_lsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Steal search (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, (workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_wsteal]-workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_wstealsucc]-workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_wsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Leap search (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, (workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_lsteal]-workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_lstealsucc]-workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_lsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Exit time (%d): %10.2f ms\n", i, workers_p[i]->ctr[CTR_close] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "\n"); }
fprintf(file, "Startup time (sum): %10.2f ms\n", ctr_all[CTR_init] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Steal work (sum): %10.2f ms\n", ctr_all[CTR_wapp] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Leap work (sum): %10.2f ms\n", ctr_all[CTR_lapp] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Steal overhead (sum): %10.2f ms\n", (ctr_all[CTR_wstealsucc]+ctr_all[CTR_wsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Leap overhead (sum): %10.2f ms\n", (ctr_all[CTR_lstealsucc]+ctr_all[CTR_lsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Steal search (sum): %10.2f ms\n", (ctr_all[CTR_wsteal]-ctr_all[CTR_wstealsucc]-ctr_all[CTR_wsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Leap search (sum): %10.2f ms\n", (ctr_all[CTR_lsteal]-ctr_all[CTR_lstealsucc]-ctr_all[CTR_lsignal]) / dcpm); fprintf(file, "Exit time (sum): %10.2f ms\n", ctr_all[CTR_close] / dcpm); fprintf(file, "\n" ); #endif
return; (void)file; }
void lace_exit() { lace_time_event(lace_get_worker(), 2);
// first suspend all other threads
// now enable all threads and tell them to quit
lace_set_workers(n_workers); lace_quits = 1;
// now resume all threads and wait until they all pass the barrier
lace_resume(); lace_barrier();
// finally, destroy the barriers
lace_barrier_destroy(); pthread_barrier_destroy(&suspend_barrier);
lace_count_report_file(stderr); #endif
void lace_exec_in_new_frame(WorkerP *__lace_worker, Task *__lace_dq_head, Task *root) { TailSplit old; uint8_t old_as;
// save old tail, split, allstolen and initiate new frame
{ Worker *wt = __lace_worker->_public;
old_as = wt->allstolen; wt->allstolen = 1; old.ts.split = wt->ts.ts.split; wt->ts.ts.split = 0; mfence(); old.ts.tail = wt->ts.ts.tail;
TailSplit ts_new; ts_new.ts.tail = __lace_dq_head - __lace_worker->dq; ts_new.ts.split = __lace_dq_head - __lace_worker->dq; wt->ts.v = ts_new.v;
__lace_worker->split = __lace_dq_head; __lace_worker->allstolen = 1; }
// wait until all workers are ready
// execute task
root->f(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, root); compiler_barrier();
// wait until all workers are back (else they may steal from previous frame)
// restore tail, split, allstolen
{ Worker *wt = __lace_worker->_public; wt->allstolen = old_as; wt->ts.v = old.v; __lace_worker->split = __lace_worker->dq + old.ts.split; __lace_worker->allstolen = old_as; } }
VOID_TASK_IMPL_2(lace_steal_loop_root, Task*, t, int*, done) { t->f(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, t); *done = 1; }
VOID_TASK_2(lace_together_helper, Task*, t, volatile int*, finished) { t->f(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, t);
for (;;) { int f = *finished; if (cas(finished, f, f-1)) break; }
while (*finished != 0) STEAL_RANDOM(); }
static void lace_sync_and_exec(WorkerP *__lace_worker, Task *__lace_dq_head, Task *root) { // wait until other workers have made a local copy
// one worker sets t to 0 again
if (LACE_WORKER_ID == 0) lace_newframe.t = 0; // else while (*(volatile Task**)&lace_newframe.t != 0) {}
// the above line is commented out since lace_exec_in_new_frame includes
// a lace_barrier before the task is executed
lace_exec_in_new_frame(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, root); }
void lace_yield(WorkerP *__lace_worker, Task *__lace_dq_head) { // make a local copy of the task
Task _t; memcpy(&_t, lace_newframe.t, sizeof(Task));
// wait until all workers have made a local copy
// one worker sets t to 0 again
if (LACE_WORKER_ID == 0) lace_newframe.t = 0; // else while (*(volatile Task**)&lace_newframe.t != 0) {}
// the above line is commented out since lace_exec_in_new_frame includes
// a lace_barrier before the task is executed
lace_exec_in_new_frame(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, &_t); }
void lace_do_together(WorkerP *__lace_worker, Task *__lace_dq_head, Task *t) { /* synchronization integer */ int done = n_workers;
/* wrap task in lace_together_helper */ Task _t2; TD_lace_together_helper *t2 = (TD_lace_together_helper *)&_t2; t2->f = lace_together_helper_WRAP; t2->thief = THIEF_TASK; t2->d.args.arg_1 = t; t2->d.args.arg_2 = &done;
while (!cas(&lace_newframe.t, 0, &_t2)) lace_yield(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head); lace_sync_and_exec(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, &_t2); }
void lace_do_newframe(WorkerP *__lace_worker, Task *__lace_dq_head, Task *t) { /* synchronization integer */ int done = 0;
/* wrap task in lace_steal_loop_root */ Task _t2; TD_lace_steal_loop_root *t2 = (TD_lace_steal_loop_root *)&_t2; t2->f = lace_steal_loop_root_WRAP; t2->thief = THIEF_TASK; t2->d.args.arg_1 = t; t2->d.args.arg_2 = &done;
/* and create the lace_steal_loop task for other workers */ Task _s; TD_lace_steal_loop *s = (TD_lace_steal_loop *)&_s; s->f = &lace_steal_loop_WRAP; s->thief = THIEF_TASK; s->d.args.arg_1 = &done;
while (!cas(&lace_newframe.t, 0, &_s)) lace_yield(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head); lace_sync_and_exec(__lace_worker, __lace_dq_head, &_t2); }